tocountonbothhands · 6 years
soo jin: the sinnamon roll
Soo Jin Takeda nonbinary, http://pronoun.is/ze/hir or they/them
born Nov 6 1989 5'4" half Korean (mother's side), half Japanese (father's side) born in Groveport, Ohio, later moves to Pittsburgh or Boston or New York old charahub page; has pictures
At first glance, Soo Jin is very much the "uwu" type. Ze's almost always smiling or laughing, and ze has a very light and airy look, both in terms of style and how ze carries hirself. Ze wears a lot of big sweaters and hoodies, fluffy skirts, loose jumper dresses, and knee socks. Ze's very affectionate with friends, and always seems to give off a casual, carefree vibe. But any idea of hir being a soft sweet waif is basically shattered once you hear hir speak. Ze's very crass--swears all the time, very candid with both insults and lewdness, and won't take anybody's shit. But smiling still, even as ze tells you to go shove a cactus up your ass.
Soo Jin is an artist and a storyteller, and lives for exploration and inspiration and discovery. Ze admires whimsy and change, but knows how to be patient and persistent enough to get things done. Mainly, ze's into drawing comics--silly cute cartoony shit, or cosmic horror, or porn. Ze's infatuated as much with cute and soft things as with horror and the grotesque. Especially mixing the two; ze was way into the whole creepy-cute, Invader Zim kind of aesthetic back when that was a popular thing. Soo Jin also has approximately 74686326 kinks. Also, a gamer, a dedicated shitposter, and weeb trash. Ze plays some tabletop RPGs and hir favorite character to use is an evil tiefling sorcerer who wants to get a castle and become a deity.
Ze's the kind of person who acts very differently toward the people they love and everyone else. If you're close, ze's going to coddle the fuck out of you, but if not then there's an even chance for hir to save your life or steal your car. It's not an 'inner face vs. outer face' kind of deal; they're all authentic--in fact, Soo Jin can hardly stand to be insincere. Ze just can't be bothered to give a fuck about most people, doesn't have the spoons for that shit. Ze's compassionate to a degree, but doesn't much care about morals or justice, and isn't very sympathetic to suffering that ze isn't directly witnessing. Although ze's somewhat active in social justice, it's motivated less by the idea of justice and more by direct concern for hir friends' safety. Ze's plenty good at lying to authority, though (which ze distrusts inherently). Ze hates following anyone else's rules, but will play along when ze knows it's the way to stay safe.
Ze likes to be seen as the caretaker, the strong one, the one all hir friends can rely on. Ze's terrified of being weak, and can't bear being seen when vulnerable--ze always holds the others when they're crying, it's never the other way around, it can't be. Hir doting, casual demeanor, and lack of judgment mean that ze winds up holding onto everybody's secrets, for better or worse. And ze takes pride in that. Even though it's tough to say whether everyone's secrets are truly safe with hir.
Soo Jin grew up upper middle class, and is the youngest of 3 or 4 kids. Ze doesn't have any ill will toward hir family, but doesn't get on especially well or feel very close to them. They're overwhelmingly practical people; ze's something of the dreamer of the family, and never felt understood, even though ze's well aware that pretty much everyone feels that way about their families. Ze's always been much closer with friends though, and had a big network of friends; even in childhood ze spent most of hir time at hir best friend's house next door. Ze was always a bright student, in the gifted program and whatnot, but never had much ambition. Still, ze was good enough at just quietly doing what was expected of hir to be successful. Ze ends up going to school for and working in biomedical engineering or pharmaceuticals, something that ze's good at but doesn't really care about, and that's close enough to hir parents' medical backgrounds for them to say they're proud. Soo Jin was born with a different (more gendered) name and changed hir name to this sometime around college. It's the name that hir mother told hir she used to imagine growing up and giving to her child someday.
Most of the time, Soo Jin is just a high school or college student with normal life circumstances, like mild anxiety/depression and going on 4chan with hir best friend in his basement and being in a complicated d/s relationship with hir roommate. Usually ze goes on to get a job ze hates but is good at and pays well enough to continue funding hir dorky hobbies like gaming and cosplay and having 583542 kinks. Ze's usually a passably ""good person"" or like at least within the range of acceptable behavior, but in some stories has occasionally been more cruel or even villainous. In most versions ze just saves that for the bedroom, though. Ze's been a professional dom in one story.
In a superhero AU, ze's an extremely amoral information broker who makes shady deals with heroes and villains alike.
In a Homestuck AU, ze's a Prince of Space, which equates to 'destroyer of matter' and meant being able to telekinetically tear apart the fabric of the (game?) world. Also a Derse dreamer.
In my brief deliberation I decided that hir Digimon crest thing might be Trust or Freedom.
In a Danganronpa AU, ze's Super High School Level Guro Artist (or webcomic artist or something), running multiple popular webcomics under different aliases, most notably a cosmic horror comic and an eroguro comic.
Back in high school I had this idea I yanked off of somebody's Deviantart OCs, about characters being personified 'Influences', ghosts that sort of haunt mortals with a certain feeling, and it was usually related to how they died. Soo Jin was the Influence of Laughter, who was violently murdered but laughing hir ass off the entire time because the killer was the last person ze would have ever expected to do something like that. And from that grisly place, ze went on to? spread laughter and joy??? idfk
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tocountonbothhands · 9 years
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100 Questions for Character Couples - Alyssa Hollingsworth
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tocountonbothhands · 9 years
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Retro Skate Jumper £19.99
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tocountonbothhands · 9 years
Get to Know My Characters
Is there a character you want to know a little more about? Well step right up and drop their name in my box–and I’ll tell you more about them. (Reblog to have folks do this for you) You’ll get to learn: 01. Full name: 02. Best friend: 03. Sexuality: 04. Favorite color: 05. Relationship status: 06. Ideal mate: 07. Turn-ons: 08. Favorite food: 09. Crushes: 10. Favorite music: 11. Biggest fear: 12. Biggest fantasy: 13. Bad habits: 14. Biggest regret: 15. Best kept secrets: 16. Last thought: 17. Worst romantic experience: 18. Biggest insecurity: 19. Weapon of choice: 20. Role Model:            
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tocountonbothhands · 9 years
Breaking The Rules AUs
We both attend a boarding school and we aren’t supposed to be out this late. I thought I heard a teacher. Quick hide in this small space with me!
I tried to sneak out using my window and now I’m hanging from it can you help me?
I was skipping class to sleep in an empty class room and you caught me but the door closed behind you and now we’re trapped inside cause the inside lock is broken.
Teacher left us alone in detention wanna make out??
I may have brought my pet to school by accident and it may have escaped you have to help me.
You just caught me stealing my phone back from the teachers desk and it turns out you were here to steal the lesson plans. Wow you’re a thief….
I just accidentally kicked a rock too hard and it broke that window and you saw it happen
I run a (technically illegal) snack shop in school and you’re the student council president who caught me
You accidentally broke the clay figure the boss keeps on their desk and some how I’m helping you fix it??? 
I accidentally stumbled upon your makeshift hideout on school grounds let me nap here and I won’t say a word.
I may or may not be the one who set off those fireworks but on the off chance that I was what would I have to do to get out of trouble???
You know that I’m the one who set the teachers ringtone to boys moaning and called them during class now you’re using this against me.
Someone has been leaving post it notes with hyper realistic dicks drawn on them around the school and as Student Council President I have to find out who it is
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tocountonbothhands · 9 years
aries is passion, fire in their veins, endless energy. they want to live forever and just experience everything, passionate about life and love and anything that holds their interest. they want to be the best at everything. they’re icarus flying too close to the sun, achilles and his power and his immortality. they’re loud and wild and they want the world, to live with childish excitement. their anger, though, is unpredictable and terrifying, like a volcano or a dragon that leave nothing behind their fury.
taurus is patience, the slow tick of the clock, lazy naps and plants and the smell of the earth after rain. they want to enjoy the pleasures of life, luxury and love and food and beauty. loyal and sensual, stubborn and traditional. stable with roots deep in the earth, they often get called materialistic for their love of beautiful things. but taurus is ruled by venus, and they long for romance before anything else, to care for someone and being loved in return. 
gemini is wit and fun, the sign of peter pan. they are unpredictable, mutable air, changing every second from a face to another. they are talkative, manipulative and fun-loving. they have a way with words, and can talk their way out of any situation. they’re brilliant, really, smart in every sense of the word. they lose interest in things quickly, but they know a bit about everything. they have this youthful appearance, a personality that gets easily excited, and they’re not really fond of routine or responsibility.
cancer is the tide, the gentle glow of the moon, the waves crashing on the shore. they feel everything deeply, even though they don’t like to show it. they are very protective of those they love. they are the rain on a cold january day, the warmness of a blanket, the touch of a lover. bossy and moody, they are wonderful friends ; cancer will care when no one else does. they can be very loving and caring, but if they don’t like you, they will make sure you know it.
leo is courage and love and generosity. leo is the sun, and rules the heart ; they are emotional and warm and need attention and affection. they give back the love they receive with surprising intensity. but they are still lions : kings of the jungle, big lazy golden cats with magnificent hair and a playful spirit. leo is sunflowers, a sunny afternoon, vibrant laughter and brilliant smiles. but they are also very dramatic, and have mean claws they will not be afraid to use.
virgo is the endless pursuit of perfection. they want to finish everything they start and do everything that has to be done. like gemini, they are ruled by mercury, and have a great ability with words. though unlike the twins, virgo is better at writing than talking. they are very observant and detail-oriented, they notice if anything, anything, is slightly out of place. they are always happy to help, if a bit nervous, and make excellent detectives. they are often stereotyped as nerdy and boring, but they have a brilliant mind and a loving heart; they just struggle to share their emotions.
libra is balance and harmony, peace and equality. but if anything disturbs the balance, they can quickly lose themselves in indecisiveness and chaos. they are the sign of peace, but that does not mean they are docile ; they have aries’ rebellious spirit and a desire to break the boundaries. like taurus, they are ruled by venus, which is evident in their romantic nature and love of beauty and art. they often excel in painting or poetry. they are a wolf in a sheep’s clothing, a flower with hidden thorns, and despite their beauty and grace, their heart can easily turn to ice. 
scorpio is death and passion and spirituality. they feel a deep connection to the underworld, to darkness and secrets and mysteries. they are secretive and intense, very observant, but unlike virgo, they analyze everyone they meet. they can be overcome by jealousy, and their feelings are always deep and overwhelming. they love with everything they have. they are impossible to forget, they will brand their name into your skin, and their words into your soul. they are vengeful and know exactly where to strike, how to hurt and create a wound that will never heal. 
sagittarius is freedom and travel and sharp intellect, honesty and a carefree personality. they are simple people, and don’t need much to be happy. optimistic and adventurous, they are allergic to responsibility. they don’t really care what anyone thinks of them. they are smart and they know it. they are hilarious, with a great sense of humor and a lively personality. contrary to popular belief, they love with surprising intensity, and as long as you don’t try to hold them down, they will love you fully.
capricorn is the ice queen. with a cold exterior, always in control, they appear to be emotionless. that couldn’t be farther from the truth. they are ambitious and hard-working, yes, but they’re hardly the cold-hearted businessman everyone paints them to be. they have a wonderful sense of humor, a brilliant mind, and often make remarkable writers. they believe you should always try and work hard to make your dreams come true. they want to succeed and will stop at nothing to get what they want. their determination is admirable, as is their creativity. like virgo, they may struggle with displays of emotions, but that doesn’t mean they don’t feel them, or the stress, or the pression to succeed.
aquarius is the mad scientist in his fucked-up lab, inventing and creating night and day. they are rebellious and creative, with a modern and bright mind. their intelligence sometimes makes them feel superior to others, and they distance themselves from society even more. aquarius want to break all the rules and create a new, better world. like capricorn, they are often mistaken as being emotionless, but they are humanitarian and suffer with the world. they have opinions on pretty much anything and will fight you on them any day. they love being unique, original, shock, stand out from the crowd. 
pisces is 3 am, vodka & psychedelic music. lou reed, kurt cobain and karen carpenter’s haunting voice. they’re wonderland, a sinking ship, lazy afternoons and heavy eyelids, a mess of feelings and obsessions. they feel everything, and are often exhausted by social interaction. they run away from responsibility, from life, from routine and obligations and reality. they’d rather not be here, and their escapism can manifest in many forms, through drugs and alcohol or creative expression. they are idealistic and awkward, romantic and mutable. 
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tocountonbothhands · 9 years
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tocountonbothhands · 9 years
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So!!!!!! one of the questions i get the most asked is how to get out of a creative funk or how to get out of an art rut, nowadays i cant really afford to be in an art rut so i kind of just go until it goes away, but something that DOES help me get the creative juices flowing is to re-think an idea, i live for redesigns and reimaginations of things, not only are they fun, but they are great to get ideas and creativity going! so here’s this challenge!
edit: had military twice there, sorry!
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tocountonbothhands · 9 years
a psychic parasite (e.g. ring spirit) venting about all the petty things that irritate them about having to share brainspace with their host
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tocountonbothhands · 9 years
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cat face cardigan - $36.99
up to size 18!
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tocountonbothhands · 9 years
Secret Fears
♈ Aries: Aries fear that they don't fear 'fear'. Most of them are insightful enough to know they can leap head on into danger unnecessarily and spend half their life making up for the other half's mistakes
♉ Taurus: People will think they are boring. To make up for it they bake food or take people out because they are worried they alone aren't enough
♊ Gemini: Other people will see how internally wound up and vulnerable they are. How much they really need somebody there; no matter how independent they may seem. Needing another person at all scares Gemini
♋ Cancer: Having a volatile family life. Most Cancers fear divorce but also believe it will never happen to them
♌ Leo: People will tire of their theatrics and neediness and reject them entirely. That eventually people will give up on trying to assure them and cope with their drama
♍ Virgo: People will judge them and treat them differently if they are not at least fulfilling some purpose or use for being around
♎ Libra: They will be alone forever and unloved
♏ Scorpio: They will open up and share a secret to somebody, but be rejected / betrayed
♐ Sagittarius: They will love somebody more than the other person loves them. They will need somebody more than they are needed.
♑ Capricorn: Because everyone puts so much faith in them, they are secretly worried they will just destroy everything and don't know who to ask for help
♒ Aquarius: Eventually they will just drift entirely away from everybody. That one day they will be unable to decipher what is rational and not. A true sense of isolation
♓ Pisces: That people only pretend to like them. Most Pisces can't figure out why they have friends or why they are liked. They are constantly comparing themselves
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tocountonbothhands · 9 years
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tocountonbothhands · 9 years
fun game: put your playlist on shuffle. make a new OC based on the first three songs you get
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tocountonbothhands · 10 years
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tocountonbothhands · 10 years
100% proven zodiac analyses
aries: short-tempered kind-hearted babies
taurus: stubborn knucklehead cuties who are nice to everyone
gemini: intelligent blabber-mouths w a great sense of humor
cancer: over-emotional compassionate lil cupcakes
leo: melodramatic fun-loving fucks
virgo: creative whiny pissbabies who are intellectually stimulating
libra: ditsy carefree pacifist qts
scorpio: intensely emotional secretive bad bitches
sagittarius: honest philosophical travel-agents who don't give a fuck
capricorn: organized self-driven sarcastic dickheads
aquarius: extroverted detached open-minded freaks
pisces: sensitive lazyasses who are ideological + creatively stimulating
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tocountonbothhands · 10 years
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tocountonbothhands · 10 years
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30 Day OC Challenge! by danniichan
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