totallynotapornstarau · 10 years
Hi! just dropping you a line to let you know that I still come by and check for updates. Also, imagine if in this UA Lindsay finding out about Gavin after he's been through a really rough scene and being like, "I HAVE A CURE FOR THE BAD FEELINGS!" and then showing up at Geoff's with, like 4 cats and just dumping them on Gavin like in that scrubs gif.
Sadly, this series is discontinued. :( 
I might re-write it, however! 
It's so nice to know that people still check up on this series. This makes me... actually very happy and humble and mushy inside. 
I might post little drabbles here and there, but I dont think I'll be coming back to it. ♥
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totallynotapornstarau · 11 years
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Gavin before and after the hot sauce! [x]
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totallynotapornstarau · 11 years
Okay so. It's happening again and I'm extremely sorry for it happening, but I might not update for a little while. Just a little, though. Real life has had me working over-time in every sense of the word and I haven't had time to write (and what I have is about 75% finished, but I just cannot find enough time to write it out).
As of right now, this is coming.... not to a halt, but a small pause. 
Bear with me, and good things shall come when I am not as busy anymore. 
I promise.
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totallynotapornstarau · 11 years
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Has heart attack and promptly dies oh my god
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totallynotapornstarau · 11 years
Looks like the viewers are requesting a figging and though Gavin is apprehensive he agrees and finds himself gagged and imboilized for a punishment scene. But maybe that ginger is just a little more than he can handle? :3
To everyone else: look here for figging you will probably enjoy it in the most guilty of ways
Gavin huffed, mostly because it was all he could do besides humming unintelligible words behind the gag currently in his mouth. It may have fucked with his gag reflex just a little bit because of the way the gag resembled the head of a cock and because it was right in front of his throat, but that wasn’t the bigger part of it. The bigger part of it all was how his cheek was resting against the tile floor of the kitchen the company was doing a scene in. He was completely and utterly immobile, his knees up against the sides of his torso and spread as far as his body would allow without any discomfort. His ass was in the air, stretched and ready to go, lubed up just for the camera work.
He moaned, feeling something rough, and not quite round penetrate him, but nothing prepared him for the unbelievable burn that came with it. He wasn’t over-sensitive, so that wasn’t it, and it took him a moment to realize that whatever was in his ass was burning like hell. He guessed that was what the ‘fig’ part of ‘figging’ was but there was no way it could be a stupid fig. No way. He growled, his irritated moan cut off by the gag around his mouth, and he lifted his head, trying to look back. “No, bad boy, you leave your bloody head on the ground or I’ll have to make it worse, my sweet boy.” Dom-X cooed in his ear, just low enough to where his voice wouldn’t be recognized. ”D’you like that lovely ginger root in your arse, handsome? I cut it up just f’you.” he purred, moving Gavin’s hair out of his face. Dan had agreed to show the upper half of his face, but only because it was covered by a pair of sunglasses and a surgical mask that had the company’s logo across it.
"Mmm, n-i-dnt." Gavin sounded out. Translation - which Dan knew - was that he didn’t. 
"Oh, good, my sweet boy." Dom-X said before slapping Gavin nice and hard across his filled entrance, causing Gavin to tense and squeeze around the ginger root - only to have a worse burning pain fill his entire entrance. Fuck. he thought. I’m in for it now.
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totallynotapornstarau · 11 years
Watching Him [4/4]
Title: Watching Him [Part 4/4] Rating: Mature (language, sexual situations, voyeurism) Pairing: Michael/Gavin, Michael/Gavin/Dan Fandom: Achievement Hunter Word Count:  5,232 Notes:  Finally, the conclusion! This might be the raunchiest thing I’ve written yet for this fandom, so I hope you enjoy! <3 Summary: Gavin is a webcam model for an adult website. Michael is looking for something new to jerk off to.
[Part 1 * Part 2 * Part 3]
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totallynotapornstarau · 11 years
course it works! im good with whatever really deary~ i hope you have fun writing it.
coughs quietly
here you go my friend
i hope you like it. 
"N-No pl-please—y-yes s—" Gavin’s trembling voice was cut off by the cock now in his mouth, pushing as far back down into this throat as he could. This new asshole, James or whatever the fuck his name was, did not seem to know about his shitty gag reflex and he could feel his stomach start to wretch underneath all of its twisting and turning from being over-stimulated. He looked up at the man, who looked unsympathetic, and called out his safe word before he even had a chance to shove his cock down his throat again. “Triforce!" he screeched, and everything came to a halt. The vibrations on his cock stopped and the the vibrations inside of him stopped as well - Duncan called an end to the shoot and immediately untied him from the sheets as he gagged. 
But one person, one bloody person burst through the crowd, nearly tackling the dickhead who hurt his boy, rushing to get a bucket to Gavin after he’d been handed one. “Y-You alright buddy?” Michael asked, and Gavin just wretched, once, twice, three times until the contents of his stomach went inside the bucket. It was a tiny amount but as soon as e got his hands back he was flinging his naked body onto his best friend, clinging to him for dear life. He realized his mistake after pressing his lips against Michael’s neck and went to go brush his teeth for a solid five minutes - albeit with the help of Dan, who was also there - before coming back.
And it was then Michael pulled him into his grip, Dan having briefed him that he needed a blanket and cuddles as soon as possible because using Triforce as a safe word meant he wasn’t comfortable, he was terrified. Michael took it easily and kissed the top of Gavin’s head, all over his face. And then, without skipping a beat, his lips, over and over again until Gavin was scrambling to get away. “Ah, ah, wot’s t-that f—” he was cut over by another kiss, slightly longer. It was platonic, no doubt, but it was comforting and Gavin could taste the flavor of coffee on Michael’s tongue. He pulled away, breathless and panting, before smiling softly.
"B-Better, Gav?" Michael asked, his eyes still worried as though kissing his best friend was completely okay and not awkward at all. Gavin liked that quality about Michael at this point, especially with his prior knowledge of being best friends with a porn star.
"Y-Yeah, Michael. M-Much better.” Gavin replied as he wrapped his lithe arms around his boy’s neck and held him there until he stopped trembling, until he wasn’t afraid anymore and could very easily give James the death stare. 
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totallynotapornstarau · 11 years
Is it ok if I could get some adorable kiss of gav and michael? Like Gav is going through some tough time with a girl and he doesn't know how to handle it and Michael just kiss him to calm him down but they kiss more and its adorable?
Ahs hit I should have
put in the thing I only do
erquests in the AU
um maybe um instead uh
'strictly platonic kisses from Michael to Gavin after a particularly intense scene in which Gavin is forced to use his safe word because he's terrified and Michael wants to make it better'
does that
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totallynotapornstarau · 11 years
"Viewer Request Week"
*revised and stuff because I am an idiot who did not think everything through properly*
Okay. So I have come up with an idea for when I’m writing out more than one chapter and/or there is lack of an update for a slightly long period of time. 
It’s called Viewer Request Week.
Basically, to fill-in for the lack of updates on the fic, for the next week I will write a drabble for everything put into my ask box.
I’ll write anything that I’m familiar with or look up the things I’m not and write a personalized drabble just for you. You can submit or ask anonymously or not, but it’s interaction with my followers and also to help get my creative juices (how ironic) flowing so I can write up these chapters faster.
because i forgot to put this in the original post, i will only, unfortunately, write drabbles in the AU verse. If you're not familiar with it, that is okay but any request you make will have an element to it that deals with the AU
They’ll be tagged “viewer request week” if you need to find them!
Please make sure to check to see if I have already done a request similar or the same to yours. 
Alright so that’s basically it.
Happy requesting~
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totallynotapornstarau · 11 years
gavin like needs to wear ballet boots in a scene
Hm. I’m not familiar with them, but I have looked them up and I have, unfortunately, decided no. I don’t think Duncan could pay Gavin enough (as if he doesn’t get paid enough already) to get him to wear them. But here, would you like this little drabble in the same verse? It’s a good time to kick off Viewer Request Week, don’t you think? 
"Are you bloody kidding me, Duncan? No. No, no, no, I don’t think so. Huh-uh. Not wearin’ ‘em.” Gavin said to the now frowning Duncan, who was holding up what appeared to be a pair of knee-high high heels - except the heels were rather large and the rest of it resembled that of a ballerina’s shoes. He shook his head furiously, even holding up his hands. “No. M’not doin’ it, Duncan.”
"But, Gavin, it’s viewer request week! And about a thousand goddamn people asked for this. C’mon, even if it’s for a half an hour, from the waist down n’ you’re not even actually on your toes.” Duncan pleaded, pouting like he always did whenever he knew Gavin would do something. 
Gavin just ruffled his messy, dark hair and shook his head, turning around. His erection - currently being fluffed - bent at an odd angle because he’d forgotten he was being sucked off and he squeaked, allowing the person below him to move with him. He sighed, closing his eyes. “Alright, but for five bloody minutes with breaks and only for a damn mini-video, okay?” he asked of his manager.
"Oh, you are beautiful, Free." Duncan replied, dropping the boots on the cushion next to Gavin’s body so he could grab his face in both hands and kiss either side of it. "You get your request. Only because you gave me the insurance I needed, and because you are such a little cutie pie - even for a twink."
"Hey! Twinks’re supposed t’be cute." Gavin replied, looking down at the shoes. He was definitely going to regret this. They looked painful as fuck.
I hope you liked it, love/lad/gener-fluid anonymous friend!
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totallynotapornstarau · 11 years
I am so very sorry for not updating! It's not that I haven't lost my creativity (thankfully I haven't, this time)
It's just that I've been swaaaamped at work and it calls for very little writing time. It's coming together, slowly. 
I should be off this weekend though, so possibly expect a chapter then? :D
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totallynotapornstarau · 11 years
thank you for the notes, bby. :* I feel like I've finally made it now. I'm glad I've made you uncomfortable. Your discomfort brings me pleasure.
Chapter 15.
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totallynotapornstarau · 11 years
Chapter 15.
Previous Chapter Pairing: Fluffy Danvin and worried friendship!mavin.  Summary: A Universe Alteration in which Gavin Free leads a double life as a porn star. That’s about as general as it gets.  Words: 2013 (I'm not kidding) notes/rating/warnings: NC-17/G.  It's a small transition. There's over-stimulation and cock rings.  Preview: Halfway across the world, a worried Michael shot up out of his sleep. Something was wrong. He didn’t know what. All he knew was Gavin wasn’t okay and he hurried to call him, even though it was 4 am in Austin and Lindsay mumbled in her sleep about saving all the cats. He carefully lifted her hand off from around his chest and walked into the living room of their shared apartment, opening the balcony door. He shut it behind him and Gavin answered on the fourth ring. “Ngh, Mornin’ Mi—wait, innit like… four there?”
Gavin begged Duncan to let him go home that day, begged him and pleaded that he couldn't take it when he went back after lunch, but Duncan told him no; told him he had to do this; get it all done before he could fully work. Yeah, he definitely wanted Gavin to break. Though, even after the scene, the five men came up to him looking sheepish. “‘m real sorry for biting down on your foreskin, kid.” the blonde man with the goatee had said. “My name’s Ronnie.” Gavin merely nodded. He knew the look in Ronnie’s eye, he didn't like Gavin and he’d done it on purpose. For whatever reason, Gavin didn't know, or really care.
Raven Hair came up to him next. “My name’s Zach, big fan really, can’t believe my first acting gig was with you!” he squealed, and Gavin rolled his eyes. “Sorry if I was too enthusiastic or any—”
"You weren't, lad." Gavin replied, giving him a small smile. Kid was a fan. That was fine. The boy named Zach seemed to go silent, eyes wide. He’d never heard Gavin’s normal voice before. "Just remember t’push yourself, you’re too pretty t’be a top so try for bein' a bottom, ‘less you’re into that sort of thing." he whispered in his ear with a wink, biting it a little after just to make the kid run off blushing. He had to be no more than 19.
And so it went, each one of them coming up and saying sorry or asking how he was, given his reaction after the scene was over. Auburn Curls turned out to be a bloke by the name of Matthew, Spiked hair was named James, and Baldy was named Vincent. They were all rather nice and Gavin couldn’t be mad at them - except for Ronnie, because he just looked like a giant dickhead. Daniel kept a close eye on him however, gradually gravitating closer and closer until he was standing just behind him like a bodyguard.
The last scene of the day (thankfully for Gavin) was a solo scene again - or so he thought. Dom-X was to make an appearance, but only to strap him into his punishment and leave him there. Which was fitting, almost, because Daniel was so disgusted with what it was he had to do that he couldn’t bear to be there to witness it. Gavin stripped of his clothing, and easily he was pushed onto his knees by the man, Aaron making sure he couldn’t see his face because he didn’t have the bandanna and sunglasses on. He tied Gavin up just like Duncan had showed him, making sure they were a little slack because the other man was known for wriggling. “You’re in a load of bloody trouble, you are.” he growled for effect, knowing he’d get off the hook quicker by just giving it his all. Though it completely betrayed Gavin’s confidence for a moment, he gave him a sly smile and only started laughing.
"Sod off, Master.” Gavin replied, simply not giving a shit. He could feel the cock ring that had been in Dan’s hand click around his shaft and he groaned. He hated the contraptions. They were stupid and useless and if he wasn’t hard already he would have wiggled it off somehow. Gavin and not being able to come were like magnets of the same pole, pushing away from each other. But it was inevitable at this point.
"Wot was that you just said, you little slut?" Dan’s angry response came in return, turning on his dominant, soldier-like side just so he didn’t have to sound like himself.
"I-I said, sod off, Master." Gavin replied, his eyes going wide as he eyed the machine that was placed in front of him. It was a regular-sized looking box with a long pole at the end - ah, fuck, Gavin thought. A Fuck Machine. On the end was what looked to be a fleshlight with an asshole insert and he let his head tip back. Duncan wasn’t fucking around this time.
"Oh? Me? Sod off? Alright, you little tosser, f’that you’re getting this too." the position Gavin was in was easy enough to place a second fuck machine behind him, with a dildo at the end of it. It was already lubed and ready to enter him and he made Gavin push back until the machine bottomed out. "Have fun, slag.” Dan growled in his ear, lubing up Gavin’s shaft so that he’d be set.
The inside of the fleshlight was also lubed, and a small bullet vibrator had been inserted into the very end, to where his already sensitive head would hit each time. He groaned at the feeling of the canal around his cock - of course, Duncan had picked the tightest out of the options given on the website. Probably had it specially made. Both machines were started up and ‘Dom-X’ sat there, behind Gavin, who was in front of the camera. A perfect profile of his entire body was given, and the fleshlight itself was clear, so they could see everything.
Gavin was letting his head fall back again quicker than before, trying not to succumb to the dildo stuffing his ass, but he couldn’t deal with having the vibrator on his head when he thrusted forward. It was a predicament nonetheless and it killed him inside. Goddammit, Duncan. he thought as he let out a small, quiet sigh. “No noises.” Dan’s voice rang from his side, and his head snapped to face him. But he knew better than to back talk. He didn’t want to deal with a cock in his mouth too.
It was almost thirty minutes before Gavin started to break. He bit down on his swollen lip, choking back another moan that threatened to get him in trouble. He couldn’t help himself from rocking back and forth, and suddenly he hated the fact that he had a penis and foreskin and a sensitive glans and—all of his thoughts were pushed aside as a wave of pre-orgasm hit him. He visibly trembled now, and arched, trying to get away from it. There was no way he could last t—or he would. He orgasmed without coming, wishing he could curl his legs in. But Gavin couldn’t, and that was that.
Daniel winced in pain - he didn’t like seeing his love like this. He wanted it to be over with. Trying to be quiet was hard enough, but now being hyper-sensitive was painful. He was used to it, however, from the fluffers, and kept going.
Gavin was truly a sight to see after his third orgasm without coming. His dark hair was plastered across his forehead and cheeks from sweating, his olive-tinted skin was gleaming and his muscles were pulled taught. His head was thrown back in exhaustion and pain, and he was nearing convulsion as a fourth orgasm washed over him. He’d given up on being quiet, and that only caused Daniel - much to his disgust - to have to put both machines on a faster pace, which Gavin didn’t so much mind as he did want it to be over.
He was begging for it come the fifth orgasm. “P-P-Please, n-no-no m-more, I-I-I c-can’t. M-Must c-c-co—” he was cut off by how he’d arched, as it caused the dildo to hit his prostate. There was a blinding light across his vision and his mouth went slack as he arched back for a sixth orgasm. Trying to stay in character was getting hard and he rolled his eyes back, focusing them on Duncan when he could see again. He was pleading.
It took Gavin seven orgasms in total to scream his safe word to the room, a first in his entire career. “T-T-Triforce, Ma-Ma-Master!” he cried out just as his seventh orgasm washed over him. It blinded him yet again, the tight, coiled heat in his lower abdomen bringing him pleasure and, subsequently, pain.
Dan was quick to turn both machines off, and all Gavin could think about was Michael. Michael made everything better, his stupid freckled face and dark curls, his stupid temper. All of it. It was a comfort to Gavin and he thought about him as he was untied. He thought about how Michael would laugh at his pain, probably, as Daniel caught him when he fell limp into his arms.
He smiled as the camera panned on him, and then fell limp a second time, happy with being carried off-set by a very, very worried Dan. Duncan looked pleased, and he called for everyone to start packing.
"Goddammit, B, bloody tell me when it hurts!" Dan said as he nearly ripped the cock ring off, stroking Gavin into an eighth and final orgasm. Gavin shuddered as he finally came into Daniel’s hand, all the release that had built itself up. He was purple, swollen, and in pain but it was such a relief to the scar on his scrotum.
"I-I kn-know, D-Dan. m’-m’sorry. I-I th-thought I could out-out-last D-Duncan." he mumbled, pushing the hand around his cock away. He curled into the blanket that Daniel set him down on and just laid there, regaining his strength. Duncan came by a little later with a smirk on his face, nodding in a silent  ’no more scenes for a few days, go recover, you did well, Gavin’ to his pleading look. "I-I’ll b-be fine l-let’s just go home I-I n-need sleep."
"And painkillers, and ice and a nice relaxing bath." Dan said. Gavin didn’t even fight it as he was dressed and placed in the passenger’s seat of Dan’s car. He didn’t fight it as he was undressed and set down in a warm bath. It smelled like lavender and green tea, two of Gavin’s favorite scents. He relaxed until he fell asleep, and even then he felt amazing. He didn’t even wake up as he was dried off, dressed in comfortable clothing and set down in an already warm bed. A warm body laid next to his and didn’t let go, even as he woke up the next morning. Gavin scoffed at Daniel’s sleeping form, and just how tightly his arm was wrapped around Gavin’s mid-section.
"You’re the best, B." he whispered, and laid back down.
Halfway across the world, a worried Michael shot up out of his sleep. Something was wrong. He didn’t know what. All he knew was Gavin wasn’t okay and he hurried to call him, even though it was 4 am in Austin and Lindsay mumbled in her sleep about saving all the cats. He carefully lifted her hand off from around his chest and walked into the living room of their shared apartment, opening the balcony door. He shut it behind him and Gavin answered on the fourth ring. “Ngh, Mornin’ Mi—wait, innit like… four there?”
"Doesn’t matter, Gav. You alright?" Michael said, his pinkie finger wrapping around the phone and settling between his lips while he shifted from foot to foot, his other arm crossed over his chest. "You fuckin’ woke me up out of a sound sleep."
"How, Michael?" Gavin replied. "N-Nothin’s wrong, just the bloody scene yesterday."
"What did he make you do? Do I have to fuck him up?"
"What? No, it-it’s my own f-fault. Just… don’t be surprised at the safe word when it comes out. Should be up later tonight, actually, since they don’t have t’cut it." he mumbled, sighing. "Just. Over-stimulation n’me don’t mix, is all."
"H-He didn’t hurt you too bad, did he Gavin?"
"No, no, i-it was a solo p-punishment sc—it doesn’t matter Michael, go back t’sleep, I know you’ve got work today, I don’t want you grumpy. My boy’s not cute when he’s grumpy."
"Fuck you too, Gavin." There was no venom in Michael’s words, and he gave a shaky laugh before saying goodbye. He slept through most of the day, Lindsay covering for him by saying he was sick.
He was thankful that Gavin was alright and that his silly worries were idiot worries.
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totallynotapornstarau · 11 years
Lucky number 111. Also note the tag(s) at the end of the post I just reblogged, you'll understand why (I didn't want to just repost it like an asshole).
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totallynotapornstarau · 11 years
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totallynotapornstarau · 11 years
Chapter 14
Previous Chapter Pairing: No specific pairing at all. Maybe a bit of worried Danvin. Summary: A Universe Alteration in which Gavin Free leads a double life as a porn star. That’s about as general as it gets.  Words: 3284 notes/rating/warnings: NC-17.  Brutal-ish gang bang and use of gender-related slur(s) (it's basically 'slut' if you really want to know beforehand, I got inspiration from when he called himself that in I think the Minecraft Horses Let's Play) Preview: Michael stopped listening after "spreader bar" but answered anyway.  "I can't believe it, Gavin." he said in that condescending tone, the one he used with Gavin when he was acting like a child. "I can't believe it at all."
The next scene was surprisingly.... outside? Gavin was okay with that, he'd done public stuff before, usually in a foreign country where no one knew who he was (Russia was a good place), but this was different. A completely random array of men were all standing in a circle, murmuring quietly. Duncan was right next to Gavin, and Daniel on the opposite side. He grabbed onto Dan's hand and squeezed it, turning to his manager. "W-Wot's this? This isn't a--bollocks it is, innit?" he asked, and Duncan nodded, smirking.
"It is." he replied, clearing his throat. The men - there were at least 6 or 7 of them, Gavin wasn't counting heads because he didn't want to think about it - stopped talking quietly among one another and turned to face the three men before them. Gavin almost didn't want to let go of Daniel's hand, but he knew he had to. Daniel started to move back behind the camera but instead handed him a bandanna and a pair of sunglasses. "Huh-uh. You'd probably calm him better than anything. He's not a real big fan of gang-bangs, n' Dom-X would love to make a cameo, wouldn't he?"
If looks could kill, the entire array of people in the house and outside would be dead, sans Gavin. "'m not doing it."
"P-Please, B?" Gavin asked, letting the robe that was around his body fall to the ground.
"No. I can't. I'd sooner kill them. Sorry."
Gavin was hurt, but he refused to show it. That was fine, he could do the scene himself. Aaron and his crew set up the cameras, one sitting closer to he guessed where he'd be kneeling or standing, and one for his shoulders. Another camera was set up further away, and Gavin notice the signature wide angle lens. "Alright, let's just.... get this over with." he mumbled to himself, giving a chaste kiss to Daniel's lips before walking out. He put on the clothes Duncan gave him, the ones that were to be ripped off - some ensemble that looked like something he'd wear normally: just a pair of white shorts, a stripped polo and a pair of loafers - and did the 'introduction' scene he was supposed to. He walked in a circle around the lawn of the back yard, acting like he was walking down the street. Soon enough there were cat calls and other things flying, and the camera panned away from him to the group of men standing around. He was very, very easily pulled into them, trying to push them away but failing. The biggest, burliest of the group grabbed onto him from behind, holding his neck in his large hand.
"H-Hey w-wot're y-you doin'?! he asked, faking horror as his clothing was ripped rather crudely off of him by the other men. Despite his discomfort, he was already hard - he blamed it on the collar he'd tried on prior to them starting - and he flushed, feeling as it was placed back around him. Gavin whimpered, loud enough for the camera to hear, and heard from somewhere behind him a lube bottle being opened. He couldn't look down, but he could easily feel as a lubed hand wrapped around his cock and pumped, keeping him hard while the men jeered at him.
"Oh, look at the little prissy boy, all nice n' pink for us, nice n' hard!" one teased, causing Gavin to blush even worse.
"Oh, he's a pretty one alright, but look how big his cock is! Surprised he could hide that from us." Another one cried. They all laughed at that. "Was the little twink on his way t'see his itty bitty boyfriend, hm?"
Gavin had to nod, as the man was squeezing his neck as if to say, 'say yes.' "Y-Y-Yes, a-and he-he'll be wonderin' where I am! S-So please let me go!" he pleaded, though it was all for the camera. Trying to wriggle out of the man's grip was impossible, and he looked back long enough to see a tuft of dark, auburn curls. For a moment he thought it was Michael, but the voice was far different and so was his face. He peered around and noted them by hair color, figuring it was easier. There was a young-ish, blond-haired man with a goatee; an older, bald gentleman with a beer belly; a very, very young man - he looked no older than 19 - with jet-black hair; the man with auburn curls, ones that made him look like he was 17, not 27 like he later found out; and another who was taller than him, but much leaner, and looked just like Joel with a tuft of spiked black hair on the top of his head. Alright. So five. Not that bad, he thought. He was pulled out of his thoughts however, as the Joel-look-alike got down on his knees and unbuttoned his jeans, stroking himself while he easily pulled Gavin's cock into his mouth.
Even though the man with the auburn curls had his hand firmly wrapped around Gavin's neck - mindful of the collar - Gavin managed to whimper, his toes curling because the man with the spiked locks was fucking mental with his tongue. Auburn Curls, as Gavin had renamed him, brought his hand up, holding it against his mouth now. Gavin was tempted to bite, but he didn't, only take his punishment, keeping his body arched so he wouldn't have to feel the erection trying to press against his ass. He felt vulnerable, and that's exactly what Duncan wanted him to portray because it made for an amazing movie. The men were jeering again. Goatee Guy, as he was renamed, was doing most of it. "Oh, hey, get off 'im! I want a turn! I want t'make him whimper and writhe!" he cried, pulling the tall man away. He went down on Gavin next, and he seemed to be more skilled in deep-throating, something that turned Gavin on more than he'd like to admit.
His eyes rolled back in his head and he finally relaxed, if only for a moment, to the pleasant feeling - that was, until a pair of teeth bit down on his foreskin rather clumsily. Gavin's entire body tensed and he shot forward, screaming because he was in pain. "G-Get off! You--why-why'd you bite my bl-bloody foreskin you arsehole!" he cried out, and Auburn Curls sunk to the ground with him. He heard the rattle of chains and there was a leash clipped to his collar. Aaron was sucking all of this up, getting the best angles of how submissive Gavin had become, and how tall the men were compared to him. Each one was muscular, too, which didn't help 'his' situation at all. Goatee Guy just snickered, cupping Gavin's jaw in his hand.
"Aw.. s'the poor little boy upset?" he jeered, pushing his lower lip out comically. That earned him a slap to the face, and Gavin took it easily - he'd been slapped many times before, but nothing that bad. "Too bad. Now open wide, pretty boy." he growled.
Gavin barely had time to do so before Goatee Guy was showing his cock in his mouth, forcing him to hollowing out his cheeks and start sucking. If it wasn't for his gag reflex, this would've been perfect. But Aaron and Duncan seemed to enjoy the tears welling up in Gavin's eyes and how red he was becoming from forcing himself not to gag. This went on for a few minutes until he heard the blond-haired man groan, pulling away. "Right, lads. Who gets first call on his plump little arse, hm?"
The bald man stepped forward, and grinned, scoffing. "Aye, I'll go first, yeah?" He had a thick Irish accent it seemed, and Gavin's heart sunk, if only for the cameras. His hazel eyes looked up, and before he knew it he was being pushed down against his will while being spread open wide by Auburn Curls, two lubed fingers penetrating him without warning. He winced, but took it anyway, spreading his legs because he knew if he didn't he would get slapped. Not like it would stop them. The Bald Man did anyway, slapping Gavin's ass nice and cherry red while he spread his cheeks, squeezed them, and generally took them in. Auburn Curls finished stretching him, and held onto him while the bald man lubed himself up. He didn't have to wait long before he was penetrating him, quick and hard just like Gavin had imagined it would be. He didn't last very long, but his cock was rather big, and it hurt. In-character Gavin just wanted it over and he gripped at the grass, trying to look as pathetic and submissive as possible. It wasn't long before Auburn Curls got fed up with not being paid attention to and wrenched the leash up, forcing Gavin to look up at him.
Positions changed and Gavin was forced to ride Baldy while sucking off Auburn Curls. He didn't use his hands, as the bald man was holding them behind his back. He was forced to put all of his weight against the hand that was running through his hair because it was holding him up. It didn't take long before Bald Man finished and pulled out, leaving a trail of semen running down Gavin's ball. He reveled in that feeling, and soon there was another cock inside of him, the remaining four taunting him and getting him to either suck them off or use his hands to please them, anything they could get. "Oh, s'the little prick enjoyin' 'imself?!" one screamed, slapping him across the face and the ass. The others snickered, and Gavin's head spun for a moment.
Auburn Curls piped up. "Look at his pretty little eyes, they're all blown wide! He's lovin' this! Hm, isn't that right, boy? You like feeling us inside of you, hm?" he growled, gripping him by his face while he blew his load onto it. Gavin didn't even have time to close his eyes and he felt some of the release burn his eye. He'd have to get that checked immediately, but he held it out, taking it in.
"Y-Yes, S-Sir." he mumbled, too quiet for anyone to hear.
"Wot was that?" Spiked Hair asked. He gave Gavin a good slap to the face, one that hurt like hell, and grabbed the leash out of Auburn Curls' hand, yanking on it.
"Y-Yes sir!" Gavin said loudly, as Auburn Curls hit his prostate, causing him to shiver and leak pre-come. He wanted to touch himself, but Raven Hair was already on it, slipping his hand underneath Gavin's body so he could stroke. It was teasing, slow and gentle and it fucking sucked. Auburn Curls finished inside of him too and Raven Hair took over, telling Goatee Guy to come over too. "You take the front, yeah?"
Goatee guy did as told, pulling back his own foreskin while he forced Gavin to suck him off again. He chose to fuck his mouth instead, much to his discomfort, and he suffered through it, pushing his own body back and forth so each one got equal treatment. Goatee Guy didn't even mind the semen that was scattered across Gavin's face, dripping down his chin with a trail of spit mixed in. It seemed to make him frantic, and he was coming within an instant, not giving the Brit time to pull his mouth back before he was releasing in the back of his throat, causing Gavin to gag, and bad. He pulled out after he was done and just for the camera - since Aaron was right up in his face - pushed it out of his mouth, letting Raven Hair take hold of the leash while he pounded into his ass, the smacking sound audible throughout the entire back yard. Raven Hair hit Gavin's prostate as well and caused him to scream, nearly head-butting the camera. His toes curled from his position and soon enough Raven Hair was pulling Gavin's body flush against his, fucking him as rough as he could until Gavin came with a start, not needing hands because he'd mastered hands-free masturbation a long, long time ago.
"P-P-Please s-sir, I-I won't tell anyone, I-I'll be good." he whimpered while Raven Hair kept going until he orgasmed too, his load far bigger than the other men. They were all gathered around still, jeering.
"That's right, lovely boy, you're not gonna tell a soul. Now tell me, boy. Wot are you?" Auburn Curls growled.
Gavin was confused for a half-second, Raven Hair whispering something in his ear the camera didn't pick up. All five men stood around him, gripping different parts of his body until the camera was right up against his face and he was looking up. With a look of absolute lust, he answered. "'m a slut."
"A wot?"
"A-A slut. 'm a slut, sir."
"Good, my little slut. Can't wait t'do this again." Auburn Curls replied, and all the men agreed.
The Scene ended there and as soon as it did, Gavin was rushing forward, back into the house and into the downstairs bathroom. He needed a shower, and bad. He felt dirty for once, and Daniel was trailing behind, getting right through the door before Gavin could slam it shut and lock it. He watched as the water steamed up the entire room and made his skin sticky. "You alright, B? Please talk t'me."
"'m fine, Dan." Gavin's voice echoed through the enclosed area, and he kept scrubbing, scrubbing, scrubbing away all the self-disgust he felt. He even considered asking Duncan if he could get someone to give him an Enema, but the thought only grossed him out even more. He could see Daniel's tall figure on the other side of the fogged up glass and he looked tense - even if he could just see his outline, he was standing straight up as if he were still in Afghanistan - as if he were still a soldier. "I-I promise. Don't worry, B."
"'m always going t'worry, Gav." Definitely tense. He didn't believe Gavin at all. He was facing away from the door when Daniel opened it, but he could hear the door squeak as it slid off to one side. "N' I know you're not alright. Bloody scumbag, Duncan is." he muttered over the water. Gavin turned the water as hot as it would go, his body numb. He knew the next scene would be even worse, and he turned to Daniel. "W-Will you beg Duncan f'me t'take a break for a moment or five? Like a two-hour break? I-It's near lunch anyway, so." he asked, stepping out. He wrapped a towel around his form, and even though Gavin was wet, he wrapped his lithe arms around Gavin's body, holding him tight for a few, long moments.
"I will. But only if you talk t'me over lunch. We'll go back t'your bloody apartment n' I'll make you somethin' that Gran passed down t'me, yeah?" Daniel inquired, raising an eyebrow as his brown orbs gave the man a once-over.
"O-Okay, Dan."
Lunch with Daniel wasn't as awkward as he expected it to be. Daniel seemed to be in his element in the small kitchenette, making them Gavin's favorite dish - Shepard's pie. His grandmother made is a specific way that Gavin seemed to fall in love with and he made it just as well, if not better. It didn't take very long to make, because Daniel was a secret chef (he'd never admit to it though), and he sat a bowl of the mix in front of Gavin, who was curled up on the couch in a blanket, trying to get himself back to comfort. The meal helped, and Dan watched him with worried eyes while he ate, making sure he was eating it and not just pushing it around the bowl to make it look like he'd eaten it.
It didn't take long before he was curled against the couch, against Daniel, while he shook off his discomfort, fixing the walls that had temporarily been broken down. "I-I don't think I'd last another scene, B." he asked. "I know Duncan wants to make me break again, a-and 've been tryin' not to, but....it's gonna happen. S-Should I just let it happen n' use them and get it over with or k-keep spiting him?"
"If it makes you uncomfortable like it did t'day, then don't bloody do it." Dan deadpanned, wrapping his buff arms around Gavin so that he was warm. "Just use them, next scene, before you really break yourself, yeah?"
"A-Alright, B. I-I'll do that. Y-You always know wot t'do." Gavin replied. And it was true. Throughout their almost ten years of friendship, Daniel guided Gavin along his way and kept him tethered to Earth with the strongest rope he'd ever had, that way he'd never float off and end up in his own little world for good. Looking back on it, Gavin was happy to have Daniel as a friend. Or more than a friend. Or something. Whatever they were or currently were, he didn't really know. Whatever it happened to be, however, he enjoyed.
Halfway across the world, Michael Jones was tapping his foot nervously on the floor of the office, trying desperately to focus on the video he was trying to edit and not his phone. Gavin was supposed to at least text him that he made it okay, but it seemed as though he'd forgotten. Michael did however, when the office was empty, carefully check Gavin's other Twitter, the one for his, as Michael called it, alter ego. No posts there either, or tweets. It had Michael worried, but Geoff told him it was fine, he'd called him last night. Michael didn't believe it.
Halfway across the world, Gavin's phone rang, and he picked it up to check it. Feeling much, much better now, he looked at the caller ID and picked up instantly. "Hi Michael!" he said happily into the receiver, gripping Daniel's hand again as he drove them back to the mansion, house, whatever it was. "'m sorry about not callin' before, I bloody forgot cos it's been real busy, didn't even get a wink of sleep yet." he chattered about.
As soon as Michael heard his voice, he was calm again. His leg stopped bouncing up and down and he smiled. Good. His plane didn't crash and he sounded happy enough. From somewhere in the background, he heard Dan's quiet voice say hello. "Yeah, Gav, it's fine, don't worry about it, okay dude?" he replied.
"I won't, I haven't had time t'sit and worry, too busy." he mumbled, going silent for a moment. "It's been brutal these past few scenes so you might not want t'watch them, Michael."
"Hey! Who ever said I watched them, asshole?" Michael shot back. "All those hits from Austin, Texas, ring a bell? Y'know, all the ones from Time Warner n' the cred--"
"No, you shut the fuck up, that never happened, got it?!" Michael screamed into his side. Gavin snickered.
"It's on file, lad. But I'll shut up now."
"Good. But, you're okay, the plane made it fine, he's not abusing you is he?" Michael asked, realizing how much of a worried mother he sounded.
"'m fine, Michael. Why all the sudden worry? N' the only way he's abusin' me is puttin' me through a damn trial period this week. Three scenes a fuckin' day n' each one is worse than the other." he said, venting because he knew Michael would listen. "First he made me use a spreader bar n' basically forced me into double penetration n' bloody hell that was torture, n' then orgasm denial! Can you believe it?! And almost right after that he made me do a five-bloke gang bang that almost ended in double penetration again!"
Michael stopped listening after "spreader bar" but answered anyway. "I can't believe it, Gavin." he said in that condescending tone, the one he used with Gavin when he was acting like a child. "I can't believe it at all."
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totallynotapornstarau · 11 years
Sex slave gavin? That michael bought?
Sorry, only one AU here, porn star Gavin. 
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