tortureisims · 2 years
heyo 👋 !
so, it’s been a hot minuet since I’ve been here. I really love leon & all my starfox muses, unfortunately I don’t think I’ll be coming back to them. at least not anytime soon. they’ve been a lot of fun, especially leon, being that he’s one of my oldest muses thus far but I just don’t have the willpower to be on them anymore for reasons I won’t be going into. maybe that’ll change, maybe I’ll come back someday, but until then I’ll be on an indefinite hiatus for all of them, you can catch me on some of my other blogs, if you know them.
catch you all on the flipside. ✌💖
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tortureisims · 3 years
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❝   Apologies   for   our   tardiness   back   to   Sargasso.   Unfortunately,   due   to   Wolf’s   overeager   behavior   I   had   to . . .   ahem   . . .   have   my   hips   realigned.   ❞
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tortureisims · 3 years
I FORGOT it was Leon’s birthday on the first of January. I am a fool . . .
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tortureisims · 3 years
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❝   this   team   is   a   fucking   NIGHTMAAAAARE   !   ❞   
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tortureisims · 3 years
@icantlose​​   continued   from   here.
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❝   My   schedule,   thankfully,   is   completely   cleared.   Save   for   sleeping,   but   --   ah   --   ❞
the   grip   upon   his   rear   startles   him,   the   word   ‘lewd’   nearly   leaving   his   lips   on   impulse   alone.   however,   in   the   state   of   euphoria   he’s   in,   he   manages   to   stifle   such   an   obvious   observation   for   the   time   being.   moment   taken   to   revel   in   the   feeling   of   the   other’s   hands   upon   him   elicits   a   soft   sigh   from   the   reptile.   head   fogging   as   he   offers   a   breathy   exhale,   grappling   with   the   now   difficult   task   of   articulating   himself.
❝   I   ...   ahem   ...   I   believe   that’s   a   task   I   can   push   back   a   few   hours   to   make   room   for   something   far   more   ...   exhilarating.   ❞
the   hefty   task   of   releasing   his   iron   grip   upon   his   schedule   is   a   privilege   he   does   not   grant   just   anyone.   however,   it   was   near   impossible   to   withhold   himself   currently.   furthermore,   the   idea   of   having   to   keep   his   adulation   to   himself   any   longer   than   necessary   greatly   upset   the   assassin.   the   fact   of   the   matter   was,   Leon   Powalski   wanted   his   husband   and   he   wanted   him   now.  
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tortureisims · 3 years
wolf :  I just feel like they don’t respect me. -- leon :  kill them. wolf :  easy there, leon. let’s not get carried away. --- leon , already on his way :  I will kill them. wolf :  what -- muffin, no ---
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tortureisims · 3 years
pops in here just to change Leon’s icon to his pride icon :]
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tortureisims · 3 years
brb redownloading 64 emulator just to play Starfox 64
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tortureisims · 3 years
“Azeeza pop in.” She states rather plainly, red and yellow gaze hardly staying on the chameleon, her attention and curiosity more interested in the strange objects that surrounded the duo. A strange bodysuit folded neatly on the table, thin enough to likely fit the stranger before her, and a modified handgun, complete with a jagged knife affixed to the barrel were among the unfamiliar items that caught her attention.  “Not know how got here, Star Wolf…”
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“Where Scales?” She asks, her attention finally falling back to the assassin. “He come too? I in space? How far from Sauria? How Azeeza get home?” These, and a myriad of other urgent questions raced rapidly through her mind. That is… when she wasn’t distracted by all the cool toys this Star Wolf guy had laying around. 
…What an odd name for a reptile.
❝   Pop   in?   ❞
Leon   parrots   as   he   watches   her   attention   drift   elsewhere,   looking   over   the   living   quarters   he   tries   to   discern   what   it   is   that   held   her   gaze,   but   to   no   avail.   returning   cold   blues   to   her   form,   he   takes   note   of   the   name   given   to   him   incorrectly.   no   venom   on   his   lips   as   they   part   to   correct,   only   to   be   interrupted   with   the   barrage   of   questions.
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❝   Scales?   ...   I   don’t   know   anyone   by   that   name.   You   are   free   to   search   Sargasso   if   you   so   choose.   I   am   uncertain   on   the   exact   distance   we   are   from   Sauria,   the   Communication   Center   should   be   able   to   assist   you   in   determining   such.   Since   you   described   your   entry   as   'popping   in’,   I   would   assume   you   have   a   teleporter   of   some   sort   on   your   persons.   ❞
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tortureisims · 3 years
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Despite   his   demeanor,   Leon   was   just   as   intrigued   by   her   as   she   was   him.   Cold   blues   look   her   over   carefully,   narrowed   gaze   ever   signifying   the   distinct   lack   of   trust   Powalski   would   put   into   others.   Gloved   hands   adjust   his   cuffs,   before   he   folds   his   hands   behind   his   back.   Her   disjointed   phrases   remind   him   of   his   own   mother   back   on   Corneria,   a   twinge   of   fondness   there,   though   she   seems   far   colder.   Not   that   he   had   a   problem   with   it,   if   his   mother   were   any   other   person   he’s   sure   he’d   be   frazzled   and   exhausted   by   her   constant   doting.   Expression   seems   to   soften,   if   only   a   bit,   as   he   responds.
❝   I   see...   In   any   case,   you’re   currently   located   within   Sargasso   Space   Station,   a   freighter   ship   in   international   airspace,   owned   by   Lord   O’Donnell.   It’s   a   hub   for   mercenaries   to   trade,   rest,   and   secure   contracts,   among   other   things.   More   specifically,   you   are   in   Star   Wolf’s   quarters.   How   you   got   in   here   is   beyond   me.   ❞
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tortureisims · 4 years
After   a   long   and   arduous   solo   mission   delegated   to   the   chameleon,   there   was   only   one   individual   on   his   mind.   As   he   docks   his   ship   in   its   usual   spot   and   climbs   out   of   the   cockpit,   he   wonders   how   far   off   his   other   half   would   be   upon   his   feet   hitting   the   floor   of   the   docking   bay.   Familiar   light   thud   of   boots   upon   the   metal   floors,   and   quiet   padding   footsteps   through   the   cold   halls   of   Sargasso.   Even   without   a   mission   to   carry   out,   he   couldn’t   cease   to   think   to   be   as   quiet   as   he   could   be.   Mind   always   processing   a   means   of   escape,   attack,   and   hyperaware   of   individuals   and   their   presence.   A   threat   level   assigned   to   each   that   made   sense   in   his   own   mind.   However   there’s   only   one   individual   who   could   seem   to   disrupt   such   well   kempt   thoughts   in   the   best   way.   One   wild   variable   that   always   jumped   fate   and   created   his   own   luck,   what   fire   and   passion   he   held   in   him,   his   rage   was   nothing   short   of   divine   to   behold.   One   person   alone   who   could   never   cease   to   amaze   and   surprise   the   assassin.   And   that   one   person   was   upon   him   before   he   could   even   make   it   into   the   bar   itself.   Powalski   rounds   the   corner   just   in   time   to   be   tackled   unto   the   floor,   making   careful   adjustments   to   continue   the   movement   until   he   had   Wolf   pinned.   Does   it   with   ease   and   grace,   it’s   second   nature   to   him.   Yet   simple   but   warm   smile   takes   the   place   of   a   deadpan   expression   on   his   lips,   a   sign   that   he   knows   all   too   well   that   the   one   below   him   was   no   threat   to   be   dealt   with.   But   rather,   an   individual   to   be   cherished,   his   favorite   divergence   in   plans,   his   adored   and   wild   variable.   A   small   grin   granted   to   him   as   he   gazes   down   at   him,   smugness   tugging   gently   at   scaled   features.   An   expression   that   reaches   his   eyes   as   he   straddles   his   partner’s   lap,   and   relinquishes   his   gentle   grip   on   his   arms.   Gloved   hands   settling   lightly   upon   the   lupine’s   chest,   he   purrs   quietly.
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❝   Hello,   love.   ❞
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tortureisims · 4 years
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❝   The   insinuation   you   are   making   is   a   very   serious   one,   boy.   I   torture   for   intel,   work,   and   leisure.   but   I   do   not   cross   that   line.   ❞
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tortureisims · 4 years
"Leon, Muffin, wake up--ya gotta--"he interrupts himself with clearly alcohol-induced, exhausted giggling, "--ya gotta say 'haha, seaweed!' please say it!"
The   chameleon   reluctantly   awakens,   rolling   over   and   peeking   an   eye   open   at   his   clearly   inebriated   partner.   Confused,   dazed,   and   barely   lucid,   the   reptile   mumbles.
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❝   ha   ha,   seaweed? --   why?   ❞
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tortureisims · 4 years
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❝   You’re   impossible   to   forget~    ❞ 
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“I sure know how to leave an impression, don’t I~?”
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tortureisims · 4 years
Quietly, the big wolf wanders into the duo's quarters as the station's chaos begins to wind down for the evening. Climbing up onto the bed and worming his way into the chamleon's space, Wolf can't help but kiss Leon before rumbling quietly. "Mmmya 'wake?"
It   was   a   long   day,   like   many   before   that,   and   there   was   nothing   the   chameleon   enjoyed   more   than   completing   every   task   right   on   time   and   according   to   schedule.   However,   it   seemed   that   Murphy’s   law   was   in   full   effect   today,   completely   throwing   off   the   lizard’s   schedule.   Exhaustion   and   frustration   was   quick   to   take   hold   of   him   before   the   day   was   over,   and   even   quicker   was   he   to   come   crawling   into   bed   once   the   day   was   done.   Yet   still,   he   stirs   when   the   door   slides   open   and   shut   within   the   space   station,   feeling   the   familiar   weight   of   his   lover   as   he   crawls   into   bed,   and   the   soft   kiss   seem   to   lull   him   into   consciousness   tenderly.   A   light   hum   as   he   blinks   and   turns   over,   curling   in   close   to   the   other   as   he   replies   softly.
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❝   MmmI   am   now,   love.   ❞  
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tortureisims · 4 years
"Uhhh, Muffin, I'd like to humbly request that you and I make out upstairs."
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❝   Oh?   Is   that   so? . . .   Hm,   I   suppose   I   have   time   for   a   bit   of .  .  .   fooling   around   as   they   say.   ❞
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tortureisims · 4 years
"--Wait, you LIVE in this dump?"
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❝   I   assure   you   that   our   chambers   are   far   more   well   kept   and   decorated   than   the   bar.   ❞
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