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Well, here we are again, folks, however this isn’t yet another comeback post.
yosukeisgod here with a final post on this blog. 
I’ll just copy and paste what I once posted on my main -- with a few tweaks here and there -- under the cut.
It’s been a long run, with even longer breaks for me, but I just wanted to say thank you to everyone, from those who were here in the beginning of when I first started, to those who were here after my returning from before.
It was a struggle and kind of upsetting at the time, and still is now that this post marks it as official, but I think I’m bowing out of RPing.
With my full time job, I just don’t have the time to get into anything during the weekdays really, whether it be anime, writing fanfiction when I have the chance, or editing one in a blue moon. I have more chores and more responsibilities these days that have the priority. 
Plus, I’ve been on hiatus, came back, then gone on hiatus again, poofed for a few days, a week, come back for a day, then poofed again.
I don’t have the energy, nor the motivation, to RP properly. Like, on the off-chance if you wanted to have me reply in character over on my main like I did for crack stuff in the past, sure, but full-on RPing? It’s just… not possible for me any more, and it breaks my heart to admit that, but it’s true.
Plus the only thing I’m really working on right now is my Persona 4 and Durarara!! crossover thing, of which chapter 2 is in the progress, so check out my writing tag on my main blog linked right at the start for that if you’re interested I guess.
Consider this blog an archive from here on out, and same for my Narumi blog over at toastandcigarettes.
I know I’ll probably use this blog and the RP’s and such as inspiration for writing, like I have been in drafts and not-yet-finished projects, so I won’t be getting rid of it. 
I’ll just finish this off with how I started under the cut; Thank you to everyone who made this fun, you guys are amazing, and I hope that with whatever you’re doing right now, you’re happy and get everything you deserve in life.
Stay golden.
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Ah, it's that time. I'm starting a new job tomorrow, so best I take my leave. Please see the bottom of this page for info on that and my availability because of it.
Rest well, everyone.
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✖ [ice skates away]
Send me ✖ and I’ll generate a number for where our muses have sex.25. At work
He can’t quite grasp how he’s ended up out the back of Sumikon this day, pinned against the wall right on the far side, with no way for anyone to see what’s going on through the little window in the door. Or at least, he hopes.
The coffee shop is buzzing with customers on this fine afternoon, and it’s a wonder how no one’s heard what’s going on between them as it’s so cramped with no way for them not to hit something metal that echoes loudly and carries throughout the room.
Hands wander and toy with his belt, making quick progress of removing said item, along with his trousers, and suddenly he finds cold hands slipping down his boxers and grabbing his ass.
Actions speak louder than words, and the only form of communication between them are the glances they make in each other’s eyeline, along with the expressions displayed on their faces.
It’s… thrilling, in a way, doing such a thing in a place like this.
Of course, there’s a disgruntled complaint of how Yosuke wishes he were the one dominating this situation, but the only response is a chuckle.
Who dominates or not is a thought that is soon forgotten once the preparation starts, once the sound of the lid on a bottle of lube goes pop! when it’s opened, echoing much like the metal.
No, everything is soon forgotten when there’s a slicked finger pushing inside him, making his chest feel tight, legs almost giving way in the process. Nothing matters when a second finger joins the first, scissoring and preparing him for something bigger, something that he doesn’t believe he’s quite mentally prepared for.
Yet it doesn’t matter when he gives a nod to signal that he’s ready, to signal that he’s fed up with the waiting, and the teasing strokes Kazuki gives his cock with his fingers wrapped firmly around it.
Once it finally happens, it has his eyes shutting tightly. It hurts, it hurts, it hurts.
It’s an alien feeling, of course it is, and his body’s first reaction — as well as his mind’s — is not a good one, but then the pain subsides, and wow, it’s… not as bad as he thought it’d be.
In fact, it only has his cock throbbing harder in the other’s grasp, and that is an embarrassing fact he can’t really ignore, or try to hide, not when he’s completely exposed to the Fool.
Neither can he hide it while losing himself in the pleasure, or when the other’s name leaves the Magician’s mouth in a strained moan, time and time again as he’s pounded into from behind.
The thought of getting caught now only seems to spur him, want it more, and makes his release all the more fulfilling when it finally hits.
Oh, but he’ll have to clean up and re-clothe himself before heading out again… lest they go for round two.
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Magic-anon my muse using Tarot cards!
The Fool: Muse will believe any lie for (specify time)
The Magician: Muse becomes a master at (name skill) for (specify time)
The High Priestess: Muse will know the secrets of those they interact with for (specify time)
The Empress: Muse will follow in their mother's footsteps (can specify how) for (specify time)
The Emperor: Muse will follow in their father's footsteps (can specify how) for (specify time)
The Hierophant: Muse's superstitions/beliefs will change for (specify time)
The Lovers: Muse will become infatuated with the next person they interact with for (specify time)
The Chariot: Muse will have to change location (specify) for (specify time)
Justice: Muse will be unable to lie for (specify time)
The Hermit: Muse will be forced into solitude for (specify time)
Wheel of Fortune: Muse will either become extremely rich or extremely poor for (specify time)
Strength: Muse will become emotionally/mentally/physically (specify which) compromised for (specify time)
The Hanged Man: Muse will be forced to bend to the will of others for (specify time)
Death: Muse will be forced to deal with the loss of a loved one (specify who) (obviously this will be in a new verse for them)
Temperance: Muse will be unable to resist temptations for (specify time)
The Devil: Muse will suffer in some way (specify) for (specify time)
The Tower: Muse will have to deal with a falling out with a loved one (specify who) (obviously this will be in a new verse for them)
The Star: Muse will know enlightenment and tranquility for (specify time)
The Moon: Muse will be overtaken by their dark side for (specify time)
The Sun: Muse will be happy no matter what for (specify time)
Judgment: Muse will be put on trial for all their past actions and sentenced to punishment/imprisonment/nothing (if innocent) (specify)
The World: Muse will have any one power/ability of their choice for (specify time)
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He doesn't have to answer this, he doesn't if he just... puts the phone down and...
> MAYBE ur askin a 2 hard question!!
Yosuke doesn't even want to imagine how the guy looks now, he wants to burn that image he saw on the phone from his mind, but it's still there and it's going to haunt him, he knows it.
> good for u
> wait whut
How is he supposed to answer that? Honestly? With a joke? He doesn't quite know which would be what, since there's a nagging thought in his mind, a mocking voice whispering god knows what to him he can't understand.
> maybe?? uh... yeah, if i was... u kno... like that...
Which he's not, nope, there is now way he'd actually hit on him, even if he is sort of pleasing to the eye. 
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When the message alert sounds he can’t help but smile with amusement at Yosuke’s overraction.
> 'Maybe' is not good enough
He types, kind of forgetting various things around him. Like the fact that he’s still as he’s on the picture, since he just took it, or that he has no context for this whole thing.
> I’m trying to make a point to a friend
> Would you hit on me
Yes, that should do it. After all that was… that was the point he was trying to prove to Ryuji, right? Or maybe it wasn’t? Anyways that should be enough context.
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"Seriously though, dude, to ace music and make my folks proud, instead of disappointed for once, would be real great."
He's thinking about it now, thinking about if he were part of a band and wondering if it'd give him extra credit, but alas the world does not care as much for the arts as it does the more 'academic' classes. 
"What'd be your thing, Yu? I'm curious."
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“Don’t we all…?”
Yu nods, he can certainly relate. Music is one of his favorite artistic mediums, and outside of just listening to it, he’s even tried making some of his own on the offchance that he gets time.
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Send me ✖ and I’ll generate a number for where our muses have sex. (NSFW…obvs)
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Another point to Yu, and it would seem he's winning, but it's not about who can one-up the other -- so it sort of is -- more that it's about having fun with a friend.
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"Something to bring out my eyes, you know?" He's chuckling now, getting the tape and markers ready too. Some items will have to be taken to a sales section, so best get those out of the way first.
"Yeah, guess so, but that's 'cause you're here, dude. You actually get work done." Striiiiiiip. Tape off the new box, it's now being swapped out and full of old clothes he's sorting out now, and for once he feels like he's making progress.
Giving a thumbs up, he grins, "I hope so, it'd be nice to make a trip to Okina after this. How about it?"
"Yu, you gotta help me at Junes, dude, please." He's bowing his head, hands clasped together, desperate for his best friend to help him in his time of need. Everyone else has ditched him, and there's no way he can get everything out back into the store on his own in time. Poor Yosuke.
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"Hey hey… You don’t need to beg like that…" That’s of the very few things that makes him feel awkward. Only Yosuke would be able to achieve that as well. "I’ll gladly help, it’s always fun and whatnot. What do you need done there this time?"
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"We'd be here all day if I answered that." There's a playful tone in his voice, but there's something hidden underneath that's serious. How was someone supposed to explain Teddie? Well, in one respect it may be easy, but Yosuke's doesn't have the words right now.
It's become routine for him to have people to say 'no', and to a lot of things, so it's an automatic reaction to be surprised. He's grateful for the help that having the other around will mean. Easier shifts for himself, however he'll make sure things are fine for Minato too. "Awesome! An' yeah, the forms themselves don't take long, but better to be done now than later, right? I'll show you to the office then!" There are stairs further near the back, only for access by workers, and that's where they are heading.
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"How so?" Minato asks out of curiosity; he can’t really tell whether Yosuke is being serious or not… But, he really hasn’t spoken to Teddie at all in his time in Inaba so far so of course he wouldn’t be able to figure it out. 
He pockets his hands and leans against one of the shelves a bit, blinking at the other teen. Why does he sound so surprised? “I wouldn’t have said yes if I didn’t mean it.” He responds eventually, “The sooner its done, the better, right? I have time.” He isn’t doing anything in the first place, aside from touring through the large store. 
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Usually he'd let the other go by now, but he's honestly confused, and... 'What the hell is this...?' He can still feel something, reminiscent of what it feels like when he's with his friends. All of them together, coming to an agreement, usually about the subject of Shadows, or something similar.
Maybe it's worth investigating.
A small bow of appreciation, and he's voicing his gratefulness too, "Thanks, man, I owe you. You wouldn't happen to know the closest place to get a drink and food, would ya? Somewhere to stay would be pretty swell too."
The teen is always one to talk, usually putting his foot in his mouth in the process, however he hopes he's not making this stranger feel awkward while asking for help. He should probably ask his name at some point so he can thank him properly. For now, directions and fuel for his body is all he needs.
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He’s ready to keep going after formally apologizing, even though he can’t help but feel something  about this boy. Well, he does get a lot of strange feelings when he’s around certain people so it’s not like this is any unusual to him. There’s also the fact that it’s so similar to the kind of movement in his mind when he feels when he’s with Ryuuji or Anzu that he can’t help but be bothered about it.
But there’s no real reason for him to talk to this person, so probably the best thing is to just let it slip and go his adored bed to get some sleep.
"Hm?" Or so he thought. He’s ready to start walking again when the other boy actually talks to him. It takes him a moment to realize this, and yet another to realize he asked a question. "…Sure." He nods, turning his feet to look at him.
He can almost hear his friend’s voices in his head ‘hey Kazuki-kun, haven’t you tried… you know, actually talking to people?’. He’s not so sure what they mean. Sure, he’s not a man of many words, but if other people understand him like that, then where’s the problem?
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"Seriously?" The question comes out sounding more surprised than intended, and he's scratching the back of his head awkwardly, "I mean, uh, sure, if it's not too much trouble for ya! It'd be appreciated." He's not the worst with animals, but it's true some pointers would help him.
There's no need to use the bigger coffee and tea maker machine when there's not many customers in yet, so he settles with the smaller kettles on the side. A flick of the switch and he's turning to find the sugar and peppermint he brought out this morning. 'Ah, got it'. Right under the first counter. It shouldn't take long now.
"So, how long have you been coming here, Souji?"
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"Maybe the next time I come visit, I can bring some books by that might help you out?" He’s got a good amount of cat books, as he does like to be educated on the animals. 
Once Yosuke is off making his drink, Souji smiles to himself, reaching down to scratch at one of the cat’s ears when she starts weaving around his legs. This one seems calm enough, so he occupies himself paying attention to the feline while he waits. 
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I'm all burnt out. Until tomorrow, I bid you all good night.
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A beat. A blank look, and he's taking on a somewhat serious response to this. Whether his friend's expression is a façade or not, he's gesturing with his hands, outlining shapes in the air.
"You know... curves and stuff. Hot witch detectives."
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It was never easy to decide if his stoic visage was worn genuinely or as a front. He wore it now, his work again paused for the sake of eye contact, and regarded his companion in extended silence. When he spoke at last it was dryly:
’ ….I'm not following. ‘
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Independent AU blog for twins Souji Narukami and Yu Narukami. 
Multi fandom and OC friendly.
Multi ship but selective.
Role plays only with mutuals.
Mun is of age.
Tags triggers.
Banner courtesy of dayoosk.
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Hello Persona Roleplayers!
Please reblog THIS post rather then the other one if you are a Persona Roleplayer. The other post is over a year old and It’s hard to keep track what blogs are still there or not.
Note: You may reblog this if you’re an OC in the persona universe, multiple character blog, AU, Crossover, ect.
>Please do not if your blog has nothing to do with Persona RPing
Thank you!
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He's frozen until he hears his message alert go off again, and the light on the bottom of his phone flashes red for an unseen message.
Does he... really want to see it. Whatever it may be this time.
'The hell...!?'
> ur forgiven but srsly!!?? dude!! u can't ask smthin like that!!
Didn't this guy realise what exactly it is he had accidentally done? Now was no time to joke around, especially when this whole thing was making Yosuke feel uncomfortable, and for far too many reasons.
> uhhhhhh uhHHHHH ??? maybe???? THE HELL SHOULD I KNOW??
☥ Ah... wrong number.
Send in ☥ for my character’s reaction to receiving nude pictures from yours
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He’s dropped his phone by this point, and it’s lying on the floor of his bedroom. Yosuke’s back is up against the side of his bed, and he’s sinking further and further into himself. 
The reaction he had to it was expected, however there was something else there he couldn’t quite get his head around. He’s thinking too much, that’s it!
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"Yeah, but this is you we're talking about."
His words are all in good humour, of course, at least he hopes it comes across that way. He does have a knack for putting his foot in his mouth, after all. Especially in such an exhausted state as he is today. The sooner his shift ends, the better. 
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"Rude... but yeah, you're kinda right about that. You know, I've been working since early mornin', but I'm damn glad I've got twenty minutes left. Seriously, why do I get the crappy work hours, it's not right. You staying 'round here for a while then, Chie? Or have you got something fun planned?"
'You do realize there are other reasons to come to Junes besides steak right?' 
( Hands on her hips, she glared back at him. Yosuke was in his work clothes and honestly looked a bit run down. Maybe it was not the time to yell at him. It was kinda crowded today. She had just been bored, everyone else was busy so she figured she might as well look around Junes. Although, it wasn’t as if the slim amount in her wallet was going to allow her to purchase much at all. )
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'It's not even good steak anyhow. Man, it sure is busy today, how long you have to work Yosuke?’
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