trans-goblins · 16 days
top 5 things people should know about sex
sex doesn't ever have to involve penetration or even genitalia if you don't want it to.
the lack of an orgasm isn't necessarily a sign that the sex was bad, and the presence of one isn't a guarantee that the sex was good or even wanted.
wanting or needing any kind of aides during sex - vibrators, other toys, more lube, pillows to prop up parts of your body, etc - is totally fine and doesn't mean that anyone isn't "good enough" as they are.
there's no guaranteed trick to make yourself a better sexual partner except for subjecting yourself to the mortifying ordeal of being known and just talking to your partner(s).
statistically speaking whatever you think is weird about your own body or sexual proclivities is probably pretty average.
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trans-goblins · 16 days
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It is May 17, 2024. Happy 20th Anniversary to legal status for same sex marriages here in Massachusetts.
Never forget how recent some of our victories are. And how many more fights still lay ahead.
For our Trans siblings, our disabled siblings, our POC siblings, we fight on.
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trans-goblins · 1 year
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trans-goblins · 1 year
not to be dramatic but we desperately need a punk movement to come in and wash away this Instagram model airbrushed picture perfect trend. it’s so damaging……teens, young adults, kids, the Grown….all of us need to just. we need to be sweaty again. we deserve it smeared eyeliner…..idk just. it’s okay if ur hair is greasy please just relax & then get mad about stuff that’s important to you.
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trans-goblins · 1 year
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the day people learn that they can express negative opinions about queer rep without misusing the word queerbait is the day i will know peace
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trans-goblins · 2 years
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Some of the creatures of the forest seemed willing to follow you.
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trans-goblins · 2 years
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trans-goblins · 2 years
some stone butches are like “my clothes stay ON during sex”
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trans-goblins · 2 years
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trans-goblins · 2 years
I love predictions of the future that oscillate between "eerily prescient" and "what the hell are you talking about?" Like that description of the year 2,000 written in 1933 where the author predicts flatscreen television, the glass wall trend in the homes of the wealthy, and the obsolescence of stuffed mattresses, but is also convinced that normal showers will be replaced by a device called the VAPOR LANCE that VAPORIZES the DIRT on you
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trans-goblins · 2 years
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🔥 Hearthfire 🔥
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trans-goblins · 2 years
I don't want to harsh anyone's fun or anything but there is no way Guillermo could ever hide becoming a vampire. He might agree to it! Promise not to tell, it's going to be a big surprise. He'd totally intend to keep it a secret.
And then someone would walk into the room or say hello or breathe too loud and he'd immediately shout I'M A VAMPIRE.
He'd never be able to shut up about it.
"I went out today, actually I went out tonight because I can't go out anymore because I'm a vampire. I flew to the store in the shape of a bat because I can turn into a bat because I'm a vampire. I got some Tide pens but I didn't buy any food because I can't eat food because-"
Every fucking story he tells is like that. The others tell him he's not allowed out in public until he can prove he can have a whole conversation without mentioning that he's a vampire. He's stuck in the house for six months.
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trans-goblins · 3 years
“people with uteruses” and “people with ovaries” and “people with testes” and “people with breasts” are completely harmless and useful phrases to use when discussing legislation & medicine I think yalll are just mad at the idea of trans & intersex people having medical & legal autonomy & the ability to describe our experiences without misgendering ourselves
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trans-goblins · 3 years
evil goth trans girl: *stims evily*
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trans-goblins · 3 years
“People assume that I was in the closet because I didn’t disclose that I was assigned male at birth. What people are really asking is ‘Why didn’t you correct people when they perceived you as a real woman?’ Frankly, I’m not responsible for other people’s perceptions and what they consider real or fake. We must abolish the entitlement that deludes us into believing we have the right to make assumptions about people’s identities and project those assumptions onto their gender and bodies. It is not a woman’s duty to disclose she’s trans to every person she meets. This is not safe for a myriad of reasons. We must shift the burden of coming out from trans women, and accusing them of hiding or lying, and focus on why it is unsafe for women to be trans.”
— Janet Mock, Redefining Realness.
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trans-goblins · 3 years
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A hollow book used as a secret poison cabinet, 17th century
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trans-goblins · 3 years
tbh though if i were mccoy i’d be pretty fucking fed up with spock too. imagine you’re a doctor, you dedicate your life to learning how care for hundreds of different life forms and species across the galaxy, and then your wife divorces you, which leads you to enlisting as a doctor for starfleet. this is WAY outside of your comfort zone, you hate adventure and you’d rather be sittin on a porch in the sun with some sweet tea in hand and your daughter on your knee, but you ain’t got nowhere else to go, and who are you if you aren’t a doctor? you’ve dedicated your whole life and so much more to healing. so you enlist, you get assigned to a starship. not your dream job, but if there’s one thing leonard mccoy knows how to do it’s treat patients. and then THIS MEDICAL MARVEL MOTHERFUCKER comes in with his fucked up gene spliced half human half vulcan biology and the rarest most obscure blood type even among vulcans with ZERO precedent for his existence or medical baseline and also happens to be THE WORST PATIENT IN HISTORY. REFUSES to sit still and follow instructions. always making smart ass comments about your silly human emotionalism. you’ll get insane fucking readings and be like “spock i think you’re dying” and the bastard will answer with a straight face “yes. that’s just pon farr.” “can you tell me how to treat it?” “no.” and then just walks out of the fucking sickbay. you’re constantly busting your ass trying to figure out how to keep this human-alien catboy mix’n’match medical nightmare from hell alive and healthy and all you get in return is backhanded compliments from an emotionally stunted fruit. and you can’t even complain about it to your best friend because he’s too busy doodling this obstinate motherfucker’s name all over his notebook while eye-fucking him on the middle of the bridge. hell i’d be an alcoholic too.
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