trcydvis · 5 years
ginweaslay: Tati Gabrielle
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Tati Gabrielle
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trcydvis · 5 years
The Ministry’s masquerade gala quickly became a game for Pansy. She spent some minutes flirting with whom she assumed were attractive wizards wearing masks. She spent other moments sipping on wine and watching the masses partake in the celebration. Tracey found her during the latter activity, which caused Pansy to agree with her friend’s comment. ❛ It’s sad really. You’d think people would know not to act like barbarians in public. This isn’t a Quidditch match. ❜ She clicked her tongue and tilted her head, scrutinizing an uncoordinated wizard on the dance floor attempting to waltz with his partner. ❛ It’s pathetic and unfortunate for those of us who take events like this seriously. ❜
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Tracey sighed in disappointment. She had expected that people would hold themselves to a higher standard considering they were at a government function, but it seemed liked it didn’t matter to the people acting like fools. “ It’s like they never learned how to behave properly but then again, considering they weren’t raised in the proper way, it seems likely that this is them well behaved.” Tracey commented with a hint of condescention at the spectacle in front of her. “ Well we just have to rise above it and not let them destroy something that we’ve been looking forward to all summer.”
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trcydvis · 5 years
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     she couldn’t help a quiet laugh that escaped her lips, turning a little to look at fellow slytherin.   “   – oh, tracey, you always know what to say to make a girl feel special,   “   astoria said, eyes traveling up and down over girl’s outfit.   “   i love your dress ; looks spectacular,   “   she added with a soft smile ; she liked to say nice things to people, especially when it was truth — plus it always amused her when they tried to walk over her and get all surprised when she snapped.   “   are you having fun? the ministry got all out on decorations this year.   “
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Tracey laughed, relieved that she was right about Astoria. “ It’s what I’m known for.” Tracey teased with a slight smile. She twirled her dress in response to Astoria’s look, finally glad that there was someone that will appreciate her dress, well someone other than her date.” Thank you Astoria. Yours looks fantastic as well.” Tracey said, gesturing to the other’s dress. It looked really nice on Astoria and Tracey nodded in approval. “ I’m enjoying it so far. I just didn’t expect the turnout to be this big, considering ‘certain’ people doesn’t seem to agree with our Ministry.”
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trcydvis · 5 years
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After spending most of her time mingling with the crowd, Tracey decided to dance and let loose a little bit. Not as much as some people, but she wanted to enjoy the gala. She walked through the crowds, looking for her date when she saw a woman with red hair. Hoping it wasn’t one of the Weasleys, she quickly made her way over.” I hope it’s you Astoria. I’m not in the mood to chat with any of the Weasleys tonight.”
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trcydvis · 5 years
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“ The Ministry of Magic is hosting this gala but they seem to have neglected bringing good food.” Tracey said, standing at the buffet table. There was a lot of selections and Tracey was glad that she could pick and choose but nothing was catching her eye. “ Do you recommend anything on here?” She asked, turning to the person next to her to get their opinion. Perhaps, they saw something she hadn’t.
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trcydvis · 5 years
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Tracey smoothed down her dress and glanced around the room. There was already people who were embarrassing themselves and Tracey scoffed quietly. This wasn’t the type of event to act like a fool and so, Tracey looked for someone that at least respected the environment  and what this gala entailed. “ Can you believe the audacity of some people?” She said quietly sliding up to someone who looked like they would appreciate the gala for it was.
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trcydvis · 5 years
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“ “ I shouldn’t be surprised that some people can’t hold their liqour.” Tracey spoke out loud in disgust after stepping foot in the restroom. She had entered the restroom to check on her makeup but she caught a whiff of vomit and quickly left. “ I hope their drunken mind remembers to use a cleaning spell and use a sober up potion or they’re going to wake to one hell of a hangover.” She commented to the person standing next to her
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trcydvis · 5 years
like this for a closed starter for the event from tracey!!
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trcydvis · 5 years
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The Annual Masquerade Gala hosted by none other than the Ministry of Magic is pleased to inform you that Tracey Anastasia Davis is in attendance this fine evening.
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trcydvis · 5 years
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Tracey was on her way to leave Diagon Alley when a bright color caught her attention. She quickly glanced at what it was and then stepped closer to get a closer look. It had looked to be some sort of flier for the circus of all things. She was so engrossed in reading the flier that Tracey didn’t even realise that there was a woman next to her, putting up the rest of the fliers. Well, not until the woman spoke up and broke Tracey out of her trance. Tracey looked her and realised that she looked a bit familiar, perhaps she was also a student at Hogwarts. Not Slytherin, Tracey knew that for sure as she knew everyone in her house.” Do you go to Hogwarts?” Tracey asked a bit bluntly, tring to figure out where exactly she knew the woman from.
        cassiopeia  enjoyed  diagon  alley,  she  enjoyed  visiting,  seeing  the  hustle  and  bustle  of  daily  life.      perhaps  that  was  why  she  always  volunteered  to  come  put  up  posters  for  the  circus.      she  knew  the  route  by  now,  knew  where  to  place  them  so  the  most  people  would  see  them,  and  she  knew  now  more  than  ever  some  people  just  wanted  a  distraction.      business  had  been  good  for  the  last  few  months,  it  was  obvious.
      she  turned  to  pick  up  the  second  half  of  the  flier,  jumping  when  she  noticed  someone  stood  next  to  her,  and  she  offers  an  apologetic  smile  before  she  speaks.      ❛   sorry,  i’m  right  in  your  way,  aren’t  i?      just  gimme  a  mo  to  finish  putting  this  up  and  i’ll  stop  causing  a  traffic  jam.   ❜      she  really  needed  to  pay  a  bit  more  attention  to  her  surroundings.
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trcydvis · 5 years
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                        draco  has  been  out  &  about  all  day  ,  searching  high  &  low  for  his  attire  for  the  upcoming  ball.  normally  he  wouldn’t  be  looking  forward  for  this  kind  of  event  ,  but  this  time  things  are  different.  draco  is  different.  he’s  got  a  plan  ,  although  it’s  probably  a  terrible  one  ,  it’s  all  he’s  got.  a  way  to   show  he’s  not  his  father.  there’s  only  a  few  more  items  the  blond  needs  ,  but  first  ,  a  quick  trip  to  gringotts  for  the  funds.  he  starts  for  the  steps  until  he  bumps  into  a  familiar  face.  ❛    tracey  !  erm  ,  hi.  how  are  you  doing  ?    ❜  just  then  ,  a  light  bulb  goes  off.  ❛    i’ve  just  been  shopping  for  the  ball  ,  myself.   are  you  going  ?    ❜
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Tracey had a thought to start walking away before she made a fool of herself in front of Draco when his question stopped that thought in its tracks. “ I’m good Draco. I hope the same can be said for you?” She sincerely asked him before he quickly changed the subject to the gala the ministry was hosting in just a couple of days. “ I did my shopping a bit earlier to avoid the late rush.” She commented before answering his question. Tracey had been asked by a few people but they weren’t worthy of her. This gala was a way to represent who you knew and the person that was going to be lucky enough to go with her was going to send a clear message. But she wasn’t going to say all that to Draco, especially considering that he might have a date of his own. A girl that was better than Tracey.” I haven’t been asked yet.” She said, a little lie that wasn’t going to harm nobody. 
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trcydvis · 5 years
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Tracey opened the doors to leave her mom’s office in Gringotts. She couldn’t handle hearing another word of her mother’s constant criticism and as much as Tracey wanted her mother’s approval, she couldn’t think of anything more she could do. Tracey was already taking so many lessons trying to be the perfect daughter  but it seemed like there was just more she could do. She hurried out of Gringotts, a scowl present in her face and almost hit one of the goblins running around. The urge to comment was heavy in Tracey’s mind but she didn’t want to make a scene in her mother’s workplace of all places. The almost accident didn’t help with her mood and with a huff, she left the bank. Only to stumble in front of someone. A familiar blonde. “ Excuse me, Draco.” She said, not letting her previous annoyance show. 
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trcydvis · 5 years
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→ ʜᴏɢᴡᴀʀᴛs ʜᴏᴜsᴇs: sʟʏᴛʜᴇʀɪɴ
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trcydvis · 5 years
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Blaze was sipping his drink when he heard someone address him. He turned to look at them and a smirk formed on his face. Tracey Davis, a promising student whom he was sure was destined for great things. Especially since her recent turn to the Death Eaters. “Miss Davis.” Blaze gave a single nod in her direction. It had been a while since he’d spoken to the girl - he usually had no need to until school was in session - but had stayed in good contact with her Mother via letter.
Lowering his tone slightly, Blaze asked, “I understand your Mother wants me to teach you the dark arts. Do you think you’re ready for that?” He was not going to waste his time on someone who could not work with him. He’d attempted to work with students in the past who could not even put an imperius curse on a beetle, let alone a full grown human. However, he suspected that Tracey would be stronger than that.
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ever since she heard about the dark lord coming back, she couldn’t wait to be a part of his circle, her mother, in the last war, helped death eaters and the war effort and now tracey couldn’t wait to make her proud and join the death eaters. as she waited for her drink to be served, she glanced over at professor hilson. she was lucky that he was willing to teach her all she needed to know, despite her blood status. she knew she was more than that and she wanted everyone else to know that as well. 
she leaned over and faced him as he asked her a question. tracey knew the importance of keeping what they were doing a secret as they were in Hogsmeade. “ yes,professor.i promise i won’t disappoint and i know i’m ready for it.” she said eagerly. her mind already racing with new ideas and all the new curses she was going to be taught. 
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trcydvis · 5 years
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Full Name: Tracey Anastasia Davis
Label: The faux pas (aka a mistake )
Nicknames: Trace
Birthday: April 25, 1980
Birth Place: Britian
Gender: Cisfemale
Sexual Orientation: Pansexual
Occupation: Student
alignment: Death eaters
Blood status: Half-blood
Wand: 10 inches with cedar wood and dragon heartstring as a core
Boggart:People telling her that she isn’t good enough and that she was a mistake
Patronus: it would be some sort of bird but she hasn’t currently have a patronus
Pets:  a tawny owl named Lux
Moral Alignment: Lawful neutral 
Tarot Card: ( test here ) The High Priestess
Goals / Desires: She wants to fit in and she thinks that she wants to join the death eaters in order to achieve that goal. She wants to be known as a pureblood witch instead of a half blood one.
Weight:shhh(it’s a secret)
Eye Color:brown
Hair Color:black but it’s shaved and dyed blonde
clothing style: expensive and the latest in witch fashion. she tries to emulate other pureblood girls her age and follows them to see their latest trends
Left handed or Right handed: right handed
Distinguishing Features: no
Tattoos or scars:she has a burn scar on the underside of her elbow from trying to cook herself food when she was young.
parents: Amelia Kim and Jonathan Davis
siblings: None
children: none
Book: it would be a book about curses because she loves learning about new curses
Movie: mean girls
Food: Steak and Kidney Pie but she does love sweets
Flower: hydrangeas
Season: autumn
Animal: an owl
Memory: when she was sorted into slytherin
Cats or Dogs: cats
Mornings or Nights: Nights
War or Love: Love 
Smoke or Drink: Drink
coffee or tea? tea
writing or reading? Reading
Death Eater coming back: This is a dream come true for her. She grew up learning all about the death eaters and how they are on the right side of the war and now that they are back,, she would do anything to be a part of it.
Enemies coming back: Considering that all her enemies are people that disagree with the Dark Lord, she is against them. They are fighting for the wrong side and she refuses to be dragged down by them.
Loved ones coming back: She would be happy about this.
Love At First Sight: She doesn’t believe in love at first sight and in fact, her mother told her repeatedly never to fall for someone that you see for the first time without knowing if they are pure of blood. 
One True Love / Someone You Will Always Love: She thinks she doesn’t believe in that but deep down she wants that.
What is their family history like? How does it affect them? How do they feel about their family? How does their family feel about them?  In the beginning, her family seemed hopeful. But that was until her pureblood mother realized that she was with a muggleborn and promptly broke up with him. When her family realized that she was pregnant with tracey, they disowned her for destroying the family’s reputation. Her mother then in turn began to treat Tracey as if she was to blame for everything going wrong in her life. Tracey now is very insecure about her blood and will do anything to erase the fact that she is a half-blood. She wants her mother’s approval so bad and will do anything to get that.
who were their first love and do they feel the same now as they did then? She doesn’t have a first love. Plenty of ex boyfriends,, hookups all that jazz but she never opened herself up for love.
Do they believe that a person can redeem themselves from mistakes of the past? At this point in her life, no.
What scares them? Not being wanted or loved
How do they feel about death? Have they been significantly affected by it? They don’t care as long as it’s nobody she cares about or considers important.
What is one thing in their past they’re ashamed of? One thing they’re proud of? she is ashamed for being born and ruining her mother’s life. She is proud about being sorted into slytherin
Pride, envy, gluttony, lust, anger, greed and sloth. If your character was a seven deadly sin, what would they be and why? Envy because she wants to be a pureblood so bad
What is their goal? To be wanted and loved. Also joining the death eaters
Do they believe Voldemort is back ?yes.
lyrics that describes your character best: “ I'm a survivor (what), I'm not gon' give up (what) I'm not gon' stop (what), I'm gon' work harder (what) I'm a survivor (what), I'm gonna make it (what) I will survive (what), keep on survivin' (what) “ - destiny’s child
quotes that your character lives by: “They will insult you, hurt you, defeat you, betray you, injure you, set you aflame, and watch you burn. But they will not, shall not, cannot destroy you. Because you, like Rome, were built on ashes and you, like a phoenix, know how to rise and resurrect.” - Nikita Gill
fictional characters that your character can relate to: theon greyjoy from game of thrones, cersei lannister from game of thrones, regina george from mean girls
people who have changed your character’s life immensely: her mom, her father, and Lord Voldemort
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trcydvis · 5 years
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tracey was looking through the windows of diagon alley, looking for the most expensive places and what they had to offer. she was already shopping for the ministry gala that she as so lucky to have been invited to and her not having a date yet didn’t mean anything. last she heard, there was still plenty of acceptable pureblood wizards looking for a date. she didn’t need to seem desperate by searching one herself, they will and should come to her. as she was walking to the next shop, she first saw floating shopping bags but behind those was a familiar redhead. “ it ‘s for a good cause. your happiness.” tracey said, crossing her arms as she teased daphne. 
          The Greengrass girl made her way down the cobbled streets of diagon alley with her bags charmed to follow behind her. If one didn’t have to carry heavy parcels, why would you? Certainly not Daphne. She came to a stop though in front of the dress shop when her eyes caught sight of the dress that was presented in the giant window. Her head tilted to the side as she examined the dress closely. Did she really need it? No, but there was a masquerade that was coming up and she wasn’t about to arrive in a dress that she already owned. 
       “Father won’t be pleased at how much I already spent,” Daphne thought aloud. “But it’s no worse than his silly card collection.”
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trcydvis · 5 years
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tracey was barely listening to the person talking in front of her so focused on trying to find someway to disengage from the conversation without arousing attention from other people.  she had finished her drink a few minutes ago and since that was the thing that was keeping her engaged, she needed to find something or someone to replace it. her eyes were scanning the room when she locked eyes at professor dreadworth, her ghoul studies professor. she excused herself from her own mind numblingly boring conversation and made a beeline for her professor.” hello professor. i was wondering if you had time to answer a couple of questions about our book? “ she asked, grabbing on to his arm and leading him to the bar.
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It had been exactly one day and eleven hours since Hector had come back from his well-deserved holiday France. Lovely walks in the woods. Nights by lakes, days by sea. He might’ve even acquired quite the tan. Brilliant time, he had. Not that anyone had asked. Absolutely no one, actually. In fact, now that he was back in dreary London, it seemed that he was forced to listen (or at least pretend to listen) to another’s summer adventures over the third round of Steaming Stout, much more interested in the smoke his drink was releasing than the story. Hex was glancing to the other side of the room, eyes pleading for help as he scanned through the familiar faces. But alas, most of those faces were ones he would’ve rather not seen again. Not you. Not you either. Absolutely not. No you…
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