trashpandagamer · 1 month
I see this and raise you:
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Lovelies, we've seen Ari's Gin and Bear It AU intro.
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Excited for you lovelies to see more of him. ❤️
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trashpandagamer · 3 months
Viktor Vektor and Solomon Reed
rb and respond with your top unromanceable video game character/s that you think should have been romanceable
6K notes · View notes
trashpandagamer · 3 months
fuck the dc pride parade, they let israelies not only wave their flag of genocide and apartheid, but one of those devils was even marching with a sign that read "WHEN IS THE PRIDE PARADE IN GAZA AGAIN?"
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trashpandagamer · 4 months
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149K notes · View notes
trashpandagamer · 4 months
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my heart absolutely breaks for gaza. imagine screaming for help. for someone to save you and the world ignores you for the most part. shame on anyone and everyone who supports this. where is your empathy.
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trashpandagamer · 4 months
If you’re a Non-Muslim and you see a Muslim praying in public, could you please not pass in front of them?
Go behind them, but not in front. 👍
856K notes · View notes
trashpandagamer · 4 months
you know i have never heard a convincing arguement as to why AO3 should not moderate the content that is posted to their website and i think a lot of the arguement against moderation on AO3 boils down to, terminally online people thinks community moderation is the same as government censorship and personally sending the cops to someone’s house to arrest them irl/
14K notes · View notes
trashpandagamer · 4 months
no piece of teen media has ever accurately depicted the quiet psychological warfare of bullying. bullies on TV are always dumb brutes and not the evil geniuses of emotional manipulation that they are in real life. being given a wedgie and having your lunch money stolen is nothing in comparison to a classmate quietly creating a taboo against speaking to you that they intend to enforce against all the other kids. it’s nothing like continuous cutting comments from people you thought were being nice to you. that way that the work of one kid can make you feel like every person on earth silently hates you and that you are dirty, disgusting, worthless, creepy and useless. that you can have friends but many of them will not speak to you at school for fear of the social consequences on their end. how that damage lasts in any social setting for the rest of your life
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trashpandagamer · 4 months
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Libraries with a sense of humour.
279K notes · View notes
trashpandagamer · 4 months
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trashpandagamer · 5 months
nickelodeon: zim cant hit people with his fist his hand has to be open. no punching. the children.
nickelodeon: dark harvest is allowed
164K notes · View notes
trashpandagamer · 5 months
Please please please stop saying that straight people are queer icons
are y'all like. are you well.
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this is roughly the equivalent of crawling around on the floor of a mcdonalds sucking up crumbs. through a straw.
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like this is the funniest thing I've ever read but it's also pathetic just listen to music by an actual dyke???
17K notes · View notes
trashpandagamer · 5 months
...well...that's not what I expected. This was a wild turn but I had a feeling that Wren's a crazy bitch too. Glad to see that was confirmed. I needs to know more about exactly why Juniper decided to help us though. I'm excited for chapter eleven and I hope it's from Bucky's POV
jealousy & flirtation
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You and Wren confront Juniper in a showdown, but some shocking truths are brought to light.
Content Warning: Frat!Bucky x Fem!Reader, mature themes, dark themes, violence, strangling, injury.
Series Masterlist
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"You're really pretty when you're concentrating."
Thor looks up at Steve with narrow eyes. "Do you mind? I'm working under a time constraint, here," He says sternly.
"Oh, please, all you're doing is hooking a recorder up to a microphone," Steve says with an eye roll, before sitting down next to Thor on the bed and leaning in close. "Do you want me to do what I did to you in the car again?"
His jaw clenches, but Thor just lets out a sigh and utters, "Later."
Steve grins and squeezes Thor's bicep before getting up and leaving him alone with some peace. He walks into the living room where you and the girls are sitting around the coffee table.
"It makes sense for you to come with me," Wren is saying to you as Steve joins. "It'll probably scare Juniper even more to know we've joined forces."
You nod, but your mind is elsewhere. Sure, you want to give Juniper a taste of her own medicine, but you'd much rather explain yourself to Bucky instead. He's left you multiple voicemails since you left him at the diner, wanting to talk, but Wren told you to keep him on the back burner while you deal with his crazy best friend.
"I'll tell Juniper that I need to speak to her at the old student union building," Wanda suggests, taking out her phone. "She still doesn't know Steve and I are involved so she won't think anything of it, and the old union building is practically abandoned. There'll be no interruptions."
"Do we feel safe being alone with her there?" You wonder with a raised brow.
"We can take weapons," Wren suggests, causing everyone to give her a look before she lets out a dry laugh. "For self-defence."
While everyone else excitedly goes over the plan, sure that it can't go wrong, you can't help but feel off. There's a voice inside your head telling you to just call Bucky back and explain the truth to him yourself, but with everyone else so set on you and Wren tricking Juniper into admitting the truth, you don't have the heart to speak up and voice your reservations.
Yelena filled you in on everything Wren said. Knowing that all those years ago, Bucky proposed to Wren, you're feeling incredibly nervous about the future of your relationship with him. What if all those feelings come rushing back when he sees her? What if they decide to pick up where they left off and fucking elope?
"There's no way she'll see this mic," Thor claims as he places the small recorder in your pocket. "This is better than using a phone 'cause there's less chance of the file not saving or somehow getting deleted. Don't touch it; it's recording everything from this moment on."
"Okay," You breathe out, the nerves getting to you.
Thor places his hands on your shoulders. "Everything will be fine. By the end of the day, the truth will be out," He assures you. "You'll have Wren with you to back you up."
"Yeah, the cunt stands no chance against us," Wren says with a grin. "C'mon. We should get going."
While you and Wren prepare to leave, Yelena nudges Wanda's shoulder. "So, what do we do while we wait for them to collect their evidence?" Yelena wonders curiously.
Looking over at where Steve's mumbling something in Thor's ear with a smirk, Wanda raises a brow. "I have a feeling I know what they'll be doing," She says with a laugh before looking at Yelena. "I'm sure we can think of something to pass the time."
"Yep," Yelena squeaks, wondering if she's reading her tone wrong. "I- by that, do you- do you mean, like, similar to Thor and Steve, or-"
"I'll let you take me out for some lunch," Wanda cuts in, her eyes still forward and her face not doing much in the way of expressing her emotions.
Nodding quickly, Yelena decides it's best not to say anything in case she squanders her chance.
"Okay, we're ready," Wren announces to the group, squeezing your shoulder as a smile pulls at her lips. "Let's fucking do this."
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The art studio in the old student union building is incredibly eerie now that it has sat unused for so many years. Half-painted canvases and dried paint pots litter the sides, dust covering every surface you can see. There's no power, so you're relying on the sunlight streaming in from one of the windows along the back wall, though that's doing little to illuminate the room.
"This is creepy, right?" Wren asks as she looks around. "Creepy enough to scare even a psycho?"
"Definitely," You answer with a nod. Juniper's yet to show up, but Wanda informed you that she agreed to meet her so she could show up at any moment.
Wren turns to you, an unreadable look on her face. "Do you think-"
She's cut off by the sound of your phone ringing. You quickly pull it out of your pocket, your stomach dropping when you see who it's from.
"Hang up," Wren says impatiently. "She could be here any second."
"It's Bucky," You tell her, eyes glued to your screen. "Maybe... maybe I should talk to him-"
"Are you crazy?" Wren spits with a frown. "No. You can't have any contact with him right now, not until we have proof. Hang up the phone."
Instinctively, your thumb goes to pick up the call, but you hang it up instead and put your phone down on one of the tables adjacent to you.
"We have to do this right. Juniper's smart," Wren reminds you, her tone a little softer now. "We cannot afford to mess up. Once this is over, you can talk to whoever you want. Okay?"
You nod, letting out a sigh. "Okay."
Another minute passes before you hear footsteps in the corridor. "That's her," Wren whispers, rushing over to hide behind a pillar. "Alright, good luck!" She hisses just before the door opens.
Juniper walks in, looking around with a grimace. "Why are we meeting in this dingy-" She stops when her eyes land on you. "What the fuck do you want? Where's Wanda?"
You take in a deep breath. "Hi, Juniper," You utter. "Wanda won't be joining us."
"Oh, my God, what have you done to her?" She asks, concern in her eyes.
"Calm down," You say with an eye-roll. "She's fine. But that's enough about her - I'm here to talk about you."
A scoff leaves her mouth as she folds her arms across her chest, walking further into the room. "Is this about me telling Jamie what you did? It was only a matter of time before he found out," She says with a bored tone. "Face it: he is so far out of your league, I'm surprised he even bothered to acknowledge your existence. You figured out a way to burrow under his skin like the parasite you are, but I'm the exterminator, bitch."
You can't help but laugh at her cheesy analogy, shaking your head. "Oh, shit. Y'know, you take yourself way too seriously, Junie," You tell her. "But you've had your fun, and now, it's over. Too many people have been hurt by you, and I'm sick of seeing you get the upper hand." Behind her, Wren slowly makes her way to the door.
Juniper tilts her head, eyes narrow. "You wouldn't touch me. Killing someone in self-defence as a teenager doesn't mean you have what it takes to actually murder someone in cold blood," She says. Nice to know what she truly thinks about you.
"I'm not going to hurt you," You tell her.
Wren slams the door shut, making Juniper jump. "But I might," Wren says coldly.
Juniper immediately stumbles away when she sees her, her eyes widening with pure fear. "You! I knew I wasn't seeing things, I-" She turns to you with a wild look. "You two are working together?"
"It's a temporary partnership while we take you down," Wren explains simply, walking closer to her. Juniper moves away with each step, making Wren grin. "Scared?"
"Fuck you," Juniper spits. "I'm calling the police-"
"Oh, no, you don't," Wren says, rushing over and snatching her phone from her hand and tossing it away. "This is between the three of us. We don't need anyone else joining."
Juniper closes her eyes and takes a few deep breaths before opening them again. "Alright. What is this? What's the goal here? If you're gonna kill me, just get it over with," She says bluntly.
"I think we should at least talk, first," Wren says. "It's been a while. You look good."
Though you know the aim of this is to scare Juniper into a confession, you can't help but feel uneasy yourself.
"Of course I do. I maintain a healthy diet, run every day, and drink plenty of water," Juniper returns flatly. "Unlike you, I don't need to rely on plastic surgery and heaps of make-up for my appearance."
Wren snorts, shaking her head. "Oh, Juniper. Always a delight," She utters, before the smile drops. "I'll have you know, all I've had done are my lips - but you go on ahead with that internalized misogyny. Let's see how many girlfriends you maintain with that energy."
"I don't need girlfriends," Juniper points out. "Girls are way too much drama - literally, just look at what you're doing right now. This is why I get along much better with guys."
Inwardly cringing, you look down. When will this be over?
"Of course, how could I forget?" Wren asks with a laugh. "Junie and her precious boys."
"Alright," You interject, feeling like enough time has been wasted. "Juniper, you're a bad person. A very bad person. But I know you don't care about what I think - after all, I'm just another obstacle in your way of getting to Bucky, right?"
Her brow twitches but she maintains her cool. "I don't know what you're talking about," She spits.
"Oh, please," You say with an eye-roll. "You're in love with him, Juniper. There's no point lying about that to Wren and I; we've been the victims of your unrequited love."
"Victims?" Juniper repeats incredulously. "Are you fucking kidding me?"
"Bucky and I were going good - great, even, and you couldn't stand to see us together, so you did what you could to tear us apart," You remind her. "Lying about him showing you my pictures and messages. Digging into my past and using what you found to paint me into a villain. You went too far."
"I went too far?" She retorts. "Says the one working with that crazy bitch!"
"Fuck you," Wren snarls. "Why don't we take a trip down memory lane, hmm?"
"Be my fucking guest," Juniper retorts before turning to you while pointing at her. "Do you even know what she did?"
"Dared to take Bucky away from you?" You ask coldly.
Juniper's eyes narrow. "Wren is a deranged psycho," She claims. "Do you know what she did when I finally convinced Jamie to dump her? She stabbed me!"
With a sigh, you shake your head. "There's no need for the act, Juniper," You tell her woodenly. "We all know the truth here. You stabbed yourself that night and framed Wren."
Juniper looks utterly appalled at your words, her eyes and mouth wide. She slowly looks over at Wren before rushing over to you and grabbing your shoulders. "No," Juniper utters lowly. "Look, I admit it: I fucked with you. I've been purposely trying to sabotage your relationship with Jamie because I genuinely do not think you deserve him. I lied about the nudes and I've been doing my best to turn him against you. I hired my father's PI to look into your past, and left out the self-defence details and your age when I tried to expose that past to Jamie. I admit all of that. But I did not stab myself that night."
The look on her face is one you've never seen before. It's fearful, and stern, and as much as it terrifies you to admit it - it's honest.
You look past her to see Wren. Her face is blank. "Just quit the bullshit, Johnson," She spits.
A chill runs down your spine. Fuck. They're both crazy.
"I, uh... I think I need to go," You say, carefully peeling Juniper's hands off of you.
"Nobody is leaving until we figure this out," Wren decides firmly, standing in front of the door.
"Figure what out?" Juniper asks, turning to face her.
"Isn't it obvious?" Wren asks with a scoff. "Until we figure out which of us gets Bucky."
You and Juniper share a look. Something you never thought you'd do is be on her side, but right now, it seems that she's the best of a bad bunch.
"Hey, don't fall for her bullshit," Wren says to you with a frown. "You know better than most people what a good liar she is. Are you seriously gonna believe her over me?"
Juniper's eyes remain glued to yours. "Don't listen to her," She whispers shakily. "I swear, back then, she was the crazy one."
Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck.
"Oh, please - you're the one who was insanely possessive over Bucky," Wren points out to her with a cold look in her eyes. "And you finally snapped at his birthday party. You lost your mind when you saw him proposing to me."
Juniper's jaw drops even further, a shaky breath leaving her mouth. Her eyes are so wide they're almost tearing up. "Holy fuck," She utters, looking back at you. "Is that what you think? You think Jamie proposed to her that night?"
You say nothing, not knowing what to believe anymore, and wishing you had told Yelena and Thor to come too.
"Jamie dumped her that night," Juniper claims. "I had finally proven to him that she wasn't worth his time-"
"You made me think he'd love a big party, you lying bitch!" Wren yells.
"Whatever!" Juniper snaps back. "I did what I had to, and as it turns out, I was right! He never should have dated you, and he finally realized it that night - and when he broke up with you, you begged him for another chance, but he left you there. And I came out to, admittedly, rub it in your face, but you grabbed a knife from the buffet table and stabbed me in the fucking side!"
Stunned, you take a step back. You watch Wren for a reaction, but her face remains blank. "You're lying," She mumbles. "She's lying, again!"
"Oh, brother," Juniper mutters before grabbing your arm. "I sure hope you didn't let her bring a knife to this party, otherwise it's lights out for both of us."
Slowly, so as not to alert Wren, you make your way to the table upon which lies your phone. She realizes what you're doing and immediately runs over, grabbing your phone and throwing it to the other side of the room.
"What the fuck is your problem?" You ask, your heart racing.
Without a word, Wren grabs the recorder from your pocket and drops it on the ground before stomping on it, destroying it and everything it's been recording.
"No!" You exclaim, absolutely terrified at this point. With no proof anymore of both Juniper and Wren's true colours, you might be about to die for no reason.
"You're being stupid," Wren says to you gravely. "Juniper is the bad guy. You remember that, right?"
"I'm starting to think the line between good and bad is blurred," You say, taking a few steps back. "Let's stop this, Wren. Let's just get out of here. You can talk to Bucky and explain your side. I'll make sure to keep Juniper away from him while you do."
Wren's eyes soften. "You- you'd do that for me?" She asks. "You don't want him to yourself?"
Swallowing thickly, you shake your head. "I think the decision lies with him. Once he finds out the truth, he might want to get back with you, which I'd completely understand," You say, hoping she believes you. "I mean, technically, you're still his fiancé, right?"
Her face lights up. "Yeah. Yeah, I am," She says with a smile. "You're right. Ha. You hear that, Johnson? You cunt?"
"Fuck you," Juniper spits.
"No, fuck you!" Wren retorts. "Neither of you have the deep love that I have with him. Our relationship was more than just boyfriend and girlfriend - we were soulmates. We are soulmates. And if anyone tries to get between us again, I'll destroy them."
During her rant, Juniper moves closer to you and lowers her voice to a whisper. "We... we should kill her," She suggests.
"Oh, my God, shut up," You hiss back at her.
Wren seems to be in deep thought while you try to figure out an escape plan. She looks to be in good shape - could you simply outrun her? But what if she has a gun?
"I spent the last few years doing a lot of inward contemplation," Wren tells you both. "I worked on myself. My mental health. I got better. And then, your friends came and visited me. At first, I was going to tell them to leave me alone. I had healed, you know? I didn't want to open up old wounds."
You and Juniper listen closely, equally as fascinated with hearing her story as you are scared.
"But then they mentioned you," Wren says, her eyes on you. "A new girl in Bucky's life. A new flame for Juniper to put out. Sure, I felt it was my duty to protect you from her - but at the same time, I realized I never truly moved on from Bucky. Why should I have helped you get your happily ever after with him? Nobody ever tried to help me. Wanda and Steve knew what a pick-me cunt she was in freshman year, but they never said a word to Bucky. And now I'm supposed to make sure Juniper doesn't do the same to you? Why? Why you? Why do you get the happy ending?"
You let out a shaky breath, doing your best to keep calm. "I'm sorry, Wren. I didn't know," You say lowly. "If I could have helped you out back then, I would have."
"You make me sound like a monster," Juniper says with narrow eyes. "Both of you. All I've ever wanted is for Jamie to be happy. That's what I've wanted my whole life. He's had girlfriends; he's been heartbroken. He's a sensitive soul. I won't let some bitch walk all over him and take advantage of his kindness."
"When did you realize you were in love with him?" Wren asks her with a raised brow.
Juniper glares at her, but her gaze gradually softens as she gives in. "Middle school. He was just getting into classical art, and getting really good at painting. He would try to copy famous paintings as practice. Flaming June. That's what he used to call me when we were kids. It's a painting, if that wasn't obvious. He said I was his Flaming June. Before I even knew what love was, I was feeling it for him. He made me laugh. He looked out for me. He remembered things about me," She says wistfully. "He was my best friend. And I waited. God, did I wait. I waited and waited and waited for him to fall, too, but he just kept floating on that cloud called friendship. I figured that would be enough for me. After all, it was better than nothing. But he's a terrible judge of character - he always has been. It's been my job to remove the weeds from his life - to take out any threats. Not threats to me, threats to his happiness. Jamie's happiest when it's just him and I. He just needs to realize that."
Becoming acutely aware that you're stuck in an abandoned building with two of the most unhinged people you've ever met who are both after the guy you're dating, you suddenly feel sick to your stomach and decide it's best to keep quiet and hope they forget you're there.
"Nice story. Anyway, there's something I've been wanting to do for a long time," Wren says with a sordid smirk. "It would just be so satisfying."
Frowning, Juniper bites, "What?"
Wren's eyes narrow. "Beat the fuck out of you," She utters simply before launching herself at Juniper in an attack.
You jump back instinctively, your heart lurching when you see her punch Juniper square in the jaw. Sure, a part of you would like nothing more than to see Juniper get roughed up, but you feel nauseous and want it to stop immediately.
"Wren, get off her!" You call out, rushing over and trying to pull her off.
Wren shrugs you off before shoving Juniper backwards. Juniper loses her balance and falls backwards, her head hitting the side of a table on her way down. When she lands on the ground, she's unconscious.
"Shit!" You whisper tensely.
"Finally, some peace and quiet," Wren says casually, smoothing down her hair as she turns to you. "Now, where was I?"
Not wanting to set her off, you keep yourself calm. "I think we need to call an ambulance," You say. "She might have a concussion."
Wren's face twists up. "Who gives a fuck?" She asks you harshly. "This is the girl that has ruined our lives. I heard what she did to you. How do you have any sympathy for her?"
You casually take a step back. "That doesn't mean I want her to die," You tell her. "You could get in a lot of trouble, Wren, especially with your history."
"Oh, my God. You actually believe her," She says with a scoff. "You actually think I stabbed her?"
Shaking your head, you take another step back. "Of course not. I just mean, that's what Bucky thinks, right? You don't want to give him any more reason to think badly of you. I'll even say it was me who pushed her," You promise. "I'll say we got into a fight, and I pushed her. You won't get in any trouble, just please call an ambulance."
She tilts her head. "Are you scared?" She asks you with a confused look. "Do you - do you actually think I could hurt someone?"
You steal a glance at Juniper's unmoving body on the floor before looking back at Wren. "No. Of course not. I'm just concerned for her wellbeing," You tell her. "Bucky would want us to look out for her. She's still his best friend, after all."
"Not after he finds out the truth," Wren reminds you.
You take another look at Juniper and panic. What if she's bleeding internally? What if her head cracked open? What if she dies? You refuse to have another death on your hands. If there's even a small chance that waiting another minute means Juniper will die, you won't take it.
With a sharp intake of breath, you lunge at Wren, aiming for the phone sticking out of her pocket. Even if she attacks you afterwards, at least there'll be help on the way. "Get off me!" She cries.
"Just give me your phone!" You shout, trying to reach for it. With a huff, she pulls the phone out of her pocket and throws it with all her might at the wall. "You crazy fucking bitch!" You can't help but scream.
Her eyes darken and she grabs you by the hair, pulling your head down onto a nearby table with a slam. "I knew I shouldn't have trusted you!" She bellows. "You just want him to yourself, right? You want to save Juniper and make me out to be the bad guy, again, so you can get him to love you!"
"Not everything is about him!" You call out as you do your best to push her off you, ignoring your pounding headache.
"Of course it is!" Wren wails, wrapping her hand around your throat as she pushes you back down on the table. In any other situation, being choked out by a flaming-hot redhead wouldn't be so bad, but right now, it's not what you need.
"Stop," You manage to get out as you kick her legs and claw at her hands to no avail. Your vision blurs and you start to feel lightheaded. This can't be how it ends. Was he worth it?
Who are you kidding? Of course he was. You may not be insane - or maybe you are - but you achieved your college dream. You slept with Bucky Barnes. Who knew that that party would result in your death? Worth it? Bucky's more than worth it. You'd take on a hundred Wrens and Junipers if it meant you had a chance with him. Maybe you are insane. Maybe loving Bucky has made you insane. Loving him? You're in deeper than you thought.
Your energy is dropping. You can't fight back as hard anymore. But all you can think about is Bucky. His perfect smile. His big hands. His incredible dick.
So, this is it. You're dying, and your last thought will be a montage of Bucky railing you. Not bad.
Just as the dark spots in the corners of your vision start to get bigger, and you start to succumb to the darkness, you hear a distant thud. Suddenly, the pressure around your neck is gone. You suck in a sharp breath, filling your lungs with sweet air as you fall to the ground, blinking away the blurry darkness.
Breathing heavily, you slowly look up to see Juniper standing over Wren, who's lying on the floor with a canvas around her neck. Around her neck? It seems Juniper smashed it onto her head, causing Wren to rip through the paper.
"Now, can we kill her?" Juniper asks you with her hands on her hips.
You use the little energy you have to shake your head, your heart thudding in your chest. Juniper holds her hand out to you, but before you can attempt to reach up and take it, there are multiple voices in the corridor.
The door slams open to reveal Bucky, with Steve and Yelena on either side of him. Bucky's eyes fill with concern as he takes in the sight, before he shoots a glare at Juniper. "Get the fuck away from her," He says sternly, walking further into the room.
"Wha- Jamie?" Juniper whispers, shaking her head. "I wasn't- I was helping her."
He ignores her, running past Wren who's groaning on the ground and rushing to your side, taking your hand in his. "Are you with me, flora?" He asks, using his free hand to cup your cheek. "Are you okay?"
You nod slowly, your throat too sore for you to try and speak. Part of you wants to tell him that Juniper wasn't hurting you, but when you try to use your voice, all that comes out is a squeak.
"The police are on their way," Steve says, shooting Juniper a cold look. "I suggest you get your story straight."
While Bucky wraps his arms around you, you look up at Juniper, who looks back down at you with a terrified look on her face. "Please," She whispers to you.
You give her a nod.
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buy me a kofi <3
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trashpandagamer · 5 months
WEEEEE. FUCKING FINALLY. Finally Bucky is starting to see how crazy twatwaffle is. Oh. This was such a good chapter. I'm also relieved that Bucky stood up for Flora while twatwaffle tried to change tactics and act all remirseful even though we all know she isn't capable of feeling that. Plus knowing Thor and Yelena both know about Flora's past and still love her made me soft. I'm excited to see how this all ends and blows up in twatwaffle's face. Another beautiful chapter from our Mistress Kinny🥰
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jealousy & flirtation
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Juniper's threat looms in your mind, your time with Bucky slowly running out. An old face returns to campus, and she's looking for revenge.
Content Warning: Frat!Bucky x Fem!Reader, mature themes, blackmail, Juniper continues to be a horrific person, still a lot of angst but things are looking up I swear
Series Masterlist
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"Saudade. The love that remains. A desire for that which cannot or no longer exists. Memories of the beach you played on as a child. A friend no longer living. A lost lover. Saudade."
Grant steps to the side after his short speech, revealing the finished painting to Professor Linum and the rest of the class. You sit firmly in your seat, trying to ignore Bucky's hand clasping yours.
The painting is beautiful, you have to admit. Something of a semi-abstract landscape of a cliff overlooking the ocean. In Maria's bottom right corner, an unused lighthouse. Grant's top left of the cliff shows a broken gravestone. Bucky's top right is a gorgeous blend of dull blues; the ocean with a wave reaching out to an empty beach. Your bottom left corner; a lonely dove in the foreground reaching out to nothing, though its white wing looks to be reaching for the blue waves.
The light applause from the class is accompanied by a small smile and nod from Linum. Knowing how hard he is to please, you know to take his reaction as a glowing review. That's one less thing to worry about as your final semester comes to a close.
"Hey, you with me?"
Bucky's words pull you from your thoughts, and you realize you're the last two left in the room. Looking up at him, you give him a small smile.
"Hungry?" He asks while packing up your bag for you. "Let me take you for lunch. It's about time I took you on a real date."
Though Happy's Diner isn't the epitome of fine dining, anywhere with Bucky would be the perfect date. You try to keep the echoes of Juniper's threat out of your head, but they keep creeping up in the back of your mind, reminding you that your time with him is limited.
"It's kinda crazy that it took until the end of our college careers for us to get together," Bucky says, taking the half-eaten onion ring from your outstretched hand. "I guess I should've grown some balls earlier, huh?"
Deciding to live in delusion, you pretend as though Juniper doesn't exist.
"I mean, it wasn't for my lack of trying," You admit. "I distinctly remember you rejecting me when I asked you out in freshman year."
Taken aback, Bucky casts his mind back. Your hair was wildly different back then, so it takes him a few seconds to recall the memory before it clicks. "Right. I did, didn't I?" He mutters, letting out a soft laugh. "But I had a good excuse. I was seeing someone."
This time, you have to cast your mind back. Though you were crushing on him hard, you didn't exactly keep tabs on his dating life, and assumed he was single for the past four years. Then, it springs into your mind. There was a girl he briefly dated - some red-head who just disappeared. Maybe Juniper killed her.
"I always thought you were cute," Bucky tells you honestly. "In fact, Steve had been pushing me to ask you out all year before we got together."
"That makes me feel slightly better," You tell him before lifting up your burger and taking a bite. Part of you wants to pry and find out how his last relationship ended - and whether Juniper was involved in its demise - but this could be your last meal with him, so you'd prefer to keep the topic off of his crazy best friend.
"But I'm glad we happened when we did," Bucky admits. "Otherwise, we might not be sitting here together right now. And that would suck. Want the last mozzarella stick?"
He's sweet. You can tell that he's a softie who'd never intentionally hurt you. If you told him the entire truth of your past, he'd surely understand why you did what you did. Then, you could tell him about Juniper blackmailing you with the information, and he'd realize she's crazy and the two of you could fly off to somewhere that isn't Cabo for the summer.
Right. Just do it. She'll probably tell him the truth whether you break up with him or not, so what's the harm?
"Bucky," You find yourself saying without thinking first. "Do you trust me?"
He blinks, surprised by your question. Though you haven't been seeing each other for very long, and there was the slight blip when you tore his heart out, Bucky likes to think he knows you well. He knows who you are. He sees the way you shy away from his compliments, no matter how confident you usually are. He notices the secret smile you try to hide from him after sex. How tightly you hold onto him when you're laying in bed. The kisses you give his cheek when you think he's asleep.
But he also remembers the way it hurt when you dropped him like it was nothing. He knows you like him the way he likes you, but does he truly believe you'll never leave him again like you did before? Especially when you leave college, and he's no longer a convenient option for you?
"I don't know," He finally admits, though it hurts him to say it.
You nod, knowing you deserve that. It isn't like you've been entirely truthful with him this whole time, so why should he trust you?
Taking in a deep breath, you prepare yourself to spill the truth. You're sick of lying and Juniper doesn't deserve to be protected. It's her fault he doesn't trust you, and it's about time he found out what she's really like.
"I need to tell you something, Bucky," You begin, reaching out to hold his hand. "I have to warn you, it's a lot. I'm not sure if you'll even believe me, but I want to tell you anyway. I understand if you don't wanna keep seeing me once you hear this."
Bucky feels his stomach churn. He has no idea where this is coming from or what you're talking about, but his mind races with a million different scenarios. Please, don't be breaking up with me again.
"It's about-"
You look up at him. "Actually, yes." You frown when you see him looking behind you and turn your head to see none other than Juniper rushing into the diner, a look of terror on her face.
"Jamie!" She calls out, running over. You expect her to give you a glare, but she doesn't even notice you sitting there. Whatever it is must be really scaring her.
"What's wrong?" Bucky asks her, concern on his face. "What is it?"
"It's her," Juniper says breathlessly. "She's back."
"Who?" He questions, utterly confused as he narrows his eyes.
"That crazy bitch!" She exclaims, her cheeks flushed. "Wren fucking Wragley!"
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"Are you being serious?" Wanda asks, rage in her eyes.
"I couldn't help it; I wanted to visit the bakery," Wren explains sheepishly. "What were the chances that the cunt would be there and see me?"
Wanda turns her cold gaze to Yelena. "I told you to keep her here," She reminds her curtly. "You've fucked the whole plan up!"
A pang of hurt hits Yelena as she steps back, almost pouting. "It isn't my fault, I tried to make her stay-"
"Well, you failed," Wanda cuts in before rubbing her forehead. "Fuck's sake. She's gonna run straight to Bucky and tell him."
Yelena shrinks backwards, angry at herself for messing up. There's no way Wanda will be interested in her now. "Don't worry, Wan, I'm sure we can figure something out," Steve assures her from his seat on the couch. "We just need to alter the plan a little."
"Maybe Juniper will think she was hallucinating?" Thor offers.
"Yeah, right," Wanda mumbles.
"Wait," Yelena starts, determined to prove herself to Wanda. "We can still do this."
"How?" Wanda asks with a frown.
"Let's stop over complicating things and just do this the old-fashioned way," Yelena suggests. "Let's confront her."
"We've lost the weight of Wren's reveal, though, so she'll be prepared," Wanda points out. "She just witnessed her scoffing a powdered donut."
Wren wipes the corner of her mouth subconsciously while Yelena walks over to Wanda. "Look, Juniper ran off as soon as she saw Wren, right?" Yelena points out. "She's scared. Somewhere in her mind is the truth of what happened, and Juniper isn't a total sociopath - she must feel some guilt, somewhere in that twisted head of hers."
"You'd be surprised," Wren mutters bitterly.
"This is the girl who stabbed herself just so she could frame someone else," Thor reminds Yelena.
Wanda remains silent, frowning at Yelena with her arms folded across her chest.
"I know she's insane, but she's still human," Yelena insists. "Even if she doesn't feel guilt, it's safe to say she has enough emotions to be madly in love with Bucky. That means the thought of losing him would terrify her."
"That was our original plan - make her think Wren and Bucky are reuniting to scare her into doing something crazy in front of him," Wanda says bluntly. "A plan we can no longer do now that Juniper's seen Wren and is probably telling Bucky as we speak."
"You're right. We can't do the plan how we originally intended," Yelena says, a glint of excitement in her eyes. "But the truth is Juniper's worst enemy. And the truth always comes out."
Wanda still says nothing, her eyes firmly on Yelena, waiting for her to make sense. Praying that she doesn't let her down.
"Maybe in Disney movies," Steve mutters bitterly.
"Hold on, Yelena might be onto something," Wren says, folding her arms across her chest as a look of deep though grows on her face. "I should just talk to her. To Juniper. She was terrified when she saw me earlier, so she'll be on edge. People on the edge are more likely to mess up."
"More likely to admit the truth," Yelena adds with an excited smile. "And we can make sure someone's recording the entire thing."
Thor's face lights up. "Yes!"
"The old-fashioned, soap opera way," Steve says, nodding. "I like it."
Slowly, Wanda smiles. "Let's do it," She decides. "Let's destroy Juniper Johnson."
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"Are you sure it was her?" Bucky asks Juniper, who is now sitting next to him.
"I saw her with my own eyes!" She exclaims, still on edge. "Her face is full of plastic now, but it was her. I know it was."
"And... who is she?" You wonder, admittedly enjoying seeing Juniper so out of sorts. Whoever this Wren is, you already respect the hell out of her.
Bucky looks over at you, a pained look in his eyes. "My ex," He tells you.
Ah. The red-head who disappeared.
Juniper glares at you. "Why the fuck are you still here?" She bursts, unable to stop herself.
"Watch it, Juniper," Bucky says sternly, giving her a glare.
Her face drops and she sinks down in her seat. "Sorry... I'm just stressed, Jamie," She says quietly, looking down.
He lets out a sigh, rubbing his forehead. "Look, whatever her reason is for being on campus, I'm sure it has nothing to do with us," He says. "It's been years, June. Maybe she decided to re-enroll, I don't know. How about you go home and relax, get some rest?"
Offended that he's basically telling her to fuck off, Juniper scoffs before turning her attention back to you. "You know, it's almost been a week since I last saw you," She tells you cryptically, but you know what she's implying. Your time's almost up.
Sick of her having the upper hand, you roll your eyes, which pisses her off even further.
"Jamie, do you know the truth about her?" She asks him suddenly.
Confused, Bucky frowns. "Uh... what? About Y/N?"
"She's a murderer," She spills, getting the attention of the people in the booth behind her. Your heart races and you feel nauseous.
Bucky just laughs, raising a brow. "Alright, I think you've been watching too many true crime documentaries," He says lightly. "Go home, Junie."
"No, it's true!" She cries before looking at you with a wild look in her eyes. "Tell him!"
Stunned, you say nothing.
"You're being crazy, Juniper," Bucky says curtly, losing his patience. "I think you should leave."
"I'm not the crazy one; she is!" She yells, lowering her voice when she receives a glare from a server. "Do you know what her first job was, Jamie? She was a runner for a drug dealer - and she killed someone she was selling to-"
"I dont know what the fuck is going on with you, Juniper, but we aren't doing this here," Bucky cuts her off coldly. "You need to calm down."
"It's true," You utter.
His head turns to you, his eyes softening but still tinged with confusion. "What?"
"It's all true," You confirm, feeling numb. "All of it."
With that, you stand up and run out, afraid you'll pass out if you stay there any longer. You want him to follow you out, your dove desperately reaching out for his waves to join you, but they don't.
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"All we have to do is get Y/N up to speed," Yelena says, taking out her phone. "Let me find out where she is."
Just as she finds your name on her contact list, you yourself rush into the apartment, tears streaming down your face. You stop in your tracks when you see Thor and Steve sitting on the couch, Wanda standing behind them, Yelena by the coffee table, and is that-
"You're Bucky's ex," You say to the gorgeous redhead in the middle your living room. "What- what are you all doing here?"
A silence falls in the room as everyone waits for someone else to speak up. Thor stands up and slowly makes his way over to you, like a zookeeper cautiously approaching a hungry lion. "Hi," He begins softly. "Uh... there's a lot we need to tell you."
Wiping the tears from your face, you frown, utterly baffled at the situation. "Is this an intervention?" You wonder as they all stare at you.
"Hi. I'm Wren," The redhead introduces herself with a warm smile. "Um, you're right- I am Bucky's ex. Your friends here came to see me, and to bring me here to-"
"You brought Bucky's ex back to campus?" You ask Yelena, confused and slightly hurt that she's been doing God knows what behind your back. "Why?"
"It's not like that," Yelena quickly clarifies, rushing over to you. "She isn't here to get back with him."
"Well, we'll see," Wren mutters, causing everyone's heads to turn rapidly to her. "What?" She asks innocently. "I haven't seen him in a long time. It didn't end because either of us wanted it to - there may still be potential for-"
"Shut the fuck up," Yelena cuts her off coldly before turning back to you. "Ignore her - she isn't here for Bucky. She's here for Juniper."
The mention of her makes you roll your eyes. "I am so fucking sick of Juniper damn Johnson," You huff, running your hands through your hair.
"So are we," Wanda tells you as she walks over. "Which is why - and is only why - Wren's here. She dated Bucky back in freshman year, and Juniper fucked everything up because of how in love with him she was. Is."
Taken aback, you look over at Steve. "You... you guys know about Juniper?" You ask lowly. "You know what she's really like?"
"Yes," Wren says bitterly. "Unfortunately, yes. And from what I've heard, she's still just as deranged as she was back then, so I'm here to help make Bucky realize the truth. Juniper's had her fun, and now it's time for her to meet karma."
"This is a lot to process," You mumble, walking over to the couch and collapsing down onto it next to Steve. On one hand, it's a relief to hear that they've seen Juniper's true colors and plan to take her down, but on the other hand, you think you might have already lost Bucky, anyway. Sure, it would be nice to expose Juniper, but losing Bucky makes it all futile. You haven't even begun to think of the painfully gorgeous Wren - what if he wants her back? He doesn't even trust you, so it's likely he'd rather get back with her than stay with you. "This is too much," You mumble, hiding your face in your hands. "I- this is too much."
Thor rushes over to you and carefully peels one of your hands away from your face before holding it tight, giving you a nod, and pulling you up to your feet. He walks you into the kitchen, where he sits you down on a stool.
"What is happening, Thor?" You ask, fresh tears falling from your eyes. "I just want Bucky. Juniper's ruined everything."
"Shh, it's okay, darling," He assures you, hugging you tightly. "We're gonna sort this whole fucked up situation out, I promise."
"It's not just her," You whisper. "Him finding out that Juniper's evil won't fix it. He... knows about me."
Thor frowns, pulling back. "What do you mean?"
You sniffle, wiping your face. "Juniper found out about my childhood. About what happened when I was a teenager," You tell him, looking down. "She told Bucky. He knows what I am."
"What you are? Y/N, what happened when you were sixteen does not define who you are," Thor says sternly. "Does he know all the details? Huh? That it was self defence?"
"It doesn't matter," You cry. "He won't want to be with someone with such an ugly past. He's used to nice things, and I'm not. He went to fucking private school, and I had to sell drugs just so I could feed myself. We don't fit together, Thor. Maybe I was stupid for thinking I could pretend I was worth his time and hope he wouldn't figure out the truth. No. Even when this is all over, even when he finds out what Juniper's really like... it'll probably just make him want Wren again."
From the doorway, Yelena lets out a shaky sigh, tears threatening to fall from her own eyes. She always gets upset whenever your past is brought up, being such a sensitive soul. "How could you say that?" She asks you, her voice wavering. "You're so special, Y/N."
"Stop," You mumble, not in the mood to be cheered up.
"No, I won't," She says firmly, walking over to you. "You're such an amazing person. Despite everything you've been through, you're so beautiful and kind and lovely. Anyone else would be bitter and angry at the world, but you gave yourself a fresh start. You're smart, and funny, and if he can't see past the childhood you had no choice but to live through, then he doesn't deserve you."
By now, all three of you are crying, and Thor pulls you both in for a tight hug. He holds you for a few moments, gently rubbing your back.
"We have a plan," Yelena tells you lowly once you pull away. "We're gonna fix this."
You nod, sniffling, not entirely sure you believe that this is even fixable. "Okay."
"Juniper's gotten away with hurting people for too long," Thor states, squeezing your hand. "It's time we put an end to it."
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Juniper stares at Bucky with her hand on his and her eyes wide. Neither of them say a word. They're still in the diner, and Bucky has a shell-shocked look on his face.
"I know it's a lot to take in, Jamie," Juniper says, her voice soft. "It sucks when the people you care about turn out to be complete frauds. I'm sorry."
Slowly, he turns to look at her, an unreadable expression on his face.
"I'm just glad I found out when I did," She says, stroking his hand. "I mean, can you imagine if you actually carried on dating her? Like, fell in love with her?"
Remaining silent, Bucky just stares back at her.
"Good thing you have me," She chirps, trying to lighten the mood. "And you'll always have me, Jamie."
Having had enough, Bucky pulls his hand out from under hers. He takes in a deep breath, collecting his thoughts before finally saying, "What the fuck is wrong with you?"
Juniper's eyes widen. She recognizes his tone and the look in his face, but she is most definitely not familiar with it. Sure, there have been times when he's been annoyed at something she's said and done, but anger? That's an emotion he reserves for other people. People that aren't Juniper Johnson.
"What?" She squeaks, her heart thudding in her chest.
The cold look in his eyes doesn't get any warmer. "I don't even know where to begin," He utters lowly. "You did a background check on my girlfriend?"
"That was for your safety-"
"And then, when you found something traumatic she had been through, you don't ask her about it - which you shouldn't have done anyway as it's none of your business - you come and tell me - no, scream about it, right in front of her, when it's clearly a sensitive topic?" Bucky's speaking calmly, but there's an edge to his words. It's as though he's trying to figure it out - why Juniper would act so cruelly.
Stunned, Juniper lets out a quick breath. "Jamie, I was just worried about you," She claims, her voice much softer than when she was yelling about you being a murderer.
"No, Juniper, you were being a bully," He states firmly. "I saw the look on your face. You were enjoying it."
"Don't be so crude!" She exclaims, moving away from him. "I can't have you being around people like that, James. She's dangerous-"
"It would've happened before college, whatever it was. So she was a kid," Bucky says, his heart breaking for you even without knowing the full context of what you went through.
"I... I didn't think about that," Juniper says, quickly realizing she needs to change her tactics. "Oh, I'm sorry, Jamie. That... must've been really traumatizing for her. I didn't think."
"No, you didn't," He says, standing up.
"Where are you going?" She asks, concern in her eyes.
"I need to find her," Bucky tells her firmly. "Look, just go home. First you think you saw Wren, and now this... just get some rest, or something."
"Jamie, please!" Juniper begs while grabbing his arm, unable to let him walk away when he's upset with her. He's never upset with her. "I refuse to let her come between us - don't let her affect our friendship!"
Frustrated and at the end of his tether, he harshly pulls his arm out of her grip. "Leave me the fuck alone," He spits before storming out of the diner.
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buy me a kofi <3
954 notes · View notes
trashpandagamer · 6 months
Never use Surfshark VPN
I just wanted to make this post to warn yall about it, I am not a tech genius but I wanted to get a vpn and surfshark was one I knew about so i subscribed to them because it seemed ok, that was where I fucked up.
fast forward a year and now I am trying to cancel my yearly auto-renewing subscription which costs 70 fuckin bucks, didnt find much use in surfshark as it was too laggy when using its vpn services so i go to billing and try to cancel.
there was no cancel button so that was odd, and you cant turn off auto-renew so i figure ill just get rid of my card info so it cant charge me.
i cant or at least i cant figure out how.
I go to help and find the cancellation area after scrolling past why you should keep the subscription and it tells me to contact their live support to cancel, It requires my name and gmail, I know for a fact my gmail is correct but it says its wrong and that my name is wrong no matter how many ways I enter it and I cant find a possible username anywhere on the site i could use. Its for all practical reasons impossible for me to cancel, not just the fact I cant even talk to customer support, but the people on reddit that do, talk to a bot and then the agents take months to actually turn off the subscription so it charges again and there is no refunds.
dont use surfshark VPN
25K notes · View notes
trashpandagamer · 6 months
....What the actual fuck. WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK????Holy shit. Okay. Okay. So this chapter did not go the way I was expecting. I really fucking hope that The Dream Team (Yelena, Steve, Wanda, Thor, and Wren) can figure out a way to take the mega cunt down. I'm tired of her and she just keeps getting worse. I didn't think anyone could be worse than fucking Bibi (or Sharon in His Koala Bear) and I can't believe I was wrong. Twatwaffle better count her fucking days.
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jealousy & flirtation
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Thor, Steve, Yelena, and Wanda continue learning the truth about Wren's quick exit. Meanwhile, Juniper decides enough is enough and it's time to take you out of Bucky's life forever.
Content Warning: Frat!Bucky x F!Reader, mature themes, mention of self harm/violence/injury, mention of murder, angst, blackmail.
Series Masterlist
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"I'm sorry - you said yes?" Wanda asks Wren incredulously. "After everything his best friend put you through, you said yes?"
Wren shrugs. "I guess I thought we'd elope and leave the world behind," She says, laughing dryly at her naivety. "I'm not claiming to have been smart back then. He was all I cared about, and I'd have put up with ten Junipers for him."
"Damn, his dick must be amazing," Yelena mutters, in disbelief that Bucky could be worth the hassle.
"It's pretty good," Wanda confirms, to which everyone frowns at her. "What? After Steve, I wanted to make double sure that I was a lesbian and not just disgusted by him. Turned out I am a lesbian, but Bucky's a little less disgusting."
"Mean," Steve says with narrow eyes. "My dick's just as good as his."
"Anyway," Thor interjects pointedly. "How did the fight start between you and Juniper?"
"Bucky proposed," Wren repeats. "No ring or anything. He was just being dramatic and romantic. The cunt watched the whole thing. I'm surprised she didn't just waltz over and push me off the boat - but like I said, she's smart. She waited until Bucky had gone to the bar or bathroom or somewhere that wasn't with me, and then approached me. She said one of my friends was vomiting in one of the cabins, so I followed her. Little did I know she had overheard my plans to run away to Vegas with Bucky and get married by a shitty Elvis impersonator."
"Romantic," Steve mutters dryly.
"Mhm," Wren says with a snort. "She took me out to the top of the yacht where nobody else was. The same spot he proposed. Immediately blew up at me. She said I was stealing him from her, that I didn't deserve him, that he was hers and he'd never leave her."
"Did she push you off the boat?" Yelena asks, shock in her eyes.
"I wish," Wren says flatly. "I'd had enough, so I fought back. Told her she was crazy and that if Bucky wanted her, he'd be dating her. I guess I struck a nerve. She had a knife on her."
"What?" Wanda gasps, not expecting those words to leave Wren's mouth. "She fucking stabbed you?"
"Worse," Wren says darkly. "She stabbed herself."
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Making up for lost time with Bucky, you took him back to your place after painting and screwed him three more times for good measure.
"I'm starving," He grumbles from where he's lying on top of you.
"Go make us some food, then," You reply weakly, your voice muffled against the pillow.
Slowly, he peels his sweaty body away from yours and lies on his back next to you. "How about you go make me a sandwich, woman?" He utters, smirking when you slap his stomach.
"For that, you can order us food," You say sternly. "I want Chinese."
While you shower, Bucky sits on the toilet.
"Don't forget the egg rolls," You remind him as steam fills the air.
"Yeah, yeah. Okay, it's on it's way," He says before pulling the shower curtain back.
"Can I help you?" You ask while rubbing soap over your body.
It looks as though he plans to make a sly comment, but when he sees your tits covered in suds, his eyes darken and his mouth runs dry. You immediately recognize the look on his face.
"Again?" You ask as his dick hardens.
He nods. "Again."
After a steamy shower and yet another round of dangerous, slippery sex, you both lie on your fresh bed sheets. You're in your purple dressing gown, and he's stretching out your pink one, the two of you snuggling together while a shitty movie plays on the TV. Empty Chinese food cartons sit in a pile on the floor.
"Ah, shit, I forgot about that," Bucky mutters to himself while looking down at his phone.
"What is it?" You ask, looking over.
"I've mentioned the annual Cabo trip that Juniper plans, right?" He asks you.
"The one her parents go on, too?" You question.
"That's the one," He confirms. "They've been going since she was born, and I started tagging along when we were teenagers. When we came to college, she invited all our friends, too. She just texted me about it; it's in a month. Straight after finals."
"Shit, really?" You turn to him with a frown.
"I couldn't go last year and she almost killed me. I had an internship I couldn't turn down," He explains. "So, she's extra sensitive about it this year. Can't miss it."
"So, I won't see you all summer?" You wonder.
"We'll only be there a couple of weeks," He says, before looking down at you. "Come with us."
Taken aback, you raise a brow. Juniper would most definitely not be happy about you infiltrating their annual trip - but maybe that's exactly what she deserves.
"Okay," You agree with a smile.
"Yeah? You'll come?" Bucky asks, pleasantly surprised.
"Of course. Spending two weeks in Cabo with Bucky Barnes?" You lean in closer, giving him a soft kiss. "I can't think of anything better."
He kisses you again, smiling against your lips. "It's great up there," He tells you. "We'll have a lot of fun."
"I'm sure we will," You reply before curiosity gets the best of you. "So, you and Juniper have been best friends for, like, ever, right?"
Bucky nods while tugging on a loose string on your dressing gown. "Since we were six years old," He tells you.
"I'm all for men and women being able to be friends without there being feelings involved," You preface carefully. "But has there ever been anything between you? More than friends, I mean?"
Surprised by your question, Bucky lets out a laugh. "No. Never," Is his firm answer. "Our parents were always rooting for us to get together, but we never did."
"How come?" You wonder. "I mean, she's pretty hot, and you're alright. You're telling me you never crushed on her? You were never attracted to her?"
"Flora, I've known her since we were babies," He reminds you. "We grew up together. Went through every part of life together - she's practically my sister."
Though his words make you happy, you do well to keep that off your face. "Right," You mumble.
"She's a beautiful girl, I'm not saying she isn't," Bucky says, resting his hand on your leg. "I love her. But I've never looked at her in that way. I couldn't."
You hum, fiddling with his fingers. "And she's never had a crush on you?" You ask.
Your question makes him laugh heartily. "Of course not," He says. "She sees me like a brother. It would be way too weird for anything like that. Why are you asking, anyway?"
Shrugging, you wrap your arms around him. "Just curious, is all," You tell him. "Neither of you are exactly known for dating other people. The past few years at college, it's almost like you guys have been dating each other. You know, without the kissing."
His nose crinkles at your revelation. "Is that really what people think?" He asks with a frown. "I guess we spend a lot of time together, but it's not like that. I've dated other girls... granted, Juniper's not exactly the kind to date, but that isn't because of me."
Oh, it most definitely is.
"Fair enough," You say, smiling up at him.
He smiles back down at you, cupping your face in his hands. "Anyway, enough about me - why don't you tell me about yourself?" He asks. "Did you have a lot of boyfriends in high school?"
You snort, shaking your head. "Absolutely not," You tell him. "I know I'm dream girl material now, but I was a late bloomer."
With a grin, Bucky squeezes your hip. "I bet I'd have liked you," He theorizes. "What were you like?"
High school - and your childhood in general - wasn't the best time for you, so while Bucky's hoping for some wholesome nostalgic stories, you have little more than trauma to dump on him from that period. "Uh, just boring, to be honest," You say. "Focused on school. Stayed in the art room until the cleaners kicked me out every evening."
"Cute," He mumbles with a smile. "I definitely would've liked you."
"Don't be so sure," You whisper, before rushing to change the topic. "Shouldn't we start studying soon? We have Visual Analysis tomorrow afternoon."
"So we do," He replies, stretching his arms out. "Just think - in a few weeks, we'll officially be free from the clutches of education."
You let out a sigh of relief at his words, hoping that Juniper is merciful enough to allow you to have a pleasant summer with Bucky.
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"Mom, it's all going wrong!" Juniper cries over the phone as she paces up and down her bedroom floor.
"What's going on, Joopy?" Elizabeth Johnson replies with a concerned tone. "Is everything alright?"
"No!" Juniper all but screams, throwing open her wardrobe door. "Everything is ruined!"
"Oh, baby, whatever it is, we can fix it," Elizabeth replies soothingly, used to her daughter's melodramatics. "We always fix it."
"The only way it can be fixed is if that bitch drops dead," Juniper spits, pulling out items of clothes and tossing them onto the ground.
Elizabeth hums, guessing, "Does James have a new girlfriend?"
"The stupid bitch invited herself to Cabo!" Juniper all but screams. "That's my trip! How dare she?"
"Oh, honey, if you don't want her there, just tell her not to come," Elizabeth suggests diplomatically. "It is our trip, after all."
"Jamie wants her to come," Juniper says with a pout. "If I uninvite her, he'll be angry with me. I thought they had broken up, but she found a way to worm back into our lives. Ugh!"
"The Juniper I know would find a way to get what she wants, no matter what," Elizabeth says. "Remember when you were in high school, and James was asked to the prom by Karen Sinclair? You spent five minutes talking to her and managed to get her to cancel the plans with James, leaving him to take you instead. I've never been prouder."
Raising a brow, Juniper slowly closes her wardrobe door. "I remember that," She mumbles, her mind racing with ideas. "I gotta go, Mom. I have something to do."
"Atta girl. Call me tomorrow and we can plan Cabo. I love you," Elizabeth says cheerily before hanging up.
Putting down her phone, Juniper lets out a breath before a smile slowly starts to grow on her lips.
It's time to take back what's hers.
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"Understandably, Bucky thought I did it," Wren recalls, looking down at her twiddling thumbs. "I mean, he walked up to see his best friend bleeding on the floor and his girlfriend - no, fiance - standing over her, holding the knife. I was too numb with shock to even try and tell him the truth. He didn't say a single word to me. Just picked her up and took her to the hospital. I ran home, packed my things, and skipped town, expecting the cops to be on my tail. I ran for three months before realizing she hadn't filed a report against me."
The four sitting opposite her sit in silence, each of them as appalled as the other. It takes a couple of minutes to pass before Yelena speaks up. "Yeah, we need to take that bitch down," She decides firmly.
"You make it sound easy," Wren mutters bitterly.
"Surely if we go to Bucky and tell him all of this, he'll have no choice but to believe us," Thor argues with a frown. "There's strength in numbers, isn't there?"
A dry laugh leaves Wren's mouth. "It wouldn't be enough to just tell him. Don't you see? The cunt's spent almost two decades cultivating her perfect angel persona, and he's never had a reason to think otherwise," She tells him. "We can't just tell him. We have to show him."
"How?" Wanda asks, shaking her head. "We set her up?"
"Easier said than done," Steve grumbles. "Thor and I have been trying to get Bucky and Y/N back together for the past week and even that's proven to be impossible. How do we out-play the player?"
"Juniper may be smart, but she's still human," Yelena reminds them. "She's bound to mess up eventually. Heck, it's finals season; she'll be distracted and stressed out, and it might be easier to attack."
"But what do we do?" Wanda asks, frowning. "How do we prove to Bucky, once and for all, that Juniper's an evil bitch who's been sabotaging his relationships his entire life? Now that him and Y/N are over, she has no reason to do anything crazy."
Wren stands up and begins pacing around the room. "We need to trigger her," She decides. "Make her think there's someone new in Bucky's life. She'd be tempted to do what she always does; try and sabotage it, and we can make sure we're there to catch her red-handed."
"I like it," Wanda says with a nod.
"But where do we find someone new for Bucky to be involved with?" Thor wonders.
"Does it have to be someone new?" Yelena asks, before turning her attention to Wren. "Or, would she be even more triggered if she thought it was someone from his past?"
Wren's brow flies up and she's taken aback for a few seconds before she grins. "That's fucking brilliant."
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T and I drove to Brooklyn for food but it got late so we stayed in a hotel last night. Should be back later today x
If it wasn't a regular occurence for Thor and Yelena to spontaneously take a road trip just to check out a new restaurant, you'd be suspicious, but you're just slightly jealous you weren't invited. But you think sex with Bucky might be a little better than birria tacos.
After a long day of studying yesterday and the exam today, Bucky went home, leaving you to your own devices. You're grateful for the peace and quiet, and plan to head to the gym until you see the heavy rain outside.
"Fuck that," You mumble before collapsing down onto the couch and reaching for the remote control before your phone buzzes again. Assuming it's Yelena again, you pick it up and glance at the screen, but sit up when you see it's an Instagram message from none other than Juniper. "The fuck do you want?" You mutter bitterly. "Probably warning me to stay away from Cabo. Yeah, right."
Opening up the message, you see that it's shorter than you were expecting.
We need to talk. Meet me at the statue by the lake.
Looking up at the window and seeing that the rain still hasn't let up, you scoff.
in this weather? no thanks. what do you need to say?
If you care about Bucky, you'll come. I'm waiting.
Don't bite. Don't bite. Don't bite.
Damn. You can't help but be curious about what it is she needs to say. Deciding it might be good to hash it out with her, you agree to meet, seeing it as a chance to tell her to back off.
Twelve minutes later, you're standing in the pouring rain by the tall statue of some old philosopher behind campus. Juniper's tossing pebbles into the lake, clad in a heavy, black coat.
"Hey," You call out, your voice almost drowned out by the rain.
She turns around, her hood hiding her eyes. "I'm glad you came," She says. "That was a smart choice."
Rolling your eyes, you sigh and reply, "Can we make this quick? I'm freezing."
Juniper walks closer to you, an oddly calm look on her face as the rain batters down on you both. "I think I'll take my sweet time, actually," She says. "I'd like to savor this moment."
"I know you were lying," You tell her firmly. "About him showing you my nudes. I asked him."
A flash of fear shoots across her eyes, but she does well to remain calm.
"Don't worry; I didn't mention your name," You say with a scoff. "But the next time you try something like that, I will not hesitate to throw you under the bus. I've had enough of you trying to fuck things up - he likes me, Juniper. A lot. And I like him. There's nothing you can do to change that."
She listens to your rant with a bored look on her face. You aren't sure if you're imagining a slight smugness start to bloom. "Are you done?" She asks, not bothering to wait for your answer before continuing. "As you can tell, I'm very protective over Jamie," She begins.
Yeah, no shit.
"I like to keep him safe," She goes on to claim. "I like to know that the people he spends time with are good people. People who won't hurt him or put him in danger."
Your eyes narrow into a glare. "What the fuck are you getting at, Johnson?" You ask her curtly, sick of standing in the rain and listening to her riddles.
"It's my duty, as his best friend, to look out for him," She says, making you cringe. "I have a right to know who he's spending time with. So, I decided to check up on you."
You raise a brow at her words. "Check up on me?"
"You made my job pretty hard, I have to admit," She says with a dry laugh. "But that only motivated me more because a hidden past usually means there's something worth hiding. At least, that's what my father's private investigator believes."
Your stomach flips. Surely not. "I don't know what-"
"Shut the fuck up," Juniper cuts you off coldly, all warmth leaving her face. "My PI did a deep dive on you, Y/N. You poor little thing, growing up in poverty. Probably went to sleep hungry more than once. Never given any toys for Christmas. Ignored on birthdays."
"You have no fucking idea what you're talking about, Juniper," You tell her firmly, clenching your hands into fists.
"Oh, but I do," She says smugly. "See, Jamie and I grew up on the right side of the tracks. We had it good. Jamie's used to a certain level of quality. He likes nice things. Expensive art. Luxury. All the things you've never known. You may know a little about art, but you'll never emulate the natural refinement and elegance that comes with lifelong wealth."
Refined and elegant are hardly how you'd describe her.
"You think he gives a fuck that I grew up poor, you pompous bitch?" You ask her, shaking your head. "I thought you knew him better than that. He isn't shallow."
"I agree. It's possible that he could look past that stuff," She suggests with a shrug before a smirk pulls at her lips. "But do you think he could look past the things you did to make money? To look past the man you killed?"
Your heart drops. She's bluffing. She has to be bluffing.
"Poor old David Rust," She says with a faux pout. "Yet another lost soul succumbing to a foul addiction, murdered. In cold blood."
"There's more to it than that," You find yourself explaining to her, hating that you feel so weak. "I was sixteen. I wasn't even convicted."
"You think any of that matters?" Juniper scoffs. "You're a crackwhore murderer. When Bucky finds out... he'll be disgusted."
The rain continues beating down on you, but it does little to distract you from the horrific feeling of dread pooling in your stomach. It's weighing you down, making you want to drop to the floor.
She takes another step closer to you. "But, he doesn't have to find out," She offers. "As long as you stay the fuck away from him, I won't tell him about your ugly past. Break up with him, and nobody but you and I have to live with the truth."
What a fucking bitch. You consider telling Bucky yourself - explaining the entire truth - but what if she's right? Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he wouldn't understand being pushed to the edge. Being made to do the worst things just to make ends meet. Just to make sure you didn't starve. He may be polite enough not to tell you to his face, but he'd as disgusted with you as you are with yourself.
"Let's face it," She utters. "You don't deserve him. You were born and raised in the gutters. That's where you belong, and it's where you'll always belong. You can pretend you have it all with your makeup and your skirts and your art degree, but you're only playing dress-up. The trash you are on the inside will always be there, rotting, festering, until everyone around you can smell it. Wouldn't you rather end it with him before it gets to that point?"
You look up at her, wanting to scream, wanting to hit her and call her names and pull her hair, but you don't have the energy. She's not far from right - you and Bucky are worlds apart. You've been ignoring it up until now, but there's only so long you can go before he starts asking you about your childhood. Maybe she has a point. Maybe it would be easier to end it before he finds out the truth. At least that way, he'd only think you're cruel rather than a murderer.
"I'll let you think about it," Juniper says, giving you one last sneer. "You have a week to make your decision."
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buy me a kofi <3
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trashpandagamer · 6 months
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Me after that ending.
However, I'm excited to see that mega bitch Juniper get her karmic justice, finally.
jealousy & flirtation
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No matter how much you may hate him right now, Bucky reminds you of all the reasons you were so attracted to him in the first place. Steve and Thor go on a road trip, unknowingly joined by two others with similar motives.
Content Warning: Frat!Bucky x F!Reader, mature themes, sexual tension, smut, penetrative sex, dom!bucky, degredation kink, angst, crying, insecurities, self-doubt, hurt/comfort, softdom!bucky, aftercare.
Series Masterlist
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Grant places the fourth glass of red wine on the coffee table with a clink, standing up proudly with his hands on his hips as he grins at you, Maria, and Bucky. The three of you sitting on the couch in that order, looking up at Grant expectantly.
"There's nothing quite like a Sauvignon to awaken the artist," He claims, picking up one of the glasses and taking a sip before closing his eyes and sighing. "Mm." When nobody says anything, he opens his eyes again and smiles. "Don't be shy, have some!"
Bucky's the first to bite. He takes one of the glasses and has a sip, Maria following suit soon after. Not wanting to be the odd one out, you take the last glass left.
"Now, we're ready to create," Grant decides. "We only have two weeks left before the deadline, so I'd prefer for us to have most of it done by this Sunday. The final week can be for minor tweaks."
"Who put him in charge?" Maria mutters bitterly.
"Maria- you and I are at opposite corners, so we'll go first," Grant says. "Let's go to my atelier."
"Why do we have to do this together?" Maria asks with a groan. "Couldn't we just each have the canvas for a couple of days?"
Grant looks appalled at her words. "This is an artistic collaboration. If we aren't in sync, there will be no meaning to this piece. We may be painting individually, but there needs to be synergy," He explains.
"Alright, alright," She mumbles, standing up with her tools and walking out of the room with him, leaving you on the couch with Bucky.
The silence lasts for a full five minutes before you finally get bored enough to swallow your pride and speak first.
"If we're gonna be painting together, we may as well talk to each other," You say, keeping your face forward. Out of the corner of your eye, you can see his head twitch towards you.
"I'm good."
Baffled by his attitude, you turn to face him with a scoff. "Excuse me?"
There's no clear emotion on his face as he replies, "I said I'm good. I prefer to paint in silence, anyway."
Not only are you confused by his obvious anger at you, you're annoyed. He's the one who showed his best friend your nudes - how dare he act like you're the one who hurt him?
You think back to the events over the past week. The last time you spoke to him was a pleasant interaction, so why has he reverted back to being cold? But then, you remember that he saw you making out with Tony. Is he seriously pissed off because of that?
"You really need to get your shit together," You utter bluntly before taking another long sip of wine. Admittedly, the alcohol is loosening your lips. "We've been over for weeks. Did you not think I'd eventually get with someone else?"
"I'm not a child," Bucky replies lowly. "I guess I just thought you had raised your standards since dating Tony."
With a roll of your eyes, you stand up, not wanting to spend another second in his toxic presence. "I thought so too, but you turned out to be an even bigger asshole than him," You spit.
He stands up too, narrowing his eyes into a glare. "I'm the asshole?"
"Yes!" You double down. "You put on the good boy act, but you're just another heartless sack of shit."
Bucky has no idea where this is coming from, but he's too pissed off to ask for clarification. "I can't believe I ever wasted my time on you," He says coldly.
"Why don't you go cry about it to your best friend, you prick?" You say childishly.
"Shut the fuck up," Bucky spits.
"Make me," You dare him, hoping he's intimidated.
With his jaw clenched, Bucky says nothing in response. Instead, he drops his glass of wine and grabs your arms before pulling you closer and crashing his lips onto yours.
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"Are you sure this is the right place?" Yelena asks with a frown as she looks up at the red brick house.
Wanda shrugs. "This is the address her old friends gave me," She says as the pair cross the street. Wanda's ready to make her way through the small pathway and up to the impressive house to knock, but Yelena stops in her tracks.
"What the fuck?" She mutters under her breath.
"What is it?" Wanda asks, following her eyes to a grey car.
"That's- I'm so sure that's Thor's car," Yelena says with narrow eyes, shaking her head.
"Thor Odinson?" Wanda asks with a frown. "Why would he be four hours away from campus during the week?"
"I have no fucking idea," Yelena replies. "But I'm sure that's his car."
"Maybe one of the letters in the license plate is different," Wanda suggests. "Y'know, maybe that D is actually a zero on Thor's car."
Deciding she must not know Thor's car as well as she does, Yelena shrugs. It's next to impossible that Thor would be on the same street as them right now, so she turns away from the car and rejoins Wanda in walking over to the house.
"Wait," It's Wanda's turn to stop. "Do you hear that?"
Yelena's ears perk up. The sound of two men scuffling between the two houses in front of men. "None of our business," She states firmly, not wanting to get involved an unrelated fight when they have a clear mission.
"Hold on," Wanda insists. "I'm sure I recognize that voice..."
Yelena's about to argue that they shouldn't start a side mission and that there's no way the voice belongs to someone she actually knows, but when Wanda takes her hand to lead her to the alleyway, her mouth clamps shut. Yes, ma'am. Anything, ma'am.
When they round the corner, it seems the men have stopped arguing and instead have started making out. It's Wanda's instinct to look away to give them privacy - until she realizes she does recognize them.
"Steve?" She asks, utterly appalled.
"Thor?" Yelena echoes, her eyes wide.
The two men pull away from the kiss and turn to the women, the looks on their faces a mixture of confusion and oh fuck, we've been caught. Instantly, Thor pushes Steve off of him. Steve is too busy staring at Wanda, baffled, to be offended.
The four of them, looking between each other, only have one question on each of their lips, which they chorus: "What the fuck are you doing here?"
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Bucky's hands are all over you, making you realize just how much you missed him. Even a quickie against the wall with him gives you more passion and pleasure than a night with any other man, making you forget that you hate him right now.
"Look at you, getting all quiet on me now," He mutters as he rubs his cock against your soaking pussy. "This all I have to do to get you to shut your mouth?"
"Fuck you," You spit, digging your nails into his shoulder. "Just... Just put it in, Bucky."
He smirks, teasing you as he brings it to your entrance and pushes the tip in, only to slowly pull it back out. "Say please, flora," He whispers.
You should tell him to get off you for what he did - but in this moment, you can't even remember what it was you were angry about. What did he do again? Something that pissed you off... but what?
"I'm not a very patient man," He warns you. "You gonna show some manners for me?"
Afraid he isn't bluffing and will leave you high and dry if you don't do as he says, you lock your eyes onto his. "Please fuck me," You say quietly.
Bucky tuts, shaking his head. "Not good enough," He says. "Louder."
It doesn't matter to you that you're in someone else's home. It doesn't matter that that someone else is currently in their home. All that matters is Bucky being inside you.
"Please, Bucky," You whine, wrapping your arms around him. "Please fuck me. Use me."
"Use you?" He repeats, his eyes lighting up. "Yeah, you want me to use you?"
"Yeah," You whimper, pressing your forehead to his. "Use me like a fucktoy."
Holding back his groans, Bucky slowly sinks his cock into you. "That's it, take it all," He mutters. "Fuck. Almost forgot how good this pussy feels."
You throw your head back as he starts fucking you, fitting inside you perfectly. The wall keeps you firmly in place as he pounds into you, his eyes fluttering shut as his head falls into your neck. He lets out low grunts into your ear, each one sending a shiver down your spine.
Your legs are wrapped tightly around his waist as he snaps his hips, fucking you harder. The expensive painting on the wall next to your head thumps with each thrust, threatening to fall off. Neither of you care enough to-
"Wait, hold on," Bucky mutters, slowing down as he reaches out to pull the painting off the wall and carefully places it on the couch. "That's a Dumas. Can't harm it."
You let out a soft laugh, agreeing with his reasoning but eager for him to finish what he started. Without wasting much more time, Bucky tightly holds your hips in place and continues slamming in and out of you. He brings one of his thumbs to your clit and rubs it, stealing the air from your lungs.
"Bucky, don't stop," You cry, tugging on his hair. "I'm almost there."
He keeps going at the same pace, his other hand rubbing your neck, making your stomach flip. "Cum for me, fucktoy," He mutters lowly. "Show me what a good little slut you can be."
With a loud moan, you finally meet sweet release, your heart racing as your body shudders.
"That's it," Bucky grumbles, his thrusts becoming sloppy as he reaches his end, filling you with him cum. "Look at you; such a dirty slut for me. Fuck."
Whimpers escape your mouth as you slowly catch your breath, your mind gradually coming back to you. Bucky gently puts you down, and you stumble back to the couch, a sudden dread forming in your stomach. It all comes back to you, along with your common sense - why you were angry at him. Because he betrayed your trust and showed off your nudes as if you're nothing but an object to him. No, a fucktoy. And you've just played right into his hands again.
Before you know it, you're tearing up, disgusted with yourself. How could you give in to him again? Hot tears fall down your cheeks and you cover your mouth, not wanting him to hear you.
"You okay, flora?" Bucky asks from behind you while zipping up his jeans. The sound makes you cringe, and an uncontrollable sob escapes your throat. Immediately, Bucky walks over to you, placing a hand on your shoulder as concern floods his features. "What's wrong?"
You shake your head, blinking away the tears and sniffling. You've never felt this horrific after sex, and you want the ground to swallow you up. Everything that usually turns you on - his degrading words, rough treatment - has you feeling utterly worthless now.
"Come here, baby," He mumbles, wrapping his arms around you. You try to fight against him, wanting to be as far away from him as possible, but he doesn't let you go.
Your breaths are shaky, your words barely recognizable. "I'm not a slut," You manage to utter, feeling pathetic after the sentence leaves your mouth. Yeah, right. You just let a man who exposed your intimate pictures to someone else fuck you against the wall of your classmate's apartment. What else are you if not a slut?
Bucky holds you tighter, stroking your hair. He isn't completely sure how to navigate this situation - nobody's ever cried after he's had sex with them, admittedly - but he knows he wants to make you feel better. "You know I didn't mean that," He states lowly.
"It's true, though," You whisper against his chest, his shirt wet with your tears.
"No, it's not," Bucky assures you, cupping your face and tilting your head upwards so you're forced to look up at him. "You're a good girl, flora."
Your stomach flips, but you still can't bring yourself to believe him. "I sent you nudes and we weren't even dating," You say, your words echoing Juniper's harsh insults outside the library.
Bucky frowns, wondering where this is coming from. "And I sent you nudes back," He reminds you. "Does that make me a slut, too?"
"But... you showed them..." Your voice trails off as you wince.
"What?" He asks with furrowed brows.
"Did you show them to anyone?" You question him quietly. "My pictures?"
Bucky feels his blood run cold - do you really think he could do that to you? To anyone? He guesses that you regret sending him those pictures, possibly concerned that he'd show someone else.
"Flora," He begins, doing his best to remain calm. "What happens between us stays here. I wouldn't- fuck. I'm not like that. You know me better than that. Don't you?"
You hiccup.
His thumbs rub soft circles on your cheeks. "I wouldn't do that to you, baby. Not when you're so good for me," He mumbles, his lips brushing against yours.
"Promise?" You whisper.
"I swear to you," Bucky says gravely. "Never. Nobody else gets to you see you like that. Your perfect body gift wrapped in that pretty lingerie... nobody else gets that. Nobody but me."
Your heart soars and you hope to God you aren't being a fool by believing him. This means Juniper was lying. She was either bluffing about the colour of your bra, or she went through Bucky's phone without him knowing. Either way, you have a newfound rage towards her and a burning desire to beat her ass.
"Look at me," Bucky whispers. "You're my good girl, aren't you?"
You nod, once again feeling safe in his arms. "I don't want Tony," You tell him. "I want you."
"I know, baby," He says before kissing you softly. "You're all mine. Tell me."
"I'm yours," You reply, clutching onto his shirt. "All yours. I don't want anybody else."
"And all I want is you," He promises, wrapping his arms around you and squeezing your ass. "You're mine, flora. Nobody else gets you. Nobody."
With that, he kisses you again, both of you ignoring the sound of Grant and Maria entering the room.
"What the fuck?" Grant spits, appalled. "What happened to my Dumas?"
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Yelena stirs two sugar cubes into her tea, keeping her eyes on the dark, swirling liquid. The room is silent, and she doesn't feel brave enough to be the first to speak.
"So," Wanda begins, slapping her hands on her thighs. "Shall we start at the beginning?"
God, Yelena thinks to herself. She's so sexy when she takes charge.
Wren Wragley is sitting on a green armchair opposite her four guests. She looks different from how Steve and Wanda remember her. Her ginger hair is longer with blonde streaks in it, her top lip is fuller than it used to be, and she got better at doing makeup. All in all, she looks like she's doing well for herself. If Thor wasn't here, Steve thinks he'd definitely be trying to get into her pants right now.
"Look, I have shit to do," She says, marking another difference - she curses a lot more now. "I could spend hours talking about that cunt. What's in it for me?"
The four guests look amongst each other, each of them silently willing the others to pipe up. With a soft sigh, Yelena decides it's time for her to be brave. "I know going over what happened in the past isn't going to be fun for you," She begins. "But we need to know the truth before Juniper ruins another girl's life. My best friend made the mistake of getting involved with Bucky, and now Juniper's doing the same thing to her that she did to you."
Wren's brow twitches at Yelena's words.
Steve sits forward. "You know what Bucky's like, Wren. You know he's a good guy - his only bad trait is how naive he is when it comes to Juniper," He says softly, attempting to pull at her heartstrings. "He was happy with Y/N. Really happy. Juniper's already managed to come between them, but if you help us, we can fix things for them and expose Juniper's true colors to Bucky. He needs to know what she's been doing behind his back all these years - that she's the reason he's been so unlucky in love."
"This is your chance to get revenge," Thor chimes in, using a different angle. "Help us take Juniper down. She's been in power for far too long, and it's about time she gets knocked down a peg."
Wren raises a brow at Wanda, waiting for her input.
Wanda sighs, shrugging her shoulders. "If you come back with us, I promise I won't hold you back from beating the shit out of her," She offers.
"Alright," Wren says. "I'll tell you what happened - but we need a plan. A good plan. As much as I hate the cunt, she's smart and manipulative. We need Bucky to see her for what she is, completely, so she has no space to wriggle through and get his forgiveness."
"Deal," Yelena chirps.
A long sigh leaves Wren's mouth and she sinks back into her chair. "Fuck. Where to even begin?" She mumbles to herself before sitting up again. "I'll make this quick. I met Bucky at a party, first week of college. The party was at my sorority house. He was cute, and nice, so we exchanged numbers. I texted him a couple days later, but he didn't respond. I must've really liked him, 'cause I texted him multiple times, and finally got the hint after two weeks that he didn't like me."
Wanda raises a brow. "I remember that party. Steve, that's when you and I hooked up," She says, making Thor scoff softly.
"You two hooked up?" He asks casually.
"I remember because it was the night I realized I was a full-blown lesbian," Wanda continues, to which Steve inwardly cringes while Thor laughs heartily. Looking back at Wren, Wanda goes on to say, "Bucky was glued to your side all night and Juniper was pissed. No way he would have ghosted you if he knew you were texting him."
"If he knew I was texting him," Wren repeats with a sordid smirk. "I didn't know at the time, but the cunt was deleting all my messages before he had a chance to read them."
"Fucking hell," Yelena mutters. "She's crazier than I thought."
"Oh, wait for it," Wren sings. "I started working at that bakery opposite campus - is that still there? - and one morning, Bucky came in. At first, I tried to avoid him, but it became clear he was still interested. Instead of texting him, I'd just wait for him to come in every morning, and we'd share a Danish while talking about video games."
"Cute," Yelena can't help but swoon, causing Wanda to nudge her in the stomach.
"I met the cunt about a month later," Wren says. "She immediately disliked me, and made that clear to Bucky, but he'd just laugh off her concern."
"Then he's dumb," Wren states bluntly, rolling her eyes. "Anyway, we carry on dating, and eventually, he asks me to be his girlfriend. That's when the cunt really kicked things up a notch. She'd tell him that I was flirting with other guys at parties, that I didn't seem as into Bucky as he was into me, that he needed someone he could trust. But none of it worked. He just ignored her."
"He's always just thought she's over protective," Steve says, shaking his head. "That she's just looking out for him."
"We saw the report she made," Wanda says. "About Professor Derrick?"
"Professor Derrickson," Wren confirms with a nod, her jaw clenching at the memory. "A sweet, old man. Taught me Sociology. Actually, he taught me and the cunt. She made up some bullshit about me trying to sleep with him for better grades."
"Seriously?" Steve asks, taken aback.
"Yep," Wren says with a nod. "But after their investigation, they eventually figured out that the cunt was lying. Well, she claimed she misheard, so she got away with it. Professor Derrickson, however, assumed it was me that complained about his conduct, so he asked for me to be removed from his class. I didn't blame him."
"That's horrible," Thor mutters with a frown. "She took it way too far."
"Oh, I'm not done," Wren tells him with a dry laugh. "And neither was the cunt. After that, she dropped the act around me. I guess I was afraid Bucky wouldn't believe me, so I didn't say anything. I didn't wanna lose him, so I just put up with the cunt's bullshit, no matter how far she took it. There's so much she did, I can hardly remember it all. She contacted my parents at one point and told them I was a drug addict and that they should convince me to drop out of college and go home, where I'd be safe from temptation."
"Holy shit," Wanda mutters, in disbelief that this is the same Juniper she's been living with for the past two years.
"Thankfully, my parents eventually believed me and let me stay at college," Wren says. "That was the first time I told Bucky about what a cunt the cunt was. He was confused, naturally, and told me he had to talk to her about it. I d'know, I guess she broke down in tears and convinced him she was a perfect angel. He told me I must've had it wrong. That someone else must've been the one who spoke to my parents."
"Dumbass," Wands mutters under her breath, hoping Bucky isn't still as naive as he was back then.
"I kept quiet after that. Despite the cunt's attempts, things were going really well between Bucky and I. Then came his birthday," Wren's tone darkens as her eyes glaze over. "He wasn't used to having a big celebration, but the cunt convinced me it was what he wanted. For some reason, I believed her, and planned a huge party. Hired a fucking yacht, and all. He hated it, all the attention, but assured me he was thankful."
"That was a crazy party," Steve says, looking down.
"Yeah. It was crazy," Wren agrees, a nervous look in her eyes as she looks up at her guests. "Uh, I'm not sure how much Bucky's told you about that night..."
"Not much," Wanda tells her. "All I've heard is that... you had a breakdown, fought with Juniper, and nobody ever saw you again."
A small smile pulls at Wren's lips. In a way, she's proud of the mysterious legacy she's left behind. "The night started off well. I... I really did love Bucky a lot, and he loved me," She says, unable to look any of them in the eyes as she speaks. "Our relationship moved really fast. Too fast. We were probably more infatuated with the idea of each other rather than in love. Our first relationship as adults, we thought we were the only people in the world who felt as intensely as we did." Wren looks around the room, her stomach flipping as she continues her story. "So, when he proposed to me that night, I didn't hesitate in saying yes."
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so sorry so so sorry for the cliffhanger but part 8 is almost ready so you won't have to wait long !!
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