toastiesyumyum · 4 years
im new to tumblr, please dont end me.
I'm honestly not sure where to approach this question, cause I am seriously struggling to find a story on DeviantArt, but considering how much quieter that platform has become, I feel I'm risking not getting an answer there.
I am looking for a GT story, that I really, really liked and for the life of me, can't recall the name of. Here's what it was about:
The human in it was called Lee, and he was stealing what was supposedly some high tech gadget from some rich guy, which turned out to be a tiny (a fairy), called Ben.
I believe it was quite short with 6-8 chapters, but really, really good and I'd love to be able to re-read it again.
¬Extra Info¬
The story followed their kinda journey and I just remember some specific scenes from that such as Lee deciding against turning in Ben to his boss to be a good samaritan, and Ben saying how that was about him then and his consciousness after all. There was a part at which he took them to a drive through and was giving Ben a burger which he didn't eat because he didn't eat meat. There was a scene where Lee encouraged Ben to drown his sorrows in alchohol. As far as I remember, in the end, Lee was caught up by the gang and shot, to which Ben unlocked some power of his own, knocking out the bad guys and taking out the bullet from Lee's body. Next thing was him waking up in a motel room, where Lee entered shortly, alive thanks to Ben, and accdientally scared him. They said that they would keep trying to find Ben’s home now, and I think that was the end of the story, but there was an extra one shot, where Ben was cold and asked to sleep on Lee's chest, and he was saying don't make this weird.
I know these are really random bits I remember, but it recently came back into my mind and I tell you, I searched everything in my favourites in DA and couldn't find it. If you know by any chance the author or the name of a story like this, please, please tell me <33
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toastiesyumyum · 4 years
Pros of being an ant: you can dodge microwave beams
Cons of being an ant: there's an animal called anteater
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toastiesyumyum · 4 years
Tumblr media
turtle school
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toastiesyumyum · 4 years
quotes that make me go feral
a list in no particular order
“Forgive me, for all the things I did but mostly for the ones that I did not.” -The Secret History, Donna Tartt
“My dear basil,” said Dorian, “What have you told me? Simply that you felt you admired me too much. That is not even a compliment.” “It was not intended as a compliment. It was a confession.” -The Picture of Dorian Gray
“In the darkness, two shadows, reaching through the hopeless, heavy dusk. Their hands meet, and light spills in a flood like a hundred golden urns pouring out of the sun.” -The Song of Achilles, Madeline Miller
We think we have many desires, but in fact we have only one. What is it?” “To live,” said Camilla. “To live forever.” -The Secret History, Donna Tartt
i’ll probably add more to this later but pls add your own too!! i wanna see what other quotes make people go absolutely insane
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