#vampire diaries season 4
tmblrgirlie1 · 2 months
1. Stefan is a POS wrapped in a nice guy facade. He only went to visit Bonnie after what happened be cause he needed something. He worked with Klaus and betrayed someone he had feelings for for someone who the great great great granddaughter of his ex??? Like weird asl! Atleast Damon owns his shit and you always know where you stand with him.
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2. Why haven't we seen Bonnie's father?? It's season 4 and we have yet to meet her family fr. She needs some real friends cause these people do not have her best interest at heart. All these characters do is use her.
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3. Them killing Rebekah and not Jeremy is crazy. She's as much of a liability as he is. He's annoying asl. I actually feel bad for Rebekah. She deserves better. I would've been fine if her and Bonnie became besties because of shared trauma by these weird ass men.
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sp1der-wid0w · 1 month
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deadass, it’s so funny and scary when these guys get mad
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helmip · 14 hours
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✨🌟star light, star bright🌠✨
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daenysthedreamer101 · 4 months
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Ate her up, as per usual
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carefuldevil · 2 years
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KLAUS MIKAELSON & CAROLINE FORBES The Vampire Diaries (2009-2017) - 4.23 Graduation
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mischiefbuckley · 5 months
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theprenderelliepalace · 4 months
The Vampire Diares
Perception series: Y/n has always had the powers of perception. So when she drops some books off at the Salvatore residence, she expects to find trouble, being the odd one out and everything, she doesn't expect his name to be Damon Salvatore.
Pt 1
Pt 2
Pt 3
Pt 4
Heartbreak campus (Damon x reader) Angst/fluff
Harry Potter: The Marauders
Observing Laine Crowley: Lily Evans has noticed something odd. Her fifth year was nothing new. She still hated James Potter's friends just as much as she hated James Potter, but she had a new problem... Sirius Black seems to be falling for the wrong girl without anybody noticing. What does a villain like Black have to offer a girl like Laine Crowley, and why does Lily care so much?
Pt 1
James Potter
A Simple Christmas
Captains orders
The Umbrella Academy
Tag, you owe me
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userlaylivia · 3 days
@cuddlyreader, @gothicbarbie, @sansalicents, @crowley-anthony, @thepromisethatlovecouldbeeternal
obviously I didn't include 7/8 lol
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cursedchildofchaos · 5 months
I know he's committed so many atrocities, but his kicked puppy demeanor has drawn me right back in
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shadebyshad · 1 year
About Kol's death...
First of all, I think it's funny how Elena has the most genocidal ideas. The girl goes to such lengths to put her life at risk, it's comical. She didn't want to let Jeremy kill the random vampires Klaus brought to him because it would take years and be a lot of innocent deaths, BUT killing an original and thousands, THOUSANDS OF VAMPIRES THAT HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT, seemed like a great idea. And since she's the doppelganger and the world revolves around her, everyone agreed that committing genocide and basically declaring war on the Originals once again was a great idea.
Seeing Klaus' reaction to seeing his brother die broke my heart, I think it's a beautiful and tragic scene. But I find it so oc how the character went on, both Klaus and Elijah (the noble brother and devoted to his family) did NOTHING.
Klaus is one of the most intelligent villains I've ever seen and I love him for it. He's always one step ahead, in season 2 nobody knew if he was real or not and, regardless, Klaus is always in a place of glory. That's why I don't understand how there wasn't a Machiavellian revenge plot or a mass murder or anything. Not only did they kill Kol, they also defied his family, for the second/third time. I think it's reasonable for Klaus to spend some time contained and isolated because of his grief. It's easier to feel angry and resentful when you find out about Kol's death than to see it happening and not be able to do anything about it, I see it as a possibility that Klaus will be in shock and catatonic for a while, a short while.
Another person I expected to have a brutal reaction was Elijah. He's noble and polite, but he's also an Original, he's also violent, devoted to his family and, even though the violence of his actions makes him distressed, he wasn't going to do anything against the people who killed his brother. Elijah is a hypocrite and I think that adds to his complexity, but not taking revenge on Kol, or Finn? It's really weird
Even though it's canon that Rebekah is temperamental and volatile, I don't think an uncontrolled killing spree suits her, but doing nothing and befriending Elena without humanity is too much for me. An outrage from the writers. What is it?! C'mon, have some sense
By the way, a bunch of vampires not wanting to pay attention to the fears of the oldest vampire in the world is dumb to say the least. Silas is very dangerous, I wish someone had warned me before, don't you? Someone with a lot of life experience, you know? Someone like Kol Mikaelson
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 I don't know.
Maybe this is the better version of me.
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incorrect quotes from the tvdu
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sp1der-wid0w · 8 days
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roisy · 6 months
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Stoner Tea (1/3) 2.6k
The one where Rebekah’s solution to Bonnie’s panic attack is serving stoner tea at her anti-curfew party. 4x03
TW:  dissociation/panic attacks.
If you asked Bonnie how she got to history class—well—she’d struggle to answer. Her morning blended into one big blur. Someone else must’ve woken up, drove to school, and walked into first period because she didn’t remember a thing. It was like the times she sleepwalked, but worse because an invisible barrier separated her from the world. It left her trapped in a fuzzy haze, while everyone else buzzed in the background at their desks. Was she even there? Awake? In a weird lucid-magical-dream? Who-freaking-knew?
A yelp across the classroom tore down the mist. Bonnie’s head snapped toward Elena, who yanked a bloody pencil out of her shoulder. The black veins under Elena’s eyes made Bonnie’s chest tighten. Elena was one of them now. A vampire. All because Bonnie failed to bring Elena’s humanity back from the Other Side before she transitioned. 
Grams had warned Bonnie against dark magic, had tried protecting her from the spirits’ wrath. Then, Klaus kept pushing and pushing her to put him back in his original body and Gram’s grip on her hands had gotten tighter and tighter—no—she couldn’t think of that right now.
Bonnie shifted her focus to the smug thousand-year-old vampire instead. Rebekah. She looked how Bonnie wanted to feel: like she didn’t have a care in the world. Rebekah offered a faux-sweet smile to Elena and slipped into a chair at the front of the class.
The bell rang before it could escalate further. Good. Bonnie’s temple already throbbed enough without a vampire fight breaking out at eight-thirty. She needed one day where everyone got along. No neck snaps or death threats—just one normal day of senior year. Was that too much to ask? 
Speaking of normal; a new history teacher offered a standard introduction. Ms. Hawthorne: a newbie right out of college. She wrote her name on the blackboard and shared her philosophy about her approach to teaching, which centered on collaborative learning. “Teamwork among students fosters an environment where you can learn from each other, share ideas, and work together to solve problems.” It sounded like a literal nightmare. 
Bonnie rested her cheek on her palm and doodled during Ms. Hawthorne’s ten-minute rant about the importance of “peer learning.” But then came the big guns: middle school styled ice-breaker activities that required everyone’s participation.
Ms. Hawthorne got everyone to write their name on a scrap of paper and collected them into the round whisker basket. The idea was to pair random kids together to interview each other so they could share interesting facts about their partner to the class. Students went up to the desk one-by-one and plucked a random name out of the basket hung at the end of her desk.
The exercise sounded simple, right? Except for Rebekah’s turn. The blonde’s reception in class was hard to ignore. First, came the bad. Stefan tapped his daylight ring against his desk, obviously paranoid she’d provoke Elena into snapping.
Everyone else had more positive reactions. Jeff Gillies, David Bance and John Albrecht sat side-by-side in the center row, wiggling their eyebrows behind Rebekah’s back as she stood up. Sarah Beasley’s desk screeched as she twisted it to face the Original vampire, and Savannah Davis drooled in the row beside Bonnie.
Rebekah’s popularity had been pretty obvious since the day she stole the cheerleading squad right out from Caroline. But there was a difference between everyone smiling at you in the hallway and people gaping at you like you owned the world. They either wanted to be her or be with her. It made sense, really. A pretty girl with a pretty accent who made hearts stop when she walked into a room. She possessed this mysterious magnetism, that certain ‘je ne sais quoi,’ which all her family had in one way or another.
Maybe humans subconsciously sensed Rebekah's power and their blatant admiration and flattery for her was their way to submit to the predator.
Or maybe they just wanted to kiss a pretty girl. 
Well, that was Bonnie’s theory, anyway.
The one thing for sure? Everyone wanted the chance to be her partner—even Elena—who sat up a little straighter with a sharp pencil poised for attack. And Rebekah? She flipped her hair over her shoulder, graced the room with a knowing hiked eyebrow, and went to dip her hand in the basket. 
Stefan shot across the room a little too fast to be normal and swiped the paper out of Rebekah’s hand. He didn’t even bother unfolding it before he declared, “Bonnie’s your partner.”
“Liar,” Rebekah accused. “It says Elena, doesn’t it?”
He leaned against the desk in a pretty bad attempt to look casual and said, “Nope.”
“Hand it here, then,” she said. 
“Do you have something against Bonnie?” he asked.
“Nope,” she mocked him, halfheartedly trying to grab the paper. 
“Sounds like you do,” he insisted. 
“I do not.”
He shrugged and asked, “Then what’s your problem?”
“I’m not the one who has an issue. What’s the matter, Stefan? Afraid to let fate decide? I wonder why that is? Hmm?” Rebekah asked, waving her index finger toward Elena. Rebekah’s smug smile radiated superiority. “Oh—Elena—there’s a splotch of blood on your shirt. Wonder how that got there? You should really be more careful. I see why Stefan’s up here and not you. Wouldn’t want you to get a papercut, would we?”
“I’ll show you a papercut,” Elena said, standing up. 
Bonnie tried to defuse the situation by ‘spontaneously combusting’ the remaining paper inside the whisker basket. Grams’ pained face flashing behind her eyes stopped her in her tracks. A sharp jolt rippled through her skull when she tried again, making her grip her pencil so tight that the tip snapped against her notebook. 
The crack caught the vampires’ attention.
“You okay, Bon?” Elena asked, eyebrows drawn together, 
“Peachy,” Bonnie replied, grabbing one half of the pencil and placing it over her heart. She asked under her breath, “Do I need to snap it into thirds?” 
Rebekah snorted. 
Stefan sighed.
And Elena flopped back into her chair.
Tension successfully cut.
“Okay, kids, obviously there’s history here,” Ms. Hawthorne said. “As much as I love teen drama, let’s all take a deep breath. It’s the luck of the draw, okay? No special treatment here. It’s designed this way, so no one feels left out. Now, Stefan, Rebekah, how do you think this bickering makes Bonnie feel?”
Bonnie almost laughed at the concern and offered, “Oh, I’m totally fine going partnerless. Thanks.”
“I don’t condone exclusion in my classroom,” Ms. Hawthorne said. Did she blink back tears? Great. Someone clearly bullied this woman in high school and now she projected her issues onto the nearest tangible target. Bonnie. “Now one of you two will be her partner, and that’s final. But the choice won’t be down to either of you. Bonnie? What do you say? Who do you want to be your partner?”
“Why do I always get caught in the middle?” Bonnie muttered. 
“My bad,” Stefan said, not-so-subtly nodding in Rebekah’s direction as he dropped the name-slip he stole at her desk.
Bonnie unfolded the scrap of paper and revealed a name scrawled in a familiar handwriting. Elena. Ugh. Stefan might’ve been dramatic about it but he was right. Elena and Rebekah? Talk about the worst possible scenario. 
“Well?” Rebekah said, sauntering over and placing her palms on Bonnie’s desk. “Who shall it be? Saint Stefan or little old me?”
“Guess we’re partners, Mikaelson,” Bonnie said. 
“Goodie,” Rebekah said, sliding the nearest combo desk close to Bonnie. “I’m so over their drama.”
Like she didn’t impale Elena with a pencil. “Uh-huh.”
“I know that look,” Rebekah said, narrowing her eyes. “You think I’m a wretched, heartless bitch. Join the club.”
“I don’t think anything,” Bonnie denied, doodling in her notebook with an ink pen. Black overshadowed the page. Creepy, wispy shadows that looked like they belonged at a death ritual. Yet she kept sketching, letting her subconscious throw up on the page. “Besides, I don’t have time for extracurriculars.”
“The point in this exercise is to speak freely,” Rebekah said, swiping the pen away. 
Bonnie rolled her shoulders back, watched the pen spinning between Rebekah’s fingers, and said, “Right.”
“I won’t bury a pen in your chest if that’s what you’re worried about.”
Bonnie scoffed. “I’m not scared.”
“So, I’m not even a blip on your radar? Is that what you’re saying?” Rebekah asked, leaning in close and bopping Bonnie’s nose with the blunt end of the pen. “That may be even more offensive, Bonnie.”
“You like cheerleading, you’re average at physics, and you’re a big on family,” Bonnie listed. “What else is there to know?”
“A lot of things.”
“Like your crush on Matt?”
Rebekah’s nose scrunched. “I think that died the moment I sent him off that bridge, don’t you? I realized I didn’t like him much, anyhow.”
“Spend nearly a century in a box and your judgment on romantic prospects may suffer temporarily. No matter. My taste is back and better than ever.”
“Do I want to know?”
“That’s the point of this exercise, is it not?” Rebekah asked, tilting her head to the side. “To get to know one another better?”
“I guess?”
 “Your enthusiasm is infectious.” Rebekah’s voice dripped with sarcasm. “I’ll start. First, my physics is flawless, thank you very much. I’ve recently taken up baking in my new state-of-the-art kitchen. I notice you clench your jaw quite a lot. Baking a great stress reliever. You should try it sometime.”
“You’re lecturing me on my stress levels? Seriously?”
“Don’t think of it as a lecture and more as sound advice,” she said, actually sounding kind of genuine? Rebekah’s eyes locked onto Bonnie’s, and Bonnie couldn’t help but be struck by how pretty they were—how blue— how sincere. “You’re having heart palpitations even now with zero stressors. That can’t be healthy.”
“Zero stressors?” Bonnie repeated, scoffing at the thudding of her heart. She motioned toward the blonde. “Hello?”
“I am a sight to behold, I give you that.”
“I can’t with you,” Bonnie said, laughing at the girl’s ego. 
“Oh, speaking of stressors, my brother “died” at the hands of your teacher. Mr. Saltzman was a threat to the rest of my family. There was only one way to take him out. Tell me you wouldn’t have done the same.”
“Can we not?” Bonnie asked, rubbing her temple. “I’ve got a raging headache. I don’t feel like being collateral damage when you and Elena brawl it out again.”
“I’ll have you know I tried burying the hatchet with her. I even invited her to—” she grabbed a flier and planted it on Bonnie’s desk, “—my anti-curfew party, which you are more than welcome to attend. Think of it as a clean slate. Let bygones be bygones. What do you say?”
Parties in this town never played out well. Not for Bonnie, anyway. Everyone thought they could kick back and destress and then someone’s body got drained of blood or a poor sucker got compelled to jump off a balcony. She got swept away to perform some emergent spell most of the time and didn’t even get to have one drink. What was the point? 
Just when Bonnie was about to say no, she caught Rebekah’s fingers crossed. And Rebekah remained motionless too, as if her breath were trapped in her chest. 
What was that about?
“Okay, time’s up, everyone!” Ms. Hawthorne said, clapping her hands together before Bonnie could give Rebekah an answer. “I want you to tell me three things about your partner. First, their name, and two interesting facts about them. It’ll make it easier for me to humanize you when I’m grading your papers. Let’s start with Rebekah and Bonnie. Hopefully, it was worth the drama?”
“Ladies first,” Bonnie said. 
“Well, if you insist . . .” Rebekah agreed. 
Bonnie crossed her arms and leaned back in her seat. What could Rebekah say about her, anyway? That Bonnie successfully transferred her brother’s soul to another body—not once—twice? Or Bonnie had a habit of napping during physics class and Rebekah liked to throw balled up papers at the back of Bonnie’s sleeping head? 
“This is Bonnie Bennett,” Rebekah said, starting off strong. “Aquarius. Some might say martyr. And she’s in desperate need of a stress detox. So, in the spirit of “teamwork,” I’m assigning myself the duty of making sure she has fun today. What say you, Bonnie?”
Bonnie did a double take and said, “Say what now?”
“Wow! Hold that thought, Bonnie. I need to capture this for my records. I can’t believe I hooked up a bullied student a new friend on my first day,” Ms. Hawthorne said, taking out her phone and pointing it in their direction. “Smile!”
Bonnie’s mouth dropped open and asked, “What is even happening?”
Rebekah smushed their cheeks together and posed for the photo. “So, that’s a, ‘yes?’”
“You’re not going to stop, are you?” 
“Nope,” Rebekah confirmed 
“You won’t regret it.”
“Now, Bonnie, it’s your turn. Two facts about your new friend,” Ms. Hawthorne said.
“Stress bakes. Awful at physics,” Bonnie deadpanned.
An awkward silence stretched out, followed by Ms. Hawthorne’s cheery, “I’ll take it.”
Ms. Hawthorne moved onto the next pair. The next half hour went in the same vein. Except no one else got roped into being a pet project. Bonnie resumed doodling and occasionally peeked at Rebekah, who leaned back in her seat, humming low under her breath. The bell shocked Bonnie out of her spell. No one wasted time and rushed off to their next class. Rebekah stuck around, though, dragging the strap of her handbag over her shoulder. 
“Unclench your jaw,” Rebekah said, tapping the side of Bonnie’s face. “Your car is a white prius, right?”
“We’re leaving after gym class. You’re driving.”
With that, Rebekah left the classroom, not giving Bonnie a chance to argue. Bonnie didn’t have time to process because Stefan came over with an apologetic smile. 
“Hey, Bon,” Stefan said, patting her shoulder awkwardly. “Sorry for throwing you to the wolves. I figured staying by Elena’s side was my best option today. Speaking of, uh, Elena’s emotions are heightened right now. She’s clinging onto anger, anger that’s honed in on–”
“Rebekah,” Bonnie finished for him. 
“Exactly. You have gym together and I was hoping you’d keep an eye on them. You know, give them a little headache if things get out of hand.”
Gram’s pained face flashed in Bonnie’s mind. “The last time I did magic, my Grams, she . . . I got out of control.”
“I understand, but—”
“She got hurt.”
“Elena might get hurt—”
“You don’t understand,” Bonnie cut him off. “The spirits hurt Grams to punish me. I can’t let that happen again. So, no, Stefan. I can’t risk it.”
“Is there a problem here?” Ms. Hawthorne asked from across the room.
Stefan shook his head, headed for the exit, and said, “No. No problem.”
Bonnie packed up the rest of her stuff and came across the doodle she drew. She inhaled. Grams. A distorted version of Grams who pried apart two halves of a shadowy curtain. Black veins traveled all the way from her neck to the tips of her fingers. And her eyes. Her eyes were like shattered mirrors reflecting the pain of a thousand cuts. The dim glow from Grams’ eyes flickered a beacon in the darkness that was a silent cry for help, a plea for Bonnie to end her suffering.  The violent imagery grounded Bonnie for a solid ten seconds before the familiar sights and sounds of the busy hallways distorted. An almost familiar warped lens settled in front of her eyes again.
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daenysthedreamer101 · 8 months
TVD - Season 4 Ep 12
"A View to a Kill"
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Do I even have to say it? Elena and Jeremy killing Kol was the stupidest, most nonsensical thing I've seen on this show so far and that's saying a lot. There is no way in hell that Kol, an Original, was killed by Jeremy, a 16-year-old human (I know he's a hunter but still), and Elena, a baby vampire who's been a vampire for a couple of months at most. Kol is over a 1000 years old!
How? Like....Ughhhh! He didn't even want to kill Jeremy, just cut his arms off (ok not saying that's good but he said "I'll heal you with my blood" so...). He easily could've killed Elena, but he didn't. When he stabbed her, he stabbed her in the stomach, not the heart.
Also, it just felt OOC for Elena to be so willing to kill someone. Like "Oh yeah let's just kill him and by killing Kol we'll kill thousands of other vampires" ...Wasn't Elena supposed to be this really compassionate person because I don't see her anywhere. 😒😒😒
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.....NO! THIS SHOULD NOT BE POSSIBLE! There's no way Elena was able to hold Kol for that long. Also, very convenient for her that she saw that Kol had the white oak stake with him cause his jacket was open (smells like plot convenience to me hmm...). And ofc they put vervain in the water system the day Elena decided to kill Kol...🙄🙄🙄
DAMN IT, I LIKED HIM! I know they bring him and Finn back for TO but that's irrelevant rn. Ever since they introduced him back in s3 they just kept on nerfing tf out of him. He's an Original damn it, he is more powerful than all of them. It shouldn't be possible for Damon to snap his neck and it should definitely not be possible for a human teenager and a baby vampire to kill him!
What tf was the point of making the Originals so powerful when a baby vampire and a human were able to kill one? Like who wrote this nonsense? 💀💀💀
Klaus and the others better take some revenge! Like, there need to be some repercussions for this!!! We saw Bekah cry when Stefan told her but like, that's not enough? I need revenge!
Also, Bonnie is kind of annoying me? Ever since that stupid professor showed her expression or whatever it's called she's been on my nerves idk. Literally, everyone rn on this show is annoying me lol 😭
Why didn't Kol compel Elena to stay put when he stabbed her? Like, don't tell me she was on vervain? There's no way she drank the water or did she? Or he ofc just didn't think of it.
Klaus's reaction to seeing Kol's body on fire and the way Elena flinched when he yelled "He was supposed to suffer on MY TERMS! "...yeah someone pls give my man Joseph an Oscar cause that was acting! Klaus better keep his promise and burn their stupid house down!
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RIP MY BABY I'LL MISS YOU! YOU WERE SO CUTE AND SASSY AND CHAOTIC I LOVED YOU! 😟😟💔 (also how do we feel about the bangs lol)
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andreal831 · 9 months
If I’m not mistaken, you’ve argued that Elijah gets very out of character during season 3 and season 4. Could you elaborate on why?
I’ve always seen Elijah as more of an anti-hero than anything else. Throughout the series, we see him kill people without a second thought to protect the people he loves. Elijah’s entire goal was to reunite/redeem his family and keep them safe, so to me, sacrificing Davina and killing Marcel was completely in character to me. He did what he thought he had to do to save the people he loved. The same goes for season 4. Forcing Vincent to do the harvest was not morally right, but the hollow was more dangerous than anything they had ever countered before. So, he was did what he thought had to be done in order to save his family. The only thing that seemed out of character to me was erasing his memories, because I don’t think he’d leave his family behind especially in the 21st century where there is so many ways to communicate outside of face to face. (And honestly I think that was more of a writers error than anything else because the point of him erasing his memories was to not run back to his family the second something went wrong, but they had his family try to convince him to go back without his memories anyway so what was the point?)
The only people I think were truly ever safe from him outside of blood relations were Hayley and (maybe) Cami, and that’s because he already considered them a part of his family.
Apologies if I get anything wrong and sorry for the long question.
You definitely don't need to apologize for anything! But it will be a long response.
So yes, I do think Elijah in the later seasons gets out of character. But it's not that I don't think he wouldn't necessarily do everything he ends up doing. It's more that I don't think he would do it how it happens in the show.
To me, Elijah was the pragmatic brother. As Klaus says, Elijah is the one you meet with when discussions are open and Klaus is the one you meet with after they've closed. Elijah always had a game plan and was supposed to be the more practical brother while Kol and Klaus would often rely on emotions and fly off the rails. Sure Klaus was known as being a strategist, but honestly he was mostly operating on vibes.
I agree, Elijah is definitely an anti-hero. He has a moral compass but isn't afraid to throw it out the window for his family. Killing people doesn't bother him if it fits in his self-regulated code or if it is to protect his family.
So while I don't like that Davina was sacrificed, I do understand it. But I do want to back up and say what I think is out of character of Elijah is that he lets Klaus go off with Hayley as backup to retrieve Rebekah while Lucien is on the loose. I love Hayley, but she was not the backup Klaus needed. And sure Elijah respects people's decisions, but Elijah was not about to let the three most important people to him (excluding Hope) be in danger when he couldn't do anything to help Davina anyway, he's not a witch. He stayed behind for no reason. I know Freya channels him, but Kol was there. He was weakened sure, but give him blood. He'll be fine.
Moving on, Freya and Elijah state there is no other way and Elijah is calling Klaus and not able to get through to him or Hayley. I don't think this act is out of character, although I do love when the show just conveniently says there is no other way when there had always been another way. Elijah and Kol's relationship is hardly ever discussed, but if he views Cami as family because of Klaus' feelings, he should view Davian the same. I also wish they would have allowed his relationship with Davina or Marcel to develop more so maybe he would hesitate. Elijah hesitated to sacrifice Davina in season 1 when Klaus and the witches were ready to do it, but at the end of the day, everyone agreed because it was Davina or New Orleans. This was the same logic he used in season 3. This tracks with his logical way of thinking.
However, when it comes to Marcel, it is not logical. Yes, he's seen the prophecy and he sees it unfolding. But Elijah acted irrationally and harmed his family. People can have different opinions, but Elijah viewed Marcel as family, especially after season 3. Elijah helped Marcel gain the power of the Strix so their family would have power. He trained with Marcel for most of season 3 and helped him create the vampire community. He was there while Klaus "raised" Marcel. I don't see him discarding Marcel's life so easily. Plus, he acted based on pure emotion which is out of character for Elijah. He didn't think about the long-term impacts. He didn't think about how it would impact Klaus, which is out of character. He acted against Marcel quicker than he acted against any of their enemies, not even trying to reason with him or let Klaus talk him down. Marcel was practically calming down when Elijah acted. Marcel was only a danger if he had the serum. If he had taken it, killing him was dumb. And if he didn't, he wasn't a threat. Elijah found out about the serum from Freya, why wouldn't he have brought a witch as backup to take him down and take the serum?
It's the same thing with the Harvest in season 4. It's so rushed and he doesn't even have the correct information. He has access to a powerful witch but doesn't even consult with Freya before killing four teenagers. Elijah has historically been more hesitant to kill young people. He views it differently. Sure he would eventually kill them if it was necessary, but again, the way he did it was so messy and unorganized.
In TVD and Season 1 and 2, Elijah understood the importance of allies and community. Yes, it was family above all, but he constantly counseled his family to be practical. Elijah was always trying to build bridges with the factions because he understood the importance, but in the later seasons, he is constantly destroying them. Even in the beginning of Season 4, he seeks to make Vincent an ally but then does everything to make an enemy out of him.
Even when the Hollow is channeling the children and Elijah acts like he is going to kill them to break it, he doesn't think it through. He doesn't consider any other option but murder first and deal with the consequences later.
I can justify a lot of this by saying after the red door Elijah was essentially experiencing a mental breakdown where he kept slipping further in further into paranoia. But again, this was always Klaus' specialty.
So when I say Elijah was out of character in the last couple of seasons, I mainly mean, the writers traded out Klaus' worst traits for Elijah's best and vice versa. Klaus all of a sudden becomes the practical one and is counseling people to show restraint and Elijah is throwing their enemy's corpses off of the balcony at a party. Elijah was creating problems for his family rather than fixing them.
I definitely agree about erasing the memories. It was completely out of character. The show made it as if he didn't trust himself to stay away. But if it would put his family in danger he would. He did in the 1900s. Again, he is also logical to understand that erasing his memories could put himself and his family in jeopardy. Also, Marcel and Vincent not thinking it through that erasing an Original vampire's memory completely would be a bad idea?
In Season 5, when Elijah gets his memories back he is ready to skip town again because of guilt. I love Hayley and Elijah, but Elijah's main state of being is guilt and it had never made him abandon his family before. The Hollow was still in Hope and he wasn't even thinking about her. If anything, his guilt should make him focus on Hope. But I do think the episode with Hope and Elijah was very in character.
And in no way is Elijah giving up Klaus' life that easily. It's hardly a week and he's ready to plunge a stake into Klaus' heart and leave Hope an orphan. Elijah may have been suicidal, but he always fought for Klaus. He would have either taken the Hollow himself and died by himself or found another way.
Finally, the thing that I think is most missing in Elijah's character in the last half of season 3 to 5 is Elijah's connection to his family. Sure, he isn't the best brother in the world, but we see he cares deeply for them, especially Klaus and Rebekah. The show nearly sets this aside completely. We have brief moments of connection but overall Elijah is just not there for anyone like he was before. Klaus is struggling after being tortured and Rebekah is struggling with her pain over Marcel, and Elijah hardly interacts with any of them. It even lacks moments with Hayley after she is almost killed or when she finds out about her family and instead the show focuses on Hayley's bond with the other Mikaelsons. We get some cute scenes early on, but for the most part, the only time he interacts with anyone is to cause problems or be reprimanded.
In Season 4 and 5, Elijah is given the role as the villain and stripped of nearly all of his positive attributes that made the terrible things he did tolerable. A lot of this can be attributed to the writers rushing and wanting shock value. He is put into these positions and then makes the worst possible decision over and over again.
Who knows, maybe I just have rose-colored glasses on with Elijah, but to me, he was a lot better at playing the long game and worrying about consequences in the earlier seasons. He was also a lot better at weighing his options before acting. A lot of his later-season behavior reminds me more of Klaus than Elijah, which bugs me. Elijah was always my favorite because of his twisted code of honor and his compassion. Klaus wasn't because he had no honor and lacked basic empathy. So switching these roles was a terrible decision to me. The show writers forget that you can grow one character without destroying another.
I hope this made sense and wasn't just an incoherent mess of my ramblings!
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