tomionekinkmeme · 4 years
Random Event
Take your time, as most of us are in Quarantine from this COVID-19. Write a piece where Tomione are stuck in quarantine together, somewhere very unlucky...at first. Any rating allowed. Tomione must be the focus. Go crazy!
(And please, follow submission rules.)
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tomionekinkmeme · 5 years
PSA: Big Bang
Only four people turned up to be the last standing in participating for the Big bang. Half of them aren’t even close to being done, but still have strong plans to finish soon enough. 
I’m here to be annoying and say that you can submit on the 25th or by August 5th. You do you, fam. 
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tomionekinkmeme · 5 years
Alright lovelies. Final check in before the due date July 25th! Please make sure you fill it out. We ended up have 5/7 authors complete as far as the first check in goes, even after emails. Please make sure the five of you fill this one out or you will be disqualified. I love you all!
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tomionekinkmeme · 5 years
A few days late because life happened. Here’s the first check-in. Please keep in mind that this is vital to fill out if you still want to qualify for the Big Bang. Please make sure you have the form filled  out by the 25th. <3 
Remember to come with me if you need to talk about anything.
- Alice
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tomionekinkmeme · 5 years
Big Bang: Get Ready!
Reminder to everyone participating that on the 31st, there will be the first check-in. It will be a link to a google form that you’ll just have to answer some questions. If no one responds to them by the second check-in on June 25th, they will be disqualified. 
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tomionekinkmeme · 5 years
Big Bang Claimings are Closed
If you have any issues, questions, please contact me.
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tomionekinkmeme · 5 years
Tomione Big Bang Update/Reminder
Sign-ups are closed.
Claiming is still going on and I have 5/7 authors without a claimed beta yet. (Or without news that they don’t want/need a beta.)
4/7 writers have a prompt claimed.
Claiming ends on the 20th.
If for any reason you want to sign-up from here until the 20th, please email me at [email protected] or message me on Tumblr. I’m sure we can work something out. I’m a flexible person. You can even message me on discord @Shiverpass#8153.
Reminder you can comment your claim here. Or go ahead and just claim the prompt you want here. 
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tomionekinkmeme · 5 years
I highly apologize for an inconvenience.
I have updated the Google Doc for claiming. If anyone hasn’t been able to claim yet, you should be able to now. https://docs.google.com/document/d/10ECTWSq5ljZucGSqlrka8RBgM-oaBuOQPlPqXDs9IoY/edit?usp=sharing
Please Note: There are no rules against claiming a prompt someone else has also claimed. More the merrier. Write what you want!
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tomionekinkmeme · 5 years
Hi there, is there a maximum word limit for the Big Bang, or does it just have to be over 25k?
There is no maximum word limit! It only needs to be at least 25k words long. :)
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tomionekinkmeme · 5 years
The cut-off for claiming your prompts and betas has been moved to the 20th due to seeing an error in the timing. I realized it doesn’t give you guys much time. Please remember to claim what you need asap, get in touch with the betas you want, and remember that sign-ups for the Big Bang end on the 30th!
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tomionekinkmeme · 5 years
Claiming Time!
Sorry, I had a really long and busy day. But the claiming link is finally here! You may view and comment. I will let you use this as a way to get first dibs on claiming! I’ll edit your comments to claims.
Writers, please be courteous and ask the beta to be yours first before claiming. 
Also, reminder that sign-ups end on the 30th if you haven’t joined the Big Bang yet! (See previous posts on the blog for more info.)
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tomionekinkmeme · 5 years
Tomione Big Bang Update
Here’s an update, my lovelies! Sign-ups are coming to an end here on the 30th. If you wanna join in, please, don’t be shy! Claiming prompts and beta’s will be starting here in a few days on the 25th, so get ready! We have:
6 Writers
6 Betas willing to write for an unlimited amount of writers all together. (Seriously, we’ve got an amazing abundance of beta’s, it’s amazing.)
16 prompts waiting to be claimed! (If you don’t wanna participate but wanna submit a prompt, you’re more than welcome to on the official Ao3.)
0 Artists. (oof...)
Don’t forget guys, if interested:
Sign-Up Form
Official Ao3 Page
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tomionekinkmeme · 5 years
Big Bang Update:
(Anyone is welcome to sign-up for the Big Bang. There’s still time! If interested, please check out this post right here: x )
The 25th is coming upon us! That is going to be the date in which we’ll start claims for artists, betas, and prompts (though anyone on Ao3 is already welcome to start claiming a prompt that stands out to them), and also we get to all come together to see who all will participating in one way or another. That will also be the date to mark that sign-ups will soon be coming to an end on the 30th. 
There are a few things I’d like to bring to your attention.
I’d like to invite anyone to submit a prompt to contribute to the Big Bang for authors to choose from as we only have 5 prompts. You don’t have to write or be a beta. All you have to do is sign-up to the Ao3 collection for the Big Bang and submit whatever prompts you want (link: x ). You can submit up to 5. If you want to submit more than that, you can come to me about it and I’ll up the limit for you. 
We still have 0 artists signed up for the Big Bang. In case anyone was wondering what that would entail, it’s just basically asking for artists to create banners and/or covers for stories using whatever programs on your computer. Nothing drawn, nothing sketched. Just a graphic. If no one signs up by the time sign-ups end, I’ll try my best to offer up what I can do to those who want one.
We are still sitting at a generous amount of betas. 4 betas who are willing to write for 12 writers approximately all together. If you still want to sign up as a beta, you’re more than welcome to. The more the merrier, considering everyone has their own comforts and discomforts for beta’ing, so it’s always nice to have a variety to choose from.
Sign-Up as an Artist/Beta/Writer: x
We have 6 writers as of today. That’s amazing! I was nervous only half of that would be wanting to sign-up. I’d still love to welcome more writers!
Any questions, remember to feel free to ask.
<3 TKM Admin
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tomionekinkmeme · 5 years
Hi, just wants to ask about the Big Bang. Does the fic have to be complete or can it be +25k words and a WIP? Love, 💫
It must be complete by the due date.
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tomionekinkmeme · 5 years
Big Bang Update:
So I’m checking the sign-ups daily and I continuously feel so excited about it. I can’t help it! I’m so excited to share with you guys that as of right now, we have:
6 Writers
4 Beta’s willing to beta for approximately 12 people all together.
0 Artists
3 Prompts
If you haven’t signed up yet and are interested in any roles, please feel free to look over this post: http://tomionekinkmeme.tumblr.com/post/183858969667/tomione-big-bang-2019
I also wanted to address something major that I wanted to REALLY apologize on. I’m so sorry that I forgot all about the Spring Event I was going to announce. Were you guys still interested in doing a Spring Event? If not, it’s honestly fine. I kinda like just focusing on the Big Bang right now.
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tomionekinkmeme · 5 years
Big Bang Update:
So we had a successful first couple of days for sign-ups. Well, as successful as it can be. We have a nice starter list of betas and writers. I can’t wait to announce it all on the 25th for people to claim their betas. So far no artists have sign-up, but I have hope still!
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tomionekinkmeme · 5 years
Tumblr media
Hey guys! Just to be clear, you have to sign-up to Ao3′s collection for the Big Bang to submit and claim prompts! To sign-up and join the page on Ao3 so that you can submit your work later, you must contribute at least one prompt. https://archiveofourown.org/collections/tkmbigbang2k19
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