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Visiting West Pomerania photo 1 by wiwaldi24
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Mama Hens And Their Babies
Via Bored Panda
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A Beautiful Longhaired Tuxedo Cat Shows Off His New Prosthetic Back Paws After a Severe Injury
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Slightly different adoption
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noble noodle
I have a chicken named Noodle and she’s a bit under the weather and all she ever wants to do is cuddle. It’s past chicken bedtime and she was having trouble sleeping alone, so I took her out for a snuggle and she fell asleep with her head laying on my chest and she made the softest snores and I love her
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I had two ok days and im scared it'll all fall in a heap but here were the good things I achieved in those days: - got up early twice - cooked a Good Meal and fed it to multiple people I love - cleaned and looked after zeph - saw my family and didn't snap at any of them - supported my loved ones - did a job interview (!) - caught much public transport not proud of: - ate junk food - didn't call friend back - didn't unpack last of boxes did ok
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Your voice sounds completely different in different languages. It alters your personality somehow. I don’t think people get the same feeling from you. The rhythm changes. Because the rhythm of the language is different, it changes your inner rhythm and that changes how you process everything. When I hear myself speak French, I look at myself differently. Certain aspects will feel closer to the way I feel or the way I am and others won’t. I like that—to tour different sides of yourself. I often find when looking at people who are comfortable in many languages, they’re more comfortable talking about emotional stuff in a certain language or political stuff in another and that’s really interesting, how people relate to those languages.
Francois Arnaud  (via themindmovement)
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You don’t have to love your body
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I feel so much better today now that I'm not frozen in a back room in Guildford Even though I did break a toilet
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Im almost done couchsurfing and living out of a suitcase. It's been about a month of being tough and holding it together and I don't know if it'll end. I spent last night with a friend I love so dearly and today I'm all achey and full of loss. I kind of want to be loved again. Well, actually loved. Someone who wants to write songs about me and thinks I'm kind.
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still have a dumb zero waste blog  
it also has Nic in it 
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current: - exhausted in a super wholesome way - missing my belongings - communing awkwardly with swollen river - constant anxiety over nil home nil job
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me every time
I love fat cats that get picked up and look kind of alarmed about it as if their magnificent girth could have prevented this sort of injustice
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I keep wanting to make ac cathartic post about where I'm at but every time I sit down to type anything my eyes are so heavy I go to sleep
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idk if my other chronic pain babs get this but like sometimes when you're having a prolonged bout of heightened pain you get super foggy no matter what you do Either bc you've been taking painkillers too long and your body is like fuuuuuuck no after a while and u end up having a cheeky vom and sleeping for 2 days Or bc you decided not to take painkillers and your body is so tense that you can't think or relax and you haven't slept soundly in a week Like how the fuck did I pass high school pre operation on my spine. No wonder I wanted to kill myself since sitting in class for any length of time made me want to scream in pain
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