tomsandal · 2 years
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L lmao
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tomsandal · 2 years
thrillingh continuation L to them too lol
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lmao L
anyway im inking litol second part with Tobm as well so we'll see if i can get it done before goin sleep sleep. prolly not tho. tommroe time
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tomsandal · 2 years
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lmao L
anyway im inking litol second part with Tobm as well so we'll see if i can get it done before goin sleep sleep. prolly not tho. tommroe time
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tomsandal · 2 years
ou wau
woudl you believe it
the critically acclaimed* Tom and Tobi origin story has been officially completed :]
it ain't much but its honest work
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tomsandal · 3 years
The perks of being a birthday girl include having your own pov chapter in my Tomiáš fic you love to see it!
nobody else gets one sorry those dem rules go home
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tomsandal · 3 years
nobody else gets one sorry those dem rules go home
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tomsandal · 3 years
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tonight’s mood
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tomsandal · 3 years
the long awaited 2,5 bc animation meme :))
enjoy Pap
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tomsandal · 3 years
I forgot what i wanted to type here.
Fish haha : )
also discord ping over text message because i can do whatever I want
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tomsandal · 3 years
A Cup to go
a/n: brought to you by me asking what should i write and Pap answering "coffee shop au or whatever people write about these days"
characters: červená kapota, tom sandál, leva p. pneumatika (background), tobi polobotka (background)
warnings: none
words: 4,6k
The Luxorn cup
Part of the Artanar sterling silver tea and coffee set, originally belonging to a bygone Liechtenstein royal family and currently one of the most expensive antiques in the world. And that is for a good reason. The set is decorated with accents of gold and embellished with an array of rubies, garnets and red opals, with a large fire opal as its centrepiece.
All of that makes it shiny enough to make any respected lawbreaker want to get their hands on it.
It comes as a surprise then, that this piece of treasure is not sought after very much. That is, because it just so happened, that many years back this set was being transported across the pacific to a highly acclaimed auction when it mysteriously disappeared, never to be seen again in the light of day.
That is, until now.
Word has been going around the streets of a certain long lost cup set piece. A hint here, a suggestion there and suddenly there is even a rumoured location. Location in the shape of a very unassuming coffee shop.
In front of which stood a certain red-clad thief.
Červená Kapota scanned the storefront of the shop from the other side of the street. Nothing seemed to be out of the ordinary. The outlet was painted in cheerful pastel colours with their display boards full of saccharine sweet words written in excessive loops and currently accomodating a fair share of customers inside. She got to give it to them, if this all truly is just a front for a criminal organisation, then they did a mighty fine job with it. What a cheeky plan though, simply hide a cup in a coffee shop and everyone is none the wiser. Well, except her obviously.
That's why she is here in the first place.
A week ago she applied for a job there, with a plan to assimilate with the staff and find out where the famed teaware was hiding and swoop it right under their noses. Easy job, just in and out, a deserved rest after her painstaking previous venture. So she didn’t need to worry about ruining her current streak of successful heists.
And luck seemed to be on her side.
Earlier that day Kapota received an email from the store owner, informing her that her application was accepted and to show up to the interview at -about now- o’clock, actually. She looked up from her watch and with a last glance at their display windows, she made her way inside.
The door opened with a cute little jingle and the heavy coffee aroma hit her right in the nose. Disoriented for a second, she quickly surveyed the place before proceeding to the counter with confident steps. Once there, an employee with a high ponytail and cherry drop earrings looked up at her and fixed her with a trained smile.
“Hello and Welcome dear, you are here for the interview, right?” the barista addressed her cheerfully.
“That would be me, yes”
“Good, good. Your resume passed with flying colours and the manager will see you now.”
Of course it did, I am no amateur after all. This will be a piece of cake.
“Now if you would please follow me to the backroom, the other person is already there so yall can get right to it”
The what
Before Kapota had any time to voice her confusion, the aforementioned barista led her to the back of the shop, knocked on a door at the very end of the hallway, gave her a reassuring smile and left her to her own devices.
Upon hearing “Enter.” from the other side, she took a deep breath and opened the door, peering inside.
The manager sat behind a desk with two other seats in front of him.
The one on the right was empty. But the one on the left was already occupied.
Said occupant was sitting back leisurely with one hand hanging over the backrest and a head full of loud purple hair.
oh no.
Kapota cursed inwardly when the person turned around, and it did in fact turn out to be the very same guy she was expecting, coincidentally also the actual last person she would want to see right now at this very moment in this very office.
Once he turned around and took a look at her, his face turned to a brief expression of surprise but he shook it off quickly and in its place was a beaming smug grin that could be mistaken for a friendly smile by anyone else, but she knew better.
“You!” she growled and pointed at him accusatory.
“Hii Red” he simply shot back with a wink.
The audacity. What a no-good, infuriating, pompous peac-
“Ah miss Redd! Come, come. Take a seat please.” interrupted the manager, quite rudely, her train of thoughts.
“So..” he continued as she sat down, “I take it that you two have met before, is that right”
Her workmate turned his attention back to said man and with his million-dollar smile, he answered “Oh! yeah, yeah, we go way back, chums pretty much”
“Just coworkers,” she shot back.
“professional associates☆”
“acquaintances at best.”
“You wound me”
“ow-” “-So as I see it,” interfered the manager (yet once again), “this situation turned out as well as it could have! Since it seems that both of you are acquainted with each other already, there won't be any reason for any petty rivalry out there.” they glanced at each other, wearing the same expression, “because, you see, well we, unfortunately, have only one spot on the staff free. And you might be wondering, what now? There is two of you. Well, both of you will simply go out there and will show us if you got what it takes and I’ll pick who will be staying at the end of your shifts”
when neither of them said anything he just shooed them away with his hands and finished with “that would be all thank you, ask Marcy to give you your uniforms and run-down of the place.”
As they were getting up, she looked back at her involuntarily gained companion and suppressed a sigh. It's not that she disliked the guy that much, but with the nuisance incarnate Tom himself here, there wasn’t a single chance of this going according to plan.
So far so good, thought a certain Tom Sandál to himself, while picking scattered porcelain shards from the floor.
It’s already been an hour since he has been reassigned to a server instead of a barista and this is only the first cup he broke! Going strong here!
When they started their shifts, he was the one they picked first to go work behind the counter, which they regretted soon enough and pulled him from there. Yeah so he may or may not know actual nothing on how to make a decent cup of coffee or operate any of their machinery but he tried his best, and it's not like Kap lasted in that position that much longer than him when they put her there to replace him. Admittedly she actually took to it a bit better than him and managed to make it work for her, which comes as a surprise in all regards since he was pretty sure that she didn’t like coffee one bit. Suspicious.
Speaking of suspicious, he’s also pretty sure she tried to poison him twice at least in her reign behind the counter, which yes, justified, but still.
He was being a cheek and ordered a cup for himself since there weren’t many people in and there wasn’t much to do. When he got his cup, instead of the typical caramelized nutty smell of a coffee there was something he couldn't quite place but very much out of place and on top of that there was a cream poured art in the shape of a skull in the foam. When he looked back at her with a quirked eyebrow in a silent question she just smiled and gave him a thumbs up.
Never has he been this torn in making a decision. Prove a point or stay unpoisoned, choices, choices.
He didn’t dare drink it in the end.
But it was close.
The second time he did it, because yes of course he pulled it twice, he - definitely intentionally and according to plan not just a mistake thankyou- switched orders around and his poisoned cup of coffee ended up with a customer.
After that Kapota has been stripped of her coffee-making privileges and demoted to a server. So now they are both on the same playing field, only needing to look out for nudges from the other one when they are balancing a particularly high stack of tableware.
Tom finished sweeping all the stray bits of porcelain from the floor and dumped them in a bin.
A Job well done, I deserve a cookie.
And with that, he in fact pulled out a cookie from the front pocket of his apron.
Tobi swinged by the shop earlier to drop off his lunch, and also to make fun of him, but they also brought the said cookies so all is forgiven.
Munching on a cookie, he turned to the task at hand and got back to picking up cups and plates from empty seats.
When he was at his third table, with a decently sized cup tower in hands, something behind him caught his attention. Turning slightly, he saw his ol pal Kap standing over a table next to a seated customer with wavy dirty blond hair and a kind smile. The surprising part was that they seemed to be in the middle of a civil conversation.
“Well I be damned” he murmured to himself and leaned towards them.
Kapota of all people being able to make friends that fast? He was almost proud. Unless of course, it i-
Aaaand that makes it a cup number two.
“I don't know… just give me the speciality of the house”
“Leva please I've literally worked here for two hours just pick”
Getting inside the head office and swiping classified documents unnoticed has been laughably easy.
When no one was looking, Kapota sneaked off to the backrooms and after confirming that the air was clear, slipped inside the now empty manager's office. With the soft click of closing doors behind her, she quickly scanned the room to see what she could work with. A computer, a corkboard, a card file cabinet and a large painting. Knowing that she was on borrowed time, she quickly proceeded with the task at hand. First, she inspected the corkboard, since it was closest to the door. A quick inspection showed that this was a dead-end, nothing more than useless paper junk and employees of the month, as she partly expected. On the other hand, the computer being also a dead end was a surprise. She searched through it back and forth and yet there was nothing relating to the cup or any nefarious activities, to be frank, there was hardly anything on the computer in general. Not good. Next, she probed the painting, an abstract piece with a decorated frame, hopefully hiding anything of use behind it. She gently lifted it off the wall and to her growing disappointment found only a bare wall hiding behind it. She took a peek at the back of the canvas, hoping to find at least some helpful note tucked to the frame, but all that was there was scribbled “dedicated to S.M., who wont pick up my calls”. She frowned and put the painting back a bit crooked.
“Looks like we’ll have to do this the old fashion way”, she said to herself as she made her way towards the card file cabinet and cracked her knuckles.
Bills, order lists, inventory stocktaking, employee files, folders upon folders of junk. Not looking good so far. She kept thumbing through the folders some more when finally a word caught her attention. “Combination safe”. The document itself was quite chaotic and all over the place, but Kapota gathered the meaning of it loud and clear. There was a safe somewhere in the building, with the combination to it scribbled charitably at the bottom of the page. Not only that, but it wasn’t just any safe that would hold the company’s earnings or anything. No, this was apparently the manager's own personal secret safe. That was about to swiftly change, sharing is caring after all.
She stashed all the folders back and turned to leave the place with her newfound goal. Though when she was across the office something made her scramble in place and dive under the desk. Something that was very unmistakenly footstep sounding, which was confirmed by the creak of the door seconds later.
Glueing herself to the inside of the desk, she held her breath and willed the person to just turn around and leave. This was far from the first time she was in a situation like this but it was nerve-wracking all the same. Few tense moments passed by and the person finally moved towards the desk.
I am a shadow the shadow is me you don't see me you cant see me you wont-
The person sat a paper cup upon the desk and promptly left.
Few more moments passed until the footsteps fully faded and Kapota finally let out the breath she was holding and quickly made her escape from the office.
The place consisted of the main room, with a second story of sorts that overlooked the bottom floor, an adjacent kitchen and back hallways that led to the aforementioned office, storeroom and a door to the back alley.
The main room and kitchen were currently a no-go. Can’t snoop around if everyone is pestering you to work and questioning everything you do. The second story was just filled with plants and didn’t offer any seatings for customers so it should be devoid of anyone, but you could also see there from the main room, so snooping there right now is risque as well. So that left Kapota with the office, storeroom, hallways and the back alley for all she knows.
Since the office was already checked, she proceeded to go through the storeroom next but came out empty-handed as well.
So now she was crawling along a wall in the middle of a hallway, prodding the wall for any secrets, step after step.
/knock knock/
Not here.
/knock knock/
Not here.
/knock kn-/
“I didn’t expect this place to have a boogeymen problem when I applied, they should probably do something about that before things get out of hands”
She didn't even look back, she knew perfectly who that was.
“Don’t you have tea to serve or something”
“I'm pretty sure its coffee and same goes to you”,
“Cool, cool”, she pinched the bridge of her nose “but we can’t both be missing, so go back or you’ll blow my cover.”
what a prick.
She decided to not grace him with a response and just went back to her wall scrutiny.
She only managed to cover a few more meters of the hallway before Tom broke the silence again.
“So... why are you creeping in the shadows in the first place”
Now she looked back at him with a smile.
“Let’s just say that the higher-ups have been liberated of a certain safe intel”, she responded lightly before turning back to the wall.
Behind her echoed a commending whistle accompanied by “As expected of the resident sneakster” and then the hallway was filled with the sounds of her work yet once again.
/knock knock/
/knock knock/
/knock knock/
“It's just a shame that my sources say something different”
“Oh you know...” he drawled with an audible grin “just chit chat here chit chat there with my dear coworkers, really bonded ykno”
“What, How did you make them trust you and spill so quickly, we haven’t been here longer than a few hours.”
“You’d be surprised what people will tell you for a cookie ;]”
Kapota, now fully facing Tom, just blinked for a few moments before gathering her thoughts.
“So hypothetically if i handed you a metaphorical cookie at this very moment could you disclose with me what this great source of yours said.”
“Well then hypothetically, I heard through the grapevine that mr bossman is quite particular about his flowers. Everyone says they look very fake up close but weirdly enough, everyone is also strictly forbidden from touching them or moving them even a centimeter from their spot, lest they wilt”, he finished with a dramatic sigh, before switching his expression to a mischievous smirk and continuing, “So of course i am currently on my way to dig through the dirt and see if there are hidden goodies”
Kapota thought about it for a while, it was very far-fetched, but not implausible. But it still didn’t fully add up and left loose ends…
“Alright flowerboy, but then explain why there were documents talking about spicy little secret safe that the manager is keeping to himself.”
Few beats of silence passed between them before they both exclaimed at the same time.
“The safe is hidden by a flowerpot!”
They were both wearing matching grins, which upon realization promptly morphed into matching glares.
What now.
“Alright thanks for the company, but it's time for you to return to the floor now. scram”, Kapota started pointedly and shooed him away with her hands.
“As if!” shot Tom right back. “You wouldn’t even know where to go if it weren’t for me.”
“First of all, I would get there eventually! And secondly, we can’t both disappear from our shifts, people will get suspicious and we will get easily spotted!”
“Well I’m going now and there’s nothing you can do about it!”
“But I was here first!”
“I didn’t ask!!”
They held each other's glares. No one was blinking.
“Listen...” began Tom cautiously. “This is getting us nowhere, how about we decide the old fashion way”
Kapota squinted at him as he proceeded to rummage through his pockets and made a small sound of realization when he held out a small coin for her to see.
“A coin flip”
“I swear Sandals if you say something like ‘tails i go get the loot, heads you go back serving’ i swear i will-”
“Nononon non ok nothing like that I swear just tails you get to go, heads i get to go?”
“... In that case that we could do yeah”
“Nice, nice, so can we blink now?”
“I suppose so”
“Neato”, the staring ended with that and Tom brought his free hand to his eyes.
“I have one condition for it though”, continued Kapota as she rubbed her sore eyes as well.
“I don't want your “showman hands” anywhere near that flip, so no catching or hand slapping and possible rigging of yours will be going on.”
“Fair I suppose, so I just flip it and let it clatter to the ground you say?”
“I was thinking more along the lines of me doing the coin catching.”
“Absolutely not.”
“Alright then floor shall be our judge”
And with that the deciding flip was flipped, the metal gleamed in the shabby ceiling light and filled the whole hallway with anticipation.
As if in slow motion it turned
and then it swiftly fell down and right in the gap between floor panels and clattered to a layer underneath them.
No one moved.
“I don’t think I have another coin”, piped quietly Tom.
“The floor is our judge”
“The floor is our judge.”, repeated Kapota, now a bit more loudly. “We have to find out what the judgement is.”
“What does that, huh? So we are going to tear the floor apart to see what it landed on, or?”
“...well, lets get to work then, shall we”
For anyone wondering, it takes one broken floor plank and a baffled employee to be demoted to a floor sweeper.
“That could have gone better”, murmured Tom to himself.
He and his floor vandalizing accomplice were currently stashed in the back of the main room with brooms in hands. Far enough to not be in the way but close enough to be watched over.
Thankfully they weren’t immediately thrown out when they were ungracefully caught with bits of flooring in their hands. He managed to, fortunately, swiftly sweet talk them out of their predicament so now they weren’t personnel suspicious of criminal activity but just two idiot clowns. And while yes, not being thrown out or arrested was sweet indeed, this outcome was not that ideal either. But what's done is done.
So Tom just leaned back against the wall and lamented.
“All that work and we haven’t even found out who won in the end.”
He would have continued to wail some more but a swift bonk to the head from his partner in crime stopped his next lament and instead he just let out a hiss of pain. He looked at her questioningly, because what was that for, but he only received a nod and tipping of her broom (that had been used for the bonkage moment prior) towards the dustpan in his hand. Upon further inspection, it turned out that his wall leaning, while effective for dramatic effect, also tipped over his dustpan and now most of it was back on the floor.
“Ay ay kaptn’ im I am on it Im on it..”, he muttered as he crouched down. “You could have informed me a bit more gently though. I will have a bruise for sure and we’re stuck here for a little while longer and you’re not exactly the one I would want to kiss it better” He dodged from her range with a cackle as she raised the broom threateningly once more.
They continued to sweep peacefully, each in their little corner.
“So… buddy..”
A humm of acknowledgement.
“What do you think are the odds of us being able to scamper off to grab the goods”
To that Kapota chuckled and responded with a small smile. “I think we have better chances of getting promoted than them letting us go anywhere out of their sight”
“I second that”
Kapota then proceeded to lean on her broom tiredly.
Not the best of napping places, thought Tom to himself. He should probably be a good friend and provide her with somewhere more comfortable to rest. Like, the floor, for example. And by ‘provide’ meaning deliver a swift kick to her broom as a payback for the bonk. But he decided to be the bigger man and opted to not go through with it and let her be.
For about ten seconds.
So this was it.
They were seated again in the bossman’s office just like the many hours before that, except now they were waiting for the big reveal. Which one of them will get the spot and with that a chance to try again the next day. He wasn't delusional and knew neither he or Kap made a great first impression, but now it all comes to who was more of a disaster. He hadn’t looked to his right, but knew his competition next to him was as tense as he.
The manager finally decided to speak.
“Well, how do I put this.” Doesn’t matter, just put it out somehow please. “You have both shown that you are very passionate and prepared to put your all into this and I must commend you for that. But the thing is. Well… after a long evaluation, um I have decided that unfortunately neither of you get the job”. He paused for a short moment before briskly continuing so they couldn't get their two cents in. “It wasn’t an easy decision”, he coughed slightly, “but some, hm, alarming factors pushed me to make this decision. Thank you for your time, it was lovely having you here but I would kindly request of you to take your leave now. Have a pleasant rest of your day.”
Tom climbed the last few stairs leading to his door and with a jingle of keys promptly entered inside.
“heeyo I’m home”, he called as he closed the door behind him. In response, he got a muffled “Welcome home” from the kitchen and soft pitter-patter of little feet. Soon enough accompanying the patters was a grey cat-shaped furball striding towards him. He picked up said fuzz and nuzzled it in greeting.
“Hewwo Bean did’cha miss me little buddy?” cooed Tom at the cat which bapped him swiftly in the nose as a response.
“That is not his name and you know it.”, replied a scolding voice from the kitchen.
Tom just laughed and made his way to his dearest with a purring bundle of fluff in his arms. Tobi was standing at the counter, donned in a green sweater and hair in a bun, seemingly finishing putting away whatever it was they were using beforehand. Tom hopped onto the counter next to them.
“I won’t get a hewwo?”, they said over their shoulder.
“in this economy? We’re all out, sorry”
Tobi just smiled and after putting away the last glass they turned to Tom and put their arms around him and mr. Socks and planted a little kiss on their boyfriend’s brow.
“Care for a cup of coffee after a long day?”, they inquired mischievously.
“Don’t ask me anything like that in the next few months and I might find some leftover hewwo stock somewhere.”
Tobi chuckled and murmured in his hair “How generous. Should I put the kettle on instead? Care for a spot of tea perhaps. ”
“That would be absolutely perfect thank uu”
Tom might not have gotten his hands on the famed Luxorn cup, but a cup of tea from his partner seemed even better at the moment.
Kapota was standing at the doorstep to her apartment building, wanting to savour the pleasant crisp air for a while longer before going inside. She got here only now, even though she got kicked out of the coffee shop a few hours prior already, but Leva brought her along to their little personal pity party of sorts, to cheer her up. And don’t take her wrong, she had fun and was actually feeling better even though the plan was a bust, because Leva just had that effect on people, but she was exhausted and looking forward to going home and crashing down. So with a last deep breath, she entered the building and began her climb up the many stairs.
After her conquer of the staircase she unlocked her door and entered the comfortable familiarity of her apartment.
“Hey everyone I’m home.”, she called and back replied bubbling water and an oxygen pump whirring.
She put away her coat and shoes and made her way toward her fish tank, grabbing a box of fish food on her way there. She then proceeded to greet all of her bushnosed babeis. All very beautiful. Very powerful.
Once they were all accounted for and fed, Kapota all but fell to her armchair next to the fish tank. Letting out a content sigh, she burrowed down in the soft plush and relaxed. This was fine. This was nice.
She could hardly even remember what she was so bummed out about.
Oh yeah wait. Stupid gaudy cup. Who needs it anyway? She has plenty of cups right here.
So who cares that the heist was unsuccessful, at least she messed up Tom’s plans as well so he’s gone home empty-handed with her, and that's in her books just as much of a success as actually getting the prize.
And with that, she drifted off.
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tomsandal · 3 years
romance isnt dead afterall
Tom and Tobi be like:
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"ᵃʷ ᵐᵃⁿ ᶦ ᵈᵒⁿᵗ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵗᶦᵐᵉ ᵗᵒ ᵈʳᵃʷ ᵃⁿᵒᵗʰᵉʳ ᵖᵃʳᵗ ᵒᶠ ᵗʰᵉ ᶜᵒᵐᶦᶜ" ᶦ ˢᵃʸ ᵃⁿᵈ ᵗʰᵉⁿ ᶦ ˢᵖᵉⁿᵈ ʰᵃˡᶠ ᵃⁿ ʰᵒᵘʳ ˡᵉᵃʳⁿᶦⁿᵍ ʰᵒʷ ᵗᵒ ᵘˢᵉ ᵖʰᵒᵗᵒᵖᵉᵃ ʲᵘˢᵗ ᵗᵒ ᵐᵃᵏᵉ ᵗʰᶦ�� ᶦ⁻
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tomsandal · 3 years
treat yourself silley animatic? its more likely tha-
anyway the background is just yoinked from the actual room and very sketchy cuz no energy byeee
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tomsandal · 3 years
The one where Tom went "can I just make stuff up?" and didn't wait for an answer
a/n: incredibly terrible title brought to you by you yes you who couldn't give me better one heart
characters: červená kapota, tom sandál
warnings: teensy weensy cosmic horror/death depiction at the start (because i am a moron and a fool and forgot what genre im writing), alcohol mention
words: 1,8k
To truly start at the story’s beginning, we’ll need to go many pages back in history books.
It was millennia ago, when something very strange took place and changed the world from how it was known.
It so happened that, for some mysterious reason, a meteorite crashed down on earth and landed in a crater in some frankly unnoteworthy forest.
This incident did not go without notice of course, and not too long after it had fallen were there already parties of plenty that were eager to find out what strangeness took place the night before. Many ventured into the forest, allured by the mystery or driven by their responsibility to protect their village, but not a single one of those brave souls has ever made the journey back. And so the number of volunteers and explorers thinned over time, for the prospect of being lost to those woods without a seeming trace was enough to ward off even the bravest of the brave.
However all those who did go, did not disappear in an equal way.
Some of those who ventured started to feel effects of a mysterious force soon after the start of their journey. Those ones met their end lying down on the forest floor, feverish and plagued by visions indescribable. No man’s willpower to follow common sense and go back home could win over the pull of the compelling presence.
But some of them pulled through. The strongest and greatest of them all did get to see what their end goal was this whole time.
There in the clearing lay the mystery. Patches of brilliant blue were shining among the dark stone, twinkling not unlike the stars that hung above them.
And standing there, in this crushing magical presence, humans did what humans tend to do and moved to touch the shiny stone.
It was no easy feat, bracing against the sheer force of the meteorite this close to the source of all this madness, but some of them managed to do so.
Finally, with their goal at their literal fingertips, they laid their hands at the glittering surface. And their hands melted right off.
The lucky ones died from the immediate shock from the pain. The rest bled out among the grass, suffocating in the stone’s heavy aura.
And some of them leaned even closer... for the call had won over.
For some time has the stone been left undisturbed, lying unmoved while its surroundings changed as the years went by. No wise enough soul dared to enter the haunted forest. And so the years passed in hundreds and the celestial body had started to merge with the surrounding environment. Many years has it been since then, when it was finally fully covered and sunken deep into the ground and its power dimmed to a hum.
If you were to walk by that place at that moment, you wouldn't think there to be anything out of the ordinary. And so didn't the people that had settled there.
Who might know why they chose this secluded woodland place for their settlement but they did and surprisingly prospered without any casualties.
The stone's powers have dulled over the centuries but they were still there nonetheless, even if only in a shadow of its former self, and the construction and disturbance of the ground was bound to wake it up.
And so the energy started seeping out, warping the unaware residence in the process. With each generation grew the changes more profound, until the place was almost unrecognizable. Plants grew wild and high, displaying colours very uncommon to vegetation anywhere, the roaming animals wouldn't be recognized even by the highest of scholars, trees grew twisted with leaves of gold and humans were born with features never seen before. Their hair was bright and shining in arrays of blues, purples and greens, just like the lights in the sky that could be seen from time to time. But since no negative effect seemed to take place, this magical village of star-touched people lived in-
“Yes and no interruptions please.”
-lived in peace. But time was not kind to them.
The year was 1610, the witchcraft craze was at its peak and it didn’t take long until the hunt was brought to them as well. Their clearly otherworldly appearance couldn't be excused and many fell on the trials, under the hands of men driven by fear and hatred. The rest left their homeland, which ended promptly burned to the ground. From then on, they lived as hermits far, far from the human eye.
They lay in hiding for long, until their time has finally come, when people started walking among themselves with wild bright coloured hair and-
“wait, wait what about the magical wolves”
“That is tied to my own personal upbringing and no, was not in fact universal for everyone, stop messing up the timeline”
“oh I am messing up the timeline and not you making something different every ti-”
“As i was saying-” “and when do the glow squids come in” “My glow squid ancestry is clearly the reason for my eyes not the hair ”
“yes, of course, the eyes that are obviously not coloured contacts”
“Keep that tone to yourself and shush.”
It was a pleasant summer night, the air was crisp and the streets were quiet. And there, in a certain bar, sat two peculiar people.
Kapota sighed and let her friend-but not friend-associate from work-but not wanting to kill each other right now-buddy ramble on as she took a sip from her glass. She had ordered something called the Hanky Panky Cocktail Supreme and deemed it as decent enough, if a bit overpriced for a glorified gin and fernet.
Still, she would rather be holding a pint of good old fashioned beer, but finding a place around these parts with a half decent beer is near impossible. She will not be drinking that dishwater no thank you.
Good thing that she’s a skilled fancy drinker. A life skill which she picked up from her business bar outings, such as now, which maybe wasn't actually the most objective of examples since most of those were with Tom.
Not that the aforementioned was any help in the drink picking department, that maniac of a man just sashays to the bar and orders a literal colour and when no further explanation is given the bemused barkeep has to pick themselves from their array of colourful drinks.
Seems that they picked well today, because the current “pink” already sat empty before Tom.
She continued to mull over this and that, all the while enjoying the bar’s comfortable atmosphere, when something caught her attention.
“wait wait roll that back”
“Why, could it be that you weren’t paying attention?”
“Yes I was, but what were you saying about pointed ears?”
“Oh, just that the star-touched had pointy ears alongside the wild hair.”
“well, please do pray tell me Sandál dearest how could it be that your ears are rounded”
“As I said, a long time ago in the times most desperate, riddled with fear, pain and terror, food was scarce and from the terrible hunger they gnawed on their ears until they were completely rounded and from then on this feature was lost to them.”
“ok see now i know you're just making fun of me because thats just from that dumb movie you like”
“should have been listening.
Honestly why do i even bother, I am so generously sharing the long lost history of my kind and yet this audience is so ungrateful”
“noo i like your lore, don’t worry it's much more entertaining than ‘I went to the aisle 12 in Kaufland and picked the gaudiest shade of purple they had’”
Tom just grumbled to that and moved to take a demonstrative swig of his drink, but then he realized he didn't have any left anymore so he instead picked up the little paper umbrella and pointed it accusatively at Kapota.
“Never, have I been more disrespected, as I am right now.” He complained, while accentuating every word with a swish of the tiny umbrella.
“It's nothing personal pal, but you can’t exactly expect people to believe you with a name like yours.”
“Oh that's rich coming from you!”
“I'll let you know that the Kapota name is very ancient and regal, thank you very much. Passed down only by the generations of the clan McKap”
“Absolutely not.”
“It’s true look it up”
“Not happening, if i did that you would just laugh at me that i fell for it.”
“Well in that case I guess you’ll never know”
“oh shut up!”
“you shut up!”
It was a pleasant summer night, the air was crisp and the streets were quiet. And there, in a certain bar, bickered two peculiar people.
All in all Tom would consider this a successful night. He left the bar on his own two feet, had all his belongings still with him, including both of his important trademark sandals still on, and head somewhat clear.
About ten minutes back, they had been politely ushered out of the bar, because it was apparently closing. The shiny sign with the numbers 24 and 7 would beg to differ but sure.
Yeah, ‘always open’ my arse, people can't even trust bars these days.
He wasn’t really upset though, couldn’t blame the poor bloke either, because anyone who had to listen to their nonsense for the past -who knows how long- had all the right to kick them out. It didn’t matter anyway, tonight really was quite nice.
So now they were just lounging together on the sidewalk, enjoying the chilly air.
A lone car sped by somewhere in the distance.
Tom gently thunked his head on the wall behind him and let out a content sigh, next to him Kapota finally broke the silence.
“So...who’s the designated driver, hahh”
A good question indeed, since neither of them even closely qualify to anything akin to sober. Not that it would have changed much, given the fact that Tom does not in fact have a driving licence anyway. His most beloved, bless their heart, is incredibly awesome and does have one of those and drives him around in times of need. This would seem like a time of need and it wouldn't even be the first time Kap would hitch a ride with them, but this hour, other than time of need, is also time commonly known as ‘very late’.
“I guess I can try to give Tobi a call, but I dunno it's pretty late...”
“Nah, let ‘em sleep”
“So whats the battle plan Kaptn’? ”
“Where's the uhhh friggin closest bus stop.”
“Few damn blocks away at least that's for sure”
“Awesome... lets go its field trip time”
And so they went onto the grand adventure of getting safely home.
Some would deem it highly unwise to blunder around dark alleyways in the middle of the night, but honestly, unfortunate are those street rats who shall foolheartedly decide to pick those two fools as their next victims.
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tomsandal · 3 years
Red is prolly asleep i can post whatever the frick i want lets go
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tomsandal · 3 years
bonus idot beloveds ♪(´▽`)
non canon dialogue just the vibe
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tomsandal · 3 years
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tomsandal · 3 years
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