trans-ralsei · 2 hours
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Morning squishings ☀️
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trans-ralsei · 2 hours
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kita is holding my engagement ring
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trans-ralsei · 5 hours
Have you heard of the Ship of Theseus?
no. was it problematic or something?
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trans-ralsei · 6 hours
Part of me misses the early days of transition. When wearing girl clothes was exciting, and everything was new. When just being acknowledged as a girl would make me blush... That kind of pulse pounding.... it doesn't really happen anymore... it's become so normal.
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trans-ralsei · 6 hours
Ralsei as a living stufed animal
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yikes this guy needs mending
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trans-ralsei · 7 hours
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trans-ralsei · 7 hours
she has that sadness in her eyes that you only see in alcoholic captains of doomed arctic expeditions
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trans-ralsei · 7 hours
so this fuckin samurai cut me in half a while ago but its like a really long delay so im still just going around doin my thing knowing that i might explode in a shower of blood at any moment
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trans-ralsei · 8 hours
yaoi or yuri
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trans-ralsei · 8 hours
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trans-ralsei · 8 hours
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trans-ralsei · 10 hours
Displacement Diaries [2]:
The lack of hygiene supplies threatens my family’s life
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The impact of war on hygiene and the spread of diseases: The war on Gaza has not only destroyed buildings and infrastructure but also targeted essential services that directly affect people’s lives, including clean water and sanitation systems. The Israeli occupation, by deliberately targeting these vital services, contributes to the increased spread of diseases and epidemics. The absence of basic hygiene supplies such as soap, disinfectants, and clean drinking water leads to an unhealthy environment, causing diseases to spread quickly, especially among children and the elderly. In this context, maintaining hygiene becomes nearly impossible in the absence of basic resources, exacerbating the humanitarian crisis.
My family’s suffering due to the lack of hygiene supplies: For my family, consisting of 11 members and currently living in a tent after repeated displacement, the severe shortage of hygiene supplies has made things more difficult. Both children and adults are at risk of diseases due to the inability to maintain daily cleanliness, especially as we are crowded into one small space. Even clean water has become limited, which adds to our suffering. Sadly, every time we try to meet our hygiene needs, we are faced with the harsh reality of exorbitant prices and a lack of essential supplies.
Our basic needs: Under these harsh conditions, our need for hygiene supplies such as soap, disinfectants, clean water, and sanitary products, as well as basic child care items like diapers and milk for my little son Omar, increases. Unfortunately, providing these items has become impossible given the skyrocketing prices and lack of aid, putting the health of all my family members at increasing risk day by day. Children, in particular, are highly vulnerable to skin diseases and epidemics due to the lack of a clean and healthy environment.
A call for help: In the face of this difficult humanitarian situation, we turn to kind-hearted people and anyone who has the ability to help to contribute to providing the necessary hygiene supplies for my family and other families suffering like us. Your donations will help protect the health of children, women, and the elderly who are facing the daily risk of disease. Saving a child's life could start with a bar of soap, and protecting a family from epidemics could be achieved by providing disinfectants or clean water. Do not let this plea go unanswered; every bit of help makes a big difference.
We would like to draw your attention to our suffering due to the lack of hygiene supplies and clean water, as well as their high prices, which put the health of my family and other families at risk of diseases. Your support in providing these essential needs can help protect the lives of children and the elderly. Every contribution, no matter how small, makes a big difference. Thank you for your support.
The campaign is documented by @nabulsi @el-shab-hussein @90-ghost.
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trans-ralsei · 17 hours
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The SS Warrimoo, a passenger steamship traveling from Vancouver to Australia, was silently knifing its way across the mid-Pacific waters. The navigator had just finished calculating a star fix and handed the results to Captain John DS. Phillips.
The Warrimoo's coordinates were LAT 0º 31' N, LONG 179 30' W. The date was December 31, 1899. "Know what this means?" First Mate Payton announced, "We're only a few miles from the intersection of the Equator and the International Date Line."
Captain Phillips was prankish enough to seize the opportunity to do the nautical feat of a lifetime. He summoned his navigators to the bridge to double-check the ship's position. He altered his course slightly to focus directly on his target. He then altered the engine's speed.
The calm weather and clear night worked to his advantage. At midnight, the SS Warrimoo rested on the Equator, exactly where it had crossed the International Date Line. The ramifications of this odd arrangement were numerous.
The ship's bow was in the Southern Hemisphere, in the middle of summer. The stern was in the Northern Hemisphere, in the midst of winter. The date on the aft portion of the ship was December 31, 1899. The date on the forward half of the ship was January 1, 1900. The ship experienced multiple days, months, years, seasons, and centuries simultaneously.
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trans-ralsei · 17 hours
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If you see this on your dashboard, reblog this, NO MATTER WHAT and all your dreams and wishes will come true.
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trans-ralsei · 17 hours
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trans-ralsei · 17 hours
Be honest, are you a bad person in any kind of way? I've been finding out about gross stuff that a bunch of blogs I really liked did and I feel icky :(
yeah in most ways. Good luck out there
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trans-ralsei · 19 hours
What are some skills that would be there in "Bocchi Elysium"?
Logic (fail): Reaching out to others is too hard. You should definitely just put CDs on your desk and wait for interested people to come talk to you. That's how cool people do things.
Volition (fail): Ok that's it. You're done. Go home and cry. You're done for today.
Empathy (fail): Seika is smiling at you. Why? Maybe she's mad at you.
Interfacing (success): You somehow manage to perform the sickest guitar solo of all time. You're literally the most talented girl in the world.
Composure (fail): Collapse on the floor and writhe like a crazed animal. Right now.
Electrochemistry (success): Maybe Kikuri has a point
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