tlc-fics · 5 years
if this post gets 100,000 notes by August 21, 2020 (my 18th birthday), i swear on my own mortal soul that i’ll get a tattoo that says “sometimes it be like that”
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tlc-fics · 7 years
Make me choose between:
Show: _______ or ________ ?
Character: ________ or _________ ?
Pairing: _________ or _________ ?
Anything: ________ or _________ ?
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tlc-fics · 7 years
miscellaneous sentence starters
another collection of sentence starters because i haven’t made one in a while. feel free to request some :-)
you’re adorable, you know that?”
“star-gazing was such a great idea.”
“you have know idea how much you mean to me.”
“i shouldn’t have left you.”
“let’s build a fort!”
“don’t leave me! you’re too warm.”
“i don’t like lightning.”
“i’m here for you.”
“the carnival’s in town!”
”you smell nice..”
“don’t you dare leave me, not now.”
“talk to me.”
“i thought you loved me. i guess i was wrong.”
“i thought i loved you and i guess i was wrong.”
“so, slow and loving, or hard and punishing?”
“you’re dead to me.”
“i just want you to know that i’ll never stop loving you.”
“i fucked up, alright? i’m sorry.”
“we should try adding a third person.”
“you’re hair is really soft after you wash it..”
“you’ve been hiding something from me, haven’t you?”
“would it be alright if i borrowed your sweater? it smells like you..”
“you’re my new pillow.”
“how about a kiss?”
“don’t get up, i’ll do it.”
“stop lying to me and tell me the truth!”
“how could you keep this from me?”
“your bedhead it really cute.”
“you belong to me.”
“i think you’ll be happy to know that i’m not wearing any underwear..”
“you look beautiful in the moonlight.”
“you are very endearing when you’re half asleep.”
“it’s beautiful.”
“you’re perfect to me.”
“do i really me nothing to you?”
“just leave me alone.”
“i never meant to hurt you.”
“may i have this dance?”
“i’m so lucky to have met you.”
“will you marry me?”
“you don’t have to me so gentle.”
“you’re a little shit, but at least you’re my little shit.”
“we should move in together.”
“c’mon, i’ll make you some hot chocolate.”
“let’s have a picnic.”
“i don’t want this to end..”
“you said you loved me!”
“i never loved you..”
“you’re my everything.”
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tlc-fics · 7 years
Send a quote and a ship and I’ll write a Drabble
different ways to say ‘i love you’. 
‘i’ll make you something, yeah? your favorite dish, just for you.’
‘let’s get you back to bed.’
‘shh, it was just a nightmare.’
‘you like this, don’t you? i remember you saying that.’
‘i drew up a bath for you.’
‘you need rest.’
‘you ought to be asleep.’
‘i bought two.’
‘here. you can have the rest.’
‘i thought of you when i saw this.’
‘i like your smile.’
‘you have a cute laugh.’
‘stay there. i’m coming there to get you.’
‘it’s okay, i’m here, we’re okay.’
‘be careful.’
‘look both ways.’
‘you mean so much to me.’
‘i can’t lose you.’
‘i thought i might have lost you.’
‘how to you feel about the nickname, (insert nickname)?’
‘it looks good on you.’
‘i’ll make you soup.’
‘ah-ah-ah. you’re sick. you need to stay in bed.’
‘are you okay in there?’
‘that’s it, that’s it. get it all out. shh.’
‘it’s a remedy i knew. helps with your throat.’
‘it’s a lullaby. would you like me to sing it to you? would that help you fall asleep?’
‘i’m worried about you.’
‘what do you want to watch?’
‘where would you like to go for dinner?’
‘close your eyes and hold out your hands.’
‘we’ll figure it out.’
‘oh, it’s not big deal. you’re fine.’
‘i brought you some medicine for your cold.’
‘you’re important to me.’
‘this is your favorite song, right?’
‘you’re like a son/daughter to me.’
‘good luck!’
‘you’re like a mom/dad to me.’
‘don’t say that about yourself.’
‘want to come with?’
“wow! you look really nice.’
‘goodnight, (insert term of affection).’
‘it’s okay. i couldn’t sleep anyway.’
‘you can have half.’
‘come here. let me fix it.’
‘your tie is crooked.’
‘c’mere. shh, it’s okay.’
‘i’m not going to hurt you.’
‘can i touch you?’
‘can i kiss you?’
‘can i hug you?’
‘would i ever lie to you?’
‘i think you’re very beautiful/handsome.’
‘hey, good-looking.’
‘of course i care. you’re my family.’
‘one more chapter.’
‘i love you.’
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tlc-fics · 7 years
A Rose of Thorns - Chapter 1
I did it. I finally did it. ‘I invented time travel.’ You’d think with all the advancements our society has made since the war, we would’ve figured it out by now, but sadly that is not the case. ‘Until now’, I think smugly. I turn the small, smooth device over in my hands. To think, I made it out of an old portscreen. It took me three months to perfect the electrical formula necessary to transport someone in time, another two to figure out how transport where you are (in case you are in a place that doesn’t exist or is very dangerous in another time or if you are trying to find a specific person), and yet another month to get all the materials I needed to actually build it. But it’s finally done. And pretty attractive if I say so myself. Now to try it out. But, where should I go? I could see what the world was like before the war. That would be educational. Or I could see what my future children are like. And who I have them with. No, definitely not. I should stay out of my own lifetime. I still don’t know the risks of time travel. All I know for sure from my calculations is that any significant changes in the space time continuum will result in a sort of “time pocket” so that no paradoxes are created. But that doesn’t mean seeing myself in the past or future can’t have other disastrous effects. Besides, there’s one place - er, time - in particular that I want to visit. I want to see my parents when they were young. You see, my parents, Carswell and Cress Thorne, were big players in a revolution that led to the treaty between Luna and the Earthen Nations and also eventually ended Luna’s monarchy. The biggest player technically would be the Empress of the Eastern Commonwealth, Cinder. Her birth name is Selene and she was the last queen of Luna, before she dissolved the monarchy and turned it into a Republic. She also killed her evil aunt with the help of my parents and their other friends. A few years after all of that, she married Kai, the Emperor of the Eastern Commonwealth. Talk about a power couple, right? It would be amazing to see them when they were my age. Or at least close to it. I want to see them after the war, but before they had kids. And of course I want all of them to be together. Cinder, Kai, Iko, Scarlet, Wolf, Winter, Jacin, and my parents of course. I know the perfect time. Scarlet and Wolf’s wedding. More preferably, the day after. It would be a lot easier if I was already at Scarlet and Wolf’s farm, but unfortunately I haven’t been there in nearly five years. I am currently at my lab, which is in the backyard of my family’s house in the American Republic. We live in the snowy land of Toronto, Canada. It might seem an odd choice, but my parents say that a hot climate would remind them of when they got stranded in the dessert. Yeah, the revolution wasn’t fun. I put in the date I knew from the scrapbook Winter gave my mother - and Cinder and Scarlet - one year for Christmas and the longitude and latitude of the farm, which I configure with the help of my portscreen. Now to see if it actually works. I take a deep breath and press the button. =========== I am standing in a field of tomatoes. Well, I think wryly, at least I know I got the transportation part right. I carefully make my way out of the field and toward the house. Even if I didn’t travel back in time, I can at least get Scarlet to make me something to eat. I can even see her kids, Cosette who is fifteen, and Raoul who is eighteen. I may or may not have a small crush on Raoul. I haven’t seen him in three years, not since the last time we all visited New Beijing, but we still chat a lot on our portscreens. Both Raoul and Cosette inherited Scarlet’s fiery red hair and Wolf’s luminescent green eyes, making for two very attractive individuals. Neither ended up getting Wolf’s modified genes that made him, well, part wolf. He was experimented on during the evil queen Levana’s reign, turning him into a super soldier covered in fur with sharp canines and an insatiable appetite. Actually, Raoul does have the last one. But that’s probably more because he’s a teenage boy than because he has wolf genes. I reach the front door and hesitate a moment before knocking. What if it did work? What do I do? What do I say? I barely have a moment to think before Scarlet opens the door. Or at least, I think it’s Scarlet. She looks so…young. “Who are you?” She asks suspiciously. Right. She has no idea who I am. “Uh, I’m um…” So articulate. “My name is Rose. Are you Scarlet Kesley?” Yes, my name is Rose Thorne. If you know my father, you know my name is a semi-cruel joke. If you know my mother, you know my name is a symbol of beauty on Earth. She eyes me carefully before speaking. “Yes. Are you paparazzi? We’ve told you-” “No! I’m not paparazzi. I’m…” How do I explain that I’m her friend’s kid from the future? I clear my throat and take a deep breath. Might as well get it over with. “My name is Rose Thorne and I am from the future.” The look on her face tells me just how crazy I sound. “What?” “I know it sounds crazy, but I’m a scientist and I invented time travel. This is my test run.” “Okay, that much I can almost understand. But, your last name is Thorne?” Her look becomes scrutinizing as she looks me up and down, analyzing my every detail. From my short, blonde hair and blue eyes, to my five-foot-three height and light smattering of freckles across the bridge of my nose, to my unfortunate figure - or lack thereof. “Um, yes. My parents are-” “I can guess. How do I know you’re not lying? I do have to admit that your resemble to Cress is uncanny, but you could just be some random teenage girl that wants to get an inside scoop on the first Lunar-Earthen wedding.” “Oh! I can prove it.” I had anticipated doubt and had brought a family picture featuring my parents, my fourteen year old brother Flynn, and I. I show her the picture and see as her face goes from skeptical to incredulous. “You really are, aren’t you? Come on in. I imagine there are a few people who might want to meet you.” She opens the door wider and lets me walk past her. “Everyone’s in the living room. Do you know where that is?” “Yes.” I head in that direction and she follows behind. Even turned away, I can feel her gaze beating against my back. I come into the living room and see everyone just sitting around, talking and laughing. And they’re all just so young. After a moment, Cinder sees Scarlet and I and stops talking. Slowly, everyone’s attention comes to rest on me. Jacin is the first to speak. “What the hell? It’s unlike you to let in a stranger, Firework.” I smile at the familiar nickname. It’s the only way he ever really shows endearment. “She’s strange all right. But, maybe not as unfamiliar as we think.” Scarlet comes around me and sits beside Wolf on the arm of the couch. He looks at her worriedly. “What does that mean?” Cinder asks. She stands and to says, “Just who are you exactly?” “My name is Rose,” I say, “I invented time travel thi- well, not this morning. It would be the morning for me, but it’s about 20 years into the future for all of you.” I watch as everyone tries to process this information. “You invented time travel? But, you’re what? Eighteen?” I turn my head and see that the speaker is none other than my dad. “Sixteen actually. I’m a bit of a science prodigy.” “Tell them your last name.” Scarlet says. Her look is very intense. “Her last name? Why is that important? I would think the fact that she travelled in time is a bit more significant,” says Kai. “Well… I my last name would be of some interest I suppose…” “What is it? It’s not like, Blackburn or anything is it? You’re not gonna kill us are you?” My dad again. Of course. “What? No. Besides, killing you wouldn’t do anything anyway. By coming here and interacting with all of you, I’ve created a pocket in time. After I leave, everything will reset to its original timeline.” I was stalling. I’m not sure why, but telling my parents who I was made me nervous. What if, with no parental biases, they don’t like me? I don’t think I could handle that. I’m too much like my mother when it comes to disappointing people. “You’re stalling,” my mother says, “you’re rambling like I do when I’m stalling. It’s okay, you can tell us.” I gulp and take a deep breath. “My name is Rose Thorne. I’m the daughter of Cress and Carswell Thorne.” Silence. Everyone but Scarlet is wear masks of disbelief. “Oh,” my dad says after a moment, “I guess it makes sense. You look a lot like Cress. Maybe a little taller.” “Three inches taller. I take great pride in it. And yes, I definitely favor my mom, but I have your eyes and natural charisma.” There I go rambling again. It made my dad smile though. “This is interesting. So, not only did you invent time travel, but you’re Cress and Thorne’s daughter,” Kai says. He indeed seems intrigued. “So, what are we like in the future?” “Yeah!” Iko exclaims. “Do we have any children?” She seems to have overcome any shock. As is her way. “Iko, I doubt you have any kids, seeing as you, well, can’t have any.” Cinder says gently. “Actually,” I correct, “she has two adoptive daughters. Aiana is an android with a faulty personality chip. Iko discovered her when she was three from an owner desperately trying to sell her. She was a service-droid then. Cinder managed to have a special escort body made that allowed her to grow up at the same rate as her human sister of the same age, Lila. They’re both fifteen now. In a couple of years, Aiana will be getting her final body.” Everyone is staring at me in astonishment. Well, Iko just looks really excited. “Really? I have two daughters?” Her eyes reflect her happiness. “Yes. You didn’t want any sons. You said they wouldn’t be as much fun.” “Of course she did. What about the rest of us?” Cinder asks. “Um, let’s see. You and Kai have three kids. It’s kind of confusing though. Because Miljan is the oldest at eighteen, his full title is Crown Prince Miljan of the Eastern Commonwealth. No last name, like Kai. But the twins, Ash and Ella, do because they won’t be taking over the throne. The people of Luna demanded that the Blackburn family name be carried on so Ash is Ash Blackburn. But, you wanted to make Ella a Linh in honor of Peony so she’s Linh Ella. It’s weird.” “Wait, so our kids all have different last names?” Kai asks, he seemed a little confused. “Yep. It’s weird, like I said. And ironic because the Blackburn family name won’t be being carried on anyway.” I say. “Why not?” Winter asks. “Because he’s gay.” More shocked looks. Everyone when I’m from is okay with it, but it’s understandable that they would be shocked. “Wow, that is ironic. So, are you our only kid?” My dad asks, in order to keep the conversation going. “No,” I groan, “I have a little brother, Flynn. He’s insufferable. He thinks he has dad’s charm, but he doesn’t. He thinks he’s so smart because he’s good at math, but I don’t see him inventing time travel. He also thinks being fourteen makes him old enough to make adult decisions. I’m sixteen and I still ask for adult advice when I have a big decision. I mean, honestly, he is such a child.” “So he’s just like his dad then?” Asks Wolf amusedly. “No. My dad is charming and tolerable. Flynn is not.” They all gave me amused looks. Meanies. Just then my portscreen started ringing telling me I had an incoming comm. I guess it would make sense that I would still have service. I look to see who it is and blush. Raoul. “Um, sorry, give me a sec.” I answer and Raoul’s face pops up. I get excited at the prospect of telling him about my achievement. He’s the only person I told about my plans for my invention and I know he’ll be excited that it worked. “Hey, Short-stuff. How’s your project going?” He pauses and looks confused as he looks at what’s behind me. “Where are you? Why does it look like my house?” I can’t help the huge grin that spreads across my face. “It worked! I travelled back in time! And it looks like your house because it is your house! It’s the day after your mom and dad’s wedding!” He laughs and I feel myself blush again at the way his face lights up and how his beautiful green eyes crinkle. I’ve got it bad. “Woah, slow down. It worked? That’s awesome! So are you with our parents now?” “Yeah!” I flip the camera so he can see them. “Stars! They all look so young!” “I know right? No wrinkles or grey hair anywhere.” “Woah, woah, woah,” my dad says his arms out in front of him. They had all been sitting somewhat stunned as I spoke with Raoul. “Grey hair? Wrinkles? I don’t think so. There’s no way I, Captain Carswell Thorne, have wrinkles.” I laugh. “Don’t worry. You all aged well. The wrinkles are smile lines and the grey hair is minimal.” After that, I spent a little more time talking with Raoul and introducing everyone to him (have you ever introduced someone to their parents? It’s weird). Eventually I hung up and was immediately teased about my obvious crush on him. That went on for awhile before they got tired of it and started asking about the future again. I told them about the Kesley children first since I had been talking to one of them. They had already gotten to know Raoul so I told them about his fifteen year old sister, Cosette. I told them about Winter and Jacin’s kids next. I started with seventeen year old Snow, and how she would eventually be the next empress of the Eastern Commonwealth after her inevitable marriage with Miljan. Then I continued with the other twins, Timber and Bianca, and their strange platinum blond hair and gold eyes that contrasted beautifully with their dark skin. I told them more about Aiana and Lila, how Iko had wanted a child after seeing everyone else with one and told them how Aiana’s aging worked with her unique bodies. I probably spent two or three hours talking to them. It was so fascinating telling them about themselves twenty years later. But, of course, I eventually had to leave. I set the coordinates and said my goodbyes before sending myself back to my lab. ============== I end up right back in my lab. Not much longer after I left. I guess Raoul’s call affected when I could come back. This could be invaluable information. I quickly lock the time travel device in my lab safe and pull of my portscreen and comm Raoul. He answers quickly, looking somewhat confused. “Hey, what’s up?” “Hey, how long ago was our last comm?” While we’re talking, I pull out my lab notes and start writing. “About two minutes ago, is that why you called?” He looks confused again. “Yeah, I’ll explain in a minute. How long after,” I check the time I left, which I had written down for this very reason, “9:05 a.m. did you comm me?” “Uh, let me check.” He seems to focus on nothing, which I imagine means he’s checking his logs. “I commed you at 9:10 a.m. and the comm ended at 9:32.” I check the time and see that it is 9:35. “Aces. So, interacting with people in my time while I’m in another affects when I can come back. This is incredible.” “Wait, really? That’s amazing.” Indeed it is. “Yeah, thank you Raoul.” “No problem. Oh! I forgot to tell you earlier because of the whole time traveling thing but, my parents were talking about how they want to invite all the kids over for the summer. Even Miljan is getting a break from his duties if he wants. They said it’s been way too long since we’ve all seen each other and I agree. I’m sure your parents will be telling you about it when you go inside but, I wanted to tell you myself because I was so excited. I mean, it’s your choice if you wanna come or not but, I just wanted to say that Cosette really wants to see you and I’m sure everyone else will be excited too and I am realizing that I’m rambling and I’m gonna stop now.” If I didn’t know any better he almost sounded…nervous. But, that’s crazy, right? “Really? I can’t wait. Obviously I want to come. I’ve missed you guys so much! I can’t wait to see everyone! But, the last day of school is Wednesday! And it’s Sunday! I have to start packing now if I want to be ready!” I was already mentally preparing everything I would bring when Raoul’s laugh brought me back to now. Spades, that laugh will be the end of me. “Okay, well you go pack and I’ll see you in a few days.” “Can’t wait!” I hang up and am practically on Cloud Nine as I walk back into my house. I walk in through the kitchen door and see my mom and brother sitting at the island and my dad doing the dishes. “Hey, Rose, guess what?” Flynn starts, clearly excited. “We’re going to Scarlet and Wolf’s farm this summer and I need to pack? Yeah, Raoul commed me.” Technically I commed him, but they don’t need to know about the time travel part of my day. “That’s not all. While you kids are at the farm, the adults are going to the Bahamas for a beach vacation.” Said my mom, stretching her arms as if she could already feel the warm sun on her skin. “No parental supervision? That’s dangerous.” I say jokingly, grabbing an apple off the counter. “We trust you, Snow, Raoul, and Miljan to be responsible enough to take care of everyone.” My dad says. He finishes with the dishes and turns around and leans on the sink. “Besides, you’re all old enough to take care of yourselves and you’ll all be taking care of the farm to keep yourselves busy.” “That’s not what I meant.” “Oh, I know.” He winked at me and I rolled my eyes. “Carswell, don’t encourage it!” My mother said indignantly. “Oh, c'mon. I’m just kidding.” He defended. “Besides, Rose already has a boyfriend. Right?” “Not anymore. He started pressuring me for stuff and spreading rumors so, I dumped him.” I say. Stars, that happened last week. My boyfriend of a month, Andy, kept asking me to send nudes so I told him to screw off. Then he started saying we had sex, but lucky everyone knows me well enough to know I wouldn’t have sex after a month of dating. Lucky me. “I heard about that! He’s a douche.” Flynn says. “Thanks, Flynn. I’m just glad it’s over and I can pretend that relationship never happened.” I walk toward the stairs. “I’m gonna go pack. I have to secure all of my chemicals now so I can be sure I don’t forget any.” I start up the stairs and hear my brother say “nerd” when he thinks I can’t hear. But it’s his loss, you never know when you’re going to need hydrochloric acid.
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