Lucien: I mean, I'm a very bad person. I'm a very, very bad person. I'm a horrible person.
[Everyone remains silent]
Lucien: ... No you're not, Lucien! We still love you, Lucien!
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I'd walk through FIRE for my friends! Well, not fire because it's dangerous. But a really humid room. But not too humid because my hair.
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Jolie: Looks matter, Sugar. You should know that being the prettiest person in here.
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Bert: Molly. She was my poodle growing up. You never forget your first.
Lucien: Your first what?
Bert: Dog.
Lucien: That is never what people mean by that.
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Constance: I'm not very good at talking to boys.
Sugar: It's easy! It's just like talking to girls, but you gotta use smaller words.
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Jolie: Are we in trouble?
Mary: Have a guess.
Holli: No?
Mary: Have another guess.
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Peter: [passing out balloons] I have no soul! Have a nice day!
Mim: [taking a balloon] I don't have one either.
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Lucien: Lesbians. What is your wisdom?
Elsa: The world is but a cold and cruel wasteland, our only consolation are the warm and soft bosoms of our lovers.
Merida: Girl hot.
Vanellope: Watch Naruto.
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Max: Will you guys stop fighting?
Judy: We are not fighting, we are having a creative discussion.
Nick: We are too fighting.
Judy: Creative discussion!
Nick: Fight!
Judy: Discussion!
Max: I can't believe you guys are fighting about if you're having a fight!
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Mary: So an octopus can change its color to mimic its surroundings. When octopi do this it's called-
Bert: An octo-lie.
Mary: ... Metachrosis.
Bert: Mocktopus.
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Sammy: I like you better than a sea slug.
Alfie: Really? Great! But I have no idea what level that would put me on.
Sammy: I like the sea slug fairly well, so you should be glad.
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Mary: Okay, I got your favorite flavor of ice cream: Rocky Road.
Merida: I'm not hungry.
Merida: It's a figure of speech. Obviously, I'll still have some.
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Merida: I wasn't injured. I was lightly stabbed.
Mary: I'm sorry, you were STABBED?
Merida: Lightly stabbed.
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Luc: The only thing I break are people's hearts.
Alfie: Damn. The only thing I break are my bones.
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Peter: I spy with my little eye, something beginning with the letter 'C'.
Mim: Is it corpses?
Peter: It was clouds...
Mim: Damn, so close.
Peter: There aren't even any corpses in here.
Mim: Give it time.
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Sugar: Mother, how does it feel to have the best daughter in the world?
Mary: I don't know, ask your grandmother.
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Ella: Well big deal, so Lucien's had a lot of experience. It doesn't mean that he's great in bed.
Bert: We share a wall. So either he's great in bed or Flynn just likes to agree with him a lot.
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