tomokatheaxolotl · 2 years
Friends: Hey so can I ask for your advice on this friendship/relationship issue? Me, autistic and asexual: You've come to the right place
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tomokatheaxolotl · 2 years
That’s me FR 
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hair loss fanart
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tomokatheaxolotl · 3 years
Tw/Cw - Antisemitism
I want to talk about this gross post I’ve found on Instagram
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These ‘claims’ are problamtic for many, many reasons:
First if all- Sure, it’s not about religion; because Judaism is an ethoreligion and it just so happens the Jews are native to the kingdom of Judeah (shocking, I know)
Two- Israel is one of the only places in the middle east that isn’t rich in oil. In fact, Israel has barely any oil at all.
Three- By marking every Israeli citizen as a ‘greedy zionist’ that is just interested in oil, money and power you’re probably realizing that these are antisemitic stereotypes about Jews. Apparently this doesn’t bother the writer as long she gets to villainize zionists and Israel.
She also clearly doesn’t understand or chose out of ignorance to ignore the actual definition of zionism, which is to allow Jews to have their own country that’s located in their ancestral land. After many attempts to wipe Jews from the every corner of the earth I’m sure this ideology seems very reasonable.
Four- The Rotchilds had nothing to do with oil, they were European bankers that bought land for Jews to live in without fearing for their safety. Rupert Murdoch as well, he did have investments in Israel but they were mainly to help develop Israel in many ways. As for where her claims come from? Rupert invested in a project that helps turn a certain type of natural oil in Israel into petroleum (the oil she is referring to), this natural oil is currently resting in the ground, not tpdoing much or being used for money and power like she claims unlike in certain Middle Eastern countries that I can easily name but she again chose to ignore.
Five- Stop claiming Jews control the media, it’s gross and untrue and an invalid claim to bring to a conversation about a topic so delicate and sensitive.
Six- We’re not occupying shit, we are living in the land that our ancestors lived many, many years ago and rightfully so. We got this land fighting the British colonizers meanwhile protecting our asses from neighboring countries seeking to destroy us.
You talk so much about propaganda and violence while not practicing what you preach, choosing to remain an uneducated, ignorant, antisemitic person that knows nothing beyond spitting out lies and hate towards a country that chooses to invest in technology, entertainment, education and many more instead of robbing their own citizens for terror.
I’m sorry my country chooses life over death, I’m sorry my country is not glorifying terror and preaching hate, I’m sorry my country uses billions of dollars on devices that neutralize rockets that are aimed at civilians, I’m sorry that I want to live in a prosperous and loving country where I shouldn’t be afraid to wear a star of david necklace outside, I’m sorry my country doesn’t spend all of it’s money on trying to eradicate Jews, I’m sorry for loving my country, I’m sorry for being a fourth generation in the land of my people, sorry for fighting over my right to simply exist.
You are the reason why we need to fight antisemitism
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tomokatheaxolotl · 3 years
Tw/Cw Antisemitism in it’s ugliest colors
I am unable to read what’s written and don’t know what language it’s in but I think the massage is pretty clear.
These are just some frames from this horrible antiemetic post I’ve found on Instagram regarding the situation, all of the comments are full of heart and clapping hands emojis.
This disgusting display was also accompanied by a looooong caption in that same language that Instagram was glad to translate it’s gross and vile content to me. It was so full of antisemetic propaganda and stereotypes, it made me sick.
Here is the horrible comic-
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This human trash forgot that although yes, Israel is mostly Jewish and is a Jewish country, 20% of our population is Arab.
We have Jews, Christians, Muslims, Druze, people from all over the world adm from different cultures living together with different views. We have created our own culture based on all of these, creating a unique Israeli identity that is different for each and every person.
I love my country, as imperfect and sometimes frustrating as it is, I love living in the only country that can garauntee safety for Jews.
But it’s not safe anymore, this safe heaven we’re trying to maintain is being threatened by terror and antisemetic comments from the rest of the world that think they have the right to comment about us based on posts full of baseless lies that social media loves to spread.
It’s so mentally draining to see and be surrounded by this blind hate from people who never even gave us a chance.
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tomokatheaxolotl · 3 years
Tw/Cw antisemitism
It just keeps going and I don’t know if I have to strength to fight against all of this shit anymore, I’m just so sick of it.
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tomokatheaxolotl · 3 years
Tw/Cw - antisemitism
‘We don’t hate Jews , we just hate Israel’
So explain this than:
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Stop supporting terror and hate just because it’s ‘woke’. Both Sides are suffering because of the Hamas yet Israel is blindly blamed.
Over 1,500 rockets were fired from Gaza in less than three days, some of these rockets backfired and killed CHILDREN because the Hamas is shooting them from school, hospitals and private homes of people in Gaza. Israeli citizens were killed as well because of the overwhelming amount of rockets.
This is not normal, this is a war that ignorant assholes that never experienced anything like this shove their noses into.
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tomokatheaxolotl · 4 years
Fuck Valentines day, all my homies celebrate ט״ו באב (tu be’av)
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