toxicdjinn · 5 years
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toxicdjinn · 5 years
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toxicdjinn · 5 years
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no bro
you really don’t
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toxicdjinn · 5 years
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?????the link says its false????? and that it was made using a program and rendered in 3D via first simulating how none colored balls landed and then coloring them based on the section they fell in. Then ran the sim again.
it apparently actually has to deal with statistics.
Video based on quantum physics. The colored balls are placed together alone by the resonance of the quartz crystals. Each color has a different resonance. In the same way we group the people that vibrate in the same frequency. This is how the universe works. Fact Check: A Galton board, also known as a bean machine, quincunx or Galton box, was developed by Sir Francis Galton in the 1800 to demonstrate the central limit theorem.
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toxicdjinn · 5 years
Nothing will ever be funnier than non-Christians “informing” Christians about things they’re already aware of like they’re showing electricity to 12th-century peasants or what they have to say is going to shake our faith to its very core.
“Did you know the Forbidden Fruit wasn’t really an apple? That depictions of the fruit as apples only came about because it was a pun on the Latin word “mala?”“ “Yeah we’re aware,”
“Did you know that Jesus wasn’t white? That He was a brown Middle-Eastern Israeli Jew?” “We learned this in CCD class at age 5,”
“Did you know The Prince of Egypt is a Jewish story?” “We know what the Old Testament is and where Christianity originated, so…”
“Did you know that Hell is actually a frozen wasteland and not a fiery pit?” “That was actually from Dante’s Inferno which isn’t considered doctrinal since it’s basically glorified self-insert fanfiction, however it’s a very interesting and thought-provoking read full of symbolism,”
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toxicdjinn · 5 years
Only one day after declaring a climate emergency, Canada has approved the expansion of a massive pipeline that will increase oil production in Alberta and release more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.
On Monday night, Canada’s parliament passed a motion brought forward by Environment and Climate Change Minister Catherine McKenna calling climate change a “real and urgent crisis, driven by human activity,” and requiring the government to make deep emissions reductions to meet its Paris commitments.
On Tuesday, in a move condemned by environmentalists, Justin Trudeau’s cabinet approved the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion (TMX).
Continue Reading.
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toxicdjinn · 5 years
artist tips
don’t save as jpeg
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toxicdjinn · 5 years
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toxicdjinn · 5 years
to put this into perspective, notre dame is a single section of well documented history. Meanwhile among all the things lost in the Brazil museum fire, the whole linguistics section is gone. as in, a whole section of things that can never be recorded again, indigenous history, gone. And basically, no back ups.
notre dame is upsetting, but if anything can be compared to the library of Alexandra burning in our life time... I think this is it.
not to be That Guy but nobody cried this much when brazils national museum burned down in september, just goes to show how much people favor white history!!!
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toxicdjinn · 5 years
ok holy hell Notre Dame is literally burning (though apparently things are being saved or have been saved THANK GOODNESS)
still though this is a tragic loss of history, but at the very least it will (hopefully) be saved and remade. its happened before. 
but really what has me the most upset is while people are morning a landmark and all its lost stories, some “clever” people are either cracking wise AS ITS BURNING or trying to play the “lol, its just rich white dudes history whatever”
like seriously, pick your battles man and maybe don’t pretend to be some high intellectual while history is going up in flames. like how would you like it if your house was burning and people were just like “lol, why so sad its just a building.”
at the very least its just a dumb minority, still though.
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toxicdjinn · 5 years
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I’m getting close to the end of my BOTW adventures, it is making me reflect and giving me feelings I didn’t expect.
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toxicdjinn · 5 years
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I made a thing! I was thinking about this for a few days - because I realized that when I was young, I was also frustrated about being given the same advice over and over - without really knowing what it meant!!
Here’s 5 techniques which I have done before which have helped me grow as an artist, which are good for 5-minute warmups or just straight up challenges for your sketchbook! 
Obviously, these are not the ONLY techniques - they’re just the ones I find most fun! And maybe they’re not the most ‘correct’ ones out there, but it’s better than another comic about practicing more, right? 
Good luck to everyone on their drawings!
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toxicdjinn · 6 years
Everyone talks about how Aunt May must know Doc Oc personally because she called her Liv and stuff like that, but NOBODY talks about how Miles learns about Olivia’s work in school. Like, her research probably makes up some, if not most of his science curriculum. Can you imagine him fighting her having memorized or at least acquainted himself with a majority of her life’s work? Or vice versa where she’s talking about her new gadget/theory that Miles is learning about in class currently, like,
Doc Oc: Well you see Spider-Man, my arms are controlled through a device in my spine which make the nerves in my back to work similarly to … What are you doing
Miles, furiously jotting down notes for his biology test he has the next day: no please keep going.
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toxicdjinn · 6 years
it’s getting weird knowing natural apocalypse from climate change is bearing down on us all and still going about mundane daily life kinda like
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toxicdjinn · 6 years
Please, I am begging you, visit the official Captain Marvel website
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toxicdjinn · 6 years
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it had to be done
Why is Peni’s design so different in the movie?
Because she’s not based on her teenage design.
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She’s based off her child/8 year old design.
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toxicdjinn · 6 years
random thought:
caught some news about PETA and I think I know why I don’t like them and yet still support the ethical treatment of animals.
PETA expects everyone to treat animals and humans the same, while at the same time doing things to animals that if done to humans that are morally reprehensible. Such as exploitation of abuse and victims (really look at those ads, if you wouldn’t be ok with another group using trauma victims stories to further their own goals. then why is abuse towards animals any different?), advocating for genocide of animals (I will never forget the pit bull campaign and seeing it while growing up), killing a large amount of animals (while they do receive a lot of cases that can never recover, they have already been caught killing healthy animals.), and also turning victims into pariahs who suffered what they say the animals suffer (I remember the time a man was decapitated, and I also remember how when the family who had just lost their son not even like a week after was justifiably angry to find their tragedy being used for a campaign. When asked to stop, PETA basically put them on the spot saying “well you don’t want animals to suffer right?”).
the stuff that PETA talks about (sometimes) is true, and should be looked into.THINGS DO HAPPEN and they are BAD (never, ever, look up what happens to baby male chicks if you find it hard to handle gory topics. O_O) but to just let the people who say they want to protect them and respect animals just show such blatant disrespect and out right murder the very same creatures. its just to much.
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