tokkaweek · 2 years
hi @tokkaweek , better late than never lmao
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tokkaweek · 2 years
Chapter 6, day 6: 5+1 (or in this case, 4+1+1)
Summary: Sokka & Toph find out where they stand.
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tokkaweek · 2 years
Thank You!
Tokka Week 2023 is officially over, and we just want to say thank you so much to everyone who participated. All the content that emerged was truly amazing —this Tokka Week couldn’t have been a success without all of you. The Tokka Community is genuinely such a CREATIVE and WELCOMING place and we’re so glad it is remaining so!
Some Final Notes:
Some of you may have noticed that we followed a pretty strict tagging system. This is to make life easier for anyone who will come back to this blog in the future to find Tokka Week content. Below is our tagging system so that you can search at your leisure
Type of creative (#fic or #art etc)
Username (#InsertYourURLHere)
What day/prompt the creative used (#day 7: realization or whatever the prompt for that day was)
If you haven’t published anything for Tokka Week but would like to do so, don’t worry! Just make sure you tag us and we will make sure to reblog it to this blog so it can be officially included in the hall of 2023 Tokka Week content. It’s never too late for some Tokka Love!
Once again, thank you all for the awesome participation this week. We truly flooded the dashes! Until next time! Cheers 🥂
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tokkaweek · 2 years
Chapter 5, day 7: Realization
Summary: Sokka realizes he has been an idiot.
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tokkaweek · 2 years
Here we are, the last day of @tokkaweek! (sob) I've loved seeing so much Tokka on my dash, and enjoyed everyone else's fics so much!
This is the last installment for my fic (Day 7: Realization), and it's really more of an epilogue.
Rating: Teen and Up
Warnings: None
“Do you want me to get your–” Sokka began, though he gave up when three bags came flying out of the suite's front door to land in a pile at his feet. “Never mind.”
“I hate alcohol.” Toph trudged out a moment later, her bun messier than usual, with Lin trailing along behind. 
“No, you don’t.” He smirked and handed over the thermos he’d brought along. “Katara made this for you. Should help with the hangover and being on the airship.”
“Thank fuck.”
Sokka gathered up her luggage and turned to Lin, who had her own little backpack. “Do you want me to carry yours?”
“No, I can do it myself! I’m not hanged-over.”
He choked back a laugh and glanced over at Toph, who was busy chugging her drink. As many times as he had—discreetly—told her to slow down during the after-party, he’d thought she might have the grace to express at least a little regret for not listening to him.
Who am I kidding? It’s Toph.
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tokkaweek · 2 years
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Tokka Week 2023 – Day 7: Realization
"Uh... Toph?" "What more can I do to make you realize, you idiot?"
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tokkaweek · 2 years
Day 7: Realization
But I’m Reflecting Light
“Oh, and, uh, Sokka,” Hakoda says on his way out of the dojo, catching his son’s attention. “You should keep an eye on the dock tonight, son. Some… precious cargo should be arriving for you soon.”
Sokka eyes the somewhat knowing and smug look on his father’s face with suspicion. He’s about to question him, but Hakoda is already on his way out.
Immediately, he turns to look at his sister with obvious skepticism. “What was that?”
Katara pushes her bottom lip out and shrugs to make an unconvincing show of her cluelessness. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, big brother.”
OR: Sokka goes home after a while, but feels that something—or someone—is missing until she’s not.
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tokkaweek · 2 years
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Avatar: The Last Airbender Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Toph Beifong/Sokka, Aang/Katara (Avatar), Mai/Zuko (Avatar) Characters: Toph Beifong, Sokka (Avatar), Aang (Avatar), Katara (Avatar), Azula (Avatar), Zuko (Avatar), Mai (Avatar), Suki (Avatar), Iroh (Avatar) Additional Tags: Tokka Week 2023 (Avatar), Not LOK Compliant, DISGUSTINGLY large amounts of fluff, Romantic Fluff, Fluff, Romance Series: Part 7 of to transcend lifetimes. Summary:
”Jagiya, are you proposing?” She smiles in spite of herself, lets the humor seep into her voice. “I don’t know,” Sokka says, waving a hand in the air lazily. “I’m kinda high off these herbs that the healer gave me. Am I proposing?” Toph shakes her head and flicks a pebble at him, so gently that he doesn’t even pretend it hurt. “You are insufferable.” “Oh come on,” Sokka sighs, yawning. He’s clearly drifting off to sleep. “You love me.”
[Or, five times Sokka jokingly proposes to Toph and one time he proposes for real. Tokka. Oneshot. Written for @tokkaweek 2023.]
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tokkaweek · 2 years
hello @tokkaweek we made it to day 4 only 2 days behind lmao
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tokkaweek · 2 years
Day 6: Fake Dating for @tokkaweek!
Don't take the prompt at face value! XD
“That motherfucker. I should–”
“Toph. No,” Sokka said with his hands on her shoulders. “You definitely shouldn’t.”
“You don’t even know what I was going to say.”
“I’ve got a pretty good idea.”
She suddenly felt herself deflate as the rage was replaced with weary frustration. No matter how old she got or how many awesome things she managed to accomplish, it would never be enough for some people. People like Matuuk. “I hate it here.”
“It’s only one more day. Suck it up for one more day, then we’ll be gone and–”
“And have to figure out what to do about your newfound obsession with me?” she interrupted with an impish smirk.
“Hey, you’re the one that’s secretly been in love with me for the last twenty-five years.”
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tokkaweek · 2 years
Day 6: Fake Dating/5+1
This Feeling of Make-Believe 
“My parents are in town.”
At those five words, Sokka props himself up on his elbows on his bed to look at Toph. She stands, leaning against his room’s door frame with a smirk on her face.
He groans and throws himself back down. “No, stop it—”
“‘Fraid I can’t, boyfriend,” Toph replies with a teasing grin that he wants to scream at. “Dinner tonight with the ‘rents. You know the drill.”
OR: Sokka agrees to be Toph’s fake boyfriend for the sake of her sanity
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tokkaweek · 2 years
Chapter 2, day 2: flowers/gifts
Summary: On their way to the Fire Nation, Sokka gives Toph a gift.
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tokkaweek · 2 years
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Tokka Week 2023 – Day 5: Gossip/Whispers
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tokkaweek · 2 years
Day 5: Gossip/Whispers
I’ll Keep You My Dirty Little Secret
“No, no. I saw her.”
“Wait, saw who?”
“The chief. She walked into Sokka’s office just now, and I think we all know what’s about to go down in there.”
“Oh, come on. Sokka’s not the kind of guy who can pull The Toph Beifong. That’s—yeah, no.”
OR: Sokka and Toph are dating on the down low and they overhear some gossip.
About them.
day 5! in the books! i love this! i hope you enjoy this one <3 @tokkaweek
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tokkaweek · 2 years
Day 5: Gossip for @tokkaweek!
Izumi leaned against the doorframe and crossed her arms. “You’re looking extra dashing today, Uncle. Trying to impress someone?”
“When is he not?” Zuko said with a smirk.
Before Sokka could defend himself, Izumi cut him off.
“Well, if the rumors can be believed, no amount of preening is going to make a difference.”
Sokka froze and turned to her with what he hoped was a confused frown. This again? Aloud he asked, “What’s that supposed to mean?” But he knew from the mischievous twinkle in her eye that he was about to be in trouble.
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tokkaweek · 2 years
Day 4: Pining for @tokkaweek!
Rating: Teen
Immediately following her argument with Sokka, Toph stormed off and eventually ended up at the front entrance, ordered an attendant to get her parka and boots, then stomped outside to wander aimlessly.
The danger of walking into—or off of—any number of things was very real, she knew, but at the moment she didn’t give a crap. Anyway, there were enough pedestrians around to prevent any catastrophes. Hopefully.
And so she walked with all the confidence of a sighted person—or at least, she pretended to—and tried to find her way back to where Lin was. Mortified as she was by what had just happened, she wasn’t about to further bruise her pride by slowly feeling her way along. Or asking for a guide.
I’m Toph fucking Beifong. I can do what I want. I can get lost in this damn ice prison if I want. As long as it’s away from Sokka, then I’m happy. How dare he say that to me?! What a self-righteous jackass.
But try as she might, she couldn’t stop the memory of the first part of their conversation from invading her drunken thoughts. For the first time in twenty-five fucking years, he had finally opened his eyes and looked at her. And apparently, he liked what he saw. There was no point in trying to rationalize it as something else anymore. He’d admitted it.
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tokkaweek · 2 years
Day 4: Pining/Reconnecting
Like the Back of My Hand
Suki knows how Sokka looks at someone when he’s in love.
She’d once been on the receiving end of that look.
Suki isn’t bitter about it, though. Not at all. But she is bitter about the fact that he’s not doing anything about who he’s unknowingly giving that look to.
The dumb-dumb.
yeah idk what this is and it’s a bit of a mess but! i still hope it’s enjoyable :)
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