tr-art-sh-blog-blog · 9 years
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I’m finally done with my new little comic project! This is ‘Arbor’.It’s completely painted in gouache! You can pre-order a physical copy over here. (I will also be selling it in Leipzig next month) You can find lots of wips here.
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tr-art-sh-blog-blog · 9 years
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Did this quick OTP drawing over the weekends (procrastinating lololol) a week ago. I wanted to draw my otp very badly so I used watercolour pencils (failing at it ;3;) My sketchbook is A5 size so you can already tell how small Kiku and Arthur are XD
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tr-art-sh-blog-blog · 9 years
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things only assholes say #583
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tr-art-sh-blog-blog · 9 years
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Finally it’s done! Have a lil Kiku ^^
Wow this took longer than expected *nervous laughter, was gaming again* Anyways i added a little shading, obviously not enough though but I tried. Yea I know his hair isn’t like that but there’s a wind so just deal with it XD I hand-drawn his name (terrible calligraphy skills) but its hand-drawn/Handwritten, so its good enough :3
Lastly I need a better Personal signature…. anyone interested in helping me with creating one? ><
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tr-art-sh-blog-blog · 9 years
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to produce (a picture or diagram) by making lines and marks, especially with a pen or pencil, on paper.
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tr-art-sh-blog-blog · 9 years
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Pretty simple!
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tr-art-sh-blog-blog · 9 years
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just putting a little something in the tags of an artist’s work will definitely make their day
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tr-art-sh-blog-blog · 9 years
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I tried drawing Dark Japan/2p!Japan/Kuro Kiku??? But failed at it, I can’t draw guys .____.
The story of the pic is just a very sad emotional totally heart breaking fight between Arthur and Kiku during WW2. *cries* of course I can’t draw Arthur at all for now so….
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tr-art-sh-blog-blog · 9 years
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steve rogers adjusting to technology and using a pen tablet though
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tr-art-sh-blog-blog · 9 years
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Kiku Honda WIP
Working on late night drawing, its super challenging >o< It took so long omg I can't feel the pen pressure... and I know there isn't any but still Im too use to drawing with pencils... XD
Love the eye effects though, and I hate drawing hands!!!!! argh
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tr-art-sh-blog-blog · 9 years
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Ok so I’ve been quiet about this for some time now, and I thought I should break that silence and make this public. (Hey other people are posting art PSA’s, this ain’t new)
We are Artists, We are many
Being a artist on Tumblr alone isnt easy. There are millions of other people  doing the exact same thing you’re doing. Amongst all of them you can be overlooked so easily. Now I am familiar with all those PSAs about not worrying about being popular and loving your own art. Thats all well and good, no ones debating that. But we artist want to share our art with the world. We want to show everyone what we can do.
The Wall
When we receive praise and love for our work, thats the best feeling in the world for us. We all have friends, fellow artists or not, that support us. But here on Tumblr, your art might not get pushed out into the crowd. For myself as an example, I get a 1 reblog for every 10 likes on something. And this is only including when I originally post it. When art post is liked, no one else sees it. Likes stay hidden and don’t appear on others dashes. (And yes, some blog themes do show likes, this I am aware)
Likes are good, but Reblogs do a lot more
When someone reblogs your art, a whole new set of people get to see it. Most of them are people who have never seen your stuff before. For example, whenever Carbines Official WIldstar Tumblr reblogs my Wildstar art, I get bombarded with likes, reblogs even follows! But before that, when I post it in the first place, not much happens. Dont get me wrong, I’m grateful I get anything, but feedback and notoriety is what keeps an artist like me going, and many others as well. Now I may understand that sometimes something someone draws isn’t your cup of tea, that’s alright! But even if you show a little interest, a reblog does a world of difference.
Support your friends, Support those who care
I know this is all sounding a little preachy, but it’s something I needed to get off my chest. There are no complaints, there are no orders, just a call out from all us artists. From the big and professional, to the small and unseen. We all want to share our art with the world, and it can all begin with a reblog.
( I dont think I need to say that everyone should reblog this, it goes without saying no?)
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tr-art-sh-blog-blog · 9 years
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Happy Easter Everyone!! Have a Easter Bunny ~<3  (\__/) (=’.’=) (“)_(“)o 
 This is my first piece of drawing on this new blog and also officially my first digital painting (on Paint Tool SAI). I still can’t do digital art ;___; The pen pressure isn’t working and it definitely doesn't feel like colour pencil and paper at all which Im quite use to >< 
Anyways I did the outline ver. first and it looks kinda fake so I removed the outline to see hows the effect. I like the one without outline better XD
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