tnasketching · 9 months
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Day 25 : Santa (Free)
OM OM OOOOM ! Merry belated Christmas!
Being late has been a credo of mine this month. :P
First time drawing one of my favorite female characters of all time, and it just had to be Christmas-related? Oh well, Genjo had it worse dressed as a reindeer against his will in a certain scene. 😁
Some youkai children put rope on their own clothes to imitate Sharak's "tail", human children also do that. This trend makes Sharak and her army smile. Kids are all the same, no matter which species they are from. They all need special celebrations to help them forget the dangerous situation they're living from both sides. Protecting their future starts with protecting their smile.
Anyhow, i do hope some of my pics made several Saiyuki fans smile as well. I sure enjoyed drawing them, it was quite inspiring.
Thank you for the prompts, the likes and the kind comments in the reblogs. I read them and it made my month !
Happy holidays! Take care ! ❤️
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tnasketching · 9 months
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Day 23 : North Pole
Alright, it was difficult to find inspiration, and this one seems long and waaaay too far-fetched, but that's how my headcanons sometimes get, so bare with me.
Imagine working in a highly sophisticated scientific station in a place where coldness equals North Pole, and so, you know you'll be isolated for along time. If you were in Saiyuki universe, you know that science and technology is the humans speciality, thus you're not likely to see a yokai among the scientific group, even though some yokai try to improve in this field instead of relying on magic and strength only.
Now imagine that, being one of those rare yokai, and due to some circumstances, you're not just the only one of your species in this group of very skilled humans, but also the only woman, and a pretty one. To make matters worse, most of the chosen scientists for this place are arrogant and conceited. Soon, not only are you looked down by the majority of them and slowly treated like trash despite your proven skills, but you're also ending up being the subject of fantasy of some scientists being isolated for too long from the outside.
Even after leaving this place, you hold a grudge against those who made you feel so awfully bad. Later, a powerful woman sees your talent and offers the help and recognition you needed all this time, while openly admitting she has no problem with murder, as long as it serves her plan, especially if the victims are humans. Morality aside, how tempting would it be to return to that nightmarish station with her growing army?
Oh, she sure is conceited too, but at least, she sees you as the prodigy you always felt you were. And it's not like you even trusted men before, right professor?
Though... why do you keep the habit of hiding your ears now that you work in a safe place?
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tnasketching · 9 months
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Day 21 : Mistletoe
Again, sorry for the late ! 😅
Oh, this won't end well... I read that Zakuro's favourite type was a woman with beautiful smile, small stature and big breasts. With such a description, i should have actually chosen Lirin instead of Yaone, but... This somehow would feel wrong, even if drawn comically. :/ And yet i would LOVE to see an interraction with these two goofs ! 😂
Oh well, who wouldn't have a crush on sweet Yaone anyways ?
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tnasketching · 9 months
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Day 19 : candle
Oh man do I struggle with drawing Nii's haitcut. And his lab coat doesn't event look like it. But he might be the type to like specific aesthetics while working on his projects.
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tnasketching · 9 months
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Day 17 : Cookies
There's actually a story behind this one. A two panels story i had sketched a year ago, about Hakkai making cookies with Goku and ending up tired because every minutes Goku attempted to eat on the batter, the sugar, practically anything.... I remember being inspired by that infamous video in which a mom was having the same hilarious issue with her toddler.
If it ever gets finished, i'll post it here, promise!
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tnasketching · 9 months
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Day 15 : Ice
Weird idea that Sanzo could freeze Goku and Gojyo with his cold stare... and frost them if they get way too close while he's not in a good mood. I'm pretty sure he'd like that ability.
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tnasketching · 9 months
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Day 13 : Boots
When the gods found Goku, it must have been quite difficult for them to make him put on some clothes, mostly because he didn't know what there were here for in the first place. Konsen himself dropped the case of adding shoes.
If he enjoys wandering around barefoot , let him be. Happy Goku is the best Goku anyways.
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tnasketching · 10 months
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Day 11 : Elf
The woman from Saiyuki Reload ep 5 and 6. I couldn't stand her singing but there was something quite dreamy about her.
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tnasketching · 10 months
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Day 9 : Rooftop
I forgot to post. It sometimes happens. Also I love Lirin's design in gensomaden. It looks so chaotic. I really like that character in general. XD
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tnasketching · 10 months
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Day 7 : Deer
I can just think about reindeer with this one. 😅
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tnasketching · 10 months
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Day 5 : Snow
Those fated sibblings from Gensomaden Saiyuki ep 33. It was so sad.
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tnasketching · 10 months
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Day 3 : Stockings
Hakkai definitely deserves the pillow on this one... or does he? It's not like he'll stop his knitting shenanigans.
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tnasketching · 10 months
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Day 1 : bell
At the last moment i decided to give a try to the monthly Minekura prompts. Thought, considering the fact i registered to two secret Santa this month, i can just make these prompts traditional. 😅 I do hope my style will improve.
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tnasketching · 11 months
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Sketched days before Gojyo's birthday and still lined day late.
And used a reference from a cool book byChristopher Hart.
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tnasketching · 2 years
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I had made lots of Saiyuki sketches im my diary lately. Most of them are memes...
... except the last one which was posted on november 9, aka Gojyo's birthday.
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And yeah... It seems i'm weak to 58. UvU
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tnasketching · 3 years
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April 24th
Ha ha ! I hadn't drawn Kyubi in, like, a decade? Yet i love his design. The very first character you get to see in this series.
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tnasketching · 3 years
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April 23rd
No idea why i drew those face... probably to train a litte on perspective or so? Unless i wanted to try on curly hair?
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