Considering the recent targeted terminations against blogs run by transfems in the last couple of days (angel-athetos, fungalfaggot, coyote-roadkill, hound-mother, corpse-of-omelas-ageplayer and my previous blog, zebrabyopn3), some close friends and myself worked on a google form where users can make submissions for their terminated blogs. Too many of us have lost our blogs and everything in them, yet there's no existing record of blogs that have been terminated, so we want to change that. If you're not a transfem you can also answer, as we want data about all deleted blogs in general, like: the name of the banned blog, date of termination, and if there was a reason given or warning for the deletion (or not)
The form consists of 8 questions and takes around 3-5 minutes to answer. We'd appreciate sharing this with anyone that has been unfairly terminated, so we can create a record, so those blogs and their names can be remembered
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mine is definitely either metropolis, twister, the good dinosaur, or nosferatu
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archers gloves vs digital artist gloves being opposite of one another
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MAD MAX: FURY ROAD (2015) | dir. George Miller Black & Chrome Edition
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As I work through these smut prompts, I'm reminded that posting explicit fics generally halves one's average kudos percentage and does even worse to comments, which is a documented phenomenon across fandoms. Smut fics get MAD HIGH hit counts, but DEVASTATINGLY low kudos/comments. I'm more curious as to WHY this happens, so have a poll lol
Please explain in the tags because I very dearly wish to know some of the reasons that the interaction is soooooo bad on smut fics when they are, by and large, my HIGHEST hits across the board. Reblog for larger sample size!
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probably my most powerful interpersonal communication hack is to, whenever possible, ask either/or questions rather than yes/no questions
for example, when chatting with coworkers, i’ll often ask if they have any fun weekend plans. but let’s be real - we all feel like friendless losers when someone asks that question and we go “uhhhhh… no.” so instead, i phrase it as “so, do you have anything fun planned over the weekend, or are you just going to enjoy having some time to relax?”
phrased like this, there’s rarely any awkwardness. you’ve presented two options & given both equally positive connotations, so your conversational partner has an automatic “out,” so to speak
but it works for higher stakes conversations too!!!! my mom was saying this weekend how she and her neighbor both like walking around the neighborhood & that she wanted to suggest they take a walk together sometime, but was worried about how to approach the conversation
so i said “how about you just say ‘i’ve noticed we both like taking walks! would you be interested in going for one together, or do you use walks for some precious alone time?’”
now Walking Neighbor has an automatic “get out of jail free card” if she wants to say no!!!! which means my mom doesn’t have to worry about the conversation being uncomfortable, because she’s set it up to go smoothly
either/or questions rather than yes/no questions. it is really like magic
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Thanks, Anon!
-submit your poll!-
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You should include intersex people in your activism not bc we prove bio essentialists are wrong but bc we are people who deserve rights 👍
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Reblogging this manually. Op doesn't want credit for fear of being terminated.
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why is pride always in summer. what about the dykes that can't tolerate the heat huh. what about us. I mean them.
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Please sign the petition!!!
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Reblog and in the tags put what colors you’ve dyed your hair before, and whether or not it’s dyed currently 
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Not sure if anyone has done this yet
Spin the wheel and get a dungeon meshi character!!
Tell me who you got in the tags :D
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This is a comment someone appended to a photo of two men apparently having sex in a very fancy room, but it’s also kind of an amazing two-line poem? “His Wife has filled his house with chintz” is a really elegant and beautiful counterbalancing of h, f, and s sounds, and “chintz” is a perfect word choice here—sonically pleasing and good at evoking nouveau riche tackiness. And then “to keep it real I fuck him on the floor” collapses that whole mood with short percussive sounds—but it’s still a perfect iambic pentameter line, robust and a lovely obscene contrast with the chintz in the first line. Well done, tumblr user jjbang8
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