tragedybefalls · 5 years
— i’m working to consolidate my two multis into one v private multi. i’m also starting to put some muses exclusively on discord. if you want the link to the new blog (which is active & dash-only) pls shoot me a message or give this post a like. i will contact those that do with the link.
if you choose to continue to follow me, any threads we have will be continued unless you ask otherwise. 
if you want my discord, you may also ask for that. i am new to rp on discord, but i am learning, and it’s less stressful. i have some muses being turned into exclusively discord muses, but any muse is available there.
i think this is the best method for me to try and manage my anxiety here while still being able to write, and i hope some of you will follow me. chances are if you are here right now, i do wish to write with you, but i will understand if you do not choose to follow me there.
as a general, last note, i will be using a different penname there. this is a tumblr penname only
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tragedybefalls · 5 years
— i’m working to consolidate my two multis into one v private multi. i’m also starting to put some muses exclusively on discord. if you want the link to the new blog (which is active & dash-only) pls shoot me a message or give this post a like. i will contact those that do with the link.
if you choose to continue to follow me, any threads we have will be continued unless you ask otherwise. 
if you want my discord, you may also ask for that. i am new to rp on discord, but i am learning, and it’s less stressful. i have some muses being turned into exclusively discord muses, but any muse is available there.
i think this is the best method for me to try and manage my anxiety here while still being able to write, and i hope some of you will follow me. chances are if you are here right now, i do wish to write with you, but i will understand if you do not choose to follow me there.
as a general, last note, i will be using a different penname there. this is a tumblr penname only
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tragedybefalls · 5 years
--- i’m working to consolidate my two multis into one v private multi. i’m also starting to put some muses exclusively on discord. if you want the link to the new blog (which is active & dash-only) pls shoot me a message or give this post a like. i will contact those that do with the link.
if you choose to continue to follow me, any threads we have will be continued unless you ask otherwise. 
if you want my discord, you may also ask for that. i am new to rp on discord, but i am learning, and it’s less stressful. i have some muses being turned into exclusively discord muses, but any muse is available there.
i think this is the best method for me to try and manage my anxiety here while still being able to write, and i hope some of you will follow me. chances are if you are here right now, i do wish to write with you, but i will understand if you do not choose to follow me there.
as a general, last note, i will be using a different penname there. this is a tumblr penname only
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tragedybefalls · 5 years
— ya’ll should go follow my other blog @worthyfate so you can interact with my newest son, harry flynn
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tragedybefalls · 5 years
My muse had been kidnapped and tortured for the past week send “I’m here- I’m here, now” for your muse to save them.
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tragedybefalls · 5 years
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quotes taken from the character  “ wendy ”  of klei entertainment’s  “ don’t starve  / don’t starve together ” .  feel free to change pronouns as necessary .  warnings for some allusions to death  /  generally somber overtones .
“ i’m only taking back what’s mine ”
“ nothing good may last ”
“ they are more useful in death ”
“ i’ll only end up hurt again ”
“ life brings pain  ,  pain brings life ”
“ the clouds weep ”
“ i am directionless ”
“ the sun upsets me  ;  i couldn’t possibly sleep ”
“ i was always destined to bear a heavy load ”
“ it makes me feel less alone   —   plus  ,  i can throw it ”
“ whatever is in there isn’t dead yet ”
“ life needs time to blossom ”
“ emptiness  :  the natural state of all things ”
“ nothing escapes the pull of decay ”
“ i don’t know why you bother  ,  we’re all going to burn ”
“ the relief it brings is only temporary ”
“ it is a dark path we tread ”
“ shall we set the world on fire ? ”
“ some of us can see our cages ”
“ it only provides the illusion of control ”
“ it seems a tad dramatic ”
“ its beauty will undoubtedly succumb to the tide ”
“ the emptiness is consuming him ”
“ antagonizing crows is always bad luck ”
“ the moon  ;  she whispers promises of protection to me ”
“ it’ll never get better than this ”
“ i have learned unspeakable things ”
“ it may warm my body  ,  but what if my spirit ? ”
“ no living soul commands the sea ”
“ your beauty will fade too  ,  you know ”
“ life is a swirling abyss of suffering and disappointment ”
“ that I cannot hear it does not mean it is silent ”
“ a shame you have to perish ”
“ death will be a blessing ”
“ i have destroyed something beautiful ”
“ your sacrifice will not be in vain ”
“ how does it feel to be ripped from your home ? ”
“ no matter what it consumes  ,  it is never satisfied ”
“ oh well  —  i hope it’s a quick death ”
“ the world has wronged you ”
“ you can’t hide from your problems forever  ;  i’ve tried ”
“ do you dig your own tomb  ,  sir ? ”
“ a life sooner begun is a life sooner ended ”
“ vegetables are good for you  ,  but what do i care ? ”
“ i can no longer be amused by childish things ”
“ i’m surprised we didn’t die trying to get this ”
“ did it go as you planned ? ”
“ you should be thankful i’m sparing you ”
“ i can’t do anything right ”
“ i must carry my own burden ”
“ your pleas will fall on deaf ears ”
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tragedybefalls · 5 years
not to be dramatic but ship with me
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tragedybefalls · 5 years
— ya’ll should go follow my other blog @worthyfate so you can interact with my newest son, harry flynn
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tragedybefalls · 5 years
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rp sentence starters from michael faudet’s work , bitter sweet love. 
“ i think you loved me. ” “ can you remember the moment our fingers let go? ” “ no hope left below. ” “ the pathways meet but seldom cross. ” “ i dream of dreams. ” “ i certainly know right from wrong. ” “ wrong suddenly feels wonderfully right. ” “ i read the letter again. ” “ i want you to fuck me. ” “ it was a strange kind of morning. ” “ old habits die hard and new ones take their place. ” “ i spent my evenings chasing shooting stars. ” “ my life spent curled up in an unmade bed. ” “ all i can think about is you. ” “ i loved in vain. ” “ for what is lost, a willow weeps. ” “ my reflection in the mirror coming back to haunt me at 3 a.m. ” “ i had long given up on counting sheep. ” “ if only i could sleep. ” “ find solace in the darkness. ” “ i wish i could forget it all. ” “ i thought of you, when hands were held. ” “ it had been a most peculiar evening. ” “ vodka had helped smooth the ride. ” “ think of it as a warm up. ” “ i need to take a shower. ” “ kiss me again, i dare you. ” “ oh, i’m quite mad. ” “ a magpie flew overhead. ” “ we all make mistakes. ” “ my heart has become a broken compass. ” “ i always find myself running back into your arms. ” “ falling so madly in love with you is a tragedy. ” “ nothing in my world will ever seem so beautiful again. ” “ you were my beautiful mistake. ” “ i don’t regret anything. ” “ i would do it all again in a heartbeat. ” “ the radio said it might rain later. ” “ i have never felt the touch of falling snow. ” “ it was a beautiful night for falling in love. ” “ nothing this perfect lasts forever. ” “ even our closest-kept memories eventually turn to dust. ” “ it was such a gorgeous day to end a relationship. ” “ i have cried an ocean for you but still your ship refuses to sail. ” “ i am somewhere, strangely nowhere. a lone comma, placed midsentence. ” “ lost is a lovely place to find yourself. ” “ i never felt truly comfortable leaving the sanctuary of my self-imposed solitude. ” “ it was a dreadful night. ” “ do you believe in ghosts? ” “ i’m not sure i believe in anything anymore. ” “ i never left, my love, and i never will. ” “ love like death needs no explanation. ” “ it is the curse of being mortal. ” “ always fight for love. ” “ when you look into my eyes, what do they say? ” “ we all drown a little, that’s how we learn to swim. ” “ come back to bed. ” “ many a beating heart is silenced by the tyranny of indifference. ” “ i love you and all your little eccentricities. ” “ i think i may have fallen madly in love with you. ” “ i hope it was a pleasant death. ” “ think of me as your dirty little secret. ” “ it was the day my world turned to dust. ” “ and life suddenly became simple again. ”
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tragedybefalls · 5 years
❝ Scars are just another kind of memory. ❞ - ami @ liam!!
a hum and he doesn’t look at her for a long few moments, just sips at his coffee. he should have more scars than he does but the ones he does have are enough. and anyway, not all scars are visible. a small sigh as he sets his coffee down. “some memories aren’t needed.”
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tragedybefalls · 5 years
“quit it or i’ll bite.” sirius
an arched brow as sirius pauses only a moment. “and who says i don’t want that?” innocent grin as he reaches over gabe again, making it take extra long to give the other plenty of time to do as he threatens.
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tragedybefalls · 5 years
Muse Development Questions
Does sleep come easy to them or no? What does their bedtime routine look like?
If they could only have one food for the rest of their life, what would it be?
What would the bring with them to pass the time on a long flight?
Do they play an instrument? If not, have the ever wanted to learn?
What movies are the most nostalgic for them?
Do they know how to cook? If so, what’s their favorite thing to make?
Sweet or savory?
How do they like to unwind after a long day?
What is their relationship with their extended family like? Are they the kind of person who’s very close to aunts, uncles, and cousins? Or are they the kind of person who barely remembers they exist?
If they had to pick to one song to listen to for ten hours straight, what would it be?
What is their morning routine like? Are they a morning person or no?
What is their pain threshold like? Will a stubbed toe take them down, or does it take something much more drastic?
Are they a binge watcher or do they prefer to stretch shows out? What kind of shows do they like? Are there any that they rewatch with any kind of frequency?
Do they have read receipts on?
If they had to sell their soul to save one person, who would it be and why?
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tragedybefalls · 5 years
“Stay close to me.” (Pride)
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“if that’ll make you feel better.” because that’s what he’s here for, isn’t it? he wonders if she has any idea who she’s talking to, though (which is both annoying and amusing, because everyone should know who he is), or if this just her way of keeping an eye on him. it doesn’t matter; if something does happen, he can take care of both of them just fine.
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tragedybefalls · 5 years
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Roman - Hella Duplicitous
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tragedybefalls · 5 years
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tragedybefalls · 5 years
--- give a like if i have permission to send memes to you?
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tragedybefalls · 5 years
“did you think i forgot?” amara
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“no, i didn’t.” not intentionally, anyway, which is what matters. it’s hard to forget something he had a part in doing. the humans -- well, they forgot, but only because they were never told. it’s them, and her brother, she intends to remind. “but i do think you’re pretending it’s not a problem.” a common issue among the angels, she’s noticed. must be genetic.
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