tokanien2 · 5 years
A Surprise with eight legs
hey guys! This is my first upload here. English is not my first language. Feel free to leave your opinion! I hope you enjoy reading. 
Zoro x Reader 
It is a wonderful day. Hot but not too hot. Perfect for exercising. So I am on my way to find him. He is probably asleep again in some corner or has begun to train without me. I am just heading for the Crows Nest, when suddenly Luffy and Chopper nearly run me over. They have, once again, stuck chopsticks in their noses and mouths and are discussing who looks more hilarious. I have been a member of Luffys crew for about two months now. He did not stop annoying me back then. And to be honest, I do not regret it. I tend to get along with everybody but especially my relationship with the Mosshead is different. Sometimes he is nice and sometimes he ignores me. Sometimes we train together. Unfotunately I have a crush on him and it hurts me even more when he ignores me.
So I climb up into the Crows Nest and see him already exercising.
„Hey! Can I join in?“ I ask him.
„If you want to“ he marbles back.
After initial difficulties we still had a good workout. I am totally exhausted and decide to take a shower. It is already dark outside and all the others sleep or went inside because Zoro has to keep watch today.
Leisurely I go to the bathroom and take off my clothes. I just want to get under the refreshing water as I see it. So disgusting. A little panic scream came out of my mouth. I hope that nobody heard it. Normally, I am always tough and do nearly everything myself. This monster is just way too big, bigger than my hand. So here I am totally naked and try to make a decision. Either not showering or fetching someone. But everybody is probably asleep. No, not everybody. Killing the spider on my own is not an option. I think I maybe have a little phobia. So I do not really have another option. I grab a towel and wrap it around my body. I leave the bathroom and go outside.
“Hey Zoro?” I ask.
“What? If the water is not working again, I can not help you!” he replied.
“No. The water is fine I think. Please come take a look.” I do not want to know what he thought.
The whole situation was so embarrassing for me. I thought he would ignore me again, but to my surprise he came down and walked into the bathroom.
“What should be here?” he asked me annoyed. I also entered the bathroom. His eyes moved to me. There I was in a towel that was way too short. That is exactly what he seemed to realize because he looked at me a little too long.
“ It is in the shower. Could you please take it outside?”
I really expect every reaction, but not this one. Zoro looked inside the shower and shuddered. He did not move.
“Seriously?” escaped my mouth.
The strong and cold swordsman is afraid of spiders. Suddenly, I did not feel so ridiculous about my fear.
“What should we do now? I do not think she will go, if we just ask her nicely.”I said ironically.
Oh no. The spider seemed to see that as an invitation to leave the shower. Panic. We both jumped, in total panic, on the edge of the bathtub and collapsed slightly. He held me tight because otherwise I would have fallen and would be an easy victim for the spider. So we just stand there, arm in arm on the edge of the bathtub. I am still just wearing the towel. We watch as the spider crawls out of the door.
After a short time we both realize the situation and I cannot say which head was redder. In panic he took his warm arms from me. There was an awkward silence. We looked at each other and I could have sworn that I saw regret in his eyes. What is this supposed to mean ? Doe he like me?
“Can this situation be our secret?” he asks me. I nod. He is probably as embarrassed as I am and he did not want to drop his guard infront of the others, especially not Sanji. He would tease Zoro forever.
“You can shower now” he said and left the bathroom. His gaze darted in every corner outside. Who knows where the spider went. He is really cute, I thought. So I close the door and finally took my shower.
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