tokesxo · 15 days
wise woman
-a poem from me to u
they laugh at her
they laugh at her together
they laugh at the wise woman
the wisest woman they know
she may not have went to school
she may not have had an education
she may not have been ‘smart’
but she was wiser than anyone they knew
the daughter she raised
the man she ‘loved’
laughed hard
they laughed at her together
all because she didn’t understand
but that doesn’t mean she didn’t know
as she was the wisest woman they knew
but they didn’t care
they still laughed
all because they thought her brand new
they thought her inferior
but she knew
making her feel much wearier
they laughed
at the wisest women they knew
as she held her back straight
yet a piece of the wise woman broke
as they laugh at her together
a/n: this is the first poem i’ve ever written apart from being in class and i hope u like it. if u would like me to explain in i would love to
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tokesxo · 15 days
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tokesxo · 1 year
When someone asks me, "what is wrong?" | simply reply them "I'm just tired" and they say to take a nap.
But this exhaustion, it is not something simply resolved by sleeping, i can't simply shut my eyes and wake up okay.
I need a break from my mind, my life, my feelings, this world. My soul needs a break and peace, away from everything worldly.
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tokesxo · 1 year
Success, to me, is waking up every morning and liking myself.
That's it. That's the whole definition. Which means I have to show up and write in my little journal and take my little walks and exclaim at the beauty of trees and take note of when the flowers bloom and when the leaves fall and when it's watermelon season. Because I can't like myself if I also neglect myself. And I can't be alive if Tdon't notice my life while I have it.
And it means that if there's something on my soul that I feel I need to create, I need to water it, carve out a bit of time in my day to make sure I give my gifts enough space to grow. It means need people in my life who see the real me, and support that.
It means I can't be the biggest barrier in my own way. It means I need to do the inner work to clear out the immense clutter of limiting beliefs so that I may be free to meet the truest version of myself. It means I focus on being present with myself so that every day, I wake up knowing I am loved. It means I hold myself at the highest regard so that when lopen my eyes in the morning, Ifeel incredibly lucky to be me. Now, that is success.
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tokesxo · 1 year
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tokesxo · 1 year
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tokesxo · 2 years
my heart is longing to be loved
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tokesxo · 2 years
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did a little bit of exploring today 😇
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tokesxo · 2 years
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tokesxo · 2 years
i wish i knew how to express myself more candidly but i don’t. instead i lay here numb & speechless.
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tokesxo · 2 years
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i hate this feeling
it’s like i’m here, but i’m not.
like someone cares, but they don’t.
like i belong somewhere else, anywhere else but here.
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tokesxo · 2 years
and in the end,
we are all just humans,
drunk on the idea
that love,
only love,
could heal our brokenness.
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tokesxo · 2 years
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tokesxo · 2 years
being separated from a long term relationship is so… odd. you go threw so many phases of thoughts & feelings. at first i was so sad & now i just feel numb. he used to be my safe person, now he no longer is. he was my best friend & the person i talked to everyday, now i am becoming my own best friend & trying to find comfort in the peace. but, it’s such a change. a change i did not see coming. we admittedly had our problems, it was toxic & abusive. but somehow i still found comfort in his arms. why? i try not to dwell on the why’s & what if’s. but why did 6 years amount to such an explosive ending where my entire plan, everything i have tried so hard for was crushed? it isn’t fair he could say such mean things, do such horrible physical things & just walk away. like it never happened. leaving me with a damaged heart. i guess i’ll never know the answers to these questions. i just hope he finds peace. i hope that my life turns around for the better & i find myself, who i truly am meant to be in this crazy chaotic world.
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tokesxo · 2 years
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Cappuccino swirl bars
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tokesxo · 2 years
“growth isn’t always constant. relapses happen. it doesn’t erase all your success.”
— Unknown
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tokesxo · 2 years
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