tmmyturner · 5 years
“Clearly.” Gen agreed, scooping up another small bite of yogurt before bringing it to her lips. “What exactly are you working on that has you so distracted?” she asked, taking a bite and licking off the back of the spoon. Personally, she had just needed a break from the store, they’d been working on a lot of designs this week and she needed some inspiration outside of her studio. 
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“Just - homework, nothing exciting.” Not to most people, at least. It’s super exciting to Timmy - he loves what he’s studying, he loves getting a chance to study something he likes, something he’s good at. But he can get a little too engrossed in it sometimes. “So - what’s going on?”
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tmmyturner · 5 years
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“i guess i’m feeling generous today.” vanellope said, which even surprised herself as shown by her facial expression “i asked if you were alright, kid, cause you’ve been staring at that screen for like five minutes and i was starting to think … that i wasn’t qualified to handle that.” she couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Phew, that’s a relief.” Timmy says sincerely. The last thing he really wants to do is make enemies and upset people, especially when he’s worked so hard to make a fresh start here. “Oh that’s really kind of you to worry about me, but I’m okay. I just got sucked into what I was working on, it’s a bad habit.”
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tmmyturner · 5 years
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tmmyturner · 5 years
“Not with that attitude you couldn’t!” Lilian tossed back with a little grin. Timmy was an interesting kid. He sort of reminded her of a mix between Chuckie and Phil. “What? It’ll cover my knockers fine and I’d wear dance shorts underneath it.”
“Oh my god.” Timmy groans, covering his face in second-hand embarrassment - ridiculous, considering Lil doesn’t seem embarrassed at all, but here he is anyway. “Listen - I mean, if you’re comfortable wearing it sure - but I don’t know if it’s a great idea.”
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tmmyturner · 5 years
Rosetta’s eyebrows raise as her eyes soften into, what can only be perceived, as a sympathetic look, like she was looking at a baby bunny hopping along all by its lonesome. Her hands, which were clutching onto the trims of her dress, flung up back to her hips as she tenderly shook her head. “Don’t sell yourself short, sugar,” she assured him, reaching out and carefully patting his arm, “You got a lotta love to give, I can feel it.” Her pink lips curved into a smile. These kind of moments were the things that she absolutely lived for; picking someone up and saying just a few nice things to make them feel good. “See! You’ve even got excellent taste!” She gestured towards their similar hues, “I think it’s the only color that can actually portray my personality.”
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Timmy knows he’s nothing special, really - compared to so many people he knows, he’s just... kind of there, just floating along through the world. Sure he’s got a few friends, and he’s got family who care about him now - he considers them family, at least - but that doesn’t really change the fact that he knows he’s just about average. Which he’s usually okay with, really. “Aw, c’mon - you’re just saying that, Rose.” Timmy says with a very awkward, very bashful smile. The truth is he doesn’t really know what else to say. It’s not the first time he’s been lost for words around her, after all. It’s nice of her to say things like that though, even if it’s not quite true. “Well - if it helps, I think it really suits you. You - you know, you look wonderful in pink. I think so, at least.”
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tmmyturner · 5 years
“Timothy,” Flynn huffed, slumping dramatically lower in his chair, enough so that he touched his forehead to the table. “You’re killin’ me, dude.” He mumbled into the surface before abruptly shifting upright again. “Look, the internet’s not going anywhere, right? Your little like– numbers and whatever you’re doing, that’ll still be there tomorrow. But like, what if I’m not here tomorrow, Timmy?” He quirked a brow in challenge. It wasn’t the most realistic of his arguments, but for a brief, startling, moment he realized that for him it had the potential to be at least a little bit true. “Just take a little break? We’ll be like, an hour. Maybe two.”
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Timmy can’t help but wrinkle his nose at the use of his full name. Timothy sounding like he’s done something wrong rather than being chastised by a friend. “Don’t be so dramatic, c’mon.” Timmy says with a soft laugh, shaking his head as he watches Flynn shoot upright. “It’s coding, Flynn - and it’s for class! I’m not just killing time, c’mon -” He lets out a sigh, tilting his head to the side a little. It’s one of Flynn’s lamer arguments, but if he’s already resorting to things like this Timmy gets the feeling he’s not going to be able to wriggle out of this one. “No more than two hours? You promise?”
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tmmyturner · 5 years
“Oh my god, relax. It’s not that serious and stuff,” Pen said with a shrug. She could talk about herself to anyone and he was no exception. Just because he wasn’t listening didn’t mean she cared. “I was just sayin’ that there’s gonna be an awesome party at….well I can’t remember, but it doesn’t matter. It’s gonna be huge. So you’re going, right?”
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“Still - I should’ve been paying more attention.” Timmy says with a guilty smile, shifting his attention away from his laptop so he can actually focus on what she’s saying. That that it would make a huge different - a party sounds like about the last thing he would want to take part in. “Me? Going to a big party? Uh - I’m sorry, I think you’ve mistaken me for someone else here. Which is my way of saying - no, no I’m not.”
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tmmyturner · 5 years
It was almost impressive how she could see the attention drift from a conversation to the screen in front of him. Watching was more fun than being a part of the conversation herself, seeing him try and get back on the others good side. Genevieve smirked to herself. It seemed they didn’t take it well when they stood up and walked away with a roll of their eyes. “Seems they did think it would be the worst…”
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“Oh..” Timmy’s guilt skyrockets as they roll their eyes and walk away, immediately feeling very much like shrinking as small as possible and going into hiding for a little while. He knows he can get carried away when he’s working on things but he didn’t realise he was being that bad today. “I didn’t really mean to be rude, I just.. got distracted, you know?”
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tmmyturner · 5 years
“Yeah you did.” Rapunzel’s cheeks turned a bright red and she shook her head. The blonde let out a sigh of relief. She didn’t want to admit it but she had been terrified that the other was upset with her. Rapunzel never took kindly to friends being upset with her. “Oh, that’s fine. I just am glad you’re alright. I was asking if you wanted to go to the beach sometime soon. I think its finally getting warm enough!” 
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“Yeah - yeah, I’m alright. I just get kinda sucked into my work sometimes, that’s all.” Timmy says with a weak laugh, shrugging his shoulders absently. He hadn’t even thought about the beach yet - weren’t beach visits still a few months away? “You think so? I mean - if it’s getting warmer, that could be cool. We could do that.”
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tmmyturner · 5 years
“I said “You have a spider in your arm kid.”” The redhead said, pointedto the big spider walking down in the boy’s arm like it was her house.
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“Oh, wow -” Tim looks down at his arm in surprise rather than alarm. Funnily enough, people tend to freak him out a lot more than insects. “Hey there buddy, c’mere.” He says quietly as he holds his hand up, coaxing the insect into his palm before heading over to the window. “Thanks for that, I had no idea.”
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tmmyturner · 5 years
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tmmyturner · 5 years
Waving his hand in front of the other boy’s face, Flynn let out a laugh as he shook his head. “Absolutely the worst, I may even hate you.” He scrunched his face up as if he were thinking about whether or not he meant it. “What I was saying, was we should get some Spirit of the Dragon and then go to Sugar Rush Arcade with those quarters on strings I made. After you’re done with,” He paused, leaning forward to pretend to peer over the edge of Timmy’s screen. “Whatever you’re doing.”
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“Very funny.” Timmy says with a chuckle, settling back in his chair and resting his hands on the edge of his laptop. It’s not the first time Flynn’s done something like this, tried to pull him away from his work, and it probably won’t be the last either. “Oh - I dunno, Flynn. This -” He waves at the half-finished code on his screen - “Is going to take me a while. You could always take someone else? I won’t be upset or anything.”
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tmmyturner · 5 years
“Huh - oh no, I did that spacing out thing again didn’t I?” Timmy asks, his eyes widening in shock as he looks up from his computer screen. He didn’t mean to, it’s just - a bad habit of his, he gets so caught up in what he’s doing that he forgets to actually pay attention. “I’m so sorry, oh my god. Would it be the worst if I asked you to say that again?”
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tmmyturner · 5 years
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This is a bad idea.
You say that about all my idea’s
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tmmyturner · 5 years
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“Come on. Tutus are everyones thing. Except mine. Fuck gender roles, am I right?” Lilian had always hated that clothing and colors could be gendered. It was stupid. “Fine! If its not your thing then its not your thing. Maybe I could make it a hat? Or some sort of dress? Think it’ll cover the tatas?”
“No no - no. Not mine. I don’t think I could ever successfully wear a tutu.” Timmy assures her quickly, very much hoping to avoid the inevitable moment where she tries to convince him to give it a go anyway. “Lil! You can’t - wear a tutu as a dress! C’mon - give it to someone who will actually wear it.”
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tmmyturner · 5 years
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– “You wouldn’t believe me if I told you…” Rapunzel said softly. Her hand went to her hair absentmindedly, “Its crazy. It sounds crazy.”
Timmy blinks for a moment, slightly distracted just.. staring awkwardly at Rapunzel before he snaps himself out of it. “Sorry, I - what? Why wouldn’t I believe you?” He smiles and nudges her gently with his elbow. “Try me?”
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tmmyturner · 5 years
A gentle, yet natural pink flush comes to Rosetta’s face, the look of so much joy that Timmy’s tripping over his own words makes her feel a special kind of happiness. It’s the joy of knowing that she’s made someone feel happy. It’s a humbling confidence booster, one that gives her warmth, that confirms that how she chooses to live in a good choice. It’s the best choice. Especially if it makes a newcomer to the island feel welcome. “Well aren’t you sweeter than a warm apple pie in the dead of winter!” she says as she clasps her hands over her heart, “Of course, honey, this is your color. I should know,” She gestures down to the pink dress she’s wearing with an excited smile on her face, “It’s mine too!”
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Timmy feels more than a little lost for words - which really happens more often than not around Rosetta. He doesn’t know what it is about her. Her innate kindness and sweet nature, the way she’s so giving and just always trying to spread some kind of cheer - it’s silly but Timmy can’t help but feel a little smitten. Which sucks, all things considered. “I wouldn’t go that far, I dunno if I’m that sweet.” He says with an awkward kind of chuckle, shrugging his shoulders absently. “You think so? I’ve - kinda always stick to pink, it seems to work for me.” Timmy can’t help but grin as she points to her dress, suddenly very glad for that similarity. “Aw - we match! I didn’t even plan that, wow.”
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