transanack · 3 years
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US Helplines:
Depression Hotline: 1-630-482-9696
Suicide Hotline: 1-800-784-8433
LifeLine: 1-800-273-8255
Trevor Project: 1-866-488-7386
Sexuality Support: 1-800-246-7743
Eating Disorders Hotline: 1-847-831-3438
Rape and Sexual Assault: 1-800-656-4673
Grief Support: 1-650-321-5272
Runaway: 1-800-843-5200, 1-800-843-5678, 1-800-621-4000
Exhale: After Abortion Hotline/Pro-Voice: 1-866-4394253
Child Abuse: 1-800-422-4453
UK Helplines:
Samaritans (for any problem): 08457909090 e-mail [email protected]
Childline (for anyone under 18 with any problem): 08001111
Mind infoline (mental health information): 0300 123 3393 e-mail: [email protected]
Mind legal advice (for people who need mental-health related legal advice): 0300 466 6463 [email protected]
b-eat eating disorder support: 0845 634 14 14 (only open Mon-Fri 10.30am-8.30pm and Saturday 1pm-4.30pm) e-mail: [email protected]
b-eat youthline (for under 25’s with eating disorders): 08456347650 (open Mon-Fri 4.30pm - 8.30pm, Saturday 1pm-4.30pm)
Cruse Bereavement Care: 08444779400 e-mail: [email protected]
Frank (information and advice on drugs): 0800776600
Drinkline: 0800 9178282
Rape Crisis England & Wales: 0808 802 9999 1(open 2 - 2.30pm 7 - 9.30pm) e-mail [email protected]
Rape Crisis Scotland: 08088 01 03 02 every day, 6pm to midnight
India Self Harm Hotline: 00 08001006614
India Suicide Helpline: 022-27546669
Kids Help Phone (Canada): 1-800-668-6868
FREE 24/7 suicide hotlines:
Argentina: 54-0223-493-0430
Australia: 13-11-14
Austria: 01-713-3374
Barbados: 429-9999
Belgium: 106
Botswana: 391-1270
Brazil: 21-233-9191
China: 852-2382-0000
(Hong Kong: 2389-2222)
Costa Rica: 606-253-5439
Croatia: 01-4833-888
Cyprus: 357-77-77-72-67
Czech Republic: 222-580-697, 476-701-908
Denmark: 70-201-201
Egypt: 762-1602
Estonia: 6-558-088
Finland: 040-5032199
France: 01-45-39-4000
Germany: 0800-181-0721
Greece: 1018
Guatemala: 502-234-1239
Holland: 0900-0767
Honduras: 504-237-3623
Hungary: 06-80-820-111
Iceland: 44-0-8457-90-90-90
Israel: 09-8892333
Italy: 06-705-4444
Japan: 3-5286-9090
Latvia: 6722-2922, 2772-2292
Malaysia: 03-756-8144
(Singapore: 1-800-221-4444)
Mexico: 525-510-2550
Netherlands: 0900-0767
New Zealand: 4-473-9739
New Guinea: 675-326-0011
Nicaragua: 505-268-6171
Norway: 47-815-33-300
Philippines: 02-896-9191
Poland: 52-70-000
Portugal: 239-72-10-10
Russia: 8-20-222-82-10
Spain: 91-459-00-50
South Africa: 0861-322-322
South Korea: 2-715-8600
Sweden: 031-711-2400
Switzerland: 143
Taiwan: 0800-788-995
Thailand: 02-249-9977
Trinidad and Tobago: 868-645-2800
Ukraine: 0487-327715
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transanack · 3 years
I am this 👌🏻 close to dying my hair again because sometimes I need to change what I can control
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transanack · 3 years
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transanack · 3 years
My life is currently not as I had planned it to be. I had the chance to move out of a toxic household, I could have had the chance to be on T soon, I would have had the chance to be around my friends more. But with my car breaking 3 weeks ago and having to getting it fixed, along with the money I owe my mom (i have to pay her back for my drivers license and the car, that she chose to buy for me with my grandparents)
I lost a lot of money just because of the car, and I will be losing more cause I owe my mom; Money is not the only reason why I can’t move out yet and am yet again stuck at my parents house. I am only 18 and I know I shouldn’t have to feel like I have to move out now, yet I want to move out really badly and just be free from my family, I don’t want them to control my life any longer, but as soon as I still am in school I’ll be stuck, I feel like I’m trying to walk but my shoes are stuck on the way.
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transanack · 3 years
I own a car now, meaning I can go wherever I want to
good bye to my strict parents/ family, they won’t see me much anymore.
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transanack · 3 years
Update, I am home again due to rain, but the past few days I spent fasting, swimming and walking around the camping area
I did have a few snacks here and there to not pass out, but other than that I didn’t have an actual real meal.
I am currently camping, meaning it’ll be easy to fast and eat less than my friends
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transanack · 3 years
I am currently camping, meaning it’ll be easy to fast and eat less than my friends
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transanack · 3 years
It’s ok if you’re not “ready” for sex. It doesn’t matter how old you are, you don’t have to be ready for it. It’s ok to ask to stop, it’s ok to ask to slow down. You’re not ruining anything and if anyone makes you feel that way, then they’re being an asshole. Your comfort around sex is important. It’s ok to be nervous, it’s ok to be scared, first experiences with it can be pretty scary. But, always remember, you don’t have to do it. Any reason is an ok reason.
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transanack · 3 years
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transanack · 3 years
On another note I’ve been SH free for a very long time, so when i get skinny now everything will get better right?
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transanack · 3 years
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I thought I overcame my ed problem but it came back, and apart from gender dysphoria, that i feel on a daily basis (im trans) i also feel more self hatred and dysmorphia towards my body. I feel fat and horrible. What makes things worse, my mom pointed out how my new favorite flannel (which i bought for summer) made me look very curvy and fat. Well thankyou mom that did not trigger me or anything, thanks, anyway, I’m back on here because i gotta lose weight, a lot.
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transanack · 3 years
I feel nauseous and the urge to throw up after eating, i hate this feeling i just want to be okay one day
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transanack · 3 years
I havent been here in a very long time again, who knows maybe I’ll be more active due to processing trauma
Like damn, stepdads aren’t supposed to say shit like „If he can’t take the trash (specifically food that isn’t eaten by anyone anymore) outside then he doesn’t need to eat either“
First of all, what the fuck 💕 second of all thanks for triggering me, I am now considering what you’ve said, I wanted to lose a few pounds anyway you piece of shit 💓
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transanack · 4 years
I’m turning 18 in 16 days, and to me that thought is extremely terrifying. I didn’t plan on being a sad single man on my 18th birthday, but what should I say, it never goes how it’s planned, right?
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transanack · 4 years
I have come back to this place, ive been trying to heal from the abuse (?) of my ex bf, he really hurt me with his last text. It’s been so long, but his words sting so bad. I’ve been really dysphoric the past days, i’ve just been feeling like crap, and i think, it’s all starting all over again, the whole ED thing is kn my head because i feel horrible and i can’t do anything but think about my the hypocrisy in my own misery.
anyway, i might be more active here, change some things, rant a lot, just some things in my head, all these stupid thoughts that come with my dysphoria.
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transanack · 4 years
Ah yes, I’m back once again because my friends don’t know about my tumblr, i think.
Anyway, I need to get something out of my head, some advice would be nice 💖
To understand why i feel scared of being lied to, or even catfished, here is the backstory summarized:
This guy i like, i will call him Finn because i don’t want to give away his actual name, I’ve known him for almost 5 years now.
When I first met him in a groupchat i was added in, he had told me and the people in that chat that he was a girl, and even sent pictures. The thing is that this girl was actually his friend that I soon got to know aswell. I will be calling her Sam, she and Finn were really good friends, and everything was fine, they were both in that groupchat with some ither people and me.
But one day someone in the chat pointed out that Finn and Sam texted very alike, which lead to a big fight in the chat. Me, being the good bestfriend that I am, just stayed neutral with the whole topic, since i didnt want to pick a side or upset anyone.
I remember that Finn had sent pictures of him into the group chat once, he was a blonde white guy. Then after some time, he had to move, so he called me, all he said was ‘hey, wake up’, I’ll never forget that.
Time went by and i don’t remember what happened in between but, once day he sent pictures again, and told me he’s actually korean, he’s lived in korea before. Since I’m an artist and I wanted to draw him, since he was and is my best friend after all, i asked for references of him, or well just pictures of his face so i could draw him. And he did. I didn’t think much about it, but something that happened two days aho, reminded me of this big fight in that groupchat (if Finn was even real or if Sam and Finn are the same person).
I panicked, and since I had the pictures Finn sent me still in my gallery, I used google images to find out if that’s actually him..I was shocked, I found the pictures all over pinterest, all over the internet, on websites.
I’m afraid, I don’t know what’s real anymore and what’s fake, I might have fallen in love with someone that doesn’t even exist and it hurts so bad. It wouldn’t surprise me tho, I don’t see mysef as very lovable but still, it hurts. The thought of being lied to for years, the memories you made with a person, that everything about this one person you fell in love with is actually not even real. I really don’t know what to do.
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transanack · 5 years
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reblog if your taller then BOTW Link
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