tolearncomputers · 11 years
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Pasted from DA:
Character | Attributes Felix | Sky Hash | Brave Characters of different species with compatible attributes can pair up in symbiosis as Dyads. Where their abilites learn and benefit from each other, helping each toher to survive. Characters are from RiGBY. Sky - The unreachable giant that encased the world. The wind, the rain, the scorch. They are merely a show of it’s power. The sky is a gracious protector, and yet a moody tyrant. How ever changing it may be, one remains constant. It has always been there for all. Brave - Courage. Intangible, strength immeasurable. It is a magic that brings forth change. It is a sword that cuts down fear and despair. It is a force that lets us call out and touch the heavens.
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tolearncomputers · 11 years
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It’s just a sketch request though and I couldn’t find a ref besides your icon.
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tolearncomputers · 13 years
Deep Freeze
I've used this for some of my XP computers. Now XP might be old, but it's still dependable. Deep Freeze is a program that 'saves' a chosen partition(s) in your Hard Disk. Once you reset, any changes to that partition will be lost. It's a great way to keep your system from getting any serious damage. Viruses, Trojans and other malicious software will disappear once you turn the computer off.
But Deep Freeze does have a problem. You shouldn't change the partitions(add, resize, remove) while Deep Freeze is installed. Even in the Thawed State. It's too risky. Chances are, you'll end up having an irremovable Frozen state. Where uninstalling Deep Freeze will not remove it. Once you restart, it's still there.
This problem needed a reformat to deal with.
Another thing about that program... every other month it seems to corrupt the boot sectors. Easily fixable by using Super Grub Disk.
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tolearncomputers · 13 years
Say you're facing a computer problem and it's gotten so bad, and there's a voice in your head that tells you that hell you're not going to reformat that.
So you Google solutions and look at the best options. You're a do-it-yourself guy and no you're not going pay someone to do something you can do for free.
But people kept saying things left and right, and you don't know what to believe. So you decide to try all of it.
By the next two hours or so you realized you just made things worse.
Trial and error, dude.
You can't fully trust the top of the searches. People that kept on saying things work might just be paid to do it.
I'll post in this blog things I've actually tried that works for me.
And no, I will not get a Mac.
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