ciaossu-imagines · 6 months
I'm back with another Saiyuki ask ✌️
So you know, the Ikkou is really famous, anywhere they go, they get stopped by townspeople who want Sanzo to chant Sutras and such... So, that's kinda Sanzo's fanclub.
Do you think Hakkai, Goku and Gojyo have a fanclub too ? How good would they be at handling it ? Maybe Kogaiji, Dokugaku, Yaone and Lirin have one too, they seem really loved among yokais.
Anyway, I got "inspired" while listening to the Idol drama-cd lol
This one made me laugh quite a bit! I love this idea and had a lot of fun answering this one! Thank you so much for the request and I hope you'll enjoy the headcanons!
Okay, realistically, I don't think Hakkai, Goku and Gojyo have fan-clubs all their very own, though they are recognized and known. I think it's more that they're recognized and known though as companions to Sanzo and fans of theirs are normally already part of Sanzo's fan-club and they're liked by extension.
But just because the idea of it really amuses me, we're going to put that realistically aside and pretend that yes, all three of these dorks have their own fan-clubs and that they're all just as sizeable as Sanzo's.
Now, Gojyo definitely would get a little bit of a swollen ego when he first learns he has a fan-club. He's going to be pissed if it turns out that most of his fans are men...he's really hoping his fan-club consists of mostly beautiful women. He definitely would be the one to take advantage of a beautiful woman being a fan of his already to get laid, if the click and connection was there with that person. Otherwise, he might have a drink with a fan, if they amuse or seem cool to him. He tends to be pretty okay and friendly to his fan-club, but only if they don't come off as being annoying or wanting too much from him.
Hakkai is the most level-headed and realistic about having a fan-club. He knows that his so called fans really don't know anything about him at all, that they're infatuated with an idea of him and not who he actually is. So he never really has moments of ego or lets it get to his head at all. He'll remain polite and civil to any of his so-called fans and he won't go out of his way to be rude to them at all. He's generally pretty okay with being approached, as long as they don't take up too much of his time or cross any of his boundaries but for the most part, he prefers not to interact with his fan-club all that much.
Much like Gojyo, I do see Goku enjoying the idea of having a fan-club and he thinks it's really cool. He sees most of his 'fan-club' as friends and it might go to his head a little at first. For the most part, he's cheerful and nice to everyone who is his fan, though he really hates it when they start to get demanding or if they get too touchy-feely with him and that's when he has no problem letting them know they need to back off. While probably the friendliest of the three, Goku has no problem putting his foot down and making people back the fuck off and he does have a temper. If people annoy him too much, he's just going to walk away and if they try to stop him, he's cool with a fight too, if they look at all strong.
Okay, but honestly, when it comes to Kougaiji...you know how teenage girls hang posters and cut out pictures of their favourite celebrities and such all over their walls? If such things existed in the Saiyuki universe, I think Kou would be plastered all over so many demon girl's walls and probably a fair few demon boy's as well. He's a huge deal to demons and as he's fairly handsome, I think that really helps his popularity among the demon girls in particular. However, he's really not that great about handling the whole 'I have a rabid, insanely passionate fan-club' thing. He appreciates their support, sure, but like...they're more terrifying than some of the enemies he has faced and he can't just kill them like he does his enemies. He largely tries to avoid them as much as he can and it's part of Yaone and Dokugakuji's responsibilities to help him do such.
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tnasketching · 6 months
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Day 21 : Mistletoe
Again, sorry for the late ! 😅
Oh, this won't end well... I read that Zakuro's favourite type was a woman with beautiful smile, small stature and big breasts. With such a description, i should have actually chosen Lirin instead of Yaone, but... This somehow would feel wrong, even if drawn comically. :/ And yet i would LOVE to see an interraction with these two goofs ! 😂
Oh well, who wouldn't have a crush on sweet Yaone anyways ?
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mechadeimos · 7 months
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Kougaiji: It’s a white flag and you may as well start waving it now, human! 
Y/n:The only thing I’ll be waving is your decapiated head on a stick in front of your weeping friends and family!
Kougaiji: Good lord.
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stevie-cartoony · 10 months
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Green fits her, also purple fits her! :3
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beccaelizart · 2 years
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I had dreams of completing SaiyukiMonthChallenge, but all I managed was my Kougaiji agenda for the second prompt. Ya girl done ran out of time. Lirin and Yaone are still my favorite parts of this piece.
Cross posted from Twitter, original post date June 8, 2022.
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Yaone (Gensomaden Saiyuki)  » January 28
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A/N: Trāyastriṃśa_Femslash February Bingo 2024 @femslash-february | Prompt: "I'd burn down the world for you."
A/N II: Based on one of the Buddhist heavens. Here, resides devas (gods) within the desire realm.
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kiealer · 9 months
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i stole this from @dyavol , was surprisingly fairly difficult to put together bc like.... nina's inspired by various things, but more so especially the series she's made for, so thinking of other things was a tad hard.
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stirdrawsandreblaws · 2 months
somehow managed to forget eowyn lotr and deanna troi tng and yomiko readman and--
i love wamen
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ciaossu-imagines · 5 months
Saiyuki, Circus/freakshow AU
Of course, anon dear! Thank you so much for the request and I am sorry it took so long to answer! I hope you'll enjoy the headcanons nonetheless and the AU I came up with!
So, in this universe we're setting up here, there is still a fantasy element. Magic does still exist, but it's very much not a normal and everyday thing. Most people can go their entire lives without seeing anything magical. Magical items and creatures tend to be hard to find and hidden away and those people with magic in their veins…they learn to hide it very well as they are often feared or exploited.
There is one place people can go to experience magic at least once, if they have the money to pay to experience it, of course. And the magic people and creatures they see are definitely exploited. Gyumaoh's Magical, Mystical Travelling Circus is something everyone has heard tales and rumours about. If you're lucky enough for them to come to your town, people flock to even catch a single glimpse of the brightly coloured tents, hope to sneak a peek at the 'sideshow's' hidden within. People will sell precious treasures, take loans against their homes, anything to see the show because the Circus represents really the only chance most people will get to experience something truly magical, especially in a safe manner and though people do fear magic, they are also enchanted and curious and full of the desire to witness it for themselves.
The Circus sounds wonderful, at least to the normal citizens of the world. The truth is, for those 'employed' by the Circus, and that word is in quotes as I'm using the term extremely loosely, the reality is very different. A magic hunter from the time he was very young, Gyumaoh built his Circus by stealing magical items and capturing and enslaving any creature or human with magic in them. But wait, you might say. How can a mere mortal enslave someone or something that is clearly magical and probably has defenses and powers they do not?
One, a lot of magical beings, be they creature or animal, are normally either outcast by society because of that attitude of fear and distrust, or they're trying so hard to hide their magic that they've ended up homeless, just barely scraping by if they're not homeless, they've ended up without families and close friends to better keep their secrets, or they've ended up in worse situations, with much more powerful people using them, oftentimes for extremely hard and dangerous labour.
Gyumaoh seems to have an almost uncanny luck for finding those magical things and creatures, and even more luck finding the downtrodden or exploited magical people. He seems nice and charming at first and the Circus is so well-known at some point that these magical people really believe the well-crafted and sold lies Guymaoh or his people give them…that the Circus can give them a clean, soft, comfortable home full of people who will love them, and they can use their magic to entertain people, to show the general populace that magic isn't a bad thing, but a wondrous one. Gyumaoh is good with words and charm, as are his fellow recruiters, his mistress Gyokumen Koushou, and his right-hand man Dr. Ni Jianyi. They're wily, silver-tongued and it's very, very rare they need to use force to get what they want, though all three of them are capable of doing so. Normally the magical people sign the contracts to join the Circus all on their own…and these contracts themselves are magical.
The second these magical beings prick their fingers and put their bleeding fingertip to the paper, as is the way to sign it, they sign over their lives to Gyumaoh, become his to control and command. These people, because of the contract, cannot seem to get further than fifty feet away from the Circus once the contracts are signed and if they do, the contracts are written in such a way that the person would be in unimaginable pain every second if they did venture further than that, making them easy to track down and bring back, if they did not return willingly themselves.
Gyumaoh's Magical, Mystical Circus really does succeed and it makes Gyumaoh himself a very rich man. Gyumaoh travelled alongside the Circus for many years, but because he is only human himself, he does what all people do. He grows older and older. He exploits magic he's found to extend his life and his health, but nothing completely stops the passage of time and he is growing old and sickly. He's currently not able to continue travelling with the Circus and it's rumoured among the Circus folk that he might finally be on his death bed, though they know better than to honestly hope for such a thing.
While he can no longer be there, day to day with the Circus, it is left in the hands of his beloved left-hand woman and aforementioned mistress, Gyokumen Koushou. And if the Circus folk thought Gyumaoh was bad…this woman is brutal, cold, and honestly seems to get off on making the Circus folk miserable. She sees them very much as less than human and she's cunning and crafty enough to do anything to achieve her own goals. And what are her goals, you might ask? For one, she wants to be absolutely filthy, stinking rich. Not only does she want a fortune of her own, but she wants the huge fortune Gyumaoh himself has amassed, and rumours state she might not only be behind Gyumaoh's illness but his wive's recent disappearance. For another, she wants the secrets to magic and to know how to harness those for herself.
Which is where Gyumaoh's trusted right-hand man comes in. Dr. Ni Jianyi seems to have with the Circus for as long as anyone can remember. Though he, in title, serves as the Circus' doctor and is supposed to look after the health and wellness of every single magical person, he's really with the Circus because Gyumaoh and Gyokumen Koushou both allowed him what he really wanted - research subjects. He's allowed to perform countless human experiments on those with magical powers as he seeks to gain all the knowledge about magic, what it truly is, where it comes from and why, and how normal, every day people can use and harness it. And he performs these human experiments with an almost terrifying zeal and level of sadism that makes him, quite honestly, the most feared person among those who are 'employed' by the Circus.
Now to go into the actual members of the Circus. Son Goku has actually been with the Circus the longest. Nobody's quite sure just how long besides those running the Circus. He was, in fact, Gyumaoh's first recruited member, sold to the public under the name of 'The Immortal Boy'. He is magical, yes…he never ages. Not even Goku himself knows where he actually comes from or how long he has been alive and he heals from all wounds. Members of the crowd are selected during Goku's exhibit, where he is chained to the floor, hands and ankles shackled, and those selected get to do any amount of harm, especially things that would kill normal folks, to prove his immortality. For his entire servitude with the Circus, when not on display, Goku was kept contained in a cage he cannot escape from, with only Circus' upper three as companionship. Gyumaoh couldn't allow his precious treasure to have any freedom, independence, or chance of escape, especially as Goku is not only his biggest draw and the crowd favourite, but is sort of a cautionary tale among the other Circus members of how much worse things can get whenever they feel the need to rebel.
So, Goku had never known anyone but Gyumaoh, Gyokumen Koushou, and Dr. Ni…that is, until the Circus 'recruited' Genjo Sanzo. Sanzo was an orphan, left to die of exposure in a basket on the river. He was found, at that time, by Ukoku Sanzo, who gave the baby a name and took him in. Ukoku raised Genjo with a completely normal life…almost. See, both Ukoku and Genjo were people blessed with magic, and Ukoku drilled it into Genjo early on that their magic was to stay hidden, to never use it. He told the young boy what Genjo always thought were just tall tales, cautionary tales, of a group of evil thiefs who came to steal magic if it was ever left loose and who would kill anyone who got in their way. But, unbeknownst to Genjo, at least at that time, not only were the tall tales all true but his precious father figure, the only person Genjo ever grew close to and loved, was the only member of Circus to ever escape, to ever thwart the contract and though his name was different then, he's become the stuff of legends to the Circus members, their own bedtime story.
Though it took years and year, Circus did find Ukoku though. In particular, Dr. Ni found Ukoku, who had formerly been his second-favourite test subject, right behind Goku. Honestly, it was only due to Genjo accidentally breaking the one rule, his magic exploding on a group of older boys who were badly bullying and almost torturing him. That hint of magic led Circus to investigate and when they investigated, Ni recognized Ukoku out in town. While Genjo was out to run errands, Dr. Ni tortured, interrogated, slaughtered Ukoku and, when the boy came back, Ni abducted the just tweenage age Genjo to take back to Circus.
Genjo is an odd addition to Circus. After Ni's repeated taunts about how Ukoku's death was all his fault, after all his experimentation on Genjo, Genjo refuses, even under torture, even under Ni's experiments, even under threats and severe mistreatment, to use his magic. Not only won't he use it for Circus, he refuses to use his magic again period. He had broken the rule once, after all, and it had led to the destruction of his whole world. He would respect Ukoku and love him moving forward by making sure to never break that rule again. So, since he cannot be made a side-show, and to continue his punishment and try to get him to break and grow compliant, Sanzo becomes the servant of even the servants. He's made to serve, set up, clean up, cook and feed the many performers and Circus' top three. He's underfed himself, exhausted physically and allowed little rest time. However, it's through that work that Sanzo meets Goku and the two strike up an odd, but enduring friendship. In the little time Sanzo can scrape out, he ends up camping besides Goku's cage, and the two boys grow to rely on each other, make each other feel stronger, more normal.
And the two boys grow to three and then to four with first the addition of Sha Gojyo. And oh boy, my lovelies, buckle up because the story of how Gojyo came to be a part of the Circus is not for the faint of heart. Gojyo was a bastard child, born out of his magical father's affair with a normal woman. The woman, after learning her child would likely be born with some degree of magical ability, and of her lover's own magical abilities, was disgusted, devastated and frightened. She wanted to get rid of the unborn child and would have…if Gojyo's father had not stopped her, held her captive until she birthed the child. The official story is she died in childbirth but only three people know the truth…Gojyo's father was actually married and his wife, after learning of her husband's affair and after months of having to look at his lover and take care of her snapped and attempted to kill Gojyo's mother. Gojyo's father stopped her, at first…then he made a bargain. He allowed his wife to butcher Gojyo's mother, with the compromise that she never harm his bastard son and agree to raise him alongside their legitimate son, Sha Jien. The worst part? Jien might have been very young, but he was old enough to realize what was happening and he witnessed the whole thing. However, the wife kept to her side of the bargain, raising Gojyo, though reluctantly so (as in she very much ignored and insulted him at every opportunity), at least up until Gojyo's late childhood, when his father died. After that, with her husband no longer around, her rage at the child grew and she started to brutally beat him whenever she could. Jien was always Gojyo's best friend, his protector, his beloved big brother, and Jien stepped in to calm his mother's temper, to protect his younger brother. What with Gojyo's father being magical, the wife being magical, and Jien being magical, the family had always been on the Circus' radar, but they didn't swoop in to grab anyone until that day…when Jien's mother tried to kill Gojyo. It was chaos and Gojyo's own magical powers awakened that day, though in the end it was Jien who actually killed his own mother, doing so to save his brother.
Gyumaoh was the one to actually take in the brother's. Well, kind of. See, it was decided that taking both into Circus as performers or servants would be too risky. The two together would be too much a source of support to each other, would give each other too much confidence and power. So Gyumaoh, in the aftermath of the chaos, when the boys were too dazed or, in Gojyo's case, unconscious in the wake of his powers, separated the two boys. Sha Jien was the boy left conscious, the one most aware, the one considered the most powerful and the one who Gyumaoh decided was the biggest threat. So he used a threat of his own - join Circus, and with Jien's superhuman strength and proven willingness to kill, become the private guard of Gyumaoh's own son, Kougaiji. And in return, Gyumaoh would spare the life of Jien's precious little brother and would take him in and give him a good life somewhere lovely. Too bad Gyumaoh doesn't exactly keep his promises, though Jien, renamed Dokugakuji to hide his status as the missing Sha Jien, witness and person of interest in his mother's murder, spent most of his life believing that Gyumaoh had.
Gojyo meanwhile, was taken immediately to Circus, told that his whole family had died and that he had been the one who killed both his 'mother' and his brother. Ni performed various experiments to enhance Gojyo's weak magical strength, told him he was giving the boy the chance to atone by using his magic, the magic that had murdered his family, for something good, for the amusement, astonishment, and delight of people. And so Gojyo becomes the Circus' strongman act, though he isn't treated much better than most of the performers, and still has to abide by the strict contracts that make his time in the Circus more indentured servitude. However, it's during this time that he and Sanzo meet. The two definitely don't get along, they fight more often than not, but maybe it's because the boys are around each other's ages, the only kids really around each other's ages at that time, but Gojyo kind of becomes interested in making friends. He follows Sanzo on one of Sanzo's visits to Goku and the three meet and it's with the addition of Goku that the three of them really stumble into this dysfunctional, bickering, weird and wonderful little friendship.
A friendship that is only added to when the Circus recruits a sixteen year old boy named Cho Hakkai. Hakkai's another one with a troubled past. An orphan who learned to use his own innate magic, the ability to know things simply by touching a person or object, to survive, becoming an expert grifter and pickpocket, found, at some point in time, a girl named Kanan who he ended up falling in puppy love with. Together, the two of them managed to make enough money to settle into a small town together. They lived together, presenting as a young couple starting their life together, both of them keeping their magic secret. Problem is, their magic was very similar and, as their relationship grew more loving and physical, they learned the truth - they were actually siblings. By then, though, they were too much in love, they were already a couple and they wanted to continue living their lives together. Both of them were already on Circus' radar, but Cho became a real target after, on his travels to make money, he found an injured baby dragon, something very, very rare. He named the dragon Jeep and took it in. The possibility of gaining a magical person and a rare magical creature was too much for Circus and Jianyi was sent to bring them in. And he managed to bring Cho and Jeep in…by having his own fun. It's unknown how exactly Jianyi gained his knowledge but he knew about the siblings actual connection to each other and he let it loose, through the grapevine, of their being not only siblings, but twins, in an incestuous relationship. The village not only shunned them, but bullied them badly in the next weeks, to the point where Kanan could no longer handle it. Jianyi had properly called her as too weak-minded for Circus, it seemed, because under the extreme persecution from the townspeople, she took her own life.
Left grieving and with his life in shambles, the only happiness he'd ever found taken away, the recently re-orphaned Hakkai was left susceptible to Jianyi's offer. He could find a new home in the Circus, where he would be taken care of and could learn to really harness and improve his magical gifts…improve them enough to take revenge on the town that had caused Kanan's death. The Circus could give that to him. So he signed the contract without a second thought.
Too bad that Circus was definitely not what Jianyi advertised it as. Hakkai was experimented on and he did gain much better control and more power, but he was so heavily drugged up and exhausted that he couldn't even think about getting away. He became the Circus' slave, both keeper of Jeep (as the dragon refused to behave and obey anyone other than Hakkai) and an act as a fortune teller, which people paid handsomely for. Unlike Sanzo and Gojyo, who didn't get along at all at first, Cho and Gojyo really hit it off when they met. It was through Gojyo that Hakkai found his first friend and grew to find more friends in Sanzo and Goku.
The four boys grew together, talked late into the nights, and though they argued and fought and seemed at times to almost hate each other, their bond became almost unbreakable, though they were all smart enough to keep it under wraps just how much so it was. Sometime throughout their years together in the Circus, the idea of a break-out, of an escape from Circus, got tossed out. At first it was just talk, just a wonderful dream to pass the time but I think at some point, the four of them really began to take it seriously. They plotted, planned, studied…and it worked, because they found a secret. They not only figured a way to break Goku loose from his chains, but they find a secret, a way out and they orchestrate the second breakout in the entire history of Circus.
Now, Gyokumen Koushou and Dr. Nii are definitely not happy about this breakout, especially given how precious and treasured a few of those escapees are. With Gyumaoh sick, Gyokumen Koushou really runs the show and she hasn't just been running Circus, but she's been meddling in other things. Her lover's legitimate wife, Rasetsunyo…nothing can be proven, but it's a pretty open secret that Gyokumen had the woman institunionalized. Rasetsunyo, mother of Gyumaoh's legimate son and heir to his fortune, is so heavily drugged and the institution won't allow Kougaiji visits with her, on Gyokumen's orders, as she's Gyumaoh's power of attorney and she gets to make those decisions.
And this is something she uses to her advantage to manipulate and use Kougaiji. She orders Kougaiji to track down and recapture the escapee's, using his own team, consisting of his bodyguard, Dokugakuji, and his childhood friend and a magical person with the ability to heal, Yaone. However, she also adds her own child with Gyumaoh, Lirin to his team, with orders to her daughter to keep an eye on the team and let her mother know if they weren't taking their orders with the utmost serious attitudes. However, this plan doesn't quite go to plan because honestly, Lirin has never really been coddled or even noticed by her mother, has always been super curious about the world outside Circus itself, and because she was never allowed to meet her half-brother, she's really just interested in getting to know him and spend time with him.
So the story really becomes the tale of their breakout, of their race to keep Circus from finding them, and Team Kougaiji really getting into all these hijinks trying to first find and then recapture the Sanzo Group, since they always seem to evade Team Kougaiji or end up beating them and re-escaping. It's by turns fun, funny, angsty, and uplifting and if I was to sit and write out the story, I can guarantee this would be a long, epic one, with a large focus really being on the character's, their stories and growth, and the bonds the characters all begin to grow and develop with each other.
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shouga-nai · 3 months
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They've certainly made a 'habit' out of saving/healing one another...
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ithisatanytime · 9 months
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ytamu1137 · 1 year
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I went to see 原始神母(GENSHI SHINBO) live today. Listening to Pink Floyd (Tribute) with everyone in an open and comfortable space was the best.
We all went to the other side of the moon.
Photography was OK only for the last song.
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hultown · 2 years
yaon - DAY - Single
yaon – DAY – Single
yaon – DAY – Single Released: 2022-06-22 Genre: Rap/Hip Hop TRACK LIST: 01. DAY (Feat. SKOLOR) MP3 320Kbps . FLAC 16B-44.1kHz
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walaumalistulog · 4 months
When does grieving really end?
I lost my father eight years ago. Matagal-tagal na rin. He suffered from the complications brought about by heart failure. I was 16 that time, you know, ang edad kung saan mas malupit ang mundo sa'yo: kung tama ba ang career path na iti-take mo, kung ano ba talaga ang sexuality mo bilang tao, kung mago-open ka ba ng bank account para maging financially independent ka, or simpleng red pa rin ba ang favorite color mo.
I saw him suffered right before my eyes. Nakita ko kung paano niya i-exert ang lahat ng Joules ng efforts niya para lang makahinga. Buto't-balat. Halos nagtagpo na ang balat sa kalamnan, at hindi alam kung alam pa ang salitang 'mabuhay'.
Eventually, sumuko rin siya. Hindi kinaya, in short. Wala nang maibugang lakas para manatiling buhay. Though, tinapat na kami ng doktor niya na malabo pa sa sabaw ng sinaing na maka-survive siya. Lagi akong humihingi sa Panginoon ng isang himala, na paggising ko, isang araw, maging normal na ang lahat. Maging worthy of a biblical story ang kaginhawahan ni Papa na capable ang Panginoon ng imposibleng mga bagay.
Nung namatay ang Papa, never ako umiyak. Umiyak ako, pero walang nakakita so technically, hindi counted. Hindi maaaninag sa itsura ko na nagluluksa ako that time---hindi mugto ang mata ko sa kakaiyak, hindi ako mukhang puyat, at never kong ipinakita sa mga tao na nagluluksa ako.
Dumating ang araw na ihahatid na sa huling hantungan si Papa, okay lang. Eventually aware naman na ako na ganoon ang kahahantungan. Ililibing din siya. After ng libing, panay ang mensahe ng pakikiramay ng mga taong hindi ko naman kilala: "nakikiramay ako, hijo," "mabuting tao ang tatay mo," o 'di kaya ay "magpakatatag ka,"
Dumating 'yung puntong gabi na at kaming tatlo---ako, kapatid ko, at ang biyuda kong nanay---ang natira sa bahay. Hiwa-hiwalay kami ng mga kwartong tinutulugan. Tahimik ang paligid, ngunit hindi ang aming bahay. Yaon na yata ang pinakamalalakas na iyak namin sa tanang buhay namin. Ang tahanan ang siyang dapat maging kanlungan ng pagtahan namin, ay hindi naging akma sa kanyang ngalan.
Ang weird lang kapag namatayan ka: minsan okay ka, minsan hindi. Madalas iniiyakan ko ang pagkamatay ng Papa, minsan hindi, ngunit hindi siya nawawala sa isip ko araw-araw.
May mga pagkakataong akala mo, okay ka na sa mga nangyari, ngunit mapapaisip ka pa rin kung bakit kailangan mangyari ang mga nangyari.
Minsan kapag napag-uusapan ang yumao, wala nang lungkot, pero parang may kurot sa puso---na parang ang lapit ng isang tao sa'yo dahil nararamdaman mo ang pagmamahal nila, ngunit malayo dahil hindi ito tanaw ng dalawa mong mata.
Ngayon, walong taon na ang lumipas. Kapag napag-uusapan, parang wala na lang, pero parang laging may kulang. Nalulungkot dahil ang mga pangakong binitawan at mga pangarap na pinaghirapan, ay hindi na mapagsasaluhan.
Tanggap na ng puso mo, pinaglipasan na ng pagkakataon, ngunit hindi mawawala ang dusa.
Napagtanto ko na grieving will never really end; things will just become less sorrowful and a little easier to accept. Hindi talaga mawawala ang pagluluksa, talagang likas sa atin na pagtiisang maniwala na magiging mabuti ang lahat.
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