transalfiesolomons · 2 years
yeah this is it
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transalfiesolomons · 3 years
Wow... women from these countries are so fucking beautiful
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transalfiesolomons · 3 years
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transalfiesolomons · 3 years
headcanoning a character as trans improves them greatly actually
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transalfiesolomons · 3 years
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Listen. Read. Educate yourselves. If you are unaware, fix that. Do not be complicit in the societal and legal oppression of transgender Americans.
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transalfiesolomons · 3 years
Transing your gender... Please don't turn off the console...
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transalfiesolomons · 3 years
Socialists in the 1910s were like, God is real but I hate him very much and when I get to heaven I will unionize the angels
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transalfiesolomons · 4 years
listen to me. listen to me. trans ppl, you can tune out, but cis people: if youre going to write a trans person, you dont have to tell us their deadname. it just doesnt need to happen. in fact, you probably shouldnt, bc unless the character is still going by that name, theres really no reason for you to bring it up. “but what if someone finds out what it is?” then just dont put the name itself in the text. its that easy. please stop being weird abt trans peoples’ deadnames bc they have no bearing on our current identity and yalls fixation on bringing it up is gross
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transalfiesolomons · 4 years
Still love this tumblr with everything in me!!!
ash did you know,,, that I would go to war for you,,,, you are one of the most amazing people in the world.
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transalfiesolomons · 4 years
I don't always know what's going on since I'm not trans, but I love the content and school stuff you give out man.
thank you so much for this, it seriously means a lot 😭❤️
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transalfiesolomons · 4 years
trans men will literally be terfs, out trans women, remove trans women from women’s spaces, etc. and yet TME individuals still think it’s controversial to say trans men have privilege over trans women.... like that’s just how sexism and transmisogyny works
literally some of the most popular terfs on this site are trans men, transmasc, and all TME people benefit systemically from transmisogyny— this isn’t a theoretical “oppression olympics,” this is about stuctural harm and which individuals continuate it
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transalfiesolomons · 4 years
there are so many people that follow me with lesbian in their url and I just wanted to say I love you all so much
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transalfiesolomons · 4 years
cillian murphy looks like he was designed by someone who was both very horny but also riddled with catholic guilt
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transalfiesolomons · 4 years
feeling some type of way again about fre “fred” “freddie” “fredward” thorne
emotional on this day about communist legend and my favorite peaky blinders character in general freddie thorne but also can’t stop calling him fredward. duality of man.
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transalfiesolomons · 4 years
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100% accurate peaky blinders quotes: i love one (1) strange man
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transalfiesolomons · 4 years
we posting 2 year old drafts on this functionally dead blog, because I’m inexplicably in my season 1-era freddie x tommy feelings tonight 
Tommy is so adamant that Freddie is using Ada and isn’t actually in love with her because of how emotionally brutally Tommy and Freddie’s post-war breakup was 
Because Tommy felt used as hell when, not moments after they fuck (not moments after they’ve both come, after Freddie held him tight enough to bruise, to hurt, to feel something for once) Freddie drops the bomb that he thinks they should stop doing this, whatever this is anymore. That this was the last time it could happen it. Because Freddie can’t keep pretending that Tommy is the same person as before the war, that Tommy wasn’t dragging himself to the top of the blinders and leaving bloodstains in his wake. That Tommy didn’t come back from the war hard and cold and so, so angry. 
(They were both angry, they were both changed, but Tommy came back with a detachment and a casual cruelty that frightened Freddie sometimes, the same way Danny’s episodes frightened him sometimes. And Freddie had been glad when the three of them had come home from a war that took the lives of an entire generation of boys, but seeing the  uncomprehending terror in Danny’s eyes or the bitter cold in Tommy’s makes him wish sometime they had both died, that it would have been kinder.)  
He could no longer pretend that Tommy was still the boy he knew back before the war, the boy who would rather ride horses than go to school, the boy who pushed him into the canal when he admitted he might like Ada a bit, the boy who made a bet they’d both have their first kisses before the end of the year and then kissed him to win. 
The boy who hummed lullabies to soothe comrades in the trenches during shellings, who looked out for his men like the older brother he’d always been. That boy died in France and Freddie was done pretending that the man the war left behind was still the boy he had loved, was the boy he had followed to war. 
They weren’t good for each other, ever, really. They’re opposites in nearly every way and then some but the sex is, frankly, excellent and they kept each other from shattering into pieces while in France, and for a while when they come home, and that counts for something, that deep of a camaraderie counts for a lot when it’s all you have. When this one other man is the only person who knows exactly what you’ve been through because he went through every day of it at your side. 
But they’re home now, and Freddie has a chance to be with Ada (his heart was big enough for the both of them once, but he knew he would eventually have to choose, between the memory of boy he loved and the reality of girl of his dreams), has a chance at a happy life and a family, and he wants to grab that with both hands and never let go. And if that means letting Tommy fall, then he has to let him fall. He just didn’t expect him to shatter like the ice in his eyes when he hit the ground. 
(Tommy takes it as a betrayal, not just of their friendship but of every single thing that they have ever shared, physical and emotional. Because sure, he also knew deep down that their relationship - what had survived of it, which was an abysmally small sliver of what it used to be, barely more than creature comfort - was going to end one day, but to have it done like that, at one of the only moments in years that he’s felt safe and comfortable and even a little loved is,,,, harder than he’ll ever admit.) 
(And he can’t, he just really can’t, see Freddie’s affection for Ada as anything but more of the same - a love until it becomes (in Tommy’s mind) arbitrarily too hard to carry on, because their break was so recent, because it was so sudden, because even though he knows that Freddie has long had feelings for Ada, and in his heart knows they’re probably true, he can’t even allow himself to consider that it could be love, because he refuses to let Ada get hurt too.) 
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transalfiesolomons · 4 years
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100% accurate peaky blinders posts: big ups to the greatest character of all time
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