The cleansing…
The shuddering earth splits asunder as The Machine awakens… cheers and applause from the maddening crowd, hyped up on hysteria and amphetamines in the water supply…
An old woman, body broken, back crooked from the weight of the world weeps into her handkerchief… salty tears diluting dark red stains… disintegrating lungs discreetly coughed up…
They stumble and fall… fault lines poked as exposed nerves… laughter as they pick themselves up…
Steam rises from exposed lava… the molten core of an interplanetary hellscape… red-hot magma oozing out of the wound… sanitising… cleansing…
Let it burn!
Let it burn!
Let it burn!
Cheers mix with screams as the human infection is subsumed… muscle stripped from bones as feet and legs are consumed… cooking bone marrow and burnt calcium as skeletons disintegrate… bodies fall as scarecrows in the gale…
Smiles on agonised faces as they are anointed with the fluids of Mother Earth… purified by her cauterising rage…
Attempts to flee foiled by the crowd… density increasing with mass… more and more arrived to pay homage to The End… non-believers held down… baptism of fire… each new John cleansed concurrently…
Let it burn!
Let it burn!
Let it burn!
Smoke… thick and black… emissions of a gangrenous wound… choke the believers as cancerous growths rapidly consume their failing bodies… cheers turn to coughing fits… laughter turns to black phlegm…
Darkness descends as the clouds rise… the sun, giver of life, rendered impotent…
World leaders watch from afar as the messes descend into madness… the filth cleansed by their own self-hatred…
Bodies fall as the ground opens up beneath them… and they fall, not into temptation, but to salvation… hearts full of joy… the human disease is to be purified…
As the chants and the screams and the panic and the euphoria rise…
So does It…
He falls… waiting for his sins to be paid for with blood…
Plummeting towards the holy fires… it opens… an eye… incomprehensible in scale or size… magma running harmlessly down the opened lid…
Screams as it rises towards him… his body breaking on It’s cornea… a harmless speck… an annoyance… an imperfection…
He cries… body broken from impact… droplets of molten rock burning his skin… It rises… the g-force unbearable…
It emerges… for a moment he can see the world… the beauty… the splendour… the hubris and folly of man as jungles of glass and steel sprout up between the lush green of Nature… for a moment he sees it… the beauty of life… the value of existence in a broken world… he cries, not out of pain or fear, but of a sense of peace, of wonder…
It blinks and crushes his broken body between two eyelids…
It hovers… high above… a solitary eye casting judgement over all that exists beneath… a world of filth…
Redemption… hope… growth…
Meaningless concepts in a vacuum…
Meaningless in the vast emptiness of an infinite universe… time and space still… entwined and forever… linear only those too feeble to grasp The Whole…
It descends faster… screaming though it has no mouth… an amorphous mass… all body and tentacles… magma raining down on the population… cooled in the atmosphere… falling as rocks…
Winds force clouds apart… disturb weather patterns… monsoons in Paris… cyclones in Japan… arctic storms batter Caribbean Islands…
Seas rise as they boil… tsunamis sweep the lands… bodies boiled alive as they drown…
It descends back from when it came… into the lava… into the depths…
All is still…
Leaders continue to watch… waiting…
The ground shakes… splits… further… wider… deeper… ever deeper…
Splitting both ways until they meet… the Earth split asunder…. two halves separate like an apple cut in half… only the core remains intact…
Burning… pulsing… undulating…
As what was Earth floats into the cosmos, the core continues to brew… expanding and contracting… swelling as it slowly expands… layer upon layer upon layer…
Building… forming… growing…
Storms crash against one another as dead oceans boil… sulphuric air swirls in clouds…
Lightning strikes… thunder rolls… and as a single molecule replicates itself, the failure of humanity begins again…
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Masturbating furiously in front of the braying crowd… lined up upon the gallows… naked… save for the thick rope slung around their necks… hung loose… bare feet firmly planted…
…it don’t mean a thing, if you ain’t got that swing…
The crowd explodes… smuggled in fireworks ignited prematurely… careless limbs catapulted across the crowd like cannon t-shirts… clouds of smoke arise from the small crater… blocking views of paying customers… catastrophe…
Cheers… screams… bloodlust…
Trapdoors open… figures, hands still on cocks… disappear…
…they fall…
…and fall…
…and fall again…
Angle after angle after angle… front… back… side… close-up on faces… on necks… on hands gripping hardened pricks… flailing helpless… jerking as they jerk off…
Falling in slow-motion…
…good technique, that one…
Necks snap as muscles convulse… fibrous twitches as bowels void… trenches of faeces steaming underneath still-warm bodies as cocks spurt their final loads futilely into the fertile soil…
…too little, too late…
Three corpses swing in the wind… in the gale of audiences jeers… more fireworks… shot indiscriminately into the air… landing on unsuspecting patrons… third degree burns and trampled bodies as panic spreads as a pestilence…
…in for a penny, in for a pound of flesh…
Another swings helplessly… eyes open… neck broken… hand tensed around cock… purple-faced as eyes bulge… life flashes before eyes… giant screens replaying highs and lows to the guffaws of the crowd…
Two remain… one hand on the rope… one on the shaft… knuckles embossed with tonight’s sponsor…
…no one leaves empty-handed…
Rope-burnt cocks flailed as images are conjured in minds… never wives… never partners…
Crazy fucks… biting until blood… nails scraping flesh… wallet stolen… cock raw… worth every penny…
Celebrities… degraded… desperate… begging for cock…
Co-workers… desirable through proximity…
Friends… never the opportunity to fuck…
Pre-cum dribbling from blood-choked cocks… blood bubbles forming in the brain… extremities turning white…
Darkest fantasies… shared with no one… to depraved to even speak of… internet searches done incognito then hard drives burned…
Vision goes white as braincells die… medulla oblongata decaying… sense of peace floods the flesh prison…
Let go…
It’s easier if you let go…
Angels dance… flowing white robes, sheer in the perfect light of the Lord expose nipples… heavenly breasts abound as pure souls take flight… brilliant wings spread like so many legs… the heavenly scent of cunt raining down from above…
Jerks and twists as spunk… fertile and impassioned… explodes from reddened prick… new record… furthest spunk in history… one for the record books…
Lights flash as rope is cut… body falling… prick still spunking… fall broken by human waste… air taken into lungs with stale shit and decaying semen…
Above… Four competitors hang… semen dripping limply from the last limp prick…
…second place is first loser…
Unpaid interns run into the filth… hoisting the victor upon their shoulders… carrying the vegetable to glory… enough prize money to set his family up for life… less medical bills, of course…
The crowds disperse… stranger’s limbs as souvenirs… well-trod entrails shovelled into buckets… slopped into wheelbarrows… sickly smell of iron and chewed gum… slopped into the waste of the main arena… blood soaking into shit and cum as ropes are rehung and trapdoors fasted closed, ready for the next event…
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The Prophesy...
Oh come all yeah faithful for I have seen the truth the glory and the light, the foul filth of a world in decay, the weeping underbelly bursting forth with the spawn of insects and deviants, cross-bred heathens taking God’s name in vain, injecting passages of The Good Book into Holy arms, getting high not on His Light but on the threat of Eternal Damnation yes those who revel in DARKNESS will devour the LIGHT, so take your children and hold them close for they are coming for you coming for your wives and daughters your children even your beloved household pets, there is nothing they will not DEFILE in their INSATIABLE thirst of instant gratification, they will spill your blood and drink your tears revelling in the spilt crimson bestowed upon you by God, as they rape your loved ones and each other, sodomising the very notion of family for YES! I have have been given REVELATION…
The Lord has come to me every night with visions of a future corrupted, soiled, where flagrant deviants run amok in a decaying city controlled by sexual predators who will defile your children’s genitals for SPORT, making a mockery of God’s PERFECT PLAN, and yes when I say every night I mean EVERY NIGHT, night after night after night of REVELATION, visions planted deep inside my consciousness so deep that I can never escape and YES at first I thought they were a CURSE, a punishment for my wicked sins but now I realise they are not lusts and desires and cravings but visions of the future and that I yes I have been sent as God’s messenger to warn you of these things, that I have seen of these things that I experience every night in all their terrible terrible splendour, as if I was there, as if I was doing these things, revelling in them, enjoying them, gaining sexual gratification from the foulest most despicable acts on earth, and when I woke up drenched in sweat and shame, semen slinging to the bedsheets I felt as if I was going mad as if these were things I ACTUALLY DESIRED! But now I know that they were given to me as a warning so that I may SPREAD THE HOLY WORD OF GOD TO ALL THOSE WHO WISH TO BE SAVED YES I ALONE HAVE BEEN GIVEN THE KEYS TO SALVATION…
And that is why my people, we must not atone for our sins, why we must not turn the other cheek, but why we must fight with every fibre of our being to destroy those who oppose His great plan yes we must FIGHT FIRE WITH FIRE and strike down those who do not embrace GOD’S LOVE for hate of evil is the purest form of love and as I look out today at all you good people fathers and wives, providers and mothers, children born free of sin into a world that does nothing but corrupt, sweet innocent cherubs that are the incarnation of God’s love, I see a family a family ready to fight for god and love and tradition and what is right HALLELUJAH!
I see an army ready to become the SOLDIERS OF GOD in this holiest of fights against the forces of evil against spirits unclean covered in sin, souls drenched in filth and worn with pride, the colours of those who oppose The Lord, and yet even here I see amongst us sinners and blasphemers, liars and thieves, murderers and rapists, those who would lie down with another and spread their seed in furrows which are barren, I see perverts and paedophiles, sodomites and sodomite sympathisers, I SEE IN ALL YOUR HEARTS AND KNOW YOU ARE IMPURE, that even now amongst the holiest of us, there are THOSE WHO NEED TO BE CLEANSED!
But worry not my faithful for you know who you are and THE LORD knows who you are, now look into your hearts, beyond the sin and the corruption, past the filth and the lies and find out how much HE LOVES YOU, think about that as the collection plate passes you by, give what you can and worry not for the future for THE LORD WILL PROVIDE to those who TRULY BELIEVE and GIVE THEMSELVES OVER TO HIM…
Give not with greed or guilt our out of judgement of how much the person next to you gave, but remember that HE SEES ALL and HE WILL KNOW how much you have shown your love for Him, how much you have given to The Cause for though He is all-knowing and all-seeing, He does not interfere in the World of Man for MAN IS FREE TO WALK THE PATH TO HEAVEN AS WELL AS TO HELL and though He loves us all, he have given us the choice to accept his Eternal Love or walk into the Fires of Hell and burn for eternity, for that is how much He loves us…
But even now, our world turns into Hell on Earth and devils walk amongst us, as Angels that did not fall but leapt willingly, their talons wrapped around the ankles of the innocent and the naive, those who think Love is Acceptance and that to Love Without Judgement is moral or righteous or sacrosanct, these useful idiots of the devil, of the communists and child mutilators, of the drug addicts and sexually depraved, of all those who OPPOSE HIS DIVINE GLORY…
But fear not my children for with your Love and Support and Tax-Free Religious Donations, we can fight The Devil, fight Satan and his Ignoble Hordes of The Tolerant, so dig deep and continue to give for without your Spiritual and Financial Contributions, the Unholy will prosper and they I tell you will never be done, for never is enough, for the freedom they crave is not freedom for themselves but the freedom to take you, your family, your children, TO TAKE THE PLACE OF THE ALMIGHTY, SHAPING EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU IN THEIR OWN IMAGE, and if you RESIST, they will CRUSH YOU, if you SPEAK OUT, they will SLICE OUT YOUR TONGUES AND USE THEM FOR THEIR OWN SEXUAL GRATIFICATION, for they care not for you or for Him, but only for their right to impose their Agenda, Their Holy Book of Communism and Deviancy and Mutilation upon You and Yours…
Yes sir, they want to strip every home of The Bible and Replace it The Theory of Devolution, to take every item of self-defence you own, every shotgun, every rifle, every pistol, every piece of steel you can use for the God-given right of self-defence, AND REPLACE IT WITH AN ARSENAL OF DILDOS AND VIBRATORS AND COCK RINGS, they want you embrace fornication NOT FOR REPRODUCTION BUT FOR CARNAL PLEASURE AS IT’S OWN END. They don’t want You having children, they want Believers to die out, they don’t want The Word spread across the land, they want to distract you with TV and music and movies, with blowjobs and cunnilingus, of anal sex and gang-bangs, FOR THOSE WHO EXIST FOR THE PLEASURES OF THIS WORLD WILL NOT WORRY OF TORMENT IN THE NEXT…
And you should worry, for the fires of hell burn long and they burn hot, hotter than the sinful desires in your hearts, deeper than the thoughts you try to keep buried, burn longer than those secrets you keep buried in your souls, the sins and the shames and the lustful cravings THAT I HAVE SEEN… I know about them, each and every one, for THE LORD HAS REVEALED THEM TO ME IN ALL THEIR CORPULENT BRUTALITY…
I have seen children on fire as parents weep, held back by riotous hordes, laughing and fucking as the Bonfires of The Innocent burn until flesh is black upon which the flames are extinguished with the foul urine of the mob, piss splashed over innocent faces as they prepare for the feast…
I have felt the sodomite’s fury at his own deviancy, taking me against my will as I, bound and chained to The Lord’s cross, am mocked and whipped, spat upon as cocks are slid into my gaping wound, my abdomen filling with the seed of countless deviants until it cannot be contained and is cut out by a waiting doctor, scalpel in one hand, severed penis in the other, but whether it is mine or not I cannot tell, for suddenly I am awash in a sea of naked bodies, men, women, cocks, tits, assholes, cunts, shared indiscriminately amongst the heaving throng, masturbating and ejaculating over me, as I lay prone, helpless, drowning in a sea of rotting cum…
I have smelt the rotting sex of young women turned to whores, sterilised and pimped out, infected wombs now barren, stripped of their One True Purpose, walking the streets to tempt the married, the devout, flaunting their impure flesh in order to seduce those who are too weak to resist, giving themselves in every way, encouraging deviancy, unprotected and wet, so they may not only infect their homes with shame and deviancy, but to infect their wives also, a wave of infertility turning purposeless mothers into an army of Satan’s Whores…
I have seen the skies fall, ash replacing rain as our pure white skin is permanently stained, the mark of the Damned as the heavens collapse under the sheer weight of man’s impure desires, an insatiable army spreading like plague infecting each and every one of us until the sinners outnumber the righteous and split the Earth apart to allow The Great Satan to rise from the depths of Hell and Reign on Earth for an eternity, an Army of Darkness fuelled by the fuels of the dead they are so desperate to keep buried, The Devil’s Stockpiles for the final fight…
I have seen JESUS RETURN TO EARTH, only to watch hm drown in despair at the sin that has taken over, watched as He too falls from grace, becoming another dope fiend, for even He cannot carry the sins of The New Inhumanity. And lo, as I watch from the cross, He replaces His modest robes for leathers, sandals for knee-high boots, loves and fishes for China-White and oblivion, as he turns the other ass cheek, nails in stigmata replaced with vibrating dildos, as He gives what was not his to take…
And I tell you these things my children for not my own gratification, and as I stand here, my knees are not weak from longing, my body sweats not from an unrelenting lust, but from being so close to the hellfires so that I may pass His message on to you today, for THE LORD HAS SHOWN ME OUR FUTURE, this is what will come to pass IF WE FAIL IN OUR HOLY CRUSADE…
So dig deep ladies and gentlemen, think not of yourselves but of your children, not what they will eat tonight, for the Lord shall provide, but of their futures, their souls, their innocence corrupted if we do not succeed, and do not forget as you donate that the forces of Satan need only their flesh to tempt us into falling, they have the advantage, for we are all born sinners…
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Pure of Heart...
Blackened clouds loom overhead as cities burn in an eternal night…
Monuments to the magnificence of man… the glory of civilisation… crumble into dust…
Cries and screams cut through the chaos as the world eats itself… gorging desperately on it’s own flesh… devouring all as… at last… begins The End…
Lord, save us…
Cries from a priest seeking his own salvation… thrown upon the mercy of His infinite love… still…
…deep down…
…he knows…
Some sins are unforgivable…
Thunder rumbles… the bowels of Judgement ready to void… the priest screams as lightning strikes… falls to the ground… flesh burning…
Piss soaks into his rectory-mandated robes… relief as realisation dawns…
This is not Damnation…
This is Purification…
Like everything… Absolution comes at a price…
Now cleansed, he is ready…
As he lays there… skin peeling from scorched flesh… the voice of an angel rises… a holy messenger from above… ready to lead the path to Salvation… to leave behind his worn flesh… weak and tempted… source of all sin… and escort his Soul to Eternal Peace…
He weeps with joy as another angelic voice rises…
And another…
And another…
God’s Army… sent to protect The Faithful… The Worthy… for those cleansed of sin will forever remain at His side…
And so, through tear-stained eyes, he gazes upon God’s benevolence… upon those who would release him from this mortal coil… those gifted with bestowing His Infinite Grace upon those He Judges to be Just…
As angels surround him… their auras dimmed to reveal their true form… his heart sinks…
Not today, my child…
…and the voices of the angels envelop his screams…
…and hallelujahs ring out as Vengeance rains down…
…and those who are guilty will be found out…
…for in the end…
…all shall be judged.
Scabbed lips are sucked as rotted teeth bend… gums the consistency of mozzarella… blackened nails scratch washed-out skin… verging on translucent… as Bonnie Prince Charlie… his kingdom aflame… walks these hallowed streets… shattered glass cutting into bare feet…
Wandering… the screams and sirens… the futile cries of a dying world… white noise behind the high-pitched tones of Need… chemical tinnitus… only one cure…
Ahead… a loyal subject… prone in the road… an opportunity to demonstrate the common touch… weary bones bend at disjointed angles… blood spreads like a tainted halo… clothes torn to rags… hands search for signs of life… not to wrists or necks or eyes… to pockets…
Wallet… stripped of all Royal denominations… splashes in the halo… satisfied, His Royal Highness continues his Royal Ascent…
For truly, it is his lucky day…
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5 posts!
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The Price of Freedom...
I love not having a boss...
It’s so liberating…
His cock presses into her throat… texture of smashed glass… the head pulses and vibrates… ready to hatch…
Hand on her exposed scalp… nails digging into skin as blood trickles down… into eyes… down… scarlet tears of joy…
An irony tang on lips… mixing with the taste of spoiled milk… lumpy… bitter… curdled smegma crumbles from underneath unwashed foreskin… crumbs lodging into teeth which tongues can’t free… shards of hardened testicular excretions cut into gums…
I love being able to set my own hours… any twenty hours a day I like…
A wave of vomit rises… bile and stomach acid washing up her throat… crashing into the firmly lodged shaft… fluids trickle through gaps… into her mouth… lubricating his dried-out member… pushed further in… tip swelling as acrid liquids permeate the membrane…
Screams as his grip tightens…. skull fractures… his body undulates… member twitches… ready to hatch… the bulbous growth pulses and swells… craving release…
She panics… white hot terror flooding her veins… cracked and blackened… rising to the surface of knotted arms… flaking skin off rotting flesh…
This is what you wanted… what you begged for…
Don’t be a fucking pussy… don’t ruin it for us now…
This is freedom…
She looks up… whites of her eyes stained red…
He looks down… black eyes boring into her soul… wasted and tattered… flaking and decaying… the price of freedom…
A deep growl escapes his withered lips… foul breath… sulphuric clouds… toxic green… radiation burn grey… she can smell it… even through blood and bile and rotted semen… it cuts through… digging into every orifice… every pore… her sweat begins to burn trenches down her skin…
With a final thrust it bursts… throat flooded with his seed… countless maggots spew forth… digging… feeding… burrowing into torn flesh… rips in oesophagus… taking refuge…
She feels them under her surface… wriggling under the skin… looking for places to feast… organs in which to nest… crawling up… falling from streaming nostrils… trailing down like snorted milk… tiny pincers clawing at her face… climbing up cheeks… burrowing under eyelids… slipping behind rolled back eyeballs… floaters made manifest…
Even now… seed spent… he continues to hold her… throat splitting… make sure they all take… make sure they take it all…
She struggles as oxygen depletes… airways blocked… life extinguished…
He pulls out his rotted todger and pushes her lifeless body to the floor… the last few maggots cling to the tip of his burst cock… shakes them off… onto her limp corpse… can’t waste a drop…
When she awakes she is alone… body weak… convulsing… no signs of infestation… buried too deep to identify at surface level…
She stares at the face staring at her…
Her face… Youthful… happy… content…
This is freedom…
Perfect skin… perfect teeth… perfect life…
Perfect lie…
She pulls herself to her knees… shrivelled skin hanging loosely from limp flesh… grabs perfect self by the neck… lifts… the head rises… body dangles effortlessly… nothing but skin…
Stands… peels the back apart… steps into the new her… vital… youthful… relevant… left arm right arm… fresh face hangs between firm tits… bones crack as she stretches… stomach churns as seedlings swarm… belches… a noxious cloud emerges… dissipates… the price of doing business…
New face pulled up… stretched over aching bones… back flaps open… muscles tense as maggots burrow through spinal cord… reverse lumbar punctures… pincers stretching… elongating… fastening to loose skin before disappearing into hollowed-out vertebrae…
Skin pulled tight… vacuum packed meats… sealed for freshness… snaps back…
Hey guys, me again… having the best time… hashtag blessed… but first, a world from our sponsor…
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Family Fun…
Rule Britannia…
The soulless warble of patriotism blasted over the stereo system… thousands watch… mouths open, legs spread, idle hands scratching crab-invested depths…
Britannia rules the waves…
...tiny pinchers cling onto hangnails… from crotch to cheesepuffs… family-sized, naturally… into mouths… fingers sucked clean of dust as crotch vermin descend into bloated stomachs… distended with gas building for expulsion… anus or mouth…
Families cry as boats rock… dinghies… macroplastics transformed into microplastics as shells explode in territorial waters… invading hordes propelled into waters they do not rule…
Cheers erupt in homes across the nation… good old fashioned, family-friendly fun… primetime tv restored to former glory… arthritic thumbs give digital thumbs ups… hearts… likes.. laugh emoji…
Digital representations of emotional states no longer capable of expression… primitive dopamine hits for the impatient beast… another handful of cheesepuffs… crotch rot itching as salted fingers descend once again…
Limbs bobbing like apples… an arm… a leg… the cost of doing business… survivor breaks the surface… gasp for air… missing an eye… scalp scraped back to bone… skull flaking like dandruff… an ear floats past… pierced, not theirs…
…flapping and screaming in the wreckage… a pathetic horn…
…whomp whomp…
Another shell… another boats rocks… partial hit… taking on water…
Boos… thumbs down… steam from noses…
Shit emoji…
Shit emoji…
Shit emoji…
Shit floats by… stained red… leaking from torn bowels of unidentified corpse… the torn wreckage of a shirt… I <3 London… better luck next time…
…a figure… fighting to stay afloat… disappears under waves…
…water bailed out with whatever is at hand… hands… bags… trilbys… pith helmets… bearskins… bucket hats… nearly there, my shiner…
The image cuts… a floating head… rough… gruff… Man of the People… Voice of The Great Unwashed…
Three-to-one… boat four… Afghanis… dark horse… no experience with water… know nothing but dust and sand… tough as nails… double or nothing…
Four-to-one, on… boat seven… Indian… a buoyant people… curry diet… natural craving for the motherland…
Eight-to-one… boat two… comic relief… Sudanese… nah, me either… money back if at least one makes it to the coast… can’t go wrong…
...when the fun stops, stop…
Another explosion… timed to perfection as the credits fade to the scene… dave and dave… on the beach… which is which… dave always on the left… but ain’t no bleedin’ heart woke alphabet queer… this is primetime… flamboyant homosexuality or nuthin’… flailing… mincing… harmless… still wouldn’t turn my back to him, tho…
“Welcome back…” cheers dave, all teeth and dead eyes… a thousand yard stare from the horrors of contact with the public… hate-filled cheers for death… for blood… for purity… “we’ve had a lot of fun tonight.”
“That’s right”, interrupts dave, mania barely concealed… cravings for power and lucre… the filthier the better… brain wired from one too many nose powders… “and we’re not done yet!”
Cheers from the crowd… cordoned off… not too close to the talent… who knows what they’re carrying… plastic flags… made from 100% recycled life-raft… sustainable… environmentally-friendly… made in britain…
…owned factories… economic-free-zones… third-world compounds for overseas bounties… no taxes… no labour laws… no problem…
anything goes…
A mother cries… holding what’s left of her child… limbs lost like so many action figures… not mint condition… should’ve kept the box… a violent wave propels a small arm across the water… tiny hand slapping her face… save that for the blooper reel… prime content for Sea Shells: An Xtra Blast…
…she sells seashells on the seashore…
…she shells sea hells on the seashore…
…she shells, he fell on the sea, sore…
“Oh my gosh, dave, look at this”, cries dave… pointing… fingers trembling… eyes glazed over… don’t look… it’ll be ok… do anything… just don’t look…
“I can’t even”, exclaims dave… gobsmacked… dumbfounded… lost for words… right on script…
…a figure emerges from the waters… congolese… boat eight… three-lions on a shirt… blood pouring… shrapnel to the face… an army of men readjust… flickering memories of when men were men… before they were neutered… emasculated… held back by femboys and queers… exhausted by confusing thoughts and desires barely suppressed…
“Looks like he’s gonna make it, dave” exclaims dave… dead heart beating mechanically… unmoved by any of it…
…exhausted, half-blind… powering forward… ever forward… salvation is at hand… screams… disappears underwater… three women in union jack burkhas emerge… kicking… screaming… holding his face in the seafoam until he learns not to resist… until he learns to submit…
They scramble out of water… fall to their knees… kiss the sacred ground of freedom… liberty… home…
…safe at last…
“Uh oh, dave, you know what that means…”
“I do indeed dave, it’s time to get our audience involved…”
Ceremonial cannons fire glitter into the air as three podiums rise through the lights and the smoke… waving to the cameras with one hand… the other clamped on to mounted machine guns… emblazoned with the iconic BritCo logo…
…if you ain’t Brit, you ain’t it…
The beach explodes in a hailstorm of bullets as women dodge and weave… desperately taking shelter behind flotsam and jetsam… wreckage from previous weeks… classic moments, every one…
Comments… unmoderated and unlimited… flood social media… interaction at an all time high…
Thr3 p-box hags? Whn dud ths beecum s libereal fag w*ke fist?
So much for dIvErSiTy #whitemakesright
More like sHe SeLlS tHe LiBeRaL aGeNdA lolz #canshelled
…spent cartridges litter the floor like used nitrous cannisters… ears bleed from the deafening sound of patriotism…
…if you ain’t Brit, you ain’t it…
She makes a move… sprinting from one piece of debris to the next… closer to the finish line… to stay where you are is death… momentum is life… momentum is… a stray piece of driftwood raises from the sands… catches her burka… sending her off balance… flies through the air… through a hail of bullets… across the stomach… rips her open like a pop tart… delicious jam filling flows over sticky fingers… families laugh… hunger intensifies…
“Did you see that, dave?
...her image greyed out… two remaining…
“I did dave, I gotta say, that looks like it hurt…”
“I sure did, dave…” hollow laugher rings out… fix it in post… ten second delay for a reason…
Machine guns lower for new ammo strips… now or never…
…two figures burst across the beach… wet sands… torn up… forward to victory… hearts pump to bursting… clothes… foreign but patriotic weigt them down… no thought of discarding… symbols of loyalty… need the crowd… one cuts ahead… sees the finish line… can taste victory…
…tackled to the ground…
…a protestor… naked… erect… slogan painted on his chest…
…Project Extinction…
Boos from the crowd… jeers… wind farms emojis sent from solar-powered phones… lithium for batteries scraped out of the earth’s core like a stillborn… conflict materials soldered with the melted bones of modern slaves… lungs blackened with sulphur… backs broken like so many screens… ethical consumption made flesh…
… Humanity is the only pollution…
…Climate change will cleanse us all…
…Consume til the end…
She watches… helpless… as the other crosses the finish line… victory snatched from her grasp… all of it, for nothing…
Security descends upon the man… batons and tazers… scorched pubic hair from electrified testicles… blood soaking into sand as lights dim…
“Congratulations”, says dave… eyes twitching… inexorably drawn to the protestor… protest cleansed by violence… cleansed as we should all be cleansed… “that was a close one.”
“It sure was, dave”, says dave… all smiles… “for a moment there, I thought were going to see you tear each other apart, limb by limb.”
“I know I did, dave…”
“Yes, a bloody, screaming, bloodfest of nails and teeth and punches… clawing at eyes… tearing at flesh… blood flowing from mouths as half-chewed flesh hangs between sharpened teeth…”
“Oh well, maybe next time…”
Guffaws… chuckles… wholesome fun…
“Well, go take a rest and enjoy yourself, and we’ll see you in a couple of weeks for the grand final!”
The victor… uncomprehending… swept from view…
“Well, that’s all for this week, folks. So until next week, it’s goodbye from dave…”
“...and it’s goodbye from dave…”
Waves to the camera as it ascends… theme tune playing over rolling credits… the hosts… the crew…
…the audience…
…the lone woman on the beach… rearing up at the sight… the mob approaching… children first… fastest… biggest fans… caught on high-definition… 4k… 8k… streaming services everywhere… watch in school… fifteen seconds of fame… kicking… beating… piled on like british bulldogs… good old school yard fun…
…families half-watch as loose ends are tied up… cuppas brewed before the next event… bring us a biscuit, will ya… actually, I fancy a pop tart…
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The Chosen...
“Squeal piggie…”
Bozo spins, hog-tied to a spit revolving over an open flame… naked save for clown makeup white face, red mouth smeared across the face like cunnilingus during heavy period… a bloody tsunami to the face… flesh sagging as the spit turns, flames flicking at nipples and asshole, the smouldering edges of the Magna Carta as it sticks out of his asscheeks…
He squeals as he cooks… pleasure and pain indistinguishable as he sweats, makeup running… hooded figures watch passively as his limp prick hangs down like shrivelled turkey giblets…
…round and round… stench of burnt hair and sex… fire spits and sizzles as heavy drops of pre-cum trickle into the flames as pubes, grey and wiry, turn to ash…
Round and round and round…
The gong bellows across the darkened room… candles flicker in darkened corners… no faces only masks… true identities exposed as anonymity gives rise to suppressed cravings…
The two robed figures… paying their dues… damp with sweat, excretions of an honest day’s work… robes infused with burnt flesh and history… stop the spit… heave the lumbersome sacrifice from the fire as the flames continue to dance, demanding more, always more…
Dumped on the floor, the crowd gathers around the body, twitching, moaning, as robes open… a procession of cocks, withered and scarred… misshapen from initiation… ritual circumcision of the ruling class… sighs and grunt as prostates swollen and malformed, milked dry for The Tribute, convulse… finally relenting…
Streams of piss… dark yellow to rancid black… pour forth over this wretched creature, rubbery skin fizzling… tiddly cock now erect with relief and arousal… Magna Carta twitching limply in time with sphincter convulsions as the air fills with the unholy aroma of ammonia…
… a figure watching from the darkest recesses…. without illumination or sound emerges… it continues… steady of stream and will… watch impassively until the last drop of has been shed like a final tear…
…the crowd steps back… cocks hanging free, the accidental follow-through dribbling down every other robe… the figure stands over Bozo, his makeup smeared with sweat… looking up… the face of God reflecting in his tear-filmed eyes…
…the robe lifts… the figure squats… her rubberised cunt inches from his face, a bushel of grey pubes… matted with semen as tradition demands… labia majora flap… crumpled and grizzled…
Piggie squeals… cock twitching as a final stream descends upon his face… groans of arousal as ammonia stings his eyes, wide open… a veritable waterfall of bodily waste… mouth open, tongue out… lap it up, piggie…
Oink, oink, oink…
…the chant rises through the halls… makeup runs off leaving nothing but the face… the one for the respectable classes… the hard-working masses… the ravenous, gluttonous mob baying for the blood of The Other… insatiable… irresistible… undeniable…
Oink, oink, oink…
Bozo… transformation nearly complete… grunts and squeals and writhes… seared cock head rubbing against stone slabs… right of passage… part of history… pre-cum mixing with all that came before him…
Oink, oink, oink…
The stream stops yet the figure remains… flaps wet, feet marinating in warm yellow puddles…
Eyes reddened… burning with purification… he looks up, opened mouth in wonder… watching the divine anal sphincter of The Anointed begin to twitch and spasm…
Gasp of wonder as the Holy Hole distends… a solitary brown eye opening… a creature of the depths awakening… The Anointed howls as her asshole stretches wider and wider… two clawed hands, fingers long and crooked emerge… pulling asscheeks open from the inside… rectum torn as the foul beast emerges… blood and shit dripping from gaping wound to the gaping mouth… rancid bodily fluids sliding down paralysed necks as forked tongue flicks in the air…
Oink, oink, oink…
The robes flapping furiously as aged cocks are beaten… aroused by ceremony… pricks corralled by arthritic hands… holy stimulants flowing through failing bodies… the creature emerges… hangs from The Anointed… claws dug into asscheeks… anal cavity completely voided… hangs, waiting… waiting… tongue flicking over scorched nipples…
Oink, oink, oink…
Oink, oink, oink…
Oink, oink, oink…
A final squeal as distended testicles… twisted and bloated… finally release… cock twitching as foul seed spurts forth across the slabs… piss and shit and blood and cum congeal…
Oink, oink, oink…
The creature howls… tongue flicking through the yellow, brown, red, white globules… flashing deftly… smudging and smearing… a Union Jack … from the excretions of The Worthy… emerges on the stone slab as moans rise… patriotic ejaculations across The Chosen as the creature finally descends… easing down through The Chosen’s opened mouth… lubricated by blood… by shit… by breeding…
A wet thud as The Anointed collapses to the ground… her unprepared face cracking dully on the stone… all part of the tradition…
Two robes moves the unconscious body… two move to release The Chosen…
He raises… stretches… every bone clicks as if snapping… spine twisting into unhuman contortions… as He settles into His new home, the chosen flesh suitable for the bloodthirsty, insatiable electorate of The Pure...
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Right Honourable Members...
Tortured monkey howls echo through ancient chambers… faeces remnants dripping through simian hands after launch…
Figures hunched over, masturbating furiously… hands christened with pre-cum as teeth dig into bottom lips… blood flows down chins like so much semen…
“As my right honourable friend should know…”
Carmichael Budding… Deputy PM… Department For Sterilisation and Eradication of Undesirables…
Scrawny… limp… nothing but corners…
“We take no pleasure in The Program…”
“Oh honey, give it too me…” A hand-crafted shoe bounces over his shoulder knocking the ceremonial sceptre to the ground…
“But if these people…”
…globule of spittle, brown and green falls limply to the floor from colourless lips…
“…cannot control their rutting and unsanctioned procreation… we must take action… overrun by sex-crazed, mentally defective hordes…”
…grunts of ejaculation premature… orgy in full swing… The Right Honourable Lady… the Department of Morality and Family Values… on knees, slurping up like over-salted oysters… taken by Junior minister without portfolio…
“...the good, honest people of this country demand action and if you bleeding cock liberals can’t stomach sterilisation agents in the water supply of the perfectly humane McThalidomide Family Mega Meal Deal, when we are left with no choice but forcible surgery…”
...Department of Health… his obese stomach bounces and sags… his intern’s knees buckle at the weight of this excess flesh… face red, puffed out from too much good living… chianti washing down rarefied whale blubber with an ivory tusk garnish… need to keep my strength up… …cuntry gone to the dogs…
“…and if we then feed these insatiable vermin their own reproductive systems… an ingenious cost-cutting measure… that’s wrong too…
“…if you’re going to rut, we have to cut…”
An orgiastic groan rises up as one… a Greek Chorus, loaded with the teachings of the Great Philosophers… rapists and sodomites, every last one… intellectual powerhouses unrestrained by societal norms… above the unwashed masses… the brooding hordes…
…born to lead… it is their nature… their destiny… the rightful way of things…
If you rut, we have to cut…
If you rut, we have to cut…
If you rut, we have to…
The stench of sex fills the room as each right honourable member climaxes, spewing forth their rotted semen, blackened and decaying from decades of proper breeding… faces contorted… identical genes twisting around one another, choking, distorting… keep the bloodline pure…
…vaginal canals, lubed up at the thought of Purification drip their sex fluids onto the floor… effervescent puddles burning through the varnish… dissolving original oak…
A pile of bodies rise up together… an unintelligible mass of parts… arms… legs… cocks… tits… asses… cunts… once-human faces turned inside out… bodily organs rising forth bursting through rubberised skin before being subsumed by some orifice of another… spasming instinctively… demanding tribute…
A junior minister… first time on the backbenches… panics… flees… the doors to the chamber… locked, bolted, sealed from inside and out… no escape… cries rise up as tears fall as the mass, immutable and undeniable flows and crawls and rolls towards him… each face howling as it towers above, an amorphous mass of decomposing flesh… the stench of rotting skin… a thousand years of halitosis… it comes down upon him… consumes completely… every orifice rejoicing… cocks ejaculating… bowels voiding… cunts bleeding as old tissue is replaced by new flesh…
The Deputy leader sits, his own body shaking as his shrivelled cock retracts with excitement at the glory of the democratic process…
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Quality of life...
The stench of semen in the air...
Curdled reproductive fluids ejaculated overnight into hermetically sealed underwear, sexually frustrated pustules bursting in tandem, synchronised wet dreams gush forth from minds twisted, knotted, fused together, an orgiastic frenzy, a violent gangbang forged in the sick and depraved minds of those deemed too unhinged for even a society as sick as this…
“But what about consent?”
The doctor threw his head back, spewing forth his filthy laugh, shrill and hollow, the sound a jackal might make when it’s dying of dysentery, it’s bowels so mangled and liquefied they slide right out, a prolapsed rectal void. That’s the sound.
“Consent is a bourgeois illusion perpetuated by those with something to lose.” He rose the base of his thumb, his hands twisted, burned, warped by scar tissue like gloves made of mummified human skin soaked in blood and left out in the baking sun, rotting, drying out until they were a size too small...
...if the gloves don’t fit, you must submit...
...and did a bump.
“We are born into this world, a lost barren landscape kicking and screaming, covered in blood and shit and vaginal mucus, the of fusion semen and eggs, the by-product of reproductive waste voided by first man then woman, gestating and gesticulating until we are thrown out into the world to fend for ourselves, hopeless, lost, the stench of cock and cunt burned into our fibre, a twisted spermatozoa double-helix bonded by sticky mess of fallopian excretions.
“We no more consent to life than to death, but”, he said, taking another bump, “only one of those is illegal.”
...The Greater Globetown Centre For The Socially Defective…
...row after row after row after row after row...
“He was such a happy child.”
A lonesome tear formed in the corner of her eye…
Emotional pre-cum, the nurse thought, rubbing his cock absent-mindedly…
...widows... mothers... sisters... husbands... brothers... fathers… therapy pets…
...no questions asked…
Nothing was more arousing than death now. Grief was his porn.
...foreplay before the life-affirming fuck, the cum as you are frenzy of grief, comfort in the filth of carnal abandon…
...a stranger’s jizz leaking out your ass during a funeral service… accident-proof underwear stolen from the Centre’s laundry…
…stale… crusted… worn in…
…no more embarrassing stains… no having to explain… bent over casket… pay last respects… rectal leakage… a large dark spot develops on the ass… food poisoning… incontinent with grief… buggered in a side room… parents and children outside… family and friends … waiting patiently… compose himself… let it out… let it all out… one heaving ejaculation of grief… a willing repository for anger… frustration… pain… loss… the agonising emptiness and futility of existence… Give it to me… I’m here for you… Don’t mention it… All part of the service…
Two hundred mourners in all listening to the man of the hour howling with the pain of loss in a locked bathroom, the air still buzzing from the vicar’s early morning shit, the bitter notes of early morning coffee and late-night communion wine floating up his nostrils like the spirit of The Lord…
Humanity, the ultimate morning after regret…
…the solid, festering bowel movement that not even God can flush...
…her husband goes to grab a tissue from the bedside cabinet. The nurse grabs his wrist… firm, strong, practised… his pulse pounding… He makes a bet which one will go first, mother or son…
“I’m sorry”, he says, feeling the blood, clotting like milk left out of the fridge, pumping through his shrinking veins, “but those are for the patient’s use only.”
“He’s comatose, for fuck’s sake”, the man yells, ripping his hand away from the nurse’s clammy grip, his fingerprints etched into whitened skin, “what does he need tissues for?”
Immediately, he regrets the question…
…the elephant in the room… standing to attention… a throbbing erection unable to be suppressed by even weighted blankets protrudes from under the covers… twitching instinctively at the smell of nearby clunge…
“Have one of mine”, says the nurse, holding out a fresh, crisp packet of tissues…
It always helps to be prepared…
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