tony-dreams · 5 days
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tony-dreams · 15 days
New Chapter Out!!
Whaaat? A new chapter? In this economy???
Well, yes, the eighth chapter is finally up! Sorry for the wait, but to be fair it was summer and you would have been mad at me for making you so hot during thos trying times. So, really, I did it for all of you.
(I'm still very sorry, and I hope some people are still reading!) Still rated E but no smut in sight (yet!).
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tony-dreams · 28 days
For the longest time, I thought I was cis. Not necessarily because I felt it deep down, but because I was forced to present as feminine as possible. My father, trying to counterbalance the whole "being gay" thing, made sure of it. I was supposed to look a certain way to fit into the "norm" he wanted to project.
Fast forward to 2020, when the world stood still, and so did my sense of self. Like many, I had a sexual crisis during lockdown, and a gender crisis hit right after. I went hyper-feminine, leaning into the only identity I knew. But suddenly, it became unbearable. I felt itchy, uncomfortable in my own skin. I found myself stealing my brother's clothes, hiding my long hair under a beanie. Some days, I loved being feminine. Other days, I relished the comfort of masculinity. And sometimes, I just didn’t care.
I didn't have a name for what I was feeling. I knew about being cis—it was the default, the norm. I had trans friends, and I knew about being non-binary from TikTok. But none of these labels seemed to fit me. I wasn't just one thing. I was everything. Then, a TikTok video introduced me to the term "genderfluid." It resonated. I liked the idea, but something still felt off. The only people I saw using this label were behind screens, with a seemingly magical ability to transform their appearance effortlessly. They could switch genders with such fluidity and grace—powers I didn't possess. I felt like I was on the outside, looking in.
Then, in 2021, everything changed when I watched Good Omens for the first time. And that’s when I met Crowley.
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At first, I didn’t quite grasp his whole gender vibe. But on a rewatch, it hit me like a brick. Crowley was like me. His fluidity, his complete disregard for sticking to one gender—it was exactly what I had been searching for. He didn’t fit into a box. He just existed, gloriously and unapologetically, as whoever he wanted to be in any given moment. And that was me.
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Crowley was the first genderfluid "person" I met, even if he was just a character. Seeing him on screen was incredibly validating. Up until then, I felt like a freak, confused and lost. But Crowley showed me I wasn’t alone or abnormal. He made me feel seen, understood, and normal. It was a revelation.
Crowley helped me embrace my identity without overthinking it. Just, you know, fuck it. Female, male—who cares? It was liberating. I owe that sense of freedom to him.
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To anyone struggling with their gender identity, feeling like they don’t fit into a neat category, I hope you find your Crowley. That moment of realization where you see yourself reflected somewhere and know you’re not alone. Because you’re not. We’re out here, existing and thriving, just like Crowley.
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tony-dreams · 30 days
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Astarion's plan starting to go horribly wrong.
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tony-dreams · 1 month
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Baldurs Gate 3 Origin Characters Oracle Cards! Almost all of them have been updated since I first posted them. The last one is my Durge Amaranthine 💜 Which card do you like the most?
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tony-dreams · 1 month
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Lae’zel thinks Caelum is a weenie and she’s not wrong. Though they kind of get along as the two most immature people of the group
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tony-dreams · 1 month
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slayer reveal
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tony-dreams · 1 month
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Tom Glynn-Carney's performance as Aegon II Targaryen is too good not to use as a facial expression reference. He became one of my favorite actors on the show after S2.
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tony-dreams · 1 month
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tony-dreams · 1 month
"that was so unrealistic for alicent to do!!" "there was no reason for another rhaenyra and alicent reunion scene wah wah wah!!!" do people not understand at this point that this is what gay people do? that they can easily break the rules of law, time, and physics when they want to see each other? that they find a way to talk with each other when almost all forms of normal communication have been taken away? whether it's behind a wendy's parking lot at 4am or it's in a church dressed up like nuns, if gay people want to see each other, they will find a way
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tony-dreams · 1 month
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tony-dreams · 1 month
I agree with the tags asking for body swap fics.
“Aegon the realm’s delight” is the saddest line ever. Aegon wants to be a daughter so bad. To be coddled and gazed upon with love and affection rather than distain and fear. Rhaenyra wishes to be a son. She wants the loyalty everyone has to be unwavering. She wants to be feared and respected like a man. They are truly two sides of the same coin.
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tony-dreams · 1 month
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found some old yoi art from a few years ago
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tony-dreams · 1 month
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tony-dreams · 1 month
I do agree plastic is bad for the environment.
I do not know enough about wool farming to comment on whether it is cruelty free or not.
I am not saying plastic is better than wool.
I mainly want to address certain types of comments on this post:
"Sheep evolved for humans to consume their wool. They evolved to grow so much wool that they will suffocate if we do not sheer them. So we are actually doing them a favour."
They did not "evolve" like that. Humans bred them like that, so we could use them. Human selection, not natural selection. So what we actually should do is stop breeding animals that suffer if we do not use them. Stop breeding animals for our consumption. Stop multiplying them.
To me the thought of a specie's DNA shifted according to the wants of humans only to then having to live in a body that makes them completely dependent on human "care" or suffer and die if not of use anymore - that's straight up horrifying, isn't it?
And this is the thing many vegans are on about. It does not matter how "happy" the animals are while they are alive. It's a matter of principle. It's about exploitation, instrumentalisation and objectification of whole species and their individuals.
Same (probably way worse actually from what I know, but as I said I do not know much about wool farming) goes for dairy cows.
"The cow's udder hurts if we do not milk it."
And who is responsible for that? Who bred cows like that? Who will discard the animal as soon as it doesn't produce enough/high quality product anymore?
"It is best to use the exess of byproducts that come from simple care and maintenance of the animal. "
Do people really believe that cow milk is the byproduct of caring for cows? The milk is the product. The care is the neccessary cost. Many many animals live under bad conditions bc people want to minimize the cost.
So can we please stop pretending this is an act of kindness towards the animals?
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tony-dreams · 2 months
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Vitya Nikiforov arrived at Hasetsu  and he can’t! wait!
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tony-dreams · 2 months
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I felt a great disturbance in the force as if hundreds of fanfics suddenly became canon divergent.
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