trampisms · 6 years
*disappears into thin air for a few days, leaving behind a pile of glitter*
HIII so i think our lovely admins are offline but i just thought i would post this now since i can’t see a reason why it wouldn’t be allowed but i apologize if it isn’t dfsgjsdf but yes i’m going on hiatus! til either the 10th or the 11th. just a short one but i just thought i’d let yall know why jack and tramp’s beautiful faces won’t be on the dash for a few days. i love you all so much and i hope everyone who celebrates it had/is having a lovely fourth of july! 
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trampisms · 6 years
if we've only got this life and this adventure, oh then i wanna share it with you with you, with you
ft. @shesalcdy
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trampisms · 6 years
Something Fred had learned to do over time was get over disappointment easily. After years of hearing that his parents were extending their vacations, missing out on his poetry slams and birthday parties, and him constantly breaking and losing things around the house, he knew how to shrug off the dismay and move on. “Nah, we’re good,” he assured him. “Thanks, though, I appreciate it. I’ll probably grab lunch at The Lucky Cat Café anyway.”
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HE NODDED. “the lucky cat, huh? nice. i mean, tony’s pasta always stays superior, but it’s a good second choice.” he joked, laughing off any awkwardness that still lingered from the previous moment. “you’re a good guy. you wouldn’t believe how many people tried to bribe me with stuff because of the mix-up. if there ever is free food, you’re invited. what’s your name again, good guy? ...fred! right?”
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trampisms · 6 years
when the primer dried yesterday, she was up most of the night painting a new mural in the living room that pascal and she shared. she tried painting it a week ago but it was riddled with an empty garden and dying flowers. that’s not what she wanted to paint but that’s what she was feeling so she put it off and started over. now it is filled with blooming roses and sunflowers with pascal and her in the middle, she hoped that they would like it. cat stevens playing on the old vinyl her parents bought her, no sound could come through the angelic melody that rang through her town house. but it all came to an abrupt stop when she heard a knock on the door, a breath leaving her lips. she quickly rubbed her paint stained hands on her painting pants, running to the door and swinging it open to find a familiar face holding a pizza. “oh hey!” she mused with a warm smile. “sorry, I was playing some music, i couldn’t hear all that well,” she explained, tucking some of her short hair behind her ear. she stepped aside to let the man in before closing the bright red door behind him. “sorry for the smell, just doing some painting… what can i do for you?”
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HIS SIGNATURE WIDE SMIRK grew on his face as the door swung open. the strong fumes of the paint hit his nostrils as it did, and it was a distinct change from the smell of delicious fresh dough and melted cheese. he kept his smile regardless, as he greeted rapunzel. “don’t worry about it! sorry to interrupt ya’ while you’re in the zone. it’s not what you can do for me, actually. it’s what i can do for you!” he held up the pizza with pride plastered all over his smug face. he wasn’t often in the business of doing spontaneous nice things for people, he was usually trying to get himself on the receiving end of those. but today was a rare and special occasion, he felt like he had a duty to try to fix things if he could, so rapunzel got to see his kind side even if the friendship the two shared was a little distant at times. “y’know, tony’s doesn’t offer deliveries on the reg. so this is a pretty special moment. you like pizza? everyone likes pizza, right?” he knew that if he went with the story that the pizza alone was the only reason he was there, she may have her suspicions, so he eventually caved. “...okay, fine. i’m here to play mediator. you and flynn at least have to be friends, and he’s too hopeless to know what his next move should be. so do you wanna talk about it? has anyone actually asked you how you are?”
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trampisms · 6 years
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“ A lot of people… Tell me I’m a bit… Dreamy. But I like the idea of that. Of being somewhere else.”
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trampisms · 6 years
“ excuse me ? I was hoping you could participate in the annual ‘plant off’ located this year in little san fransokyo ? ” eve had been trying to recruit people for months, but most people she asked would say things like what do i get in return or how much is this going to cost ? eve was running out of ways to tell people that a project like this was for their benefit. “ basically, we go around neighborhoods and plant as many seeds as possible, kick starting a better ecosystem !  is that something you think you might be interested in ? ”
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MIKE WAS SOMEWHAT CRITICAL of what the woman was suggesting. “you wanna run around a metropolitan urban jungle and turn it into, what, an actual jungle?” he asked with a chuckle, raising an eyebrow quizzically. “i don’t think that kinda’ hippy dippy kind of project would work in lsf. the pollution and lack of greenery is kinda’ what gives it its charm.” mike had the tendency to come across as rude sometimes, even if he didn’t mean to. “what i’m tryna’ say is, first its plants, then its one of those eco-dome things where my apartment used to be. you won’t be campaigning for anything like that, right?”
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trampisms · 6 years
i just wanted to let you guys know i sussed the replies issue and i’m just updating my thread tracker, then i’ll be getting to them! i might have to drop a few bc threads bc i actually have somewhere between 15 and 35 atm (i’m not definite on the number bc i’m not sure which ones people have dropped or are still planning to reply to) but it’s a LOT but i dont delete anyone off of my tracker even if the thread got dropped bc 1. im lazy 2. it reminds me to start up another thread w them another time so there’s that 
as always feel free to come plot with me if you would like to!! i dont want to miss out on interacting w new people just because im a dumbass who picks up too many threads
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trampisms · 6 years
💬 you lowkey ship danny and kenickie
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  ❝  THE ONES FROM THE MOVIE ,  or  my  danny  &&  kenickie ??  ❞
rumor has it !! / @dodgingworries @trampisms
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trampisms · 6 years
[speech bubble] gill and tramp are gonna fight bc he found out you guys hooked up back in the day
“you and i both know that’s not going to happen.” 
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@gillmoorish ; @trampisms
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trampisms · 6 years
💬 + lady hangs around you just because she has you pity.
“because she has my pity or because she pities me? either way, not true.” he rolled his eyes. “we don’t need each other’s pity. i look out for her, she looks out for me. we get along just peachy, actually, so put your nose in somebody else’s business.”
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trampisms · 6 years
💬 you and tramp fucked back in the bachelor pad days. you gave each other brojobs.
“i’m here to confirm that’s a hundred percent true.” dodger stated with every bit of sincerity in his voice. though the word brojobs wasn’t something he’d anticipated and he couldn’t help the waver of a chuckle that came through with his words. “brojobs… god, that’s such a good phrase, what the fuck.” 
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trampisms · 6 years
💬 you and dodger fucked back in the bachelor pad days. you gave each other brojobs.
cue the ever-so-cheeky rolling of laughter. “brojobs. BROJOBS. god, y’all really like the idea of us together, don’t ya? honestly, i love to keep the fans guessin’. i’m not sayin’ it’s true, but it’s true.”
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trampisms · 6 years
    —- oliver was the kid. that’s what nearly everyone in the group addressed him as. he could see where it was coming from. he was the youngest. the most inexperienced. the list went on. so when oliver showed up at the beach house and it was completely empty, the teen was perplexed. where would everyone, literally everyone go without him? there was always at least one person in the house. so, he sat on the curb waiting for anyone. and that anyone would pay off. “hey,” oliver awkwardly gaped, looking up at tramp. he had talked enough with the older man to know him decently. he was always around here. like dodger’s best friend. so, he was pretty much one of the crew. oliver popped up from his seat and stuck his hands in his pocket. “yeah. wondering where everyone is,” ollie admitted, showing how out of the loop he was. “i mean. i guess you are. so, what’re you up to?”
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IT COULD BE SAID that mike had a soft spot for ollie. on paper, he hated kids, and since the foxworth boy hadn’t even reached his twenties yet he fell into that category. but there was something about him. the boy kind of reminded tramp of how he used to be when he was a teenager. kind of how he imagined his younger brother had probably grown to be. “yeah, i’m wonderin’ the same, kid. there’s usually always at least one person here.” he shrugged. “well, nothing now that the place is as dead as a doornail,” a sigh escaped his lips, but he suddenly had an idea. “say, kid. i’ve actually been meaning to talk to ya’ about somethin’,” he proposed, gesturing for the other to walk alongside him.
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trampisms · 6 years
also on @jackskellisms
Send 💬 + a rumor and my muse will react to it.
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trampisms · 6 years
*coughs up blood* I'm fine!: Taurus, Virgo, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius
*sneezes* I'm literally about to die: Aries, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Libra, Pisces
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trampisms · 6 years
ft. @thiirteenthinline
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trampisms · 6 years
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