torykuhns · 6 years
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torykuhns · 6 years
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torykuhns · 6 years
Relationships don’t take your anxiety away Relationships don’t take your depression away Relationships don’t stop the bad thoughts Relationships don’t stop your mental illnesses
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torykuhns · 7 years
Everyone is having babies and Lord kids are great but if I got prego, I’d shit myself. Ima be on birth control forever.
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torykuhns · 7 years
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torykuhns · 7 years
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torykuhns · 7 years
Fall in love with your life, you only have one so it is time to make it the best life possible. Spend more time with people who love you and that you love, go for a walk through a mass of trees with no sound other than the sound of the wild life and insects that live there, think about everything you could do in your life that would make you wake up in the morning excited to start your day. Most importantly, banish any negativity that has any power over you and your happiness. This negativity could be in the form of a person who calls them your friend or even a toxic job, let it all go from your life and take the first step to caring for yourself and start living. 
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torykuhns · 7 years
*looking in a mirror trying to practice self-love* ur doing great u stupid bitch
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torykuhns · 7 years
When a person tells you you hurt them, you don’t get to decide you didn’t.
Louis C.K. (via wordsnquotes)
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torykuhns · 7 years
I believe that perhaps true self-love comes from letting go a part of yourself that you really loved but is no longer making you grow. It may be something self-destructive. It may be a habit that you thought was keeping you safe but really was keeping you away from your true long-term goals. It may be someone who you shared love with for so long but isn’t really the right person for you, and it’s painful, but you have to let go because that person’s part in you is no longer making you grow. You can’t compromise your own growth for someone else’s. You can’t compromise your own happiness just because someone sees theirs in yours. You have to go somewhere else when the environment that you’re in isn’t beneficial for your well-being and development. You have to replant yourself in a garden that’s best suited for your soul. You have to go all the way when it comes to taking care of yourself especially when it comes to protecting your own space and energy. You have to go all the way when it comes to loving yourself, and that means self-sacrifice and doing the best that you can to become who you always wanted to be.
Juansen Dizon, True Self-Love (via juansendizon)
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torykuhns · 7 years
*looking in a mirror trying to practice self-love* ur doing great u stupid bitch
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torykuhns · 7 years
I will teach my daughter so much self love
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torykuhns · 7 years
Moving on is never be an easy part to be done. But whatever reason the cause behind it that putting you through this part, you know you have no choice. Whether it happened unnoticed, you were forced, or you let yourself to let it go. But remember this; you have all the right to be happy, with or without someone to help you, with or without any forces to make you break down again.
180degreesofme, writing prompt #17: Write about moving on (via wordsnquotes)
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torykuhns · 7 years
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torykuhns · 7 years
Holding people away from you, and denying yourself love, that doesn’t make you strong. If anything, it makes you weaker. Because you’re doing it out of fear.
Sarah Dessen (via wordsnquotes)
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torykuhns · 7 years
Why didn’t I learn to treat everything like it was the last time? My greatest regret was how much I believed in the future.
Jonathan Safran Foer, Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close (via wordsnquotes)
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torykuhns · 7 years
When I get lonely these days, I think: So BE lonely. Learn your way around loneliness. Make a map of it. Sit with it, for once in your life. Welcome to the human experience. But never again use another person’s body or emotions as a scratching post for your own unfulfilled yearnings.
Elizabeth Gilbert (via quotemadness)
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