[The text on the paper seems to be typed out. As in, from a computer. It's almost otherworldly. And it reads...]
greetings, young egg-shaped being! i have stuMbled Across your humble shoppe, and would love it if you would be willinG tO share with me some of your assorted wares! i Look forward to yOuR response!
[On the bottom of the page is a picture of a pocket watch, followed by a picture of a star, and finally, a depiction of a bushy, black mustache. These pictures seem to be the source of the mysterious sparkles; as magolor holds the paper, they flake off of their outlines like glitter and fall to the ground, where they linger.]
[In the same town square that Magolor's Shoppe is located in, there lies a Quest Board, one normally reserved for requesting help from whatever traveler or warrior may want to accept it. However, today, there is a bit of an odd sight on the board. A paper that seems to be holding itself to the board with no apparent tack, tape, staple, anything. It looks polished, without a single blemish on it, and of a perfect white color, one that doesn't fit any paper usually seen on the board. And on top of all that... is it sparkling? It lies on the board, waiting to be noticed by someone...]
With Team Kirby having just gone out on a quest, the townsfolk busy with their own things, and no ideas for new gear, it seemed like the universe had perfectly cooked up a recipe for boredom in Magolor's eyes. He'd decided it wouldn't hurt to take a little float around town, maybe take a look at what that artist girl was painting...
And then it catches his eye- that strange note. Checking the Quest Board had become something of a habit for him. Even if he never went out on the quests himself, he liked to be aware of when this dimension was... less stable than usual. All of which is to say, Magolor was quite familiar with what the board's usual signage looked like, and it definitely wasn't that.
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"What do we have here...?"
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((OOC! this isn't the extensive post I mentioned earlier but I would like to share this now. back in the day I didn't actually edit either of the pics used on this blog, but now I'd say I'm quite skilled at it. take a look at an Alternate Universe Sony, finally incorporating his initial inspiration))
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How has my wonderful son been
I have been very good! I've been wandering the Solar System lately, discovering what must be discovered. What about you, Mother?
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Everything is alright, Maho! I should have asked permission to use any nicknames, anyway. Hopefully we can still be friends after this!
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⚙ – “Can I be referred to as anything but Horror Egg? I hate that name.. Maho would be better..”
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Oh! I... I'm deeply sorry, Maho. I am just used to calling your species "Egg". I shall cease that activity with you, my apologies.
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⚙ – “Can I be referred to as anything but Horror Egg? I hate that name.. Maho would be better..”
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Maho Egg? Alright, I shall make the proper advancements. Although, Horror Egg seems more fitting.
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⚙ – “Can I be referred to as anything but Horror Egg? I hate that name.. Maho would be better..”
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...I may have worded that wrong in my tired state. What they say is not true and you are still you. Sony, the mustached clockwork comet and my son. I must sleep now.
Ah, yes! That makes much more sense...Goodnight, Mother. Sweet dreams. *poofs a blanket a pillow* I shall go to bed shortly.
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Its not. You are who you've always believed you are.
Who I believe I am...What I really am...
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I'm a... mascot? Is this true, Mother? @miss-tess-bess
HHHHHMMMMMMMMMM You look familiar.....
Hm… I suppose that we look alike, but not the same. I feel as if we should know each other…
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You do?!
HHHHHMMMMMMMMMM You look familiar.....
Hm… I suppose that we look alike, but not the same. I feel as if we should know each other…
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..... :{3
HHHHHMMMMMMMMMM You look familiar.....
Hm… I suppose that we look alike, but not the same. I feel as if we should know each other…
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I just am -pats-
*mustache curls up with the pat* Thank you, Mother!
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HHHHHMMMMMMMMMM You look familiar.....
Hm… I suppose that we look alike, but not the same. I feel as if we should know each other…
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@hxpehiddenwithin I now dub thee Horror Egg, not for any reason in particular.
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