trash4thorki · 5 years
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A sneak-peek of something I am working on! I’ll definitely be working on more now that the country is slowly shutting down, but hey! more time to work on stuff!
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trash4thorki · 5 years
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Time for a confession! 
I have been cheating on the Thorki fandom for some tasty Geraskier!
I can’t help myself, I love these two so much! 
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trash4thorki · 5 years
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just a quick and dirty sketch of Loki’s new look for his show!~ Lots more stylized than I usually go but I can’t wait for his new mischief!!!
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trash4thorki · 5 years
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I’M BACK OFFICIALLY BABES! Happy Valentine’s Day
It is just a sketch but there will be more to come now that Hell has settled down here xD Here is the Censored version since tumble is still being a dick
See the UNCENSORED version HERE
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trash4thorki · 5 years
Happy New Year to all!!❤❤
I'm sorry I've been pretty absent from this blog, BUT that will be changing!! I'm going to be back with more art and stories for all you lovies to start off 2020 right!
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trash4thorki · 5 years
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Commission of Baker!Thor for @thors-soft-cheeks ! Teaching his apprentice Loki how to properly pipe icing ;)  Of course, Loki already knew how to do it, and Thor has a sneaking suspicion he messes up on purpose, just so Thor has to ‘teach’ him again. And of course, he doesn’t mind giving Loki all the lessons he may need!
AHHhhhHHH! Guys I had so so much fun doing this one! (Even if it did take me way too long to complete) I cannot express Just how much I love Thors-soft-cheeks and her work! PLEASE GO CHECK OUT HER BLOG!!! There is so much fat Thor positivity, and SO MUCH SEXY!!  ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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trash4thorki · 5 years
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A little sneak-peak for a commission I am working on for @thors-soft-cheeks Bakerverse Thor and apprentice Loki!
Sorry it’s been a minute since I’ve been able to upload anything, darlings! August has not been a kind month, but hopefully September will make up for it! (Going to see Hiddleston in Betrayal!! So excited!) Thank you all for being so patient and kind!
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trash4thorki · 5 years
what's if Loki put his finger in Thor's Belly Button?
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trash4thorki · 5 years
GUYS!!!! Look what Alexadarcho did for "On Your Wings"! I'm in LOVE!!😍😍😍❤❤
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Something I drew in 2018, inspired by a thorki fanfic “On Your Wings” by ErinBocca & yakisoba13 in which Thor is a dragon King and Loki is his beloved elven Queen. I love this AU so much that I could not help myself to pick up the pencil and draw...☺️
(No profits are made from this. Pose reference: this by Solomonvolfovich on DeviantArt)
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trash4thorki · 5 years
Thor wants wear his pants on but it doesn't fit and Loki helping him.
((Some of these asks are begging for a story response, so I think I’ma just do that--! 😂 ))
Thor groaned, pulling the pants tighter across his soft stomach. But it’s no use. The jeans were determined not to button and he at last gave up, his pudge winning the battle. Damn it, he could wear these a month ago! But he supposed after stopping the gym membership and enjoying more down time came with a slight price. Not that he minded; he was happier than he remembered being in a long time. But it did mean he needed to go shopping for new clothes again.. 
But Thor didn’t get paid for another two weeks, and this last check had been spent on the bills and maybe a few tasty snacks around the apartment he and his brother shared. He had to make these work at least until then. 
So he tried again, tugging harder and grunting but the ends barely made contact, the button more than an inch from the hole. 
“Troubles?” Thor was surprised by the sudden voice at his door and looked to see Loki leaned against the door jam, watching him with clear amusement.
Thor blushed furiously. It wasn’t exactly the first time Loki had seen him without a shirt on, but somehow with him struggling to fit into his pants, the bigger man was suddenly a little self conscious. 
Thor had always been the bigger and stronger of the two, he had always been athletic and fit and carved until he had moved in.. Now he could practically hear the insults that were bound to come from Loki’s mouth. 
What he didn’t expect, however, was the younger come over with a soft hum and to run his hands over the soft curve of his stomach. 
“Oh, big brother. You’re going to make us late wearing this..”
“I- I’m sorry, I don’t think I have anything bigger..” Thor said sheepishly.
“Well, Then I suppose we will just have to make do, won’t we.” Before Thor could ask what he meant, he found himself being gently pushed backwards towards his bed. He fell back on the soft covers, his tummy jiggling and Loki was right over him.
“My my, you’ve really stuffed yourself in these, haven’t you.” His brother purred, slim hands traveling up his thighs to where the pants still lay unbuttoned.
“Hush, I’m helping.” Loki tutted. “Everyone knows you have to lay down to get tight jeans buttoned.” He spoke so nonchalant that the contrast of his heated expression threw Thor through a dizzy loop and with horror he realized he was stirring right where his brother’s hands were.
“I- I can do this-” He tried to say and take his pants but Loki simply batted his hands away. 
“Nonsense, you’re taking too long as it is. Let me..” He trailed off as tugged the jeans tight, making Thor involuntarily groan as it also tightened around his groin, making his cheeks turn an even deeper shade of red.
“There,” Loki’s voice hummed over the pounding of his heart in his ears, which only worsened when he felt his brother’s fingers tugging the zipper up, then a pat on his tummy. 
“Well, don’t just lay there.. We have to beat traffic.” Loki gave Thor a sly smile, before slipping out of the room and leaving his big brother there, panting and hard.
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trash4thorki · 5 years
When you're go making another Comic with Fat Thor? :)
I'm making one very soon, I'm starting a new job so I am going to get used to the hours/workload so i can allot my time accordingly 😁😁
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trash4thorki · 5 years
Hey what about this one? yo Thor so Hot: when he go swimming in The Ocean, it turns into a Hot-Tub!
I can appreciate this one better lol
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trash4thorki · 5 years
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So... I wasn’t going to answer these, and just delete them.. but I feel I owe an explanation as to why. 
When I was going through school, I heard a lot of these sort of insults directed to me (the fat ones), ironically almost exactly the world hunger one. Mine was written in sharpie on the bathroom stall that “If KM died, it would end world hunger.”
I don’t like these kind of jokes. I’m in a better place where these insults roll off my back better these days, and I know that these in particular are directed at fictional characters and meant as a lighthearted joke, but the memory of bullies is all that I could think about.
I don’t find them funny, fat jokes or skinny jokes. I got enough of the fat jokes in End Game. 
I don’t mind multiple asks, anonymous or not, and I still welcome them. I would just really appreciate no more fat or skinny jokes. ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜
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trash4thorki · 5 years
but I love your Kinks, Thor's Belly is so Round and Squishy. ♥★
💕💚💖💜 I love his sweet softness too! He has such a warm and sweet softness I wish I could hug 😁 I just want him happy as he is now 💕
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trash4thorki · 5 years
imagine shipping incest
Um, anon? Not only do I imagine it, but I draw it and write about it too. 😂😂
It's been said before by many others, but I'll say it again.
Shipping something/enjoying something in the realm of fiction is harmless. Humans are pretty good at separating reality and fantasy. Just like writing about killers doesn't make you condone murder. So, unless you want to pretend you have a higher moral standing than pretty much anyone else who has ever written anything "problematic", let people enjoy things. Your message isn't going to do anything but have me make my point as I happily continue shipping, and shipping hard. 😁😁❤
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trash4thorki · 5 years
Weight gain is a really fucking unhealthy kink. Shame of you and your followers for enabling and supporting this trash. If seeing someone ruin their health gets your rocks off you have issues.
Oh honey 💖 i choose to have no shame. If you don't like it, then move on. I'm not going to yell at you or fuss, because clearly it isn't something you appreciate.
But something you should understand is that i don't have a weight gain kink. I have a "be happy as you are and don't let people tell you you are unworthy of love because of your size" kink. I love drawing Fat Thor, not only because it is literally cannon in the movies, but for the fact his weight gain had 0 impact on his ability to kick ass. I want to shed light on that. Because so many of us who go through major depression often gain weight, and since it isn't the glorified version tv has made it, it's often looked down upon.
So, I'm not shamed, nor will I stop drawing Thor (and sometimes Loki) with a cute tummy 💕
Also, it really isn't hard to look up, but weight gain doesn't equal unhealthy 😀
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trash4thorki · 5 years
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Thor LOVES to volunteer at the local pet shops, especially on adoption day. I’m not sure who is happier- Thor, or the puppies who get to run around and play with their favorite jolly god! ((# jealous of puppies)) 🐶
This was a commission for general-bunny and I LOVED every moment of drawing Big Thor surrounded by pups! ((The black one he is petting is definitely named Fenris)) ❤️💛💚💙💜
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