tom2018ana-blog · 1 year
Loving someone is not about what I can get from you. It's about how I can help you too. But are you worthwhile for my time and help?
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tom2018ana-blog · 1 year
I was treated at a private psychiatric hospital and befriended with a fellow patient. He was in his mid-40s and a straight man. I decided not to be his friend after I was discharged. Here are the reasons:
1. He outed me (along with another 'friend') as a transgender sex worker. This is my story to tell. Not theirs.
2. He believed that genders are either male, female & trans (seriously lacking education)
3. He said that gay people are not allowed to compliment their eye colours because that's gay.
4. Gay people definitely cannot call straight guys honey, love or sweetie
Having said that, thank you for keeping my company by playing pingpong, monopoly and UNO.
Au revoir, my ex-friend x
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tom2018ana-blog · 1 year
Last night, I had a conversation with my cousin in China (I live in Australia). She has two children and adored them. There was one time that she told me that if I don't have a child then I will grow old and lonely. I cried really hard afterwards, believing that it would be the case. However, six years later, my cousin said that if she had her time again, she wouldn't have had any children. She also said that the only purpose of having children, is to make sure you don't die alone in your apartment and decompose.
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