topherortega-blog · 6 years
Toph hated himself when he was sleep deprived, as did his partner and just about anyone else he had to interact with that day. Zach could be added to the list, he supposed, as he watched him react to the apology. ‘It’s fine’ wasn’t exactly what he was looking for, because that meant that it didn’t matter. It wasn’t forgiveness. But then again, if he wasn’t being an asshole, he wouldn’t have to worry about apologizing or having it accepted. He felt slightly less bad as he saw the small smile, relaxing slightly. It felt nice that at least he was doing something right to make up for it.
“Yeah, I guess you’re right... And the coffee is definitely quality. Way better than that Starbucks crap, or Dunkin Donuts or whatever. I guess you pay for what you get.” The prices were still up there in terms of how much he’d actually be willing to spend on coffee, but this was his favorite place and he decided he’d just have to accept it. They probably wouldn’t be changing anytime soon. Taking his credit card back and stuffing it back into his wallet, his tilted his head to try to get a better look at the punch card. “Free? Well I like the sound of that. How many more do I need to get something?”
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topherortega-blog · 6 years
Toph knew that it was cruel to keep bothering the poor civilian in front of him, and he knew that he was panicking by the smell of anxiety that he was giving off. As a cop, he was used to the nervous smell people got when he stopped them to talk, but sometimes it was fun. Like a rush of power. He looked him over and let the words hang in the air for a few seconds before glancing around to see if there were any children around. “Well... there’s no kids around, and I doubt that anyone would take the time out of their day to come get a toy back, so I guess it isn’t too bad if you keep it. But next time, don’t admit your klepto urges to a cop. It doesn’t make you look good.” The pipe was obvious by the scent, but he wasn’t going to search him. Instead, he decided to make him squirm a bit more. “Do you have anything else on you that you shouldn’t?”
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topherortega-blog · 6 years
“Okay, but the point still stands! You can’t just unbutton your pants and- and urinate wherever you feel is right at the time. It’s unsanitary, and rude.” Toph let out a huff, but couldn’t hide the small laugh that come out after it as he shook his head, running a hand through his hair. “His name is Dave, and he’s a regular. We get calls about him pissing on things he couldn’t a lot from this one woman. For some reason they just... hate each other? I think they used to be a thing or something. But call before last? He decided to go on her little yapper dog. It was... something, to say the least.” He glanced down at his shoes, biting his bottom lip as he thought about what he had to do to the last pair. “I threw them out, but I had to go all the way home to change. It was... a wreck, to say the least.”
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topherortega-blog · 6 years
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It was obvious that the harshness of his words had put the barista off, and if he wasn’t so sleep deprived, he definitely would’ve felt worse. “Listen-” Toph took a deep breath, running a hand through his hair, “That was rude. I’m sorry, okay? I just haven’t slept in like over 24 hours so I’m a little... cranky or whatever.” Not the nicest apology, but it was pretty sincere. “I- yeah, I know. Sorry.” He was very well aware, after questioning his sexuality for the last year or so. He just never got the courage to experiment, and now that he was with Mirella, it didn’t seem like it’d ever happen. “Jesus Christ dude, it feels like this stuff gets more and more expensive every day.” Pulling his wallet out of his pocket, he grabbed his credit card and punch card and held them out. “What happens when I get all the thingies punched?”
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topherortega-blog · 6 years
Usually, Topher would’ve humored the barista, going on along with him as he babbled about his theories, but he just wasn’t in the mood today. His neighbors were up all night partying, and no matter how deep he shoved in his earplugs, the sounds just couldn’t be muffled out. As a cop, it would’ve been easy to just throw on his uniform and knock on their door, say that there was a complaint, but they knew he was their neighbor and that would definitely cause some bad blood. Besides, everyone deserves to have fun once in awhile, and he didn’t want to ruin it. “Yeah, that’s... great. But that would require me actually wearing pins, which I don’t, and being gay, which I’m not. So just... two large black coffees, a jelly donut and a Boston creme, please.”
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“Did you know that if you wear a pin with a UFO on it with a beam that is the pride flag, Aliens will know you’re cool as fuck and it increases your chances of being abducted?” Zach said, going through his routine facts of the day. He was speaking to anyone that would listen, regardless if it were his coworkers that had to listen to his conspiracy theories for eight hours a day or the regulars that were forced to tip him so he could stop talking. “Of course you gotta be in the community to wear it, or else they’d eat you alive.”
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topherortega-blog · 6 years
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Topher watched as the girl looked at everything around her, a small smile forming as he observed her in her preferred setting. He enjoyed seeing her happy. Actually he enjoyed seeing her at all. They were finally alone, and maybe not safe, but it still felt good to be there with her. “Um... that’s actually a really good question.” It was one he had to think hard about too as he bit down on his bottom lip, looking around the room for inspiration. “Honestly? Don’t judge me, okay? But I’d want the pair of glasses that John Lennon wore when he was killed back in 1980. What about you?”
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     “ If you could collect anything in the world, from any period of time what would it be ? “ Mirella mused, blue hues jumping from the pictures of sculptures for sale to the being in front of her; whether they were a stranger or not she didn’t mind. “ Personally I don’t think I could choose, it’d probably just be best for me to get a time machine and then choose something. “ She stated with hesitant laughter following. 
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topherortega-blog · 6 years
Topher had been walking home from his favorite bar along his usual path when the scent of a vampire hit him in the face. It was one that he’d never forget, and never enjoyed either. Vampires were nothing but trouble. The second smell he recognized was blood, but those two seemed to go hand in hand. Taking a small detour, the man followed the smell, standing a careful distance away as he watched the girl clean herself up. He knew that it wasn’t an accident, but decided that he would humor her anyway. “How’d you get that bloody lip there?”
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golden locks rest gently upon her leather covered shoulders as dark red painted finger tips gently wipe off the remaining blood that resided on the corner of her lips, looking at her transparent reflection in the window. blue hues slowly gaze to the corner of the window, spotting the other, “ oh – don’t mind me, just had a bit an accident. “
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topherortega-blog · 6 years
Topher always went to the same place before his shift for coffee and donuts. It wasn’t his entire breakfast, hell it wasn’t even his first cup of coffee of the day. Sure, he already had 4 scrambled eggs, two pieces of buttered toast, and two cups of coffee in his stomach, but it just felt wrong not to get a donut for his time in the patrol car. After ordering two large black coffees, a jelly donut and a Boston creme, he paid what he owed and moved to the side to wait his turn.
The time between paying and actually getting his order was never too long, which was part of the reason this was his favorite coffee location. He surveyed the room as he waited, taking in each and every person there. Maybe it was hyper-vigilance from being born a werewolf, or maybe it was learned at the academy, but it came in handy as he noticed someone stuffing a child’s toy into his pocket. 
After he got his own order and saw the other man still sitting there, Toph decided it would be best to just go check it out. “Hey.” He said as he approached the sitting person, ignoring the smell that wafted off of the glass pipe in his pocket. If he didn’t have a super sense of smell, he never would’ve caught it, and decided that he wouldn’t use it against him. Sure, he was a cop in uniform and was soon to be on the clock, but there was no real reason to ruin the guy’s day. “I saw you stuff something in your pocket before. You bring that with you here today?” Not that it was a big deal, but he had to get his kicks somehow before being forced to be serious for the rest of the day. It was going to be amusing to see if the other man would squirm.
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Nikias hummed as he walked down the street, a mixture of rain and snow falling from the sky. He didn’t have a coat with a hood, nor a hat, so the precipitation was falling directly on his head, matting down his curls. He walked into a cafe, pulling out his phone and replying to some messages he had gotten before getting in line and ordering a coffee and a muffin, giving them five dollars. 
Sitting down, he saw a small toy, probably left by a small child, it was a stuffed cat, about the size of a three year old’s hand. With a gentle grasp, he reached out and grabbed the toy, flipping it over in his hand before shoving it in the pocket of his coat. His joggers contained a rubber band, three gears, a glass pipe and two rocks. 
Hearing his name, Nikias got up and got his things before seating himself back down in the seat, pulling out his phone and scrolling through tumblr before he noticed someone sit in front of him, so he looked up from his phone. He took a deep breath. “Hello.”
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topherortega-blog · 6 years
Topher let out a chuckle as the girl next to him questioned his actions, taking a gulp from his own mug. “All I said was that he couldn’t take a piss on someone’s front porch! That’s not so ba- okay, so maybe I didn’t say it that nicely. But the point still stands. It’s just the law.” Just the thought of the outcome of that situation was enough to make him gag, quickly covering his mouth with his hand as he replayed the aftermath in his head. “Oh no, it did fucking not. This man turns his head, stares at me, and then finishes his piss on my shoes! My shoes! How fucking disgusting is that? And just- goddamn disrespectful.”
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“So let me get this straight,” Nala paused for a moment, taking a drink from the clear glass that held an amber liquid. “You told them what?” The woman had heard plenty of things and seen much more, but what she was hearing had completely taken her off guard. “And I’m going to guess that didn’t go over very well.” 
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topherortega-blog · 6 years
“Listen, all I’m saying... is that people are pretty sick in the fucking head..” Topher shook his head as he picked up his mug of beer, elbows resting on the bar as he took a swig. As a police officer, he saw plenty of things that would keep most people up at night from fear of nightmares. As a werewolf, he did things that many couldn’t bear to think about. “Today,” he continued, glancing from the television to the person he was conversing with, “I got some domestic disturbance call and went over, right? And the wife flung an entire skillet at her husband’s head. She had crazy accurate aim and the dude went down like a sack of potatoes. Know what they were arguing about? Take a guess.”
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topherortega-blog · 6 years
Meet Topher!
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Hey there! Just a little introduction below.
Hiya! I’m Jess, nineteen years old, EST, and my pronouns are she/her.
Here’s just a few facts about Christopher:
He was born a werewolf to the beta of his pack and another member of the group.
His father eventually left and when he was eighteen his mother, the beta, was killed in a fight with another mob.
As an orphan since his senior year, he’s been pretty independent. His pack helps when he needs it, but he’s been living in an apartment alone since high school graduation.
His mother was the only person to ever call him by his full name, and he makes it a point to be called Topher instead of Chris.
He is currently a member of the NYPD and uses it as an in for his pack to see when the police are getting to close to figuring things out.
Even though he uses his position as an advantage for his mob, he really does care about the job.
When he gets off of his shifts, he likes to go to the bar and chill out, have a few beers or shots while watching that night’s sports game.
He might seem intimidating at first, but he’s not actually that scary. That’s only when he gets seriously angry, but he’s gotten better at holding his temper. 
His original plan was to fall in love with someone from his mob but he knew the minute that he met Mirella that it just wasn’t going to happen. He feels guilty for dipping into another pack but he literally can’t help it. Now he just hopes that it won’t get one of them killed.
I’m always up for plotting, so feel free to hit me up! I’ll be on for the rest of the night and fixing up his theme.
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