tracydarrell179 · 8 months
4 Ways to Handle It When Your Girlfriend Gets Angry Too Much
<h2>Dealing with a Girlfriend who Gets Angry Too Often</h2> <p>It's normal for disagreements to come up in relationships from time to time. However, if your girlfriend seems upset far more frequently than you'd expect over small issues, it can start to take a toll on your well-being. Here are some tips for handling a scenario where your girlfriend is always angry and ignoring you.</p> <h3>1. Is She Truly Invested in the Relationship?</h3> <p>When someone truly cares about their partner, they don't tend to blow small things out of proportion or shut their significant other out. If your girlfriend flies off the handle regularly for little reasons, it may indicate she isn't as devoted to your relationship as you are. A caring partner wants to get along with you and find resolution, not constantly pick fights.</p> <h3>2. Practice Patience and Compromise</h3> <p>As difficult as it can be, the best approach is to stay calm and try accommodating her perspective even when you disagree. yellling or arguing will only make things worse. Remind yourself that no relationship is perfect, and focus on listening respectfully to understand her point of view better. Suggest addressing issues together as a team rather than as opponents.</p> <h3>3. Use Kind Words to Lift Her Spirits</h3> <p>When emotions are running high, a soothing voice can help cool things off. Give sincere compliments about her good traits and qualities you admire. Express how much you care for her through affectionate gestures. Heartfelt praise and reassurance may help defuse tension so you can reconnect constructively.</p> <h3>4. Show Extra Patience and Affection</h3> <p>Don't withdraw love when frustration sets in - that will likely make the issue snowball. Go out of your way to be extra caring, thoughtful and thoughtful even on days she's irritable. acts of service like her favorite snacks or activities can rekindle feelings of closeness. A nurturing approach works better long-term than reactions in the heat of the moment.</p> <p>With compassion and teamwork, many relationships can work through rough patches. But if anger remains a constant after honest efforts to understand each other, it may be a sign it's time to reevaluate the match for both people's well-being.</p>
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tracydarrell179 · 8 months
3 Shoulder-Pumping Secrets to Build Huge Delts Fast
<h2>The Best Ways to Build Big Delts</h2> <p> Building big, round deltoid muscles (your "shoulders") takes some work, but following the right training methods will get you there. Lots of people make mistakes in their shoulder workouts that stop their delts from growing. Let's look at a few common errors to avoid.</p> <h3>Lifting Too Light</h3> <p>Just like other muscles, your delts need heavy lifting to really grow. Some folks are scared of lifting heavy in case it hurts their form. But as long as you keep your technique tight, going heavier is better for building muscle. The heavier the weight, the more your shoulders have to work. Don't be afraid to Challenge your delts!</p> <h3>Forgetting your Rear Delts</h3> <p>Many people focus too much on push exercises like bench press that work the front of their shoulders. But to get that rounded, 3D look from all angles, you need to work your rear delts too. Mix some rowing exercises into your routine to evenly develop your shoulders. A balanced workout is key for sculpted delts.</p> <h3>Going Too Fast</h3> <p>When lowering the weights too quickly on exercises, you miss out on really squeezing your delts. The lowering, or "eccentric" part of lifts is super important for feeling the muscle burn. Go slower on reps and squeeze your delts at the top to give them a killer pump. Quality over speed is what builds muscle!</p> <h3>In Summary</h3> <p>By lifting heavy but controlling the movement, working all parts of your delts, and focusing on the squeeze, you'll optimize shoulder growth. Take your time, challenge your muscles, and your delts will be popping in no time. Stay steady with your training and those big round shoulders will be yours!</p>
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tracydarrell179 · 8 months
Navigating an Loveless Marriage? 3 Steps to Take If You Married Without Emotion
<h2>What To Do If You Married Someone You Don't Love</h2> <p>Marriage is a huge commitment that will impact the rest of your life. While some couples marry for love, others enter the commitment for different reasons. What should you do if you realize you don't have romantic feelings for your spouse?</p> <h3>Have an honest conversation</h3> <p>The most important thing is to talk it out with your partner. Sit down together and openly discuss how you both feel. Make it clear that you didn't feel love at the beginning, but want to find a solution that works for both of you.</p> <p>Explain that you care about them as a person, even if romance isn't there. The goal is to decide together if you want to try building love over time, or go your separate ways. But deception will only lead to more hurt feelings later on.</p> <h3>Give the relationship a chance</h3> <p>If you decide to stay together, approach it like dating after marriage rather than pretending everything is perfect. Living with someone can help affection grow, as long as both people are willing. Make an effort to really get to know your spouse as an individual and find activities you enjoy doing together.</p> <p>With patience and communication, feelings may develop naturally. But be prepared that it may not work out, and don't force it if your spouse isn't reciprocating your efforts. There's no point in dragging out an unhappy situation.</p> <h3>Consider divorce carefully</h3> <p>Ending a marriage is a difficult decision, so only do it if both people agree it's best. Don't use flimsy excuses - be honest about the real reasons. And know that divorce will be hard on both of you emotionally and practically, at least at first.</p> <p>If you do separate, move forward with care, respect and honesty. Try to part as friends so you can both find real happiness, whether together or apart. A good relationship takes effort from both sides - so focus on open communication and making choices you can feel at peace with.</p> <p>With compassion for yourself and your spouse, I hope you find the best path forward. Please don't hesitate to reach out if you need help sorting through your thoughts and options during this challenging time.</p>
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tracydarrell179 · 8 months
Fuel Up for Fitness Success With These 5 Meal Plans
<h2>A Guide to Eating 5 Meals a Day for Fitness</h2> <p>When working out, you can't just do exercise training non-stop. It's also important to eat properly. Eating the right foods will make reaching your fitness goals much easier and healthier. Many people know how a 5-meal fitness diet works in a day. Let me break down what each meal should look like.</p> <h3>Meal 1: Breakfast</h3> <p>Breakfast is crucial because your body needs fuel after not eating overnight, especially carbs to power you through the morning. Complex carbs that burn slowly are a smart choice as they provide sustained energy. You also want protein to maintain your amino acid levels in your bloodstream. This helps prevent your muscles from breaking down. Aim for over 50g of protein at breakfast.</p> <h3>Meal 2: Mid-morning snack</h3> <p>Eat this around 3 hours after breakfast. It should tide you over until lunch and keep your amino acid levels and energy supply topped up. Opt for a high-protein item like chicken breast or protein powder. Add some fruit for carbs and fiber too.</p> <h3>Meal 3: Lunch</h3> <p>Make protein the focus at lunch, along with complex carbs and veggies. Great protein-rich options are beef, salmon - they pack protein and calories to fuel your workouts. Fish is also loaded with healthy fats. Potatoes, rice or pasta work well for carbs.</p> <h3>Meal 4: Pre-workout snack</h3> <p>Eat this around an hour before hitting the gym. A high-protein drink coupled with some carbs works well here. Get pumped for your workout!</p> <h3>Meal 5: Post-workoutshake and dinner</h3> <p>Part one is a drink within 30 mins of finishing your workout to replenish glycogen stores whether cutting or bulking. Do a 1:2 ratio of protein to carbs. Thirty grams of protein should rebuild muscle without slowing carb absorption. Part two is an hour later - make it a hearty meal with complex carbs, quality protein and veggies.</p> <p>Stick to these 5 meals each day containing the right macros and you'll fuel your body perfectly for working out while also building muscle or losing fat for your fitness goals. Let me know if any part needs more explanation!</p>
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tracydarrell179 · 8 months
How to Graciously Handle Rejection and Stay Confident
<h1>How to Handle Rejection with Grace, Respect, and Confidence</h1> <p>Getting turned down when you show how you feel about someone can really sting. It's normal to feel sad or embarrassed. But there are positive ways to deal with rejection that will help you feel better and stay awesome.</p> <h2>Accept What Happened</h2> <p>The first thing to do is accept that the other person said no. Don't try to change their mind or get mad at them. Respect their choice - everyone likes different things. Just because they're not into you doesn't mean there's anything wrong with you!</p> <p>Also, don't obsess over why they turned you down. Maybe they just weren't ready for a relationship. Rejection doesn't define who you are deep down.</p> <h2>Stay Respectful</h2> <p>Even if you're bummed, be respectful. Never say mean things or get aggressive. Thank them for being honest with you. Respect that it's their decision, not yours.</p> <p>If you start to feel angry, take a breather. Go for a walk until you cool off so you don't accidentally take it out on them.</p> <h2>Keep Believing in Yourself</h2> <p>Getting turned down doesn't make you any less awesome. We've all been there before. Believe in your great qualities. Better chances will come - just you wait!</p> <p>Also, you can learn from the experience. Think about what went well and how you can improve next time.</p> <h2>Stay Friends (If You Were Friends Before)</h2> <p>If you and the other person were pals already, stay friends even if it's awkward now. Don't ditch them 'cause they said no to dating. Still chat and hang like normal. Don't let the rejection mess things up.</p> <p>If being friends is too hard, take a little break from each other for now. But still be nice - no insults!</p> <h2>Get Support from Others</h2> <p>If rejection has you down, talk to people you trust like friends, family or a counselor. Share your feelings. They can help you feel better and think of positive ways forward.</p> <p>Handling "no" with grace, respect and confidence will help make you stronger. Stay awesome!</p>
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tracydarrell179 · 8 months
Is Taekwondo Right for You? Discover Why This Martial Art Could Boost Your Health and Confidence
<h1>Is Taekwondo Right for Girls?</h1> <p>Many people think Taekwondo is only for boys. But the truth is, lots of parents now sign their daughters up for classes too. Still, some wonder if girls can really do Taekwondo. Let's look at why Taekwondo might be a great choice for girls.</p> <h2>Get Fit and Stay Healthy</h2> <p>Taekwondo is great exercise that can help you stay in shape. The different kicking and punching moves work out your whole body. How hard you work decides how much weight you may lose. Taekwondo is also less rough than other sports like boxing. It focuses more on being quick than super strong.</p> <h2>Learn Self-Defense Skills</h2> <p>Since most girls are smaller, Taekwondo is better than sports that require lots of muscle. The techniques teach you how to protect yourself without being very powerful. You learn quick dodging and blocking instead of tough hits. This makes Taekwondo practical to know just in case.</p> <h2>Boost Your Confidence</h2> <p>Studying Taekwondo can help both boys and girls feel more self-assured. Earning new belts as your skills grow will make you proud of your accomplishments. Learning to stand up for yourself in a safe way boosts self-esteem.</p> <h2>Overall Health Advantages</h2> <p>Taekwondo has many perks for well-being when done regularly. It builds strong bones and muscles while keeping weight stable. Flexibility and coordination improve too. Regular activity reduces stress and lifts mood.</p> <p>In conclusion, Taekwondo offers girls a fun way to stay in great shape physically and mentally. Just be sure safety gear is used during practice. Learning self-defense without injury lets you feel empowered.</p> <p>What do you think? Does Taekwondo seem like a sport you'd like to try?</p>
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tracydarrell179 · 9 months
Spotify CEO Challenges UK to Rein in Apple and Google's Grip on Digital Markets
<h2>Spotify CEO Urges UK to Curb Big Tech's Digital Dominance</h2> <p>On October 3rd, Spotify CEO Daniel Ek called on UK lawmakers to pass a new bill that would promote fair competition in the digital world. Ek wants the proposed "Digital Markets, Competition and Consumer Bill" (DMCC) to rein in the outsized power of massive tech giants like Apple and Google.</p> <p>The DMCC would give UK regulators more authority to make big companies play nice if their actions hurt competition. Regulators could force companies to change policies that undermine rivals. They could even levy huge fines of billions of pounds on rule breakers!</p> <p>Ek has long pushed for rules limiting Apple's dual role. As the maker of the iOS platform <i>and</i> the Apple Music streaming service, Apple has faced accusations of unfairly favoring its own product. Ek told the Financial Times he finds it "crazy" that Apple and Google dictate how billions access the internet through devices and apps they control.</p> <p>"Not only do they set the terms, they also compete directly with other services," Ek explained. He wants the DMCC to ensure companies that referee the digital landscape, like app stores, don't also play in the game. "The bill needs some real enforcement teeth," Ek emphasized, adding that all app makers should be protected.</p> <p>"More and more, Apple has become a competitor to developers like Spotify," Ek said. For years, the music streaming giant has butted heads with Apple over its tight grip on the App Store and in-app payment rules.</p> <p>If adopted, the DMCC could level the digital playing field by mandating transparency from tech platforms. Regulators would insight into how app stores and search engines operate behind closed doors. They may even open up these vital marketplaces to allow more options for customers and competition for companies.</p> <p>Spotify first filed an antitrust complaint against Apple's App Store practices with European regulators back in 2019. That investigation continues as tensions between the tech titans reignite. Only time will tell if the UK's DMCC can curb Big Tech's monopoly powers over the digital economy and level the playing field for underdogs like Spotify.</p> <h3>In Summary:</h3> <ul> <li>Spotify CEO Daniel Ek wants the UK to pass a new digital competition bill.</li> <li>The proposed DMCC law would rein in how tech giants like Apple and Google wield power over online markets and consumers.</li> <li>It aims to promote fair competition by letting regulators crack down on anti-competitive behavior and lack of transparency.</li> <li>Ek has long argued Apple's dual role as iOS maker and music streaming rival is unfair.</li> <li>The DMCC could mandate changes giving rivals like Spotify a fairer chance to compete.</li> </ul>
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tracydarrell179 · 9 months
Latest iPhone 15 Rumors Hint at Thinner Design, USB-C, and Potentially Higher Prices
<h2>Latest Rumors About the Upcoming iPhone 15 Series</h2> <p>There has been a lot of speculation about what new features the iPhone 15 will have. On April 27th, the tech website 9to5Mac shared some leaked images of what they think the next iPhones might look like based on reliable reports.</p> <h3>Design Changes for the iPhone 15 Pro</h3> <p>One of the biggest changes to the iPhone 15 Pro compared to previous models is that the front edges will be even thinner, according to the leaks. Excitingly, the leak also suggests that all iPhone 15 models will finally come with a USB-C charging port instead of Lightning, which many users have been hoping for.</p> <p>In addition, the overall body shape of the iPhone 15 is said to be more rounded than the iPhone 14 for a nicer feel in your hand. The camera bump on the back will stick out a bit more because Apple plans to include a special periscope lens that will let you zoom in 5-6 times closer without losing photo quality.</p> <h3>Potential Higher Price</h3> <p>While the upgrades aren't too dramatic, the iPhone 15 may end up costing noticeably more than previous models. Reports say the minimum price rise will be 20%, mainly due to more advanced components like the new 3-nanometer A17 chip that is estimated to be 20% more expensive to make than before.</p> <p>For the high-end iPhone 15 Pro Max, reliable sources say the top model could cross the 20,000 yuan (about $3,000) threshold for the first time. With the potential higher cost, will you still be eager to get your hands on the next iPhone when it launches?</p>
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tracydarrell179 · 9 months
Redmi Note 12 Details Emerge: Cameras, Performance & Upcoming Launch Revealed
<h2>Latest Details Emerge about Upcoming Redmi Note 12 Series</h2> <p>The Redmi Note series has consistently delivered incredible value with each new generation, gaining widespread acclaim from consumers. As a result, many fans have been eagerly anticipating the arrival of the next models in the line - the all-new Redmi Note 12 family. Expected to offer multiple options as usual, the focus will remain on maximizing performance for the price. With the upcoming release date nearing, several details have already made their way online.</p> <p>A well-known tech blogger, @DigitalUpdates, recently shared more information about the camera capabilities. In line with prior leaks, the Redmi Note 12 will debut with MediaTek's Dimensity 1080 chipset and flagship-level photo and charging features compared to other models in its class.</p> <p>Previous reports indicated the main camera will be a 50MP sensor measuring about 1.5 inches. However, exact specs remain unclear, and it's unknown if optical image stabilization will be supported. Xiaomi China President Lu Weibing hinted on social media that an unveiling is imminent, saying he's "finalizing the presentation."</p> <p>As previously leaked, the Dimensity 1080 chip will utilize TSMC's 6nm process and feature an octa-core CPU with high-performance Arm Cortex-A78 cores. Performance is estimated at 50-55 million on Antutu. The triple rear camera consists of 50MP main, 8MP ultra-wide, and 2MP macro sensors. All models will support 120W wired charging, with the top end possibly reaching 180W or even 210W charging speeds.</p> <p>The Redmi Note 12 series launch is expected to start ramping up this week, with a potential debut as early as next week, priced roughly between $150-$300 USD.</p>
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tracydarrell179 · 9 months
How Tech Giants Are Using VR and AI to Rethink Job Training
<h2>Tech Giants Focus on Job Training as Metaverse Concept Cools</h2> <p>On May 17th, reports indicated that artificial intelligence has become the new darling of the technology industry, while interest in Mark Zuckerberg's vision of the metaverse seems to have waned. Recently, Meta demonstrated an emerging technology that uses virtual worlds for vocational training to help the unemployed regain employment. This shows Meta remains committed to developing the potential of the metaverse.</p> <p>On Tuesday, Meta hosted a conference called the "Future of Work Summit" in Washington D.C. Technology companies like Interplay Learning, Talespin, and Embodied Labs participated. Nick Clegg, Meta's President of Global Affairs, gave a presentation showcasing how augmented and virtual reality can enhance job training and skills development.</p> <p>Clegg believes one of the most impactful applications is retraining workers' skills. He mentioned fields like education and elderly care that could benefit. While optimistic about the metaverse's future, Clegg acknowledged its concept is currently being refined as Meta restructures teams pioneering this technology.</p> <p>Clegg estimates the metaverse remains 10 to 15 years from maturity but will gradually become more affordable and ubiquitous in society. Reports indicate Interplay Learning uses Meta's VR headsets for technical instruction in industries like plumbing, electricity, and HVAC. CEO Doug Donovan remarked this fast-tracks training that once took months into just 5-6 weeks.</p> <p>However, Donovan notes widespread corporate adoption faces hurdles as standards have yet to solidify between sectors. Individual advocacy remains key to spreading awareness of VR's educational potential. Recently, generative AI like ChatGPT garnered attention for transforming startups while renewing concern over job disruption.</p> <p>Clegg sees AI and the metaverse as complementary rather than competing. He envisions users benefiting from generative AI within future virtual environments constructible through voice commands. To address job disruption fears, Clegg cites the metaverse's role in reskilling displaced workers.</p> <p>Congress supports this vision through proposed legislation subsidizing AR/VR adoption at community colleges for job training. Meanwhile, ChatGPT's creator called for regulating powerful AI to safeguard against unintended consequences, given its potential to profoundly change society.</p> <p>Clegg affirmed Meta welcomes sensible metaverse governance and noted past lessons of regulating emerging technologies after widespread diffusion to allow standards gradual development.</p>
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tracydarrell179 · 9 months
How WeChat Unlocks Simple Privacy Protection for Over 1 Billion Users
<h3>WeChat Brings Lock Screen Function to Address Privacy Concerns</h3> WeChat has become a ubiquitous social platform and daily communication tool in people's lives. It is often used to handle work communications, though this can pose privacy risks. Work and personal chats both appearing together on the computer client can potentially leak private information, which is understandably worrying. However, WeChat has now introduced a solution to this issue. Recently, WeChat pushed an update to version 3.9.5 for some Windows users. The new version adds a "Lock" feature. After updating, a lock icon appears in the bottom left corner menu on the WeChat computer app. Clicking it will display a message that "Windows WeChat is locked". When locked, users are unable to access WeChat on their computer, effectively preventing potential privacy leaks if they leave without closing the app. However, unlocking is simple - users just need to access the conversation list on their phone WeChat to unlock without complex steps. It's said this update has not been fully rolled out yet. Users who have not seen the update prompt can check back later. WeChat's responsive approach to privacy concerns has earned praise from online users. Some jokingly commented that QQ is already familiar with these kinds of useful functions - "Just say what you need and I'll share the code." Many also shared feedback on additional features they hope to see, such as friend removal notifications, disabling photo posts, adjustable voice playback speed, editable moments, batch moment deletion, ability to go live on moments, and one-tap mass message marking as read. These suggestions aim to address typical pain points encountered in daily WeChat use.
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tracydarrell179 · 9 months
Kunlun Wanwei Racing to Release Open Source Chatbot, Collaborate on Democratizing AI Technology
<h2>Kunlun Wanwei to Release Open Source Chatbot Model, Collaborate on Democratizing AI</h2> <p>On February 9th, Kunlun Wanwei Group announced plans to partner with Qidian Zhongyuan to release an open source version of a Chinese conversational AI model later this year. This aims to prevent technology monopolies by large companies.</p> <h3>Pushing for Open Source Development</h3> <p>Kunlun Wanwei believes open source is crucial for advancing the AI ecosystem. Through crowdsourcing, it can accelerate iterative development and promote technology democratization by lowering barriers to entry. As Linux defeated Windows and MySQL defeated Oracle, open collaboration lets engineers worldwide progress technology for all.</p> <h3>Experience in AI Innovation</h3> <p>Kunlun Wanwei's strategy has always centered on open source. Since 2020, it has invested heavily in R&D, building a team with considerable experience innovating AI models. With over 400 million monthly active users globally, it understands applying AI in various industries. The company is committed to growing open source AI communities and applications.</p> <h3>Previous Successes in Open Source</h3> <p>Since launching the Skywork open source project in December 2022, it has gained popularity as one of the fastest growing. Companies like China Mobile are currently testing it. Building on this technical foundation and reputation for open collaboration, Kunlun Wanwei is well-positioned to develop its new conversational model openly.</p> <h3>Democratizing Conversational AI</h3> <p>Last November, OpenAI's ChatGPT chatbot became hugely popular for answering questions conversationally. Since then, Microsoft integrated it into Bing search and Edge browser to provide "research assistance." Google also plans a similar "Bard" bot. Kunlun Wanwei now aims to beat these large firms Microsoft and Google to market with its free, open alternative.</p> <h3>Kunlun Wanwei's Global Business</h3> <p>As a leading Chinese internet firm, Kunlun Wanwei operates services like the Opera browser globally. It seeks to empower continued growth with Responsible AI. Financials show rapid profit increases, with its metaverse platform Opera GX now surpassing 200 million active users monthly.</p>
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tracydarrell179 · 9 months
Baidu Launches First AI Art Generating Platform at Major Technology Conference
<h3>Baidu Launches First AI Art Assistance Platform at CCIG2022 Conference</h3> <p>On August 19th, the 2022 China Consumer Image Graphics Conference (CCIG2022) was held in Chengdu. At the event, Wu Tian, Vice President of Baidu Group and Deputy Director of the National Engineering Laboratory for Deep Learning Technology and Application, officially unveiled "Wenyin·Yige", being the industry's first AI art and creativity assistance platform. This platform was developed by Baidu utilizing the FeiPa and Wenyin large model technologies in what represents their first "AI artwork" product.</p> <p>On the official website for Wenyin·Yige, users can quickly generate corresponding artwork by inputting their creative text and selecting the desired style. The website currently supports over ten different high-definition art styles for generation such as Chinese pastoral paintings, oil paintings, watercolors, gouache, comics, and realistic works. It also allows for selecting different canvas sizes.</p> <p>Wu Tian explained that the explosive growth of data, continuous advances in computing power, and ongoing algorithm innovation have created new opportunities for artificial intelligence. Pre-trained large models have become an important direction for AI development thanks to their superior generalizability, versatility, and application effectiveness. Cross-modal large models are cultivated through technological progress and industrial practice, representing an important avenue for Baidu Wenyin's continued innovation and construction of knowledge-enhanced large models toward industrial applications.</p> <p>Additionally, Wu Tian shared an upgraded version of the ERNIE-ViLG text-to-image generation algorithm. Through a progressive diffusion model, it can generate spaces from small to large and outlines from coarse to fine, while automatically selecting the optimal generation network according to the generation stage - further improving the ability to generate images from text.</p>
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tracydarrell179 · 9 months
Aliyun Releases Giant Multilingual Vision AI Model Qwen-VL with Text Understanding
<h2>Aliyun Launches Large-Scale Visual Language Model Qwen-VL</h2> <p>Today, Aliyun released the large-scale visual language model Qwen-VL, which is currently open-sourced on ModeScope. As IT Home previously reported, Aliyun had previously open-sourced the universal model Qwen-7B with 70 billion parameters and the dialogue model Qwen-7B-Chat.</p> <p>Qwen-VL is understood to be a multilingual visual language (Vision Language, VL) model that supports languages including Chinese and English. In addition to the basic capabilities of image recognition, description, question answering and dialogue, it has added abilities such as visual localization and text understanding within images.</p> <p>Qwen-VL uses Qwen-7B as the base language model. It introduces a visual encoder to the architecture, enabling the model to accept visual inputs. The model supports an image resolution of 448, whereas previously released LLVM models typically only supported 224 resolution.</p> <p>Officially, the model can be applied to knowledge question answering, image caption generation, image question answering, document question answering, fine-grained visual localization, and other scenarios. In mainstream multimodal task evaluations and multimodal chat capability evaluations, it has significantly outperformed universal models of comparable scale.</p> <p>Additionally, based on Qwen-VL, the Universal Question team developed a vision AI assistant called Qwen-VL-Chat using alignment mechanisms. This allows developers to quickly build conversational applications with multimodal capabilities.</p> <p>The Universal Question team also noted that to test the model's multimodal dialogue skills, they constructed a test set called 'Philosopher's Stone' based on GPT-4 scoring. They used this to compare Qwen-VL-Chat against other models, where it achieved the best results on Chinese and English alignment evaluations among open-source LLVM models.</p>
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tracydarrell179 · 9 months
How China Mobile's Strategic Investment is Strengthening QiMingXingChen's Cybersecurity Business
<h2>China Mobile Takes Stake in QiMingXingChen Through Capital Investment</h2> <p>On June 20th, QiMingXingChen announced in a notice dated June 18th that ZhongYi Capital now holds a total of 23.08% of the voting rights in the listed company. Meanwhile, Wang Jia and Yan Li couple together hold a total of 13.08% of the voting rights. The actual controller of the listed company has changed from Wang Jia and Yan Li to China Mobile Communications Group Co., Ltd. (abbreviated as "China Mobile Group").</p> <p>According to the preliminary plan disclosed by QiMingXingChen, 284 million shares will be issued to the specific target ZhongYi Capital, at a price of RMB 14.57 per share. The total funds to be raised will not exceed RMB 41.43 billion. After deducting issuance expenses, the full amount will be used to supplement working capital.</p> <p>ZhongYi Capital was established in December 2016 as a wholly-owned subsidiary of China Mobile, where it was previously the Overseas Investment Management Department. It is now responsible for centralized management and operation of China Mobile's external equity investments and internal capital operations. Upon completion of the transaction, China Mobile will hold 23.08% of shares in QiMingXingChen, becoming its actual controller.</p> <p>Founded in 1996 by Dr. Yan Wangjia upon returning to China from the US, QiMingXingChen is a networked security company with independent intellectual property. It is committed to providing innovative security products and services with strong competitive advantages internationally, in order to help customers enhance the security and efficiency of their IT systems.</p> <p>QiMingXingChen pointed out that this transaction benefits China Mobile Group in expanding national cybersecurity capabilities and protecting critical networks. It also allows QiMingXingChen to leverage China Mobile Group's brand, funding, technology, and sales channels to support its future growth.</p> <p>The transaction has been approved by QiMingXingChen's board of directors and remains subject to shareholder and regulatory approval. Trading of QiMingXingChen shares was suspended on June 13th for the restructuring, and resumed today, June 20th.</p>
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tracydarrell179 · 9 months
Zhongchi Jingjia Wins 6-1 Over Yunshang in Amateur Football League Match
On the evening of April 6th at 8:40 PM, the 20th Guizhou Amateur Football League Third Division Match between Zhongchi Jingjia Repair Workshop and Yunshang Engineering concluded as the fifth match of the tenth round at Linquan Football Field. This match was hosted by Guiyang Online Sports and guided by the Guiyang Olympic Sports Center, co-organized by the Guiyang Olympic Sports Events Operation Center. Zhongchi Jingjia Repair Workshop defeated Yunshang Engineering 6-1. Gaochang Hi of Zhongchi Jingjing Repair Workshop scored five goals, while Li Jing of Yunshang Engineering and Hou Lin of Zhongchi Jingjia Repair Workshop each scored a goal. Zhongchi Jingjia Repair Workshop starting lineup: Goalkeeper: 44-Ren Peng (substituted by 2-Wan Li in the 46th minute) Defenders: 39-Huang Yi, 22-Wu Daoling (substituted by 10-Huang Chengni in the 46th minute), 15-Zhou Lu (substituted by 23-Mu Yong in the 46th minute), 20-Zhang Xiaowen (substituted by 17-Lu Zhou in the 46th minute) Midfielders: 25-Cao Fan, 7-Hou Lin, 2-Wan Li (substituted by 44-Ren Peng in the 46th minute), 3-Hou Bo Forwards: 31-Gao Xiang, 14-Gaochang Hi Yunshang Engineering starting lineup: Goalkeeper: 76-Yuan Youming Defenders: 21-Zhu Jiayin, 17-Wang Yong, 8-Zhang Yangyang, 16-Jing Yubin Midfielders: 6-Jing Yujiang, 7-Li Tingya, 45-Wang Zhi, 28-Wang Suo (substituted by 23-Li Jing in the 46th minute) Forwards: 36-Luo Yaoyang, 18-Zhou Xingbo Zhongchi Jingjia Repair Workshop's 3-Hou Bo was selected as the best player of the match, receiving a 500 yuan fitness and rehabilitation membership card (including 300 yuan for rehabilitation therapy and 200 yuan for fitness training) from the Guiyang Olympic Sports and Rehabilitation Center.
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tracydarrell179 · 9 months
How ChatGPT is Quickly Replacing Knowledge Workers and Impacting Recruiting
Industrial Robots Have Replaced Many Manual Laborers, and ChatGPT Seems to Be Replacing Many Knowledge Workers ChatGPT previously passed legal and medical exams at some US universities, and successfully passed Google's software engineer hiring test with an annual salary of $180,000. Regarding the future of ChatGPT, some say this thing can cause massive layoffs overnight. This seems to be happening. Resumebuilder, a career consulting platform, surveyed 1,000 executives from companies that use or plan to use ChatGPT. The survey found that nearly half of the respondents' companies have started using ChatGPT. Among them, about half of the respondents who use ChatGPT said it has started to replace employees in their companies. And 89% of executives rated ChatGPT's work quality as 'excellent' or 'good'. Executives from companies already using ChatGPT said ChatGPT is mainly used for: - 66% for writing code - 58% for content creation and writing - 57% for customer support - 52% for recording meeting summaries and other documents. Additionally, in the personnel recruitment process, 77% of companies using ChatGPT said they use it to help write job descriptions, 66% to draft interview invitations, and 65% to reply to emails from job applicants.
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