tranquilinchaos · 4 years
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tranquilinchaos · 4 years
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The Continuing Search
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tranquilinchaos · 4 years
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tranquilinchaos · 4 years
Just spoke to my Dad and asked for some fatherly advice....
...I didn’t know how much I miss him and the way he would always word out his lessons.
I felt like a kid again.
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tranquilinchaos · 4 years
Three months ago I pitched an idea for a party game. Today, ‘WHAT THE PLOT?!™’ is a real game and available for pre-order! I am so excited. Thank you everyone for your support!
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tranquilinchaos · 4 years
Three months ago I pitched an idea for a party game. Today, ‘WHAT THE PLOT?!™’ is a real game and available for pre-order! I am so excited. Thank you everyone for your support!
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tranquilinchaos · 4 years
Bad Grammar: Tom and I’s...
We’ve all learned this rule:
Incorrect: Tom and me went to the store. (Tom and me went to the store.)
Correct: Tom and I went to the store. (Tom and I went to the store.)
Unfortunately, this rule confuses people and leads them to make the following mistake…
“It’s Tom and I’s birthday soon.”
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Never, never, NEVER put an apostrophe after “I” when you’re referring to yourself. (As opposed to after a word ending in “I”…)
Remember… all you have to do is take out the other person to see how ridiculous it sounds…
Incorrect: It’s Tom and I’s birthday soon. (It’s Tom and I’s birthday soon.)
It’s I’s birthday soon.
I’s birthday…
See how awful that sounds?
Correct: It’s Tom’s and my birthday soon (It’s Tom’s and my birthday soon.)
It’s my birthday soon.
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So… just remember that…
“It’s Tom’s and my birthday soon!”
This has been a grammar PSA by Writing Questions Answered. There will be more to come…
Have a question? My inbox is always open, but make sure to check my FAQ and post master lists first to see if I’ve already answered a similar question. :)
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tranquilinchaos · 4 years
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tranquilinchaos · 4 years
Tony Hawk lands a 900 at age 48!
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tranquilinchaos · 4 years
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IG: @nikasholistic
Your life always depends on the quality of your thoughts. So do yourself a favor and start consciously choosing your thoughts. There’s no such thing as a positive or negative thought. Everything is neutral. However, there are empowering and disempowering thoughts, and when you start choosing the empowering ones, your life becomes truly magical.
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tranquilinchaos · 4 years
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Follow @averyfrancis on Instagram
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tranquilinchaos · 4 years
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The Samadhi – The 4D Death Experience
Have you ever wondered what it would be like to experience cremation? Well now you can! There is a “ride” in China called the Samadhi. Riders will have to lie down in a wooden coffin before ride attendants push them into a “furnace” – which heats up to a sweltering 40 degrees Celsius with the use of hot air and light projections to create that “authentic experience of burning.” 
After “dying”, the guests will be transported to soft, womb-like capsule where they will go through feeling a “rebirth.”
So, for 249 yuan (about 40 bucks) you can experience what it feels like to get cremated. 
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tranquilinchaos · 4 years
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tranquilinchaos · 4 years
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tranquilinchaos · 4 years
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tranquilinchaos · 4 years
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tranquilinchaos · 4 years
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‘Race and racism is a reality that so many of us grow up learning to just deal with. But if we ever hope to move past it, it can’t just be on people of color to deal with it. It’s up to all of us – Black, white, everyone – no matter how well-meaning we think we might be, to do the honest, uncomfortable work of rooting it out. It starts with self-examination and listening to those whose lives are different from our own. It ends with justice, compassion, and empathy that manifests in our lives and on our streets.’ — Michelle Obama
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