tmaeskull · 4 months
I either reply in 0.2 seconds or 3-5 business days
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tmaeskull · 4 months
I need advice
So I’m kinda in a love triangle right now and I need advice. I met this really sweet guy online and he’s become one of my best friends. Well, I’m also friends with another guy, we share a lot of the same interests and all that, he loves me. Then there’s another guy, I used to love him, but I realized that he’s a jackass, well now he loves me. I think I’m kinda falling for the online friend, but also still kinda love the jackass. This is more of a love square loll. If anyone has advice for me, it would be greatly appreciated!!
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tmaeskull · 4 months
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This is so real...
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tmaeskull · 4 months
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tmaeskull · 4 months
let me know please!!
reblog if you want your followers to tell you what fictional character you remind them of
!!!!!!!! please !!!!!!!!
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tmaeskull · 4 months
“The woman you are becoming will cost you people, relationships, spaces, and material things. Choose her over everything.”
— Unknown
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tmaeskull · 4 months
I like the Pretty Little Liars series
I don’t know if anyone will do this, but
Please reblog with your favorite books. I need summer reading
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tmaeskull · 4 months
please please please please reblog if you’re a writer and have at some point felt like your writing is getting worse. I need to know if I’m the only one who’s struggling with these thoughts
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tmaeskull · 4 months
Writing is exactly like this
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Writer's Corner
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tmaeskull · 4 months
This is why I keep a notebook next to my bed!!!!!! Also why I have insomnia...
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tmaeskull · 4 months
Person A: "Are you not angry?"
Person B: "Oh, I'm livid."
Person A: "But you don't... look like you are?"
Person B: "That's because I have a good temper. Take notes."
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tmaeskull · 4 months
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They lied to me 😭... I thought you just dream it and the rest just happens 🤧
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tmaeskull · 4 months
When a writing meme you made gets more recognition than something you actually wrote.
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tmaeskull · 4 months
“omg you’re so creative. how do you get your ideas” i hallucinate a single scene in the taco bell drive thru and then spend 13 months trying to write it
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tmaeskull · 4 months
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13K notes · View notes
tmaeskull · 4 months
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tmaeskull · 4 months
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Keep this close your heart dear writers
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