tortureddecline · 2 years
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tortureddecline · 2 years
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tortureddecline · 2 years
I know I'm trying really hard to make this thing look good, but don't take this vlog seriously
NOBODY IS TELLING ME NOTHING sincerely this is just to post something because being so ia in here makes me mad but this acc is not really dedicated to anything specific, sometimes I'll make layouts (maybe), sometimes I'll just vent abt life or spam about things I like, I may even end up posting drawings in here (ngl I got bored of posting draws on instagram sOOO maybe), not sure tho. This is just a place to speak (almost) everything that goes on in my mind, I could perfectly do it on Twitter but there's certain moments that i tweet too much about something and I think "shit I probably am so annoying oh god" AND I COME HERE.
I'm writing this to avoid thinking about homework ngl.
Look further 4 more of my brain being a total bitch! (if u want to)
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tortureddecline · 2 years
i have to stop changing the vlog aesthetics everytime.... bUT I DON'T WANT TO
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tortureddecline · 2 years
I've been developing a really serious hiperfixation with the stanley parable
please help
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tortureddecline · 2 years
Canciones que salvarían a Medina de VECNA
Medina es agarrado distraído por débiles alucinaciones, el tic-tac del reloj constantemente invadiendo cada uno de sus momentos de soledad, cosas que antes le generaban paz ahora le generan increíbles cantidades de pánico porque siempre siente esos ojos detrás de su nuca. El ataque de Vecna sucede, sorprendentemente, mientras Medina está planeando un simulacro con el equipo, sus ojos se ponen blancos, no responde cuando lo llaman y, después de un par de minutos, su cuerpo empieza a flotar en el aire. Casi milagrosamente, Santos sabe que hacer, tratando de alcanzar la velocidad de la luz, los tres simuladores restantes agarran un disco de vinilo, el tocadiscos y suben el volumen, rápidamente, la habitación se llena de música y pocos minutos después, Medina vuelve a la normalidad. ¿Qué mierda acababa de pasar?
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