transhiberations · 8 years
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New Year’s Cards
I DON’T HAVE A LOT OF HEROES but i’m a damn mother to my babies so here’s the responses to the cards i gave some of my favourites
(ps. the shinobi are all idiots what even is this)
This is for me? …My apologies, I’m grateful. Everyday, Master is taking care of me. If there’s anything you want, tell me clearly. …I won’t choose. It’s pointless to expect me to. Master should decide. 
From Yamatotakeru
You’re gonna give me something this good? Thanks, Milord/Milady. I’ll treasure it. Hey… Is this maybe, in the spirit of getting a favour? …I’m okay with that. This is a one-time special, so what’s your wish? C’mon, hurry and tell me.
From Momotarou
To give a shinobi something like this, the Chief must be drunk. …Hey, why are you withdrawing? You prepared this especially for me? I guess it can’t be helped… I’ll accept it. …………Thank you.
From Jiraiya
To receive something so wonderful, I’m incredibly grateful…! Whether I should call this a good gift, I’m not really sure… From now on, I swear to respond to Master’s thoughts without fail.
From Takemikazuchi
This kind of thing is unnecessary for shinobi… I suppose you put some thought into it. In any case, I suppose I should be happy. So much is affected by the Chief’s every action. I would like to formally state my gratitude. — Thank you. From now on, I will continue to serve the Chief.
From Sarutobi Sasuke
Why would you give this to me — ...Hm? Why, what’s with the long face. ......No, I'm not saying I don’t need it. You didn’t have to force yourself. ...Just now, I just said something rude. ...My Lord/Lady, I’m grateful for your thoughtfulness.
From Momochi Tanba
Master! It’s alright for me to receive this great thing right...? Thank you... I’m super happy! I want to thank you somehow... Oh yeah, let’s go to a festival together again! I’ll make Master happy.
From Ninigi
This is, for me...? No, I’m not saying I don’t need it. I was just a little surprised. For you to prepare something like this for me, I was suspecting there was something... No, I was thinking too much. I will accept Boss’ favour with appreciation. I’m grateful.
From Amatsumikaboshi
Master, whatever could this be? ...Could it possibly be for me? ...Is that so, then thank you. This must’ve been difficult to get. That Master didn’t mind that hardship, just to be thoughtful, I’m blessed indeed.
From Daikokuten
This is a fine item. ...But Milord/Milady, what do I do with this? ...What? This is a gift for me? ...For specially preparing this, thank you for your thoughtfulness. Then, I too will give Milord/Milady something special as thanks. I hope you’ll be happy with it.
From Takeminakata
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transhiberations · 8 years
I need help!
I’m currently in the process of translating the story-only subjugation that was featured during the Snow Crystal event, but I hecked up and am missing all the chapters after chapter 10. If anyone has those unlocked and would like to help, sending me chronological screenshots of the dialogue or videos of the chapters would be super great!
Thank you very much in advance!
EDIT: THANK YOU @shiroyomi I’ll be sure to credit you and the youtuber in my translations m(_ _)m
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transhiberations · 8 years
when will my oudai edgy peach son come home from the war
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transhiberations · 8 years
Takeminakata Side Story Ch. 2
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Story of Departure, Side Story Chapter 2: Great Bonds There is no level limit to this story, with three waves split in between the scenes. This chapter features Takeminakata. Completing this chapter will grant one icchibanketsu ticket for Takeminakata.
Takeminakata: (running in) Tch…!! [Demon roars as Takeminakata strikes it down.] Takeminakata: I slew the demons that dared enter the forest. But that way is toward the village… will I make it in time? Takeminakata: No… I will not allow any more damage! (runs towards the next village)
Takeminakata: It looks like this village is still safe… Thank goodness. Village Chief: Phew… That was a close call. The moment they laid eyes on Lord Takeminakata, the demons took off running. Takeminakata: Is that so… Nonetheless, we can’t let our guard down. They might come back with friends. Village Chief: …Wh-what do we do? Takeminakata: What? I’m here now, you can relax. Village Chief: …Right. Village Chief: By the way… to battle the demons, it seems a great number of divinities are gathering at Ise… spearheaded by one they call the Lone God. Takeminakata: The Lone God, huh… I only cared about Takemikazuchi, are they such a good person? Village Chief: It’s said even Lord Izanagi trusts them a lot… so I guess they must be a great person. Takeminakata: So it’s not just Takemikazuchi, but a lot of divinities are devoted to this Lone God… I wonder who it is. Village Chief: You’re not going because Lord Takemikazuchi is in Ise, are you? Takeminakata: …Yes, my current duty is to protect the land of Suwa. Takeminakata: But, that’s good. With Takemikazuchi, those demons don’t stand a chance against that Lone God. Villager 1: We’ve got trouble! Demons are headed for the village! Takeminakata: Alright… I’ll do what I can here in Suwa.
After 1st wave.
Takeminakata: …Kuh. Not yet… Don’t think something like this can beat me! [Demon roars as Takeminakata strikes it down.] Takeminakata: …A breather at last, huh? Takeminakata: But, to keep being… attacked like this… is really… tiring… Well, that’s their point, after all. Village Chief: Lord Takeminakata, are you alright? Takeminakata: Yes, somehow… Village Chief: As I thought, you’re at your limit fighting alone. Takeminakata: It’s not like there are reinforcements that can be called on quickly. Village Chief: As I’ve heard, it’s not just gods gathering at Ise, but people and spirits have also lent their strength. Takeminakata: I can’t possibly believe you. Who could gather all three races…? Village Chief: Most likely… the Lone God. Takeminakata: I see… This makes me want to meet them even more. If they indeed have such a gathering… Takeminakata: But I can’t do anything until I deal with the enemy before me first. Takeminakata: You demons dare come again… Elder, stand back!
After 2nd wave.
Takeminakata: The three races have tried to cooperate before, but due to minor differences in opinions, they decided to go their separate ways… or so I’ve heard. Takeminakata: No one wants conflict. But when it comes to managing all three races… That’s the hard part. Takeminakata: Even for Takemikazuchi, keeping the races together by himself would be trying. Takeminakata: So it's time to work together to battle the demons... "Lone God", huh... What exactly are they? White Deer: ...Well then, how about you go meet them and find out? Takeminakata: Heh, you came out of the forest, you don’t usually show up this far down. Were the villagers surprised? White Deer: ...Wouldn’t it be better if you were more honest with your feelings? Takeminakata: ...Wh-what feelings. White Deer: "I’m meeting the one who defeated me”... That’s your complicated feeling. But... thinking about the Spirit World... White Deer: No... that was unnecessary... Takeminakata: ...... [Demon growls.] Takeminakata: ...Demons!? Not even a moment to myself, huh?
After 3rd wave.
Takeminakata: ...So it’s over? Hmm... The white deer isn’t here? Did it go back to the forest?  Takeminakata: To meet the one I once lost against, is complicated, huh... Takeminakata: Suddenly dreaming of Takemikazuchi is my mixed feelings I have about being unable to go and meet my victor, is that what you’re saying...? Takeminakata: Of course... If I can’t win... I can’t go forward, I can’t fight together... That’s what I feel. Takeminakata: ...... [Strong winds howl.] Takeminakata: The wind...is pushing at my back? Takeminakata: ......Alright, I’ve made up my mind. I’m going to the Lone God’s headquarters, too. Takeminakata: Then, I will cross swords with Takemikazuchi once more. In order for you to see how much stronger I’ve gotten since then.  Takeminakata: And then, once that’s concluded-- Takemikazuchi and I will punish all of the demons that dare invade the Spirit World. Takeminakata: After all, as someone who calls the Spirit World home, it’s natural to want to protect it. Takeminakata: And to protect this beautiful land of Suwa-- I have to stand up. To face the crisis that encroaches on the land, one which I’ve unconsciously turned away from in the past. Takeminakata: Well then, let's go. --O winds, guide me to the Lone God. [Strong winds continue to howl.]
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transhiberations · 8 years
Takeminakata Side Story Ch. 1
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Story of Departure, Side Story Chapter 1: In the Depths of the Sacred Forest There is no level limit to this story, with three waves split in between the scenes. This chapter features Takeminakata.
Takeminakata: What a pleasant wind… While in Suwa, all that noise seems like a lie. [Birdsong and forest white noise.] Takeminakata: Outside, they say that demons are causing suffering, but it’s peaceful here in Suwa’s forests. Takeminakata: Certainly, even though a letter from Lord Izanagi arrived… huhu, I don’t need to leave this forest. Takeminakata: That’s because you’re at the forefront of the from battle, didn’t you say that, Takemikazuchi? Then, there’s no need for me to leave… Takeminakata: Besides, to you who’s fought me and won, with what kind of face should I offer cooperation? Takeminakata: When next we meet… I’ve decided that will be our rematch. [Running footsteps.] Farmer 1: L-, Lord Takeminakata~!! Takeminakata: Hm? Ah, you’re from the village that offers rice often… Farmer 1: Pl-please help us…! Takeminakata: Calm down. What happened, tell me. Farmer 1: R-right… Farmer 1: The truth is, our village… the demons…! Takeminakata: What…!? To be so close to humans… No, the sacred influence of Suwa’s forest is strong, to think that the demons made it that far… Takeminakata: I cannot allow such demons to approach Suwa forest. Is it soft of me to think that way…? Takeminakata: It seems that while I was hiding in Suwa forest, the world moved far faster than I anticipated. And… not in a good way. Takeminakata: Takemikazuchi, could this be why you stand as a general… Takeminakata: In any case, I need to take care of these demons. Leave it to me. Farmer 1: Yes, thank you for your consideration…! [Takeminakata runs off towards the village.]
Takeminakata: Defiling this beautiful land like this… Damned demons, I won’t forgive you…! [Demon growls.] Takeminakata: All the people of the village… Please be safe! [Takeminakata continues forward.]
After 1st wave.
Takeminakata: Guh… What am I doing, allowing the demons to invade the village. Takeminakata: Tch… ah… The fields are all trampled and roughed up… If only I’d arrived a little sooner! [Rustling. (I’m assuming he’s trying to fix up a sad broken stalk or something.)] Takeminakata: I hope the villagers are safe at least… [Takeminakata continues deeper into the village.] Farmer 1: …Ahh… My fields are… Takeminakata: (running in) Hey, hang in there. Farmer 1: Ah… You’re Lord Takeminakata…! Thank goodness you’ve come! Farmer 1: Please look at this. Because of those demons, our precious fields are ruined… Takeminakata: Yes, I know. But right now, protecting yourself comes first. Takeminakata: Get to a safe place. Leave the demons to me. Farmer 1: …Yes. My most humble thanks…! (flees) Takeminakata: Now then, I have to find the demons quickly…
[Demon growls, entering the village.] Takeminakata: I’ve finally found you. Your violence is unforgivable. …Prepare yourself! [Takeminakata races forward, sinking his blade into the demon.]
After 2nd wave. *Note: The white deer speaks in a mixture of katagana and kanji and a whole ton of commas. I’ve done my best to make up for it.
Takeminakata: …… White Deer: You return with a long face. What’s wrong...? Takeminakata: …No, nothing’s wrong. White Deer: The demons, you defeated them? Then, there’s no problem. Takeminakata: No, this is only temporary. There’s a chance they’ll attack again. White Deer: Then, what do we do? Takeminakata: …I don’t know. Just protecting Suwa’s forest, is that the best I can do? White Deer: …… Takeminakata: …You look like you want to say something. White Deer: If the evil is not destroyed at its source, this calamity will repeat itself. Yaorozukai will fall to the demons... if you don’t fight. Takeminakata: Like I said, that’s Takemikazuchi’s… If that guy is out there, then there’s no need for me to act. We can leave it to him. White Deer: You say that, but is that how you really feel? Takeminakata: The truth is already decided. Besides, I have my role protecting this land of Suwa. Who will protect the forest if I leave…? White Deer: But... even if you protect it, they’ll still come to attack... So it seems, they've appeared. [Sound of magic being used.] Takeminakata: Demons this far into the forest!? To not even hesitate setting foot in Suwa’s sacred woods... White Deer: Here they come.
After 3rd wave.
Takeminakata: ...... White Deer: Can’t sleep...? Takeminakata: No... I had a dream. Of when I fought Takemikazuchi-- then I woke up. Takeminakata: Before I challenged him, I had a lot of self-confidence, but in reality the difference in our strength was obvious. Takeminakata: Haha... I wonder why I had such a dream. Is it because it’s the first time in forever I’ve thought of Takemikazuchi, or... White Deer: ...You’ve grown strong. You’re already strong enough to compare to Takemikazuchi.  White Deer: Then, isn’t your reason to always stay in these lands moot...? Takeminakata: ...Certainly I wanted to win against Takemikazuchi at first. It's why I’ve been training. White Deer: A change of heart...? Takeminakata: Wrong. Takeminakata: I still want to win against Takemikazuchi. But I’m strong now because of my desire to protect the land of Suwa... That’s it. Takeminakata: When Yaoruzukai finds peace... I think I’ll challenge him once again. Takeminakata: Hmmm... There’s still time before dawn. I’m going back to sleep. (leaves) [Strong winds, trees creaking.] White Deer: But, Takeminakata... the storm will certainly come to Suwa. How long can we stay this way...?
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transhiberations · 8 years
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This is the cutscene in the first Christmas flash subjugation. It features Takemikazuchi, Kaa-kun, Shuten-douji, and Susano-o. (A big thank you to my vastly more experienced friend in helping me translate this orz)
Before battle.
New Year’s Eve. The Onogoro Island Shrine is no exception to the rush and bustle to welcome the New Year’s, and the Eight Braves are also driven in their preparation for the event.
Takemikazuchi: Phew…… Takemikazuchi: Just about done here. How’s Lord Karasu? Kaa-kun: *seething* ……in……ge…… Takemikazuchi: ……? Lord Karasu? Kaa-kun: HYAAAAAAAAAAH————! BEGIN THE PURGE————!! Takemikazuchi: Uwaa! Lord Karasu!? What’s wrong!? Kaa-kun: I will be angry with myself no more! This is annihilation! We will eradicate all this world’s evils——!! Kaa-kun: Be devoured by the beak of justice! You damned natural philanderer!! *viciously pecks Takemikazuchi* Takemikazuchi: Uwa! Ow!? Takemikazuchi: Lord Karasu, stop that! Kaa-kun: You bastard, because you’re here Master doesn’t care for me!! Takemikazuchi: Guh, it can’t be helped if this happens… Takemikazuchi: Snap out of it, Lord Karasu!! *hits Kaa-kun* Kaa-kun: Ahh!! What on earth did I……? Takemikazuchi: ……Lord Karasu?
Kaa-kun: *blushing* ……My deepest apologies for having shown such an ugly side…… Takemikazuchi: It’s no big deal…… but what happened? Kaa-kun: …… Kaa-kun: Recently, I’ve heard rumours from my fellow avians that only around New Year’s Eve, there appears a demon that corrupts the minds of those nearby. Kaa-kun: As I’m told, only a single, lonely person is affected…… It was clearly a ghost story of some sort, I’d thought. Takemikazuchi: I see, so it’s that demon’s fault Lord Karasu went crazy. Takemikazuchi: But this is going to harm the others too. Isn’t there some way we can find this demon? Takemikazuchi: You said it had to be close to gain influence, right? Kaa-kun: That’s right. Please wait a moment! (Kaa-kun flies away, returning moments later.) Kaa-kun: I’ve located unfamiliar demons coming from the east-northeast, south, and west! *Note: The transliteration says “The Tiger, Horse, and Rooster directions”; this was because the Eastern Zodiac was the archaic method of stating time and direction. Kaa-kun: It really does exist…… Takemikazuchi: Got it! I’m going! Kaa-kun: Hold it right there, Lord Takemikazuchi! Kaa-kun: I could see other figures with the demons. Likely, they are people whose minds have been corrupted. Kaa-kun: They may have forgotten themselves like I had earlier and attack, so please be careful!
After subjugation.
Takemikazuchi: ‘Kay! Subjugation over! Takemikazuchi: Good thing the attackers can regain their senses, right Lord Karasu? Kaa-kun: ……Even though I feel that some of our attackers aren’t so different from how they usually are…… Takemikazuchi: Hm? What’s that? Kaa-kun: No, it was nothing! It seems we can resume our New Year’s preparations as well. Kaa-kun: I’m off to report to Master. Takemikazuchi: I’m counting on you!
Kaa-kun: ……Is Master asleep? CRASH! CLINK!! Kaa-kun:  Wh-……what was that!? Susano-o: Ugh…… hurts…… gotta drink…… Shuten-douji: ……Damn right…… Why ain’t Boss keepin’ us company…… ‘Sokay ta go out with me once inna while, yeah……? Shuten-douji:  ……Oh, if it ain’t Crow. Yer not with Boss either? Kaa-kun: ……No, I’m…… Susano-o: Goes without sayin’, Whitey! Times like these, best t’just drink an’ forget. *Note: The first sentence is transliterated, “I understand without you speaking, white thing”, but that’s kinda wordy and formal for a guy like Susano-o to say. Kaa-kun: ……………………… Kaa-kun: ……………………… Kaa-kun: *tears up* ……There’s some misunderstanding, but…… For once I agree with you…… Kaa-kun: Understood! Today is a long break!! Shuten-douji: Ya said it, Crow! C’mon, drink up, drink up!! Susano-o: New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Shmeve! Let’s dump this year’s shame! *Note: The first sentence is more akin to “What New Year’s Eve?” but again, doesn’t feel right for Susano-o’s character.
Takemikazuchi: …… Takemikazuchi: What did I come back to, returning this late…… *Note: The actual sentence is incomplete and transliterates to something along the lines of “my return was late so if I wanted to try and come visit.” Shuten-douji: ……Guh…… Susano-o: ……Uugh…… Kaa-kun: ……*sniffle*……Masterrrrrrrr…… Takemikazuchi: Not only did you get drunk, you’re fast asleep too. Takemikazuchi: Shuten-kun and Lord Susano-o I can get, but even Lord Karasu…… Is this residual influence from the demon? Takemikazuchi: ……Ah, Master. No, I was just wondering what to do with them…… Takemikazuchi: ……“It’s New Year’s Eve, so let them rest there”? Well, if Master says so…… Takemikazuchi: However, I can’t bear to leave this alone. ……Shall I go fetch a blanket? Shuten-douji: ……Boooooooss…… Susano-o: ……Masterrrrrrr…… Kaa-kun: ……Masterrrrr, please care for us mooooooooorrrrrrreeeee……
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transhiberations · 8 years
Christmas Flash Event!
Christmas is just around the corner, and it seems even Yaorozu-kai isn’t immune to the holiday rush. For the 24th and 25th a special Christmas subjugation will be available for you to grab some goodies for your heroes and palace.
None of the subjugations have a level limit, only recommended levels, and consume one purple gem to enter. The first subjugation, which also includes the story, has a recommended team average of 15. Subsequent subjugations do not appear to have a story, and jump up to a recommended team level of 75. (I got my shit pushed in on the very first 75 subjugation so I wouldn’t know if there’s anything afterwards.)
Apart from heroes that appear exclusively per wave (Inugami and Hannya in the first wave, Daidara-bocchi and Tsuchigumo in the second, and Iwanaga-hime and Yawoyaochi in the third), all enemies are Christmas-coloured imps. Bronze chests yield small presents, silver yields big ones, and gold has a chance to drop one of four pieces of furniture: two kinds of Christmas trees, a pile of gifts, or a Christmas imp statue. Bronze and silver presents act as gifts you can give to your heroes, so we can shower them with gift wrapping instead of flowers for Christmas lol
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transhiberations · 8 years
Saibai Shounen Christmas Mix!
Saibai Shounen’s Christmas mix-exclusive mandrakes are here! The event started on the 22nd and will run till 2:00pm JST on the 29th. There are 22 mandrakes you can synth. If you could help me fill in the missing slots that would be super!
??? - ???
??? - ???
??? - ???
Santa Christoph - Mix Seed x3
??? - ???
Christmas Cinnamon - Normal Nutrition Agent x6
Christmas Shigure - Normal Nutrition Agent x6
Christmas Shiren - Rare Nutrition Agent x2
Christmas Sotoba - Normal Nutrition Agent x4
??? - ???
??? - ???
Christmas Pam - Normal Nutrition Agent x5
??? - ???
??? - ???
??? - ???
Christmas Kan XIV - Normal Nutrition Agent x6
Christmas Umeto - Rare Nutrition Agent x2
Christmas Daisy - Normal Nutrition Agent x5
Christmas Mamemaru - Normal Nutrition Agent x5
Christmas Chickpea - Normal Nutrition Agent x5
Christmas Joshua - Normal Nutrition Agent x4
??? - ???
??? - ???
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