While some empirical research that has included suicidal people’s voices by analyzing their discourses through online forums (e.g., Lundström 2018) or interviews (Marsh, Winter and Marzano 2021) has allowed for a nuancing of the conclusion that talking about suicide necessarily increases suicidality in others, the point is not to deny the potential “contagious” effect that other suicides and discussions around suicidality could have on distressed people. As I have observed in my own life and in the lives of the suicidal people I know, learning about someone’s death by suicide and hearing about suicidality can trigger our own suicidality and sensitivity on this topic. However, I want to highlight the fact that, once again, this idea of “contagion” and imitation is strongly shaped by suicidism. As I argue in Chapter 5, if my suicide-affirmative approach were to be implemented, this potentially “contagious” effect would likely be mostly nullified, since suicidal people triggered by open discussions on suicide would seek help and support more freely. In other words, offering the possibility of assisted suicide from a suicide-affirmative approach and discussing suicidality openly would potentially have the reverse effect; more people would seek care instead of completing their suicide in isolation and silence.
— Undoing Suicidism: A Trans, Queer, Crip Approach to Rethinking (Assisted) Suicide by Alexandre Baril (p. 20)
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Is Queer a slur?
Who thinks queer is acceptable to use and who doesn't? The answer is interesting.
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Sustainable fashion for the Solar Punk
If you enjoyed this, consider checking out my Ko-Fi for a printable zine version (or just to support my art :))
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I've been on all kinds of hormones at varying levels. Estrogen. Estrogen-progesterone. No measurable sex hormones in my body at all. Low dose testosterone. High dose testosterone. I don't produce sex hormones so I've tried a lot of different ones to figure out what I like best.
People expect me to say that estrogen made me cry more, that I was the most stable with no sex hormones, that testosterone made me angry or unfeeling. But that wasn't my experience at all. Estrogen and Testosterone mainly had physical differences. Hair, sensation, growth. I'm stable as long as I take any sex hormone regularly. No hormones has its own physical issues. I was much more depressed on estrogen and estrogen-progesterone than I am on testosterone. But it wasn't "cry all the time" depression it was lethargy and anhedonia.
The only time I am truly completely unhinged due to hormone use is when I'm on a mid to high dose of testosterone and have to suddenly stop taking it because the pharmacy can't refill it in which case I am a complete disaster. Completely unhinged while going from mid to high T to zero T. Unsure if this would happen with estrogen as the pharmacy never ran out of that.
Just an interesting note on my experience with hormones. Low dose T only has been the best experience so far.
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Sorry, nobody down here but the FBI's Most Unwanted.
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A director just called me to do something and she said "he - she - it - them - can make that change now!"
Lmao those are all correct pronouns but she was clearly fumbling for the right one. Lol.
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Oh my god this is a callout post for me specifically.
my number one woman behavior is saying i’m fine with any pronouns and silently ranking people in my regard based on what they do with that information
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I have always thought of myself as fully able bodied and it took me decades to fully realize and accept that everyone around me views me through the lens of disability at all times because of my one visible difference. I just thought everyone was really weird and condescending for normal reasons.
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the whole thing with f1nn5ter coming out is such a perfect example of why we should never allow accusations of being a "fake queer" or anything like that to be taken seriously, especially when it comes to people with non-conforming gender expressin, or people who are experimenting
I heard so many people (granted it's not a super mainstream take) saying that f1nn5ter was just dressing as a girl for clout, and that he's harmful to LGBT people, and "appropriating transness" or something, but it turns out he's now identifying as gender fluid, and i'm so happy for him that he had the space to figure this stuff out. if he took that discourse seriously though, he would have either been forced to out himself at a time when he wasn't ready, or just forced back into the closet and not allowed to experiment with gender at all
also as a side note, he spent ages being the most gender non-conforming person on the planet. if that's not queer as fuck then i don't know what is, and i can't believe some people tried to make that sound like a bad thing. identities are messy, and sometimes you need to just have space to experiment with yourself, and allowing that, and allowing people to play around with and change their identity, whether that's gender, sexuality, or something else, is necessary for having a welcoming and accepting queer community
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What the fuck does this have to do with my post about my friends and their fun silly drag performances?
I know SEVERAL afab nonbinary people who, as soon as they came out as nonbinary - immediately began dressing in ridiculous hyper-femme outfits they never would have worn before.  A lot of people see this and say shit like “Theyfab” or say they are only nonbinary for attention.  After all, look how femme they are.
But to me, this makes perfect sense.  When you are forced into the category of “woman” against your will, femininity is a chore.  It’s a job that you have.  As soon as you say no, I’m not a woman, suddenly femininity isn’t your job anymore.  It’s not a requirement.  It’s just a fun hobby you can get into.  Or a little treat sometimes.
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Oh wow there's a great paralel to this scene in Chuck Tingle's Camp Damascus I wonder if that was on purpose. Probably not. But knowing Chuck? Maybe.
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Hellraiser III: Hell on Earth (1992)
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We need shittable cities (actively maintained public restrooms).
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I am such a nice person considering the constant rage I feel from having to be around unmasked people with deep wet hacking coughs just open mouth coughing into the room and into my face not making any attempt to cover their mouths.
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things people have done to help me during a psychoses episode
i was on the buss and i hallucinated bugs crawling all over my hands, so my friend pulled my hoodie sleeves over them with permission and held my hands through the sleeves to "keep them off". they used the logic you would in a real bug situation.
i went nonverbal in a bad one in class, so my friend wrote me a note to give to the nurse since the teacher wouldn't let her go with me.
i often am very paranoid about the delusion that meat is actually rotten, so my dad will sometimes eat a bit of it before me
instead of telling me my delusions arent real, they help me through it using logic like it was real. they dont tell me that nothings going to hurt me in my sleep, they stay with me to keep me safe. then when it passes i can realize its not real
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repressed aziraphale i love your fail life
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People have gotten way too comfortable risking serious disability just because they feel they have the right to selfish.
Do you want to kill your parents?
Do you want to disable your partner?
Do you want your friends to lie in bed wishing for death?
Wear a fucking mask.
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