transmandad · 2 years
My chest, however many years post-op I am now. Need to get my nips re-rattooed still, but I am lazy and still never go shirtless in public so it doesn't really matter at this point.
It's heavily cropped cos I have tattoos I don't wish to publish. Apologies. Not as buff as I used to be, but you get that! 😅
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transmandad · 2 years
Ayo, I'm still alive lol.
I still work in Mental Health, but now for the state government. K is in 12th grade. What a trip. I turned 35 this year. Still married to the love of my life. Still stealth.
So much has changed, yet nothing all at the same time.
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transmandad · 3 years
Scar Care Many Years Post-Op.
This is something I have wanted to address for a little while now, but not had the time to do so properly.
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When I first had chest surgery I was reluctant to treat my scars for the first few months. After that I attempted to use various scar treatments in order to lessen the red coloring and slightly raised nature of my scars. This didn’t have much of a visible effect due to my inconsistency; I found massaging my scars triggering in a horrible way. I also had very prominent stretch marks on my chest due to years of horrible binding methods.
Keep reading
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transmandad · 4 years
It's been a while as per usual.
K is now 16, what a trip! He's such a good kid. I'm very blessed.
My career is progressing nicely and I finally feel like I've found my niche in the world as a Mental Health worker.
I've been renovating our kitchen in between work and professional development, and thankfully I'm almost done. It's felt like a long haul.
I'm still almost 100% stealth, including at work - however occasionally I'll out myself if it's relevant and safe. I'm not as guarded as I used to be on that front, but still not out in general. It's not relevant.
Bottom dysphoria is still at an all-time high and I don't think I'll ever have the financial capacity to rectify that situation so I am working hard to make peace with my body. It's a struggle.
I'm back at the gym for the first time since COVID hit, and fuck it feels good to be inside myself more physically than mentally for a change.
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transmandad · 4 years
You’re an adult trans man, been on t for years, etc. You have so much experience and I’m just a young trans guy. I’m not sure if I truly have dysphoria or if it’s internalized misogyny. If you dealt with this, how did you differentiate?
My best recommendation is to seek help from a Mental Health professional such as a psychologist or psychiatrist.
It's also awesome that you have the self-awareness to contemplate this prior to starting hormones etc. Nice work.
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transmandad · 4 years
Approaching 15 years on T, 7 married.
Half of the country is on fire and it's terrifying.
K is currently 15. Also, he came out to us as Bisexual a few months back. He's had a boyfriend ever since and it's a bit endearing.
Our careers are progressing, K enters 10th grade this school year and I'm still around to see it all.
That last bit constantly amazes me.
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transmandad · 5 years
Finally got this tumbler untagged as NSFW.
What a joke.
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transmandad · 5 years
So, K has been having serious medical issues for about a year now.
We’ve seen countless specialists, GP’s, been to several different hospitals, he’s had exploratory procedures and scans and MRI’s... and they still don’t know what’s going on. Long story short, Mr. K has blood in his urine, almost constantly. It’s terrifying not only for him (as though a 15 year old dude wants to pull his junk out, pee into cups and have a camera shoved up his urethra?!) but we are legit petrified.
Trying to maintain a brave front for him is exhausting, and my Wife and I are holding each other up. I’m so lucky to have her.
K is taking it in his stride - we’re working with his school around playing sports, as it exacerbates his pain and his Year Advisor is being fantastic about informing all of his teachers regarding K not being able to submit a few assignments on time etc.
I don’t give a fuck if anything happens medically to me, whatever. Just - not my Son.
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transmandad · 5 years
So Im a trans guy and today I thought really hard about mt dysphoria and what I actually want done in the future. I have really bad chest dysphoria, and voice/body dysphoria—But can you still be trans and have low bottom dysphoria? Sometimes I really wish I had a penis—But sometimes I don’t. Im thinking about investing in a really cool packer one day to help this dysphoria. What should I do?
There is no “one way” to be dysphoric or trans - and it’s not great for our mental health to measure ourselves against other trans people, although it’s difficult not to (and I do it, still). Your lack of significant bottom dysphoria is not something that does not make you “trans enough’Although I’d hold off on investing in a packer until you actually *need* one. That shit can be expensive. 
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transmandad · 5 years
Hi, im a 17 y/o questioning kid. I don’t know if I’m a man. Sometimes I have fantasies about being a guy (they’ve gotten more frequent as of a few years ago), with facial hair, stronger jaw, guy clothes, all that jazz. But I’m not particularly uncomfortable seeing my chest, or noticing my curves. I just identify with being a guy *more* than a girl (people have pointed out I talk and move more like a dude than a girl, too). Am I just a tomboy? Or am I trans?
I cannot answer this for you - the best advice I can give is go seek therapy and work through it. That will help. 
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transmandad · 5 years
Also can we talk about how I still cry if my packer won't jive with new underwear? Cos it's a thing.
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transmandad · 5 years
K has some serious medical issues that we're trying to sort out. He has a genetic anomaly in his left kidney called an extrarenal pelvis; which is an extra bit of the filtration part of his kidney. Generally this doesn't cause any issues, but little man has been passing blood in his urine.
And quite a bit.
Needless to say we've consulted a nephrologist and he's being taken good care of, but it's all the unknowns that have us petrified.
My Wife and I are just trying to be up-beat and nonchalant about it all when discussing in front of K, but privately we are holding each other crying.
We've been assured this is not deadly, and his kidney function tests came back normal but y'know - my kid is not supposed to bleed when he pisses.
So there's that....
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transmandad · 5 years
Here's my review, if anyone can even see my post 🙄
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transmandad · 5 years
Am porting this blog
Over to wordpress currently.
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transmandad · 5 years
Apparently got "tagged" as sensitive content. I'm not too bothered as I don't post here much, but it's a damn shame to have such a large pool of information censored.
Am going to see about porting to another blog if possible. Otherwise this may just stay as a tribute/archive.
Edit: www.transmandadhome.wordpress.com
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transmandad · 6 years
When it rains, it pours.  I just got offered another position, better than the one I took some weeks ago - in the exact field I want (Mental Health). 
My new STP arrived and I’m thinking about doing an in-depth review if anyone cares. 
I am excited as heck for 2019! 
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transmandad · 6 years
Just ordered an STP for the first time in years.
If it doesn't pack right I'm going to be pissed off. Got a Sam STP from New York Toy Collective because if it doesn't sit well with me I won't have wasted as much money as I potentially could have.
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