straight people: bromance
straight people: because you know what there needs to be a word for? straight men's platonic, nonsexual, completely no-homo, special relationships with each other. you can't call them mere friendships.
aromantic and asexual people: *come up with terms to refer to their own actual platonic and/or nonsexual intimate relationships because a society centered around hetero romance and sex gives them no language to describe themselves*
straight people: you can't just make up words. just say friendship.
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belly rubs
facebook // signed prints
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It's almost like being perceived as "negative and surly" and "needy" are correlated with living in dire poverty and facing daily discrimination. If only she had a more positive attitude everything would just WORK OUT RIGHT?
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I have to help take care of four kids three of the four are all under the age of two and I can’t be working for free while someone else makes money awf of my story and image and you out here mad cause I said some shit about some wack bitch who don’t even know you lol like I literally had to stop medically transitioning so I could afford to take care of my family and your pressed over some online beef no one even cares about anymore.
Anyway again I’m an unemployed black trans woman of color who currently living in a two bedroom apartment with three other adults and three kids under the age of two and we need help feeding them and ourselves everyday because my work opportunities are few and far between and everybody else got they own shit that’s not my place to spill on the internet but it would really nice if you could help me out so I can like actually live. This my paypal send me money if you can.
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Gaycation - “USA”
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as much as its fun to laugh at these brexit memes i don’t want anyone to forget how serious this actually is. i have one of my housemates crying in my room bc her career relied on the uk being a part of the eu (she wanted to go into foreign diplomacy). my mum is freaking out because the uk basically just put xenophobia and racism ahead of its own interests and she doesn’t know what that means for her immigrant self, or her british born foreign children. my brother-in-law who works for a french company is terrified that his job won’t be there tomorrow. i’m living in the netherlands rn and the pound has plummeted so much that the money i budgeted at the start of this month is no longer enough for me to make rent and eat. this is just the beginning and this is only how brexit is effecting one singular person (me). i can’t even imagine the wider damage this is gonna cause.
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in case anyone still had doubts what Leave was really about
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But now I’m wondering how all these facial recognition algorithms we’re coming up with now are going to take to the Bright New Transhumanist Future
Like, okay, we know Google can recognise dogs. But what about stranger things? Is anyone training these things on lizards?
Imagine basilisks specifically designed to crash these algorithms: abstract-blocks-of-black-and-white-for-heads that, like the QR codes of old, carry a hidden message in their patterning, only it’s a payload, a virus that shreds the system of anyone who tries to capture it on camera, the natural evolution of anti-face-detection camouflage. Imagine things that don’t even have faces, that don’t have an equivalent and easily-cataloguable part; people who deliberately wear mass-produced, identical android bodies, the Guy Fawkes masks of the future.
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Wait y’all, the Brexit referendum’s only 97% counted, Bernie still has a chance to win
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People realize…that the victims of the Orlando shooter were all Black and Latinix right?  So…derailing conversations about racism (especially relating to Trump supporters) with “didn’t we just have a shooting you should be caring about!?” kind of makes no sense, right?  I mean, are people so racist that they assumed lgbt+=white and decided that racist violence and homophobic violence are directly competing with each other? 
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to all my followers who expected decent content from me:
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tbh I’d love a horror-comedy about a retail worker accidentally becoming a ghost/demon hunter because they’re just so unfazed by difficult and weird and bellicose customers that evil entities aren’t much more of a challenge.
“sir or ma'am or neuter, I’m going to have to ask you to stop crawling on the ceiling, you’re disturbing the other residents”
“please leave this place before I call the exorcist to remove you from the premises”
“company policy forbids me from accepting power from customers in exchange for my soul or firstborn child”
“sir, if you keep speaking to me like that, I’m going to have to end this spirit board conversation. have a good day, goodbye”
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Powerful photos expose the micro aggressions trans people face every day
Like so many other transgender individuals, Shane Henise is no stranger to microaggressions. But rather than continue to passively receive hurtful, ignorant statements daily, Henise decided to take a stand. His photos show the comments trans people hear constantly — including the all-too-familiar and invasive sex question.
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every couple on real estate shows:
“I’m a part time kindergarten teacher and my husband hangs potatoes in garages for a living. We’re looking for a penthouse loft downtown and we have a budget of 5 million dollars”
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It's been days and it would be nice to not want to cry or think scary thoughts.
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I’m tired
I’m gay. I’m tired.
I texted one of my best friends this morning and asked, “Did you hear about Orlando?” because the first time I ever went to a gay club and pretended like I was “out” was with him when we were fresh out of high school. Out of all my friends, he’s probably spent the most time in gay clubs. Which means I’m more worried about him than about my other friends. So I texted him.
I’m tired.
They want people to give blood, but it’s gay people who need the blood and it’s gay people who can’t donate. But we’re in crisis mode! We’ll take your tainted gay blood for today only!
I’m tired.
I held hands with a man last week and thought, “Oh no, we’re in a small town in Utah and this is dangerous because we’re both gay,” before I remembered that he’s a guy and I’m a girl so no, it’s not dangerous. But the next time I hold hands with a girl, will someone see us and get mad enough to shoot 50 gay people? Will I feel responsible when I read the news? Will I feel like a danger to society for being gay?
I’m tired.
I went to Pride in Salt Lake City last weekend and I complained as I stood in line in the hot sun and I complained about the ticket prices and I complained about the festival being smaller than it was last year and I complained. When it was over, I was still alive. I’m still alive. I can’t believe I complained.
I’m tired.
Bury your gays. Currently on television, 4 percent of characters identify as LGBT. In 2016, about 40 percent of that 4 percent have already died. Yesterday, that might’ve been the issue I wanted to discuss. Yesterday, I might’ve been angry about fictional gays dying. Yesterday. Art imitates life, life imitates art, and I am tired.
I’m tired.
A year ago I put a rainbow flag around my shoulders and celebrated the legalization of gay marriage in the United States. A year ago there was no law banning transgender people from using the bathroom of their choosing. A year ago a man hadn’t shot 50 gay people dead because he saw two men kissing and got angry. “Now that gay marriage is legal, what more do you people want?” Well, I want to stay alive, for one thing.
I’m tired.
There aren’t gay coffee shops or gay restaurants – there are gay nightclubs. Gay nightclubs where LGBT people can meet other LGBT people and feel safe. I want to meet other LGBT people and make friends with LGBT people, but I also don’t want to die.
I’m tired.
My existence is controversial. Even though I’m out, I have to be careful about how “gay” I “act.” What happens if I’m at work and offend a customer? What happens if someone I know reads these words and decides to punish me for them? What happens if someone gets so angry about my sexuality that they shoot 50 people?
I’m gay. I’m tired.
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