He can hear the other shuffling around in the line, but he keeps looking at his own paper then smiles even though the other won’t see it. “Well, we can meet up at my office if you don’t mind? There is a break room that I can get you a cup of coffee. I’d offer to take you to a restaurant if you prefer that instead?” He asks lightly, wanting to make sure he knows the other’s comfort level. He pauses at the paper then tries not to snort, the other works as a stripper too? Ah, the people’s life style.
Well to be far Aelia did catch him by surprise and that line of his-. Pausing to listen to him, he moves over to the living room where he keeps well his laptop which he keeps his files should he need it for this conversation. He’s putting in a laptop bag as well when he noticed the sound of shuffling paper. “I am free at the moment. Is there a place you had in mind to meet up?” Well he did expect the first part, but the second? That was a surprise. “Are you? Well I wouldn’t mind discussing that with you.” Yes, he is a lot less flustered on the phone. 
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Aelia didn’t expect to hear the news so soon honestly about the attacks has stopped, and the Alpha has a sinking feeling it was from the Delta that he had met. It left him a bit... unnerved honestly. But yet he’s shocked to hear 3 days after meeting the other and then this news happen and in such a gruesome manner as well. This left Aelia breathless in amusement; oh how dangerous.
He chuckles lightly as he is glad that the harassing Alpha is gone but he’s wondering if the Delta that was here before would come back for a visit. Maybe he’ll ask more about it. Then to his surprise as he’s working a bit that he gets a phone call. He blinks, it’s the Delta.
He picks up the phone then smiles as he hears the familiar voice. Such an amusing male. “Hello there Mister Williams. I read about that.” He moves away from his desk to stand up and walk to his fish tank. “It is... Thank you very much for your help, Mister Williams.” He lightly adds, it was bad of him to assume so but he knows that it was Matthew that did it. “Thank you very much for protecting my people.”
“Of course.” With a wave Matthew trots out the building, not taking long to disappear out of sight with the others business card in hand. The Alpha has some good instincts there. It would be two days later that Matthew gains information on the Alpha in question. Seeing as he did agree to give information he does so to the local authorities and to be nice about it to the Alpha Aelia. 
On the third day however the police would find the Alpha in question strung up from his own intestines to dangle listlessly in the wind. On the ground beneath his feet being the Alpha’s hands and well their bits. There are more injuries that made many of the force relieve themselves of any breakfast they ate if they had weak stomachs that is. 
But Aelia wouldn’t actually hear from Matthew again until the male contacts the number once more. By now from his card the other should have figured out who he was if the background checks hadn’t for him. “Hello again Mr. Johnson. I just read in the papers that they found who was doing it, but the paper doens’t much mention how though.” It was all rather hush hush. “It’s a relief that your co-workers will be safe to get home safely without a pervert loitering around.” 
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He moves to go grab the items, chuckling a bit as he takes it then walks over to the counter, already looking at the books conditions. He takes them then walks over to the counter as he wonders if the other wouldn’t mind talking to him instead today. “I found them. Are all the books in the store your own pick or have you got a listings?” He lightly asks, already reading through one of the books.
Arthur raised a brow at him when he chuckled at his recommendations, he’d given him a list that he honestly though were good books! If this alpha was a fellow book lover, he might have read them already, but Arthur was still a little skeptical about that. He was a little surprised when Aelia said he might buy all three, but hey that just meant more money for his rent at least (he was a little behind after all). “Oh. Well. You should be able to find them under the authors names.”
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He hums as he moves to motions someone away then they tried talking to him when he’s on the phone. My goodness, people; you all need to chill for a bit. He blinks at the tone then looks amused. Ah, how professional. “Good afternoon, Mr. Williams. I was wondering when you’re free for this hour. We can meet up.” He pauses then to motion someone closer when they handed him files. It is Jean’s files. “I’d like to talk more about your dog services if you don’t mind? My company is trying to promote animal health and I want to learn more about it.”
You catch more flies with honey as they always say. Jean believe it or not was tidying up his house a bit as he didn’t have anything scheduled for today for once. So after two rings and seeing that his phone showed the contact number for Aelia he answers the phone after two rings. “Hello, you’ve reached Jean Williams. How may I help you Mr. Johnson?” He had a vague idea that is was likely the luncheon or a phone call with him saying he didn’t require his services anymore. You never did know with people sometimes. 
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It wasn’t the looks that attracted Aelia to Arthur, it’s more of the other’s subtle personality that attracted him. Honestly, he knows that Arthur’s parents aren’t that bad in financial issue and Arthur doesn’t really know him. But he chuckles at the list of books, he didn’t have the heart to tell the other he read them all. “Ah, I think I might buy all three of them to read then. I’ll go find them off the shelves.”
Arthur pretty much thinks he’s average looking at this point, nothing special here, nope. In all honesty, he was surprised that Aelia kept to his word and actually came back the next day. And the fact that he asked for a recommendation was even stranger. He took a deep breath and thought for a moment before speaking. “I would say…Othello by Shakespeare,  The Portrait of a Lady by Henry James, or Great Expectations by Charles Dickens…If you haven’t read them already, that is.”
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Well where, Aelia is at; being kind is the best way to gain trust and a lot more than being mean. But he is off working and doing his own thing until soon luncheon time was approaching that he picks up his phone to call up the other male. Granted, he spent his time gathering information on Jean. Just a background check. It’s more of a.... worry if he’s alone away for too long with another person, but he waits to hear the phone pick up.
He wasn’t used to that sort of response, he had gotten used to more negative responses about not being Alpha enough, but he watches the male go. Definitely keeping his eyes off the Alpha’s behind and turns to head home and get his lunch. He would have to set up a luncheon with the male soon. 
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He chuckles a bit at the fond tone, but he tilts his head then nods at the words. It’s always nice to hear about other’s thoughts and feelings. He wasn’t able to enjoy that due to his lifestyle. It’s amazing he didn’t become a therapist or a counselor. He extends his hands to shake the other’s hand, chuckling as he moves to take out his own business card to hand over to the male. “Thank you for your kind words. I’m Aelia Johnson. And do call when you spot the Alpha,  but be sure not to approach it.” Something about the other left him on edge, but he trusts him.
“He can be, but I love him all the same. “ He hums as he listens to the Alpha’s explanation, he was never bothered with the older term either. Then again he never had any negative responses to what he was either. “Yes, I can only imagine how busy college is treating him and that lover of his.” He smiles pleasantly and extend shis hand to the Alpha. “Well it was a pleasure to meet you sir and thank you for leading me to the Exit. Here’s my business card, just encase if we ever happen to run into each other again.” Which was highly likely, but well these were his government business cards. “And should I find that Alpha I’ll certainly call.” 
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He knows how it is to not get thanked for your hard work. He blinks when she asks him if everything was alright, but he just waves his hands. “Everything is fine, I just. The scent in here just overwhelmed me.” He gives her a sheepish smile, trying not to behave like such a rude Alpha. After all, they all have to do their own things.
Not a lot of people thank her so much in one sitting. She placed the mug on the table with a nod. “You’re welcome. Everything okay here?” Allison asked, glancing around briefly before looking at him again. She’d caught his scent when she first came over, but she didn’t acknowledge it.
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“No no, it’s very much fine.” He assures the other, chuckling as he takes the contact card after exchanging his. He tilts his head to read the information then glances at the male and gives a soft smile. “Don’t worry about it, Mister Williams. I’ll call you when I have the time. It’s very much, a pleasure to meet another Alpha around who’s as kind as you are.” He purrs lightly then with a wink he’s off. You’re gonna get a phone call soon.
“You don’t have to really… You don’t have to go out of your way.” He still didn’t like it but this Alpha seemed to be a busy person. Was he just called sweet? “Flushing for a different reason, but seeing as his face hadn’t returned to normal he doubts the other would notice. Reaching into his wallet he himself pulls out a card after taking Aelia’s contact information. “Here’s my card in case you don’t have the contact information from your friend, but you probably already do-.” He trails off sheepishly. “It was nice meeting you. Have a good day.” 
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“that sounds like a fun thing with your brother. He sounds like a very tiresome fellow to be with.” He lightly spoke, chuckling to himself as well. Aelia looks over at the other male with a soft smile. “Sadly even in the city we all got to be careful. And ah, it’s a term that been made recently. It caused a whole mess but, it’s all better. It’s a nice term. Treats others with no scent at the same levels as the ones with scents.” He pauses at the frown. “Ah, I take it the other has been busy? It’s not uncommon for some others to become busy. Ah, here’s the exit.”
“He can be, but there are other times when he is hyper aware and that is usually when he isn’t bothering to try hiding how smart he really is.” He nods at the question concerning the horrible sexual offender. “Of course I don’t mind. It’s not right what they’re doing. No one should have to be afraid for their own safety due to people like this alpha.” Blinking at the new term, his head cocks curiously. “Delta? I think I like that term better. But yes, his name is Al and he lives with his alpha Father Ben. I haven’t seen him in a long time though.” That bring a frown, because he did miss talking to Al. 
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Well, Aelia is very good looking. He isn’t that bad looking and not to mention how much of a company man he is; always more work oriented and it wasn’t until later that he comes back to the small bookstore to see Arthur. Back again the next day and he’s very happy with the book he got and now he’s looking for another one. But he walks to the desk instead, “Good afternoon, Mister Arthur. I’d like to request a recommendation.”
Arthur took a deep breath and composed himself, huffing softly at the alpha. “You weren’t, don’t worry about it.” He listened closely to him, nodding lightly and keeping his eyes off him. Damn him for flirting. “Right. You can call me Arthur. Nice to meet you as well. I’ll be here all day tomorrow.” He would never admit that he watched the other leave the store while reading, well at least he was good-looking.
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He tilts his head at that. “Really? Huh, I guess I’ll have to get a talk to someone for taking pictures without permission.” If there is anything, he’d dislike the thought of someone breaking the laws or doing something to make the other uncomfortable. “Oh, sorry. It’s just I saw you and wanted to ask before my break ended--”  He blinks at the offer as his voice trailed off then laughs lightly. “If you don’t mind! You’re a sweet man, Mr. Williams. I’m Aelia Johnson. Here’s my contact number. Feel free to text me where to meet for lunch. I got to head back a bit, I left someone on hold.” He gives the other a sheepish smile.
Perhaps he had just over thought it then, if the laugh was anything to go by. “Ah no…I just must have misheard you. I wasn’t aware anyone had a picture of me.” He wonders who took a picture of him and is showing it about. It’s not something he’s particularly pleased with, there were some creepy people out in the world and not to mention serial killers. “I am Jean Williams. I don’t usually run into anyone asking for my services on the way back home, but…I guess there’s a first for everything.” Shifting as he’s still flushed albeit a lighter shade of pink, he side eyes the unknown Alpha for a minute. “I-If you would like to, you could join me and we can discuss your friends pup over lunch.” He mentally patted himself on the back for only one stutter. 
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He’s slightly flirting and slightly not. It’s hard to tell. He never liked any Omegas, always after him. He chuckles a bit at that. “Sorry if I’m making you uncomfortable.” He takes the book then stands up as he waves it a bit. “I guess I’ll be seeing you tomorrow. Ah, I’m Aelia Johnson. It’s a pleasure to see a fellow book lover.” With that said, he gives one of those flashy smile and walks off reading his book.
Wait- was he leaning on the counter? Oh. Oh lord. Was this some odd attempt at flirtation? Well shit, he just thought the guy liked his taste in books. This was certainly an odd circumstance, but he couldn’t tell him no. That’d be just plain rude. “I uh…Well, it’s good that you have a good taste in books. And uh…that’s fine. I’ll still be here after all. Unless you come after closing time, but I doubt that.” Oh no. Good lord. He was feeling nervous.
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He hums a bit, feeling congused at her blush. But he didn’t mean to but he takes a deep breath and realizes oh, she’s an Omega. The other sents of hte others around him hit him as well. Oh dear, he shouldn’t had done that. He pauses then glances at her with a smile. “Ah, thank you, miss.” He’s already so happy with the coffee here. Finally a smell that doesn’t get him a headache.
She couldn’t help it when her cheeks grew a bit warm from how often he thanked her. She mumbled something to herself before nodding. “Uh, you’re welcome. I’ll go get ya your coffee.” Then she walked off, returning shortly after with a mug of black coffee and a few of those little creamer things. A sugar container was already on the table. “Alright! N’ your steak will be out when it’s ready.”
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“Ah, that means your brother is very unaware. I have my moments too when I’m sleepy.” He lightly jokes, then hums lightly at that then perks up at that. “Really, if you don’t mind reporting the shady person? It’s best if we identify them.” He pauses then looks sheepish. “Sorry, ah a blank? then it’s like being a Delta here.... you’re friends with an Omega?”
“You should tell that to my brother when he is supposed to meet me in a hotel lobby, but can’t see me due to getting distracted.” He’s merely picking on his brother here the other actually did see him, but the other nations were just distracting. Frowning at this new information he begins to shake his head. “I see. If I happen to come across a shady individual who looks as though they are up to nefarious deeds I’ll be sure to call the local authorities.” More like he’ll likely kill them, but this one doesn’t need to know that. “I noticed you’re sniffing in my general direction… My omega friend told me, I’m a blank.” 
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Oh, the red blush on the other’s face made him smile and laugh out loud happily. “Well yes, that’s what I’m inquiring about.” The people around seem to not think like that because they were whispering. The blond tilts his head as he runs his hand through his hair. “Is there something the matter? A friend of mine had adopted a pup and wanted to know if there was any dog walking services and I was told about ahh.. a Jean Williams? I do hope that it’s you. Since the picture of you did no justice to the real you.”
Jean who was in the process of well walking out to go back home to make lunch blinks at the guy. Once he begins to process that sentence though Jean’s face turns nearly into a tomato as he looks at him clearly surprised. “I…I…Erm…” Discretely he sniffs the guy a bit surprised to have an Alpha ask him that, but that only makes him both more embarrassed and nervous. “I do have a dog service…” He starts warily, before continuing. “W-which is targeted towards walking canines.” 
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“Is there something you need?” He asks lightly, looking confused when he sees the young child there. It wasn’t that bad, but honestly; he didn’t expect to see a child.
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