translovetransjoy · 3 days
This is your sign to take testosterone (if you want it). If you need to take your dose today take your dose. If you aren't on T yet this is your reminder to make that phone call or send that email that will get you T. It will be worth it, I promise. You will not become ugly, you will not become violent or uncontrollable, the core of who you are will not change. What will change is that you will become happier, and start to feel more like yourself.
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translovetransjoy · 3 days
cuz I can i'm gonna make a hyperspecific queer shout out post bc I want to appreciate all the lovely people in my life and more
shout out to men who used to be lesbians and women who used to be gay
shout out to fem bigenders
shout out to nonbinary people who don't like they/them pronouns
shout out to feminine men whose shoe collection is 90% heels & platforms
shout out to gender fluid folks who make really, really bad puns
shout out to the fem he/theys & the masc she/theys
shout out to the people who collect pronouns like a rock collection
shout out to literally every aromantic person ever
shout out to the trans drag queens & drag kings
shout out to all the gays obsessed with baldurs gate 3
shout out to the angriest and most passionate scenemo trans guy you'll ever meet in your life
shout out to the agender folks who make *gives you my gender* jokes
shout out to the most gender looking guy you'll ever meet
and shout out to you, queer person reading this. I love you
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translovetransjoy · 6 days
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thinking about that one moment when I was about to get top surgery
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translovetransjoy · 7 days
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translovetransjoy · 9 days
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translovetransjoy · 16 days
The most. profound thing about HRT for me has been claiming ownership of my own body to the fullest extent. It feels like I already broke the warranty seal and this bitch is now mine to fix.
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translovetransjoy · 16 days
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this is a redo of an old post. it deals with more negative feelings than usual for the trans stuff but, those feelings are important too
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translovetransjoy · 18 days
one time i was in an olive garden bathroom and my packer fell out of my shorts and this ten year old boy just looked at me with absolute terror and without thinking i said "that's what happens when you don't eat your vegetables" later i saw him eating salad at a speed no human should be capable of
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translovetransjoy · 20 days
Made some Gandalf big naturals art :)
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[ID: art of Gandalf in his LOTR outfit, but in muted trans flag colors and with the neckline lowered to show his cleavage. He is holding up a large sign that says “It does not matter whether you pass or not.” /End ID]
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translovetransjoy · 21 days
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Dora Richter photographed in 1927.
Affectionately referred to as Dörchen by her coworkers and caretakers at Berlin’s Institute for Sexual Research where she worked as a cook, she is most well known for being the first trans woman of existing records to receive a vaginoplasty. After the 1933 attack on the Institute by Nazi students where the majority of the research and records were lost, so too was Dora. Though it is often assumed she died either during the attack or later on in custody, her close friend and coworker Charlotte Charlaque would go on to write a pseudonymized article in 1955 claiming Dora returned to her home city of Karlsbad, Bohemia to own and operate a small restaurant.
“Through this operation I have obtained happiness in my inner life. My castration has fulfilled all the childhood dreams of my heart.”
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translovetransjoy · 28 days
Planned parenthood has on their websites a checklist of what HRT will do for you and what the risks are! It's how I did testosterone, personally. If you're a minor, the procedure will be different, but as an adult it's extremely easy to actually start. They are very explicit with risks and effects in their literature and quite frankly I found it comprehensive.
In the United States via planned parenthood, you literally just Schedual an appointment and say you'd like to start. They discuss with you the risks (for testosterone one of the biggest concerns is high blood pressure caused by blood thickening, so keep an eye on that), all the effects including those that many see as negative (ie male patterned baldness if that runs in your family). And if you are okay with that, you start. You'll need to do blood work to get base levels about every three months for the first year, then adjust as your provider and you see fit.
When I went, everyone was super polite and actually really excited, because gender affirming care appointments are one of the few appointments where people are actively happy to be there. I personally highly recommend planned parenthood, and they have a lot of information on their website!
not a poll, ive been asking every trans-related blog i can find so i figured this would be a good place to post: do you (the mod(s)) know any good respurces for info on hrt and starting informed consent?? i want to start testosterone but my parents want me to teach them everything theyll need to know about hrt before theyre willing to let me use their insurance. anything helps
if you're in america, planned parenthood is a good resource. but that's all i got
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translovetransjoy · 28 days
Lost my job at THE most inconvenient time and my new job hasn't paid me yet, in the middle of an expensive move to get out of a Roach Nightmare and one of my cats needs vet care. I don't usually jump onto these but help for me would help four (five? I don't know if our roommate is trans actually but he IS queer) trans people and our cats.
How about we just have like... hey trans people, post your pay links or wishlist or whatever you got. No limits, no trans excluded, intersex welcome, any and all genders off the social conventions included. I'll just reblog em a bunch.
I need a reblog to share your info, please use those, not comments or tags. I try to reblog immediately every instance I see between 10am and 10pm, everything else goes into the queue.
Additionally, Reddit has some donation resources, which are outlined and linked in this post. However, there are potential difficulties associated with these resources, with more details in this post.
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translovetransjoy · 1 month
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love threat letter to any and all transphobes
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translovetransjoy · 1 month
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translovetransjoy · 2 months
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I'm still happy that I am trans. It’s the most beautiful thing to me, we get to change what many have considered impossible thought history and work on ourselves in ways that show determination even though the smallest victories
Also this was a redraw of this super old comic from 2023 ^^
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translovetransjoy · 2 months
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We stan!!!!
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chaotic good
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translovetransjoy · 2 months
You own the home you live in. The last owners painted the walls of your bedroom a horrible off white.
You fucking hate it. Every day you wake up to off-white walls and off-white ceilings and pass through your off-white door to get to the rest of the house. You feel like you've been locked up in a padded room. It makes you want to die.
So what is there to do? Well, you own the home. Go out and get some paint, a roller or two, and a drop cloth. If the color makes you want to kill yourself, you should obviously change it.
But what if you didn't hate it. What if it just mildly perturbed you? Or maybe what if you didn't, like, reeeeeally mind it all that much, but you knew that another color would make you a lot happier? Does the decision that you come to change?
Sure, it's work moving the furniture out, setting up, painting, making sure you get the edges, cleaning up, letting it all dry, etc, but isn't adding joy to your life worth the effort? Don't you owe it to yourself to subtract mediocrity and add happiness? Do you need to be miserable to envision a better life?
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