tormentedripper-blog · 10 years
No, he didn't. Who says you're welcome here?
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Oh, uh..
But I’m living here anyway. Didn’t Damon tell you? 
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tormentedripper-blog · 10 years
As usual.
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Oh, uh..
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tormentedripper-blog · 10 years
Alright, this is getting boring. You can remember me now, but don't try to pull any tricks, or it'll be you burning on that fire over there.
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You could say that, yeah.
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Have we met before? I don’t know you just seem, familiar. 
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tormentedripper-blog · 10 years
I'm inclined to say you killed her, but that might just be because of my own recent preferences.
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I just couldn't help myself.
Guess. Did I kill her or did I not kill her?
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tormentedripper-blog · 10 years
Text || Stefan
Rebekah: It becomes a problem when he realizes he is missing sections of his memory and can perfectly describe where he was and who he was with when it happened.
Stefan: I'll do my job more thoroughly next time, I was feeling generous.
Stefan: It's not like he matters, he's just some guy thinking he can rid the town of evil.
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tormentedripper-blog · 10 years
Text || Stefan
Rebekah: Compelling a federal agent. Some people call that a federal offense.
Stefan: I can assure you it's not as bad as murder.
Stefan: What's a federal agent to you, anyway? You should be glad he's still alive.
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tormentedripper-blog · 10 years
Text || Stefan
Rebekah: I've heard quite a bit about your recent escapades.
Rebekah: You need to tone yourself down.
Stefan: My recent escapades? You'll have to be more specific.
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tormentedripper-blog · 10 years
More or less?
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You could say it’s a bonfire, more or less.
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It’s one of the only things giving off light in this town. 
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tormentedripper-blog · 10 years
As Stefan listened to the man's rambling, it occurred to him that that the two brothers' relationship seemed to be even more complicated than that of him and Damon, but then he raised his eyes. "Well your brother was stupid to make a deal with a demon, don't you think?" he said, not trying to think of the fact that he had -metaphorically- done the same thing when Damon had been bitten. "So you're hunting demons, but now that they've all been released from hell you have no idea how to get them back there. Seems to me that you are useless," Stefan said, debating on whether he should let the man live. 
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"Every single one that’s ever been killed." Sam added on to the man’s words to summarize what he had just said.  "No, well yes. It’s complicated. I got killed in an one or none situation. I almost made it out, but this other guy beat me to it. I got stabbed in the back. My brother made a deal, one to bring me back from death. A deal that sold his soul to a demon, landing him a permanent spot in hell. That’s why I’m here. I’m trying to rid him of his deal. He wouldn’t have been in this situation if I had maybe looked back. This apocalypse thing just happened. I was in the graveyard when it happened. I have no idea how it started or how to stop it.  But yes, I’m killing them in between all of this."
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tormentedripper-blog · 10 years
I don't suppose she is still alive?
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I just couldn't help myself.
— She was wearing the nicest necklace. 
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tormentedripper-blog · 10 years
Roughly 85 gifs of Stefan Salvatore (Paul Wesley) in the past (flashbacks). I know it's not a lot, but they're hard to find. These are all textless gifs and organized by time period. At the end there's a few that I think are from modern day but they're in costume. Gifs from 1864, 1912, 1922 and 1942. None of them are mine, if you want credit or want yours removed, send me a message. Enjoy!
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tormentedripper-blog · 10 years
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Salvatore’s brotherhood back in 1864
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tormentedripper-blog · 10 years
Stefan had been aimlessly walking around town for a few hours now, enjoying the darkness and the special atmosphere that came with it more than he should. There had been a few people outside, hurrying back to their homes or trying to find an open shop or restaurant where they could stay for a while, but other than that the streets were desolate. 
After another while of walking around on empty streets and being bored out of his mind, Stefan decided he could pay a visit to the boarding house, to see what his brother was up to lately. Ever since he'd turned his humanity off, he'd enjoyed making Damon's life miserable the way Damon used to enjoy it with Stefan, but before he made it there, Stefan saw some guy sitting on the pavement. Always up for a game, Stefan brought up his good guy facade and walked closer. "You alright there buddy?" he asked.
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Some things were impossible to explain. There were times where one simply felt something and knew. As Jason had felt that chill, the freezing of his insides once the lights went out and he was left in the dark, surrounded by street lights that no longer provided illumination. The sensations rippling throughout his body resembled those he had been submitted to the night he lost his family to a demon attack. And thus, he knew. Words could not explain, but he knew. 
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It was as though he were suffering his loss all over again, the secret of their deaths suddenly weighing on him; weighing far more than he could bear. So Jason sat on the pavement, wind howling around him and squeezed his eyes shut. Be a man about it. The words played on his mind on repeat like a mantra.  
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tormentedripper-blog · 10 years
Stefan sighed and let shook his head as he listened to what the man said. "A hunter, of course," he said with a small roll of his eyes. Another guy to think he can save the world. "Demons," Stefan repeated, intrigued now about what he was saying. There were enough supernatural things in Mystic Falls already that made it difficult to live here, the last thing he needed were some spawns of hell. "Demons.. Released from hell." If Stefan hadn't compelled the guy, he would've thought he was lying. "And you're here to kill them?" he went on, still trying to connect the dots.
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Sam couldn’t seem to stop the words that came out of his mouth. “I’m not an agent, I’m a hunter.  Not the kind that shoot deer, but in different sense. We kill the Supernatural. I’m not being metaphorical at all. Actual and real Demons.” Sam paused as he was about to explain what was going on. He tried fighting the compulsion, but it didn’t seem to work. The pressure was too much. ”Hell. Hell is being released.  When they sky opened, they all poured out at once. I’m thinking the darkness is just an effect of it.” 
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tormentedripper-blog · 10 years
Stefan hadn't noticed the darkness at first. Sure, it'd been darker than usual, but to Stefan, that was a positive thing. It was easier for him to hide and hunt when you could barely see. However, after a while, he'd noticed that something was different. It wasn't just the night sky, but it were the streetlights as well. In fact, it was so dark that the oblivious people of Mystic Falls all locked themselves in their homes and kept the door shut. 
And that was a problem for Stefan, who had become so greedy that he fed at least once every two hours. Sometimes, he'd compel a number of victims to come with him so that he could feast on them all day long, and sometimes he simply went in for a quick attack, which went unnoticed more easily but was in no way less bloody.
Now, he'd been wandering the streets for what felt like four hours, and he still hadn't come across a single beating heart. Because of this, he was hungry, moody, and slightly desperate. It'd been so easy to slip back into that ripper pattern of feeding and hunting, all day long, that every minute waiting for another victim seemed like a minute that was wasted. 
Suddenly, he heard something behind him, and eagerly turned around thinking he'd find a lost or drunk human roaming the streets. Instead, he saw nothing but a shadow. Carefully but sternly, he stepped closer and closer, thinking he'd found his next meal, and right as he bared his fangs, he could make out the figure standing in front of him.
"Klaus," he said, anger and disappointment lacing his voice now that he saw he still wouldn't be able to feed.
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In the dark of the night - OPEN
It was something he was familiar with, something he had learned both to fear when he was younger – and to appreciate when he grew older. It wasn’t a stranger to him, more often than not he would use it to his advantage.
When the lights went out and most of Mystic Fall’s inhabitants locked themselves into their houses, Klaus did the opposite, he got out on the streets. Trying to find out what exactly had happened, who was responsible – and if whatever was happening was a threat to him or his family.
Most of the streets were empty and so it wasn’t difficult to stay unnoticed, only few people were crazy – or stupid – enough to leave the safety of their homes.
And, right now, it seemed he had found one of the crazy ones. Footsteps were heading in his direction, his keen ears picking up the sound long before a shadow could be seen hurrying down the street. He remained in the darkness, watching the person move, curious about what they might be doing outside.
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tormentedripper-blog · 10 years
"Let's talk about that demon thing," Stefan said as he took a nearby chair and sat down in front of the guy. "It seems a little strange to me that an FBI agent talks about demons. So spill, what do you mean? Vampires? Are those the demons you mean? And what about that power cutoff? I doubt it's just the town saving on energy, there's more. So what's happening?" he asked as he looked at the man.
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"You know, this power cut off has given me quite some problems, everyone is staying inside. I don't like it when people are inside," Stefan said, adding some pressure. The less people were out, the less he could feed on them, leaving him hungry and aggravated, but most importantly: dangerous.
"Like you weren’t thinking of it." The hunter gritted through his teeth as the man grabbed his arm and he was thrown against the wall. "So it isn’t just a demon thing." The action, as rough as it was, didn’t phase him though. Sam had been tossed around like a rag doll multiple times on hunts. He started to get up, feeling dazed.
The younger Winchester groaned as he was thrown once more, this time on a chair. “Son of a….”  He trailed off looking into the man’s eyes, Sam stopped struggling and sat down in the chair. He nodded at the man’s words. 
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tormentedripper-blog · 10 years
Stefan easily deflected the punch that got thrown at him and instead took hold of the man's arm to throw him across the room. "You shouldn't have done that," Stefan said controlled and cold. Moving towards him at his vampire speed, he picked the hunter up and threw him on the chair that Stefan was sitting on just a few seconds earlier. "Sit down, and don't you dare get up" he said, compelling the man again, hoping he still didn't know about vervain.
"I told you I wanted to talk. Now that I have your attention, let's talk."
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"That doesn’t give you the right to kill her." Anger flooded through Sam as he realized this woman was truly innocent. She did nothing to deserve her grizzly death. Then, he saw the eyes. It was almost like a demon’s, but consisting of more red and veins that popped out. You could say this was a really bad 80’s horror movie. Sam threw a punch, aiming for a blow to the head.
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