tmblrgirlie1 · 2 months
the feelings i have about bonnie bennett and kat graham's treatment on the vampire diaries has me writing my own original fiction. i grew up watching and loving the vampire diaries and after growing up, developing media literacy and noticing how bonnie was not given the attention and storylines she deserves as someone from THE most powerful witch bloodline, intertwined in literally every major supernatural crises, i decided to just write my own book. i want my book published. i want more and more black girl led books of all genres. i feel very passionately about this.
i try to promote and recommend the black girl led books that are avaliable currently. is it weird that even though i may not like them personally, i do try to support? not ever book is for me but the successes of these books pave the way for more and more upcoming authors and books. for there to be a variety of books so we have options and don't feel pressured to love something just because it's black led...
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tmblrgirlie1 · 2 months
Fanfic writers are like crows. If you give them treats (comments) they will bring you shiny things (fanfic)
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tmblrgirlie1 · 2 months
i’ve never actually talked to 95% of my mutuals but that doesn’t stop me from automatically thinking “friend!!” whenever their icons pop up in my feed
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tmblrgirlie1 · 2 months
Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 2
Side Note: As this series is coming to an end, something I've notice is the HEAVY on the mommy issues.
1. This bitch said, "My eldest son" about another person to DAMON.
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WOW. I- A menace. Vicious, painful is not even the word.
2. I've also noticed the continuation of doing the most for the people you love. Bringing people back from the dead, traveling time, killing other people, risking personal safety for loved ones. Giving vm #WeRideAtDawn
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3. One thing I wish I had seen more was the back stories of everyone's ancestors? Like all the founding fathers. We know Bonnie's lineage goes back to Salem and it would just be nice to see more of that unfolded.
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4. I absolutely love Matt. He's the LEAST problematic character in this entire show #MattStan4forever. He's a good boyfriend, brave asl, got a job, good friend, fine asl and remained human all while doing it. Love that for him.
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5. I think it's funny you can get an idea of the times and culture based on television shows.
It was a few episodes back, but when they mentioned how they just got a Twitter I HOLLERED.
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tmblrgirlie1 · 2 months
The Vampire Diaries s6e8
Honestly though? If I was stuck on earth by myself as a black woman?
No crime, racism, evil villains, rent, taxes- no limits?!?
Chile, me and a camera okay? I know they ain't have the internet in 1994 but I know they have paint supplies. Hit up a local art store? Make some sculptures?
Travel the world?
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tmblrgirlie1 · 2 months
VD S5 E20
They have jasmine guy THEE Jasmine Guy and I just feel like they don't give her the space to do as much as she could with that roll.
They had the opportunity to continue this grandmother-granddaughter relationship with "The Other Side". Bonnie has spent so much of her years learning about witchcraft and her magic through DIY's and people who were trying to use her and I think they could have created a space where she could have had more time to learn from her grandma.
Everyone else values loyalty and monogamy in their relationship except for when it came to Bonnie. That betrayal was so easily overlooked and not acknowledged. Every time I see them together it is depressing and disgusting I pray she finds another love interest in this show because this is trauma
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tmblrgirlie1 · 2 months
The Vampire Diaries S5 E15 ( I'm using speed to text and I am not proof reading so)
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This was a cute little episode.
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I say that because I 1. love the character Katherine so for being like her death episode I love how they made it full circle with her daughter tying up a loose ends (I know that's sounds like the bare minimum but you don't know how heartbroken Mark Cherry and Donald Bellisario have left me (Shoutout to Steven Lilien and Bryan Wynbrandt for helping to mend it (although i do still have notes)). I think maybe MAYBE it was thought out this way or maybe I don't know (literally I know nothing about it I will research it after I write this) I enjoyed this episode for that and like how she fell and like the frame with her and her daughter next to each other was just like art ya know?
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I love Matt's character. He is my favorite character of the show he's just a vibe you know what I mean?
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I like how they just like mention college like even when they were in high school never seen them get attacked or anything while they're studying- never seen them pick up a book you know what I mean? How they got into college is beyond me but the plot thickens love that. Side note, Caroline is smart asl, I don't get the dumb jokes. Is it fr dumb blonde jokes?
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I say all this to say, Caroline ATE Tyler UP
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I need to know, I NEED TO KNOW who wrote that scene because that was such a clear and good read that I think most audience members would agree too that it makes sense.
Honestly I take back everything I said about her before, I think Caroline is truly loyal and these men just drive themselves into their insecurities about her which causes them to lose her.
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tmblrgirlie1 · 2 months
VD S5E11 ⚠️There Will Be Spoilers ⚠️
This episode was feeling like a season finale?
All the ghost coming back was crazy but maybe it was the set up for the episode plot twist ? Chile, that bitch is a bitch. I thought Dan was horrible? I truly don't know who I hate more. That lil ass scene where Katherine was pretending to be Elena ?? Nina popped her shit wit that one.
I wonder how it was shooting these scenes and playing these different roles
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tmblrgirlie1 · 2 months
TVD Season 5 Episode 6
There's a lot of episodes I didn't write about but just to summarize how I feel about the last few episodes since I last wrote, how they treat Bonnie hurts me so deeply as an audience member.
Her death and her and Jeremy keeping it a secret- I feel like there's alot of things about that relationship that sucked. I think I saw someone else also mention this, I think I've mentioned it as well- the cheating wasn't really addressed in a way that would make the relationship not seem toxic and one sided. It literally took the ghost to tell Jeremy this wouldn't work because he wanted a future and he couldn't have that with that ghost of Anna. He pursued Bonnie, she literally brought him back to life and lost her power and connection with these witches for this man, and he so freely was willing to abandon their relationship and that is very whack. Also, it doesn't make sense as to why she would be moved by people using him as leverage. You know I don't know if they were trying to stay away from the angry black woman and women scorn but that would have made sense because like that's shady. Yes Anna died, it wasn't like they broke up but HE pursued Bonnie. For him to just do that to her so effortlessly was just never addressed he should have been outside of her window with a boom box in the rain with roses. There should have been effort to show that he cared and he was very apologetic.
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And for her friends to only care about her absence when they need her from magic is cold and that hurts. That's not even friendship you're just their own call witch at that point. They're literally spent this time trying to bring her back to life not because they miss HER but because they need her to do some magic.
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if you look at the character of Bonnie, her only connection to her witch roots were her grandmother who died helping her help her friends. I didn't see a funeral for Bonnie's Grandma I didn't see any like memorial happen or give her any time to grieve that before they asked her for help with something else.
She had a cousin who was a witch but we didn't seem like after that, anyone was helping her without selfish intent. Her mother abandoned her as a child her father was God knows where, she was essentially alone and unattended to and the only people that she felt comfortable expressing and being in herself around were these people who were in similar situations and people who she grew up with. #AtRiskYouth
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Like everybody's questioning where Bonnie is because they have a problem and they needed her to solve it.
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tmblrgirlie1 · 2 months
Imagine not calling your friend or making an attempt to see them after this parent is murdered. What type of friend sits on their ass, sends a text and thinks "my job is done"? No effort made to comfort or support. Bonnie deserves better!
“Blame the writing! Elena and Caroline aren’t bad friends” yet the characters do not exist without the writing. The person who wrote that plot pushed a negative and racist agenda directly towards their Bonnie and her family. Seeing as that person and their friends agreed to claim that Bonnie isn’t the victim, Elena and Caroline was because of the situation. Idk, how dying and then losing a parent in public wouldn’t make Bonnie a victim but lmfao. I expect nothing but ignorant takes from them and I hope others see their posts and their misogynoir.
“People in the notes making this about race because they have no real argument is so tired,” was another comment made and that is such a racist and disgusting thing to say.
Caroline loses Liz the next season and it isn’t swept under the rug and everyone knows about it. Caroline is calling the shots!
Where was this for Bonnie? Who identified Rudy’s body? Who paid for the funeral? Who attended? Why didn’t Abby step in and check? Nobody called Abby to inform her that her ex-husband passed, she lost her mother and ex within 2 years. Strange. Abby/Rudy were working together to free Bonnie of expression magic yet she isn’t anywhere to be found.
But we know every detail about Liz funeral. “I prefer to look at context clues!” Those are headcanon you racist prick. It was not confirmed who did what. “Jeremy handled the funeral” did he we weren’t told that? Hell, even Carol Lockwood had a onscreen memorial service.
Sorry I want the Elena Gilbert that screamed and cried over Bonnie when she watched her “die” in s2. She yelled at Stefan, slapped Damon and cussed him out when he referred to “getting rid of it” Bonnie wasn’t an it she was her friend.
I want the Caroline that wanted Bonnie to have normal experiences without magic. She knew Abby didn’t want to stay with Bonnie why would she so easily believe Abby suddenly went on vacation with her daughter? Rudy had to call Abby to get her to show up because he needed help. Abby never came on her own this repeats in s8. Abby is never there for Bonnie to be there she only comes because someone else tells her to.
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tmblrgirlie1 · 2 months
TVD: S4 E23: Justice 4 Bonnie
These past 4 years have been HELL for this character. Losing key family members and not being able to expand her friend group because of who she is-
Having a love interest that dies, then get cheated on after losing powers for said person.
Being abandoned TWICE by their mom
Klaus: he is your first love, I intend to be your last.
He ate ts up!
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tmblrgirlie1 · 2 months
1. Stefan is a POS wrapped in a nice guy facade. He only went to visit Bonnie after what happened be cause he needed something. He worked with Klaus and betrayed someone he had feelings for for someone who the great great great granddaughter of his ex??? Like weird asl! Atleast Damon owns his shit and you always know where you stand with him.
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2. Why haven't we seen Bonnie's father?? It's season 4 and we have yet to meet her family fr. She needs some real friends cause these people do not have her best interest at heart. All these characters do is use her.
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3. Them killing Rebekah and not Jeremy is crazy. She's as much of a liability as he is. He's annoying asl. I actually feel bad for Rebekah. She deserves better. I would've been fine if her and Bonnie became besties because of shared trauma by these weird ass men.
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tmblrgirlie1 · 2 months
Portia Featherington: Penelope, you need to settle down and marry a rich man...
Penelope Featherington
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tmblrgirlie1 · 2 months
VD S3E20
1. I wonder if this is what Katherine went through with them
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2. You would think if they were immortal they'd have a chiller life?
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3. I love that a. Bonnie got a black love interest b. Jeremy got to see it but step bro?? Fr?
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tmblrgirlie1 · 2 months
VD S3E10
Jeremy shoulda been dead. He's annoying asl
Also, that fact that she finally got her powers strong enough when she brought this sidequest back to life but not her own grandma?!
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The nanny from One Tree Hill found another gig on the cw. Period. Get that check girl.
I love the confidence Elena has gotten.
Why Elena called Bonnie is ANNOYING.
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tmblrgirlie1 · 2 months
I KNEW some shit like this would happen to Bonnie. Caroline has more of an independent narrative than Bonnie. She's only around when she's needed for her powers. For Jeremy to disrespect her like that is WILD but based on this writing not surprising. He only even let go of Anna this time because she let HIM go. Fuck him fr. AND he pursued Bonnie. Not the other way around.
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What Khia say?
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tmblrgirlie1 · 2 months
He saw her dancing with another man, So he confessed his love, asked her to marry him, told his family they engaged, protected her from her mum,brought her to their new home, “broke” the furniture & got her pregnant…All in less than 24 hours, Colin Bridgerton stood on business👏🏼
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