total-loser-island · 2 years
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so like one day i was listening to fake love by bts and wanted to draw scott and was generally fucking around and i made this
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total-loser-island · 2 years
General Headcannons Pt. 2
Loves Green Day, and most 90's/2000's alt bands. He's super inspired by them. He was also a fan of the boy band Chris was a part of before the whole Total Drama thing.
His favorite color is forest green and he actually grew up in a pretty secluded area. He spent most of his time being "that guy" at parties. (You know the "cool one" that plays wonderwall)
He's actually not super interested in being a part of Total Drama Brothers, mostly because halfway through their time being in the band, they "lost the passion"
He knows how to throw knives. He thought it was cool and would impress partners. Duncan totally taught him
Oh poor, sweet Tyler...
He is super supportive in all relationships, and is absolutely the cheerleader to his partner (similar to Geoff)
He loves s'mores, and was super disappointed he couldn't make any with his marshmallows during TDI
He also hates tea and coffee, he only drinks cocoa with milk, he's a hot chocolate elitist like that
He was definitely like the second or third best person on his track and field team, but he's the absolute worst at every other sport. He refuses to believe that though
He has two bunnies from the same litter, and he named them Zack and Cody. Cody was very weirded out by hearing his name for a bunny
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total-loser-island · 2 years
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1st gen hotties
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total-loser-island · 2 years
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Been thinking a lot about Total Drama Pahkitew Island recently and I realized something: Topher had the potential to actually be an interesting villain.
So Topher's whole schtick was that he was "The Wannabe Chris" and really wanted to emulate his idol Chris McLean. So much so that he joined Total Drama with the intention of actually replacing Chris as the host of the show. (Yes you read that right: Topher's plan was to become the host of Total Drama while competing on Total Drama. Pahkitew's writing was... Not great.) While watching him get under Chris's skin made for some decent jokes, Topher's scheme to oust Chris took up the majority of his screentime and came at the expense of him actually interacting with the other contestants. Which is a shame because Topher could have been a unique antagonist while still hanging on to the whole "Chris 2.0" angle.
Let's pretend for a minute that Topher didn't have his ridiculous plan of replacing Chris but still greatly admired and wanted to be like him. Chris is all about making his contestants miserable and turning their suffering into good ratings, so picture Topher applying that same logic to his strategy for winning Total Drama. If the other contestants started having issues with each other, Topher could have used his people skills and smooth talking (which he canonically does have, as shown by how he was able to first suck up to Chris before subtly digging at his flaws to mess with his head) to further drive a wedge between them. Then before long the contestants are at each other's throats and trying to vote each other off, allowing Topher himself to fly under the radar and get farther along in the game.
Bada bing bada boom: you have a unique antagonist while staying faithful to his core character aspect of being a Chris McLean fanboy. After all, what better way to show how much you admire Chris than by giving his show some juicy conflicts to bring in the ratings?
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total-loser-island · 2 years
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she wore a sweater it was funeral grey!!!
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total-loser-island · 2 years
General Headcannons Pt. 1
Gwen's favorite horror movie is Friday the Thirteenth, granted it's a series, but still. She watched it as a kid with her mom, and she felt really bad for Jason. You know, how he gets bullied and drowned? Yeah, she didn't understand and has a definite soft spot for him.
She loves when Cold Stone dyes it's sweet cream ice cream black for Halloween, she once pretended it was tar coming from her mouth to scare her little brother
Speaking of family, she actually has a super loving and supportive one. Granted her parents are divorced, but they're on good terms and she got therapy for it so she didn't feel like the problem.
She's the oldest with a younger brother, and two younger sisters. She loves them all and gives them makeovers if they ask, she also reads them spooky bedtime stories that actually have a good message at the end.
She LOVED "Making Fiends" when it was on, idk what timeline or how old, she adored it. The theme song got stuck in her head every time after though and she hated it.
While she also has two lizards (a bearded dragon and a skink), she also has a scrappy old dog named Marlow. She loves him and has had him since forever.
Her parents were furious after Total Drama, and were so upset they didn't read the contracts fine print.
Bisexual but leaning towards women. She dates the guys because she's scared that being with a femme person will ruin her reputation. She dates Gwen after the show, but doesn't really stick with her, realizing they're better friends.
Her family life was rough, but in the way where her dad wasn't around due to business, and her mother pressured her to excel in everything.
She definitely planned her life out and was so sure how it was going to go... Then Total Drama happened...
She has problems with control, and so she comes off as bossy often. She does mean well, really! But it's hard when no one is listening to her.
Speaking of, in relationships she needs a lot of reassurance and has a need to be in charge. It's why she wrote up that long list to Duncan of how everything was going to play out.
Over time she realizes that what she did was wrong, and tries to do better in letting people do their own thing, but she does have slipups and relapses
Her favorite nail design is a French tip, it's classy, smart, and business-like
Okay let's get one thing straight. Heather's home life is shit. Her parents put her through electroshock "therapy" to "make her nicer"
Like that's fucked up, and she only realizes it until after Leshawna of all people brings it up with her
Speaking of, after everything, they have a love-hate friendship.
She only really likes her mom due to how much she has been manipulated by her. Like she said both parents, so they're both probably fucked.
She hated her siblings due to them getting away from their awful parents, she was taught that they were ungrateful and lazy.
Her parents did actually get divorced and eventually her aunt got custody. Her aunt is the nicest lady and over time helps Heather to become a nicer and more stable/open person.
She was also kind of chubby in middle school and early highschool, though her mom was not happy with that
She was put on an intense diet and exercise regimen, and it's why she cares about her looks so much and insults Leshawna for her size at first.
When she cried in season one when talking to Harold, she was partially being genuine and partially tricking him. Though she was shocked he was so... Accurate in his assessment of her. It kind of made her hate him just a little more.
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total-loser-island · 2 years
Hola! I'm V and I'll be writing headcannons of any of the total drama characters... Or at least the characters in seasons I've watched so far. Though granted I will totally get some minor canon stuff wrong (i.e. pets and relatives) and will be switching things around personality wise because I've claimed all the characters and I get to throw them in the dishwasher with a bit too much soap and watch listen to them shake around until the dishwasher makes thudding noises.
Who I write for:
Okay enough of that here's the list of characters so far, and be warned it may change since I only just finished season two.
Chris McLean
Chef Hatchet
I'm going to be honest I will write about most things, and to be clear, all characters will be aged up to 21 and over.
With that being said I don't write for kinks involving scat or piss, heavy non-con/assault, and anything underage. As well as obvious stuff involving animals and corpses in an nsfw sense.
Most everything else is fair game, including consensual non-consent. Though I don't expect to be getting many, if any nsfw requests, I'm fine with them and writing them.
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